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<br /> ���:
<br /> 03-18-1899 �f��0 O�TRllST Puge 2 � Y
<br /> 6+oen No 7�3�4 ��° ������ (f�or�tlaued) ��-
<br /> Tnist shati hnve t�e r�nle�g�q4Gf��ed to iuCh tt�rms M tho Unitorm Commet�tel Code. All reteron�to doltar nmounts ohod mann nmaunta In �
<br /> rms
<br /> � taertul mer�:,y ot tha Urtl�d�taG^.g c1 Amedca.
<br /> :,� B�nellCl�ry. The woral'8em�ctay'�rtean�Flve Points Bank,it9 euaoesso�s nnd as319ns. Five Polnb Bank ai3o is rotorcod to ea'Y.endef tn __
<br /> th�Oe�d o!Tnr3t.
<br /> � • Oeed o4 Yns9Y. The war3s�sed o7 Yrual'��ean ihts Deod of Trust among Truator,Lender,and 7rustca,and Inrlud:,�i�dthout Iimitnllon ntl �
<br /> 3
<br /> �• ��� esslpnmant and eecurity IM�t provlslons retatlng to Ihe Personal Proporry and Renls. -`
<br /> �.:
<br /> Qttatentor. The ward'(iueren4oP msarts ctnd irtctudos without Ilmita4lon any and alt guaruntors,suroNes,and accommodaUOn pnrtles in fI
<br /> °'^--- .Y connecUon with ihe Indebta�ness. L_��
<br /> Im psevemen�. The word �m pnvements'rnsans and inoiudes without IlmltaUOn ail eodsting and tuture Improvemenb,buNdings,struotures, �
<br /> `'°'�' mobila homos aflb�ed an Iha Aeal Rroperty,tadllUSS.add►tlons.replacemeMS and olhor cm�struotlon on t h�e Re a l Prope r l y.
<br /> �.:`.
<br /> • , ,� ,Inc9eptEQnass. The word"7ndebtedrtess'means atl pdndpai end intarest payabte under ths Note and any amounts expendad or advartced by �
<br /> Lender to disohsrpe ob�patlans ot T�or m�e�es Inourted by Tn�stee or Lendar to entarce obligadons of Trustor under thb Oeed of Tnist, -_
<br /> ' .� together wkh tMerost on euch erreounffi as provlded M this Deed o}Tnist. �
<br /> `�' ''� `` 6ender.TAe word'Lendef mo��s Flve PoIMS Bank,its suocassors and assigns. =
<br /> I•'" Npte. ?he word'tiotE'tsfwls the Note dated Metch 16�19a9,(�#h8(�ine�pa! amount ot SBO�OQO OO frorlt 7ntstor to Lendor, _
<br /> togethm wlth a!1 renawab, �papnckes.modlAcatlons,reflnandng�,and subsdttutlons tor tha Noi4. 7he maturity date of thb Deed oi Trust is °-
<br /> . Merch 81.2000.
<br />� . p�pn�i PtopeAy. ThB wa�'Personal Properiy'mean eli egutpment,flxlures,and other artides ot personal properry now or hereaner
<br /> �• pwned py 7n�stor,and n�+n or hareafter aEtached or afi�ced lo li►e Rea►P�operty:togethar wlth atl ecoesslorr�, paAs, and addiUons to,al! .
<br /> . replacements of,and at s�bstituuons for,any o4 such propaAy;and together wfth eIi proceeds (Inciuding withaut IlmitaHon ail Insurence
<br /> '� proceeds and refunds of P*+emlums)from any seie or ott�r disposiUon ot the ProPody --
<br /> ��� ProAert!►.7'h9 wOtd"ProP�r�'rrteans C011eCUvely the R081 PlopeTty 8rtd the Petsonel Ptoperty. _
<br /> `: .:�,;•'.• Rp�l ptpperiy.Thp worQQ'Real propedy�mean the prope�ty,interest�and dgMs described above in tha"Conveyance and a►anP section.
<br /> Retated ppqtments„ The words'Retated DacumonLs•mean end fndude wlthout IimttaUon all promissory notes,aed'd aSreemants,�oan =
<br /> �y` ."�}� aQreemer�ts,er►vfronmeMal e�eemeRts,yuarantbs.securriy apreemems.mortqages,deeds of trust,and all oiher instrumeMs,agreemerds and
<br /> ;;���, s : dacttments.whether now or harea4er e�dst[ng.exeouted in connection with the Indebtedne�. _
<br /> u�. _ —
<br /> •:{; .. � Rp,e,,�,.d.�a.1 uThe word Re�s" msens eU present and future rents,revenues.income,issues,royettles,pro�ts.and other bene6t�datfved irom the
<br />�`='•'��:� Fe:t`..r, r��rMw•7•
<br /> .;�?°`r�.;;;- Trustee.The word"Trustae'meens F7ve Poima Bank and eny substltute or auccessor trustees.
<br /> Y..`:! .
<br /> '�ruatar.The word°T�usto�mesns any and ail petsor�s and eMiBes e�oBCUdng thb Deed ot Tntst.indudiny without[Im(ffiHOn aU Tntstors named
<br /> '�_•°""�-„-�, abOVe.
<br /> r-•~`••,o�.� � 1Hfl�'0�OF TIdL8T. INCLIDiNQ Tlf ASSI�NMENi'OF RENTS AHD Tt�SECURITY IMERE$T IN it£ RETi4.�A�1D PER50NJIt.
<br /> '�'r x��.�„ PROPERlY.18�i1VEN TO SECI�tE (ij PAYIl�QR OF TF�1NDIDTEQKE88 AHD (�)PEAFORMANCH OF ANY AND AI.�Q$�7dtiAtlta3�18 4ZF
<br /> - •=--.n�{;�
<br />--`���ajyrj�l�`�ty; i TQiUSTOR UNDER 7i£ NOTE�THE REl.ATED OOCU�IIENTE.APID THtB DEED OF TRlt$T. iH18 C�D OF TRUST,IFt�LAll111a�ti IID�
<br /> ___�i:;i;�'::� . R88lGNYENT OF iiFMS AMD TFE SgCt�i1TV INT'ERE�T IN 7FE REMS AND PEREOAW.PROPQtIY,IS AL30 d1VEN TO E�Q��'�1�
<br />-=�_,;, j=,, OEFD OF 7RtJ�T ARE G�VEIi IIlID/1�AT�ON TFE FCLLOWiN3 TERMS: `
<br /> -rc�.�..:;•..,
<br />-�-• KN�;�=., • PAYF:!EMT AHD PERFQRAtANCE.F�ooept es othenvise provtded In this Oeed�'Trust,TnuMr shfill pay to Lender eli amouMs sacured 3�y thb Oead
<br /> `T,'�;�5~� � of TnASt as they beaome due,end eh�ll sMcUy and in a Hmely manner pezMm►ail ot Tn�tor's obligaHOns under tha Note.this Oeed of Trust,and 17ie -
<br />---:-' . � Relatad Dacumetds.
<br />:_.,��Xn
<br /> ppggF�gIDN ANp NtAtNYEN/4tICE OF Tt£PROPERIY. Tnista agrees tAat Tn�atots po�esston and use ot the Properly s�etl be govemed by
<br /> ----. the tdlowtep provisionx
<br /> '��•""`�'° p�p�l�rrM ltee.U�0�a ooc�trtence of an Event ot DeTaWt,Trusta reay (a)rems3n in possesston and controt ot the Propertlr� (b)use.
<br /> --�.:'ts;i�i oparate or manape the PropaRy.end (C)oollect anY ReMs trom the Propedy.
<br /> r=°-R��`ii`�; Q1tly to�t�t►�taht.Tn�stor d�tl meiMaln ths Properly In tsnardable conditlon and prompUy peAorm ali rdpaira,rspiseemenb,and maintenance
<br /> ���; neee�arY to preserve Ib vaW9.
<br />—,-,,;�,�;' Hmraous 8ubete»tx�. lT�e tertns"ha�rdous waste.'9�axardous subsTence"•dis�o�l,•'Yelease;and"threatened reia�se."as used fn t!� __
<br /> - ---- Daed of Tnts�SheU ffave Um same meanings fls set torth In the Comprehenstve EnvirO�+rr�ntai Response.Comper�satton�and Uabfdty Aot ot _-.
<br /> — _��«;°;`-;.��� 1980,as amended.42 U�9.C. SecUon 9601.et seq.('CERClA'.the Su�srfund M�endrtaants and Reautho�mtion Act ot 1988, Fub.�..Nc1. -
<br />_:�yc�.�a�-a—•.: 98-498 l°�Ai�A`�y fNe Hae�rdoug Mefar(als T��r,�wia�ou Ac1,69 U.S.G�:�us►1�1.ot scq.,fha t'�,.,ou�:.Cdr.�-n�E�Un csM�mrery A+�9, ;
<br /> _ __�__r�' 42U.S.�Sectlon69ot,est flaQa �y�
<br /> -�`:.�a`�. se4-►a other ePPUOatbie siate a Fe�te�at taws,�.or�yuia5ors fe�i Vw�tr��<<o .n tt.a�s8:,Y��
<br /> — temq Tazcrdmp wasw and 7ur�rdous subst�r�ce"shall also Inctude,wtthout RMtaRon,peUaeum and petroleum by-producb or anY fracUan
<br /> thereof and as6e�s.TnaPor represet�s and vrarrants to Lender tAek (a)Dudng tAe pertod o!T�s awne�ship ot N�e Prope�ty�there Aes
<br /> _91�.�:a�': been no use.qenetatlon� �tanufscture�ata�se,treatment.dlsD�.rolease or threstene�relesse of anY hauudous weste a substence bY�f►
<br /> ---�:� , pe�gpn an.under�sbout ortrom the . (b Trusta has no knowtedge ot.ar reeson to beAeve that there has been.excopt es prevtousry►
<br /> - -�--�_"'� dfsdosad to and acknmNiedped by Len in�r�� (q enY use.Qerseratloa.manutaoture.store9e,troatn�ant.dispose►.reiease�a tAreata�ed
<br /> "` _.,..";:s:z; ; -t,�ie�as ot e�y t�ous wrst�a sw�Uirx�on,unde�.ebout or from tP►e Property by eny pdo�own9rs�r crcauparHS of the Rroperly or M a►'ry
<br /> ---=?,'�:r�:r �;actuW at threatsne�!iYqatfon or datms dt.mrry kind by any pe�son retaHny ta suoh mattmsi and (c)I�ccapt es previouslY disdosed t0 and
<br /> ct W
<br /> T--:r-�"}�^r� acknowt�dged by Lender M writlnp. m�ther Tn�ar nor erry tenan�contractor.e4ent or other authorized user of the ProPer�y shell we.
<br /> -�;•��%!��:� � Qer�ecata,manutaatur�s,s3qre,treat,dispose ot,or retease snY ha�ardous waste ar substance on,under.about or irom the Propedy and (t�any
<br /> :- sucA acHvtb sheU be rar.r�,wted In compitanoe wtth a11 epplk�bte tederal.sffite.end loql Inws.rogulaSons and ordtna�oes.Ind�cding without
<br /> �'';..r +4mitatton ihoso laws.re9iAi'.ons,and ordinanoes dasc�ibod ehove. Tiustor authori�s Lender end Hs agents to anter uPOn ihe Property to
<br /> _��'�.'?(���'°°',. ; make 6sch tnspeations a�►d�,at Truators e�ense.as Lertder maN d�em eAPraPrtate to detertntne comPliartce o}tl�PtoPe�fr vriih tRis
<br /> �";�:.;;.;.•t�+�;`,� i sseccNan o7 C'r,o Ocod otTrtrst My irtsg�ctians or tests maQe by Lender sfiall @e for Lendefs purposes only and shali not be cor�strued 4o crma�
<br /> '=ri,`;,�t bs i g
<br /> :.,^i• .,�Sk .
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