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.��. ..Y ..� . "�a5 . , :4'.:_ ., f.,�.����}� ��r:. ..�f� ' <br /> , ' y,�t .. � <br /> .. ��,xt ... . <br /> :,s= .. _ <br /> .. `'�'. ., � � .. •> .. . .' • , " . , � � o �� . <br /> �� .-tA+r+7�YU...... . _ - ., +C� ., , ' - . .. r++�r.... <br /> .,-" � j..p ° � . . . . <br /> _r• �.... ;" : -` • _ '__ <br /> ..:.: . ,�.-�.. , ,. . .. _ _ <br /> A ����. '� . _ �-..3.' ...,y .. ` i. �a_ r' � -�._�.__�..-...__.�...._ -['!�. <br /> .-�.:4�4�:. <br /> . - ^�..����Jn.r.�..��.��...��_.�..�.-�_�_._....�_�.�...��r.��Sl.__'_.���._.. .�.u�� �� <br /> ' � � 1^ � . <br /> .. � ; 03-1�-1989 ���D 0�T�3lJST 9 � �r��e 3 �: <br /> .. � ������ <br /> *F Loan No 763�04 (Cai�4Yr�ue�) . .. � <br /> nny ro3pona;bulty a AabUit�vn iht�parl of Londer to Trustor or to any atRar psmon. fio rEpresentatlons and�ra�ranilaa contelnsd Aeretn aro `�- <br /> , <br /> � bascd on T�usto�a duo diltgonoo ln lnveatignUng tho Fropedy tor harrudous waste and h9�rdsus eubatartces.Trustor hereby(a)�steases and = <br /> .q.� waives any future clalm�aqatnst Lender fer Indamnity or eonlA6uUon in tho ovent Trustor becomes Itabt�tor cteanup or otha�eostn undor any k�; <br /> suoh tawa, and (b)aprees to fndemniy and hotd harmiess Lsnder apatnsl eny and nIi claima,lossas.Qabllifle�,damaQ�,pensiltes,and <br /> oxpansos wNoh londnr may diraoUy or Indi�aUyr susUiln or ouflor resulUng trom a b�caoh of thts seorion ot the Deed o}Trust or ts a <br /> ' consequertco of amr ute,Beneretton,manulaoture,etorega,dl;poaat,�:;a;�or thrc.�trrt�d tC�.1^_�0}!1 h!Ir.11fEQl19 t�1ft818 Ot BUb8t8tl00 Ofl�RO f-_ <br /> ' J' properlles. Tha provisions ot this eeoUon o!tha Geed o!Truat,Induding the obOpaUon to Indemntiy,shap euevlvo tha p&yment ot the <br /> --••;��• Indebtednass and iha satisiaotlon and reconveyance of the t!on a}thf�Qeod of Truat and shatl not be affeoted by L.endare acqnl5�9on ot any <br /> ��—` intarest In the Prop¢rty,whether by Mrectosuro cr otherwise. -- <br /> Nulse�►ee.W�,4te.Tru3tor shell rtot cause,conduct or permit any nutsnnee nor commit,permtt,or suNer any sMpp�n�ot ar waats on or to tP�s <br /> Properly or any paHon of Me Properly. Without Iimitlng the gerterellty of the foregctnp,Yrustor wEU not remave,a►grent to any other party the <br />.. ' '• dght to reinove,any dmber.mlrterai�(induding o!1 nnd gas),so��,9reve�or rodc Produeta without tho pdor�vrEttan co�ent ot Lendar. <br /> �:1-� <br /> ,. � itemord o?lmprovomenfe. Trusta shatl not damoltsh ar romo�a any Improvemer�ts frc►m the Real Property wlthout the prtor wrflten aonsent _ <br /> + ot Lender. As a conditton to the removal of any Improvemer�s.Lendar may requtre Tnutor to make artangerr�onts�U�ctdory to Lender to <br /> ,,;�;�;i �. replace suoh�mprovemants wlih Improv8ments ot at least eqvat volue. <br /> '' �'�' lender'a Rt�lft to EMer. Lend�r and its age�s and represvntaNvas may enter upon tP�e Real Prepedy at etl reasonabie ttmos to attend to <br /> ��- ..�'?����a Lertdor's Interests end to tnspect tho Property tar purposss otTrustor's compilance wltA the terms and corsdt�o�otthis Deed at7n�st. <br /> ��'`���: .:� ,� .., CompUsnce�vith Qovemmentat Requirome�s. Yrustor sha►1 promptry compry vrith all lav+s.oMinartoes,eu+d regWaHons,r►ow or hereafler In <br /> :.;ti;,;',':.`� : ;. <br />'-�.y;,,l•.; eHect,ot aU gevernmentai authodUes applicebte ta Me use or oxupanoy ot the P►operly. Trustor may contest in good tal:h any et�A Iaw, <br />=a���•';!:••,;;�:� �� nrdinartce.or regNaUOn and wlthhdd oompltance during any proceedtng,indudirtg appropdate appeats�so long as Trustor has nottfted Lender <br /> "'"•' � ln wriUng pdor to doiag ao and so lo�g as,in Lortder's sote optnian,lerrdar'�in�r�ts la ms Prcg�4y ere not Jeopardixed. Lendsr may nqutre . <br /> '�� Tnutor to post adequate secudiy or a surety bond,reasonabry satistactorl►to Lender,to protect Larr�ars tnterest. <br /> �'•���'i,: • <br />`-:"s_`r.,n•>,� — <br /> -- puty to Poolect.Trustor agrees nefther to abartdoo nor teave unattended the PropeAy. T�ustor sA�D do aIi other fldditlon to thosr rccts <br /> � ` set rorth above In this seaSon,whtch trom the charaeter and use ot the Propmty ero reasenabty ns�ssary to pro`:�ct and preserve the PropeHy. <br /> _ � ::.__ <br /> �pN gA1E—CONSENT BY LEMDEA. Lender may,at tLa opUon.dedare tmmedlataiy dua end payebie ail sums seaured by thls Deed of <br /> '�~'f;� up�pn Ihe sate ar transfer.wilhout the Lends�s prlor written conseM,of eU or eny part o}the Reat Properly,or any Interest In th�Real PropeAy. A <br /> .,a.::� "GAIB Cr tr8nster'means the comeysnce ot Real Propetly ot fln)r rtgh4.tiJ9 or intetest thcitein;whettter F3ge1,berreftctal or equltsbie:whether voluntary <br />''�4'4,. • pr imro3�entery;whether by ouhigM sa[a,desd,insteJlmsnt sale contrtt�'6 tand co�reol.cor�traet for daad,teesehold interest vAth a te�m 9roater then <br /> :�`�'� tPFree(9)Years.�ease-0PHon conUaet.or by sela.assignment,or traeater ot any bensftdat tnterest M or to any Isnd trust hotdit�g UUe M the Reol <br /> ;,_':_:,e✓� Rropedy.or by any other method of eonve�yanoe o!Reat PropeRY tnterest. It en Tn�sta Is a corporaBon,paRneiship or Itmttad Ilabpity cosnpany <br /> f�n,,�ter�so tncludes any chango in owntushtp of mate than twenty-tive pe�e�(2b9G)of the voUnq stoek,partnersNp tnteresb or limited liabiiny <br />�=`�'?�.';�'� company Irderesq,as the casa may be,o!Tnistor. Hawever.this opBon aBati not ba onerotsed by Lender ii such exerotse b prohlbited by(edenU <br /> __-;:a�� t�v�or by t�ebraska taw. <br />_�-:''�'"'`� �l��C i#�3.°. 'Rsa t�r.g R^�:'�kns r�+t4rus en tha mxes and�errs on the PropsAY tire a PE�¢af this Deed W TNst. <br />_-�_�n�� �. QaymeM. T�ustor shaU pay whon due(and M ell eveM�s pdor to delinquenay)ep tazes.sp�hl4a�ces,easessmorib�otwrQes(tndudin8 water <br /> and sewer),flnes and ImpostUons levted aga[ng1 or an aacount ot the Propedy.and shaU p�y when due ap ctaims for wak dorte on or ta <br /> interest of Len�d nd th�Des �ntst,ex�Pf for me ile of texes d�fassessmen�dus and exaepf ea�oihe ise P vtded i�n thlstUeed <br /> �:}�j��� �' atTn�st. <br /> "`��=•r; 6�t�¢it To Conteat. Trustor malt wtlhhotd payment of any tex,assessmenl.or dalm in�conrtgcllon wM a�ood faith dispute otic�the obtl➢atton <br /> �°" <br />