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<br /> � dama��dor dastroyetllmpravartti;nNa ln a mannor anNstaatory lo Lendcr. Londar oha11,upan sntisiactory ptaul of such oxpandituro,pny or _
<br /> � ��mb�[�lTeuStcr ftom lhe praceeds tot the restsonsbfe cost ot repalr or rosloraflon 11 Trttstor Is not In doiautl undar tn1��aod of Trust. Any
<br /> ptoC9etlinPrtCh have no1 bcen Qiabu�sod wlihin 1Q0 daya utt�r lho�r rccetpl and e�hloP�Londor hqs not commlltad to I�o ropnir or resbrntion ol ,._-
<br /> - the PrQprly elittl0t used 8at to piy Gny flmouni owlnp to Lendar undar lhis Oefld ot Trust,Inen to pay nccrued Interost,and Iho remairtQer,If
<br /> any,nhal0��pplicd to lRO prirtcipat bntanco of tho Indsbtodness. �t Londer hoids any procoads aNer pnymont In tu11 of thu Indobtodnes9,suoA �_
<br /> . - pruev��U�apba pQfd to Tru:,tor aa T►wtar'o 1nt:.r.:b maY opP��r. �-.
<br /> • �� UMxptrb6'�anure+�cs at 8W.Any une�irsd insurano�eh�il lnuro to lhe benetil 04,nnd pass to,the pureAaser of tho PropaRy covored by this
<br /> "''' Qe�d o}Tnc�t et any huates'd aate or other seie hsid unda►the proNsians ot thts Oeed ot Trust,or nt ony toractosuro snte of suo�Property.
<br /> ��-�� �3(pENDIT�.1AF.s BY L.EHOER. It 7rusta tetls to eomply wlth any proNslon of this Ceed of TMSi,or It any action w procuoding Is commoncod Ihat
<br /> -����� would mttedtf �Hect Lsnders lntero3b in ths Proped�r.Lert�e�on Twstor'e behelf may,bul aha9 rtot be req�ired to,take any ecflon thnt Lortder
<br /> Eeems�p !e.My amaunt that Lender expends In so�oinp wIU bear interesl al the►ete providesi tor in ihe Note from Iho dato Incurrod or pald
<br /> by Lertder to dete ot repaymont by Tn�stor. Ail euohexpunse�,at LendBPs opllon,wlll (s)be puyaDto on ttamand, (4)bs nddod to the batflnee
<br /> � ° � ot the Nota a�d Q�o apporHor�d amor�g and b3 payabl�tidih nny InsMilmsnt paymenis to become due during otihar (i)tno tarm oi any appitcnbte .
<br /> or
<br /> . p tmuranoe Ratcl�►p�:ths rertWntnp te�m ot tM Note,ar (o)bs treated ea e baUOOn payment wRloh wlit be due and payaDlo at the Note's maturlly.
<br /> Thb Qeed of Tn�st th�o will secure payment o!those ampunts. Th9 dghts provlded for In fhts parsgreph shaii be In eddiHon lo eny other righta or any
<br /> . " remediae to wNe�Lender may be enUUad on aaaunt o!tRe deteutt. Any euch eotlon by lender ehaA not be construed es curing the dstault so es to
<br /> � � . � trar LenCer Uom sny remedy that It otherwise would h4ve had.
<br /> t1y�pRANTY�Dt�ElISE O�F 1'ITLE.The totlowinp provtslons retaUnp to�wnershfp o!the Properry are a pad af thss Daed ot Trust.
<br />- " •7'_'*' TttN. Tnstarwaironis tha� (a)T�►stor hotds�ood nnd ma�ketable tltle ot record to the Propertfr l01ee slmplo,hee and ciear of alt Ifens and
<br />=�'� � ' • eneutrbnn�es oiP�than tRos�set torth In tT�Re41prop edy dsse�tpLon or In any 8Ue Insuranoe poUoy,tltte repoA,or flnal Htle opinlon issued In
<br />- - favor of,utd ucepte�6y�Lentiae is►connea�on vrttA th�D,od of rtru�t,and (b)Fnesster hes the tutl dgM,power,and authofity to exeeute end
<br /> :r�:.';c••r, :, deUve�Pb eeed N Tnut to Lendor.
<br />-- � pelen�eot '�IGs. 3ubJeet to!he eoroepgon tn the par�araph eDove,Trusta warrante and wte torever de:end the 6He t�the PropeAy a�elnst the
<br /> ' Iawhil dd�s ot all persons. In the evant any¢a8on or prooeedtng ts commencsd that questtons Trust�rs titte or the Interest of 7n�stee or
<br /> ;..-,;,. � Lendmr md�rlhts Ceed af TNSt,Tn�stor sh4t1 datend the aatlon at Trusto�s e�ense. Trustm may be t�e nominat party In such proceadtn8,Cut
<br />- � � lsnder�hai!De enSUed to partictpa4e in the proceeding artd M be ropresented tn the praoeed►ng by counsel of LenQa�fs own chotae,and
<br /> '_. „a.:'• TtuSto7rr"1 dA�vet,Or C&use to be d911veted,to Lender such instruments es Lender may request trom tlme to Ume to pemdt such parllGgatton.
<br /> =':,�;� Compl(e�WIN Lewe. Ttustor�vananb that the PtopeAy and Trustors use o!tAe PropeAY compQes vuith ell e�dstin9 eDPltcabTe tews�
<br />��_:�a��'°' obinance�and�tulaUons ot govemmentol autl►orRtes.
<br /> ,•�r,�.,k»
<br /> ���,� ppHpENNAtI�!!.Th�fo,9owing provtsloes retallng to condemnatlon prooeedings are a part ot thts Dead ot Tnut.
<br />:_;„'�;t:., Applieiiora of Nai PtOCeeda. If aii or anY Oart of the Property is eondamned by emirtent domain proeeedinss a by ert3r proceeding ar
<br /> - purehas�in�OU ot condemnaUon,Lsnde►may at iffi etecUon cequtre that ell or eny portlon ot the net proceeds of tha awurd bs apDNect to the
<br /> :.:�:z�.;`�_";� tndeFated�aess or the�epair or restora9on ot the ProPedY. The net proceeds ot the awerd sheli mean the award atter p�Yment ot aU reazonnbte
<br />---��_�.� casts.�nses.nrtn attomays'iees inc�mad by'inaiae a t,eriw'a ir��rr+rwc�:tf#t!!sa ta�t�s!!'�n.
<br /> -�=� �ae.It any pra�edln�tn condamnaflon!s fiied,Ttustor shaii prompUy nolit/Lender in wrlUnp.and Tnistor shati promptiY take sucA
<br /> -_°_=_ • stepa asa�y de n�aq►to detend the adton and obfaln the awatd. Tn�stot may be the nomtnat party in sticti praceedie9,but Landr►straV
<br /> C at�tobat�d�a'�e�to Lender�such f��mems aa may�uested bYp�me o tlme o P�►�t auch Per4dpi�on.T►ustar wID deUver or .
<br /> --��`;� III�ST�NOF TAXE3.FEE8 A!�C3fAR3ES BY GOYERNINEMAL A[nFK3RiTlh�. The idtowtrp Provistons re4tlr�p to goverrtcrtartai tmose.
<br />__ :.'?,.<<.,• tees and�slw0�s�re a P�o!Ws Dee�d ot'fnak
<br /> _�_�'�.,'''-
<br /> t�rr�ntT�et�f�s�d qwrpq, Upon request by Lendar.Trustor shiU execute such dxurr�¢�s in add�lon to Ws Deed at Tn�st arrd take
<br />--�°�-��'`�'� wt�tev�rather aGion!s rsquested by lsnder to peAaot and cOr�inue lsndors Ilen on the Reat PropeAy. Tn�sta►sl�eH ratmhurse Lende►tar d1
<br />����""'��� tBxBS.u dxafb�C«ow.tope�thar�[ih eD e�ens9s tncurred In recordtng,QeRe�iing or conUnutrg tt�Oeed �Tnrst.toc►u�n9 wtttiout
<br /> � -'�,"-=1� Iim(tatlon�Uxes.tees,docuroenYerf►slamPs,ana ottrer charpes fot recexQin�or regtsterin9 fhfs 08ed of Tmst.
<br /> __ -- --- T�1tes.it�e fdlawtnp�AaY constitu6a taxes to which this sec@on apD�te� (s)a sPectfb fex uRCn thia 1Ype ot Qeed a!Ttusf ar upon aii or anY
<br /> -- part eti�s tndebledness secuad by ttds Desd ot Tnu� (by a spsdflo tox on Trusta whieh Tiustor Is autAor6�d or roQukod ta d�uc�fiom
<br /> �t�he h�dQ�r�ths Note;�and�(d)a�Aa� tax on�eM ore8�ny P�tton ot�thBt n0�09btedn�or O�i pYyntaT�Of�ay►Npd���bt mad�Dy
<br /> ltustar.
<br /> _..__._ --.--.-- g�b�s�tTaze�. If anY t�c to whtch thts cectton eppNas b ena�tod subsequem to the date af tNs Dssd o!TrusL thL sver�st�nave the
<br /> ;;:
<br /> providod �b ow uMe59 Trusta efthaz ej p8ys the tex��before R becomes deii�rt�q en1.o�(b)Contest�tt�ie�asrp ov}ded ebove�l�E�ae Tmcas�nd
<br /> -�� ' 11u�sxlton and deposits wRh lender cesh pr a sut(IClet►1 eorpore�to surety bond or other securtty eatlstaetay to Lendar.
<br /> - -__- - 8Ed�U1'Y AQ�i FINAl�iCtN(i SYATEMIIiTB.The totlowtng proYlslons retaGng to tAts D&ed o!Ttust as a saev�lY e��!ere a peA o! .
<br /> -.-__ ==_ tn�Daeci dUt..s6
<br /> _- -`- Sec�arl�/44nemanf. This tnstrument shan constltute a secaAtfr agreemefn to trts exDent any at u�e Ffioperty consc�tes iQim�+u����
<br /> - perspnU prope�ty,snd lender shali have aIi ot the dgMS ot a seoured perly under tha Unftorm Comrtien�al Code as amertded trom tlme tD
<br /> -- . tlm�
<br /> , y — 83rsnr9J Interesf. Upon request by Lender,Tnista shail eaecute Nnandng sffitements and takn whatever cther actlon is requesewi by I.sndx
<br /> ---� tp pedo� 8nd Qontlou0 Lender'S seeudty intera3t tn Me Re�s an0 Personal Pmperly. In addttto�to recordirtg thb Deed ot Tr�st In the reat
<br /> --------a . � tNs�DUd otTiust� +�es�nandng a�ffitemer►t.dTnistor sheN,reimb��Londor 4or all e�e�finses�urredct�n p��f6c2in9�o�r conUnul�tAtS SocuriN
<br /> - -� intgrett L.tpon doiauit,T�u�a shail essemble the Personal Prog4ryr in a manner end at a ptaae rc�asorseblY convanl�M to Tmstor and Lendor
<br /> _.��°`�'� n - �and � It nvaltabla to Lender witNn three(3)Eays att�receffpt o4 wrHten demand trom�endFx.
<br /> �-'��4':�.,.,� ,.
<br /> -��,i�:l..�T '�Adt7�rawea.The malllnp[eddrassea a!T�ustar(dabtor)and lendor(seoured Dazt1►)�tram whkN fniormetlon conoemin9 ihe seeurity tntmrost
<br /> :.•:�,,�.
<br /> -- _ --..�r�$ qrgnledby Ihls Dced ot Tnsst may bo obtatr�ed(eaoh as required by ihe Uniform Ccmmerdat Code�are es stated on tAe flrst pa�e of tNs
<br /> :-==r��-a;��.�� ,p}Ti'ust
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