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,;� �; • . .,,;�::.r_,.:,- ,,K��i <br /> f�.: . —- ' , '.i- - ' ��:.,•: :.y�;M; i•,.,, . .,,:'.i��� <br /> . . ��1� N�3. Rxr. _ <br /> � ! on�l:C:.i.^•�'r . ' ' 1 <br /> .;.t . ' ,. , <br /> —.-.—=� . �, <br /> � . '�_ .. , . „ _ . <br /> i • , . <br /> ,:. r��n• - .; . .. .� ' �. • . :_ <br /> .� ., a .-_... . � '• " � -- <br /> ,. � •, ..:.,o.. <br /> �aw�aw�..�� �t. _ �_�'.---'-.._. �. <br /> . �.ii .,'^^'LRM11C` . n�.....yw.,..... r•>.__—'- �i..�..�.. .. ._--'--'.,cL._---'—'--"--'---'^--�—'--.�_..-- <br /> n ' <br /> " L.'1�1�1i.� � <br /> .,� � b� �, .. <br /> . �a��w �,: . ,�9•� �t���� ` <br /> . -h eav�n�,�� ��. � � � • <br /> r Hu��lvi:'� t:: . � .� �:,r <br /> U id. �EF�rUL'8'.T;ustar wiit defsult if aoy party obli�ated oa the Secur�+d�Qebt faila m mnke FaYment�whea due.'Crustor <br /> �viil lx�In default if a breach occuta un�2r the terms of thta Securlry lastruuzeat or any other document executed for the <br /> , purpose of cmatin .securinB or guaeantYiaB We 3ecuted Debt. A good faitb belief by Beneticiary that Beneficfary at uay <br /> _ . tLne is insec��th resp�t to aay sht�ll nleo c�onstitut i en evcat o edSfuu�red Debt or that the pmspect oY any paym�►t or <br /> the v�1ue�f pertY �P <br /> � 1S. ��ON DEFAULT. W so�iastances. federal and state law wiU raquire Bsaeflclary to provide Truator with �`__ <br /> " aodce of the r�$ht to cure or other aatioes aud may estab1tsh Wne sch�dules for foreclosure sctions. S�b ect to these _ <br /> ..�----:-_,�, limitations. if an . Beneficiarydefault�lernte the Se�ured Debt aud foreclose this Se�urity Instrument � a manner �_:_; <br /> ,: --, <br /> ...�.,�,-`�' Pmvlded by law i Truswr is ia �__. <br /> . , ...+e►� �d p �, <br /> . At the option of Beneficiary �or�y�8 Ao�cee i# requirai by lew g pon the�occurreace�ofpa default�orl�� <br /> ., s , i m m e d i a t e ly d u e a n d p�Y p b�e. a ft e r �i - <br /> r thaeafter. In addition, Beneficia�+shall bE enritled to all the r e m e d iea pm v i d e d b y l a w.t h e t e r m s o f t h e S E C U U r e d e b t, <br /> tUis Security Iasuument aad auy relnted documents.iacludiag without limitation.the power to sell the Property. <br /> `� ��� any at the uest of the B�nneficlary.advertise <br /> If there is a default.Tiustee shall. in additlon toarcels at�publip c�icH�on�e�highest b�er for cash end convey absolute <br /> �� � and seU the Property es a v�►hole or in separata F <br /> �� tide free and clear of all r3ght,title ansl intersst of Trustor at ench time and place as Truetee desi8natea.Tiustee sh�1��ve - <br /> � napplicableslaw in e���t t6.e tim�of the pmp sed sal sale and a description of the property to be sold as t�equired bY the ` <br /> � <br /> ,. �, Upon sale of the pmperty and w th�extent not mhibited by la�v.Tcustee shaU make and deliver a dced to�a� <br /> sold �vhich conveys absolute t�de W We pum�aser. and efter first paying all fee.s. charges and costs. p <br /> ° Beneficiary aU moneys advanced for repairs.taxes, insivance, llens�assessments aud prior encumbrauces sind interest � <br /> thereon, and the p�al and intecest on the Secuced Debt. PaYin6 thesu�plus. if aay, to'IYustor. BeaeAciarY maY <br /> p���e pmperty. e recitals in�y dead of oonveyance sba11 be prima facie evIdence of the facts set fortlt thereia. _ <br /> ,. AU remedles ate disdact.cumut�tive and not excluaive.aad the Bene6ciary is entitled to all remedies mvidedent�oa�the <br /> equity,whether or aot expressly se�forth.T7ie acxxptaace by Beneficl�Y of any sum in pa��►fii�sh�all oY�rnnstitute u <br /> � Secured DPbt aRer the b�taace is du�or is aaxlerated or after forecTosure proceedin8s ��ar's <br /> waiver of Heneficiary's ri$6t w�°°n�Plete cure of an existiag default.B aot exercising anY remedY <br /> -" v-` ���,g�eflciaiy daas uot waive eaeSaiary's rlght to later constda ttde event a default if it continues or haPpens a$aia• <br /> -, •, aS. .°.....°°El`?�: Ai1�►ANL'P�S OA� L�►dENAN1�; AT1bItNFYS' FEES; Q.'�LLT�d.'TION COSTS'•i th�.Seq1Y1tY , <br /> '��. :+ pro hibited by law,Trustor agrre+ees co pay aU oT�ieneficiary's e�cp�+ If Tts�tar hr��Y�'--� <br /> cc <br /> Ins�vment,'I'n�stor wiU also pay on dem�nd any amount incusred by Beneflciary for i��suring,�inspecttng.Pres�or <br /> f otheicvIse protecting th¢l�soperty aa3 Heneficia�+�s securltY interest.lhese expenses wiil bear 3n from the date o the <br /> `'` �.. ,:�„! PaY�t�P�'•�m ttsld at the hlghESt intsrest rate in effect as provided ia the terms of the Secured Debt.Trustor agtrees <br />=- w pa all costs and expenses inoumed bY Beaefidary in oollectLug, enforcim,� or protocting Ben�flciary's rlghts and <br /> ' �es under t6is Securitp Iastium�t.This amount may iuclude. bnt is aot limited to.attosaeYs�fees.oourt costs. and <br /> . other le�ul e�enses. This Secunity 1� ehail remain in effect undt released. Trustor agrees to pay for any <br /> - ±..:'..'.�.�: " <br /> .. -�- ' teeordaiion oosta of such release. <br /> `;:=�.�,�. .. <br />_�..'Y ,; (1) Eavirona�ental Law <br /> �;;,,,��,,� - � 17. EN�IItONME1VTAII. Y.AV6�3 AN1D HAZARDOUS SUBSCE�iNGES. As��on and�Liability Act LCBRCLA,42 <br /> _,.-_�,,:, means� wIthoirt liznit�on.the Comprehensive Fa�vironmental Respuase. ons. ordinances,oourt orders.attoiaeq geaeial <br /> • • U.S.C. 9601 et seq. ,and all oth�r fede�cal.scate and local laws. x�:gulad <br />_-��`_�fi�'"'�.. opinions or intetP�ve i�ters con�aing the public health.ea�ety+.wetfate,emiroament or A hazazdaus substaace:and(2) <br /> �:'� Haz�adoua Substanoe meuns any toxto. radioactive or hazar�dous material. waste, po lluumt or oontaminant whir,h has <br />' - - _ c h a�x e r l s dcs which reader tbo subatanoe dan8erous or potemielly danSeraus to tlie public healtb. safety. welfare ar <br /> .��e.�,�� �vimnn�eat.The orm iah�0u's b���u n d�a�ny En n�mea�tatie..a�w. ��h a z a r d o n s affiterlal�° °wxic substan.ces," . , <br /> ' �h�ardous w�ste" <br />�_���� <br /> --__� '['custor repmseats�wmrants and agsees thut: <br /> A.Eiccept as previausly disclosed and aclmowledged in wrlting w Hazardoua S�bstance is or wiU be <br /> �����-��.� located,stored or releaseai on or in the PropectY. '1]iis resuialon does not ag ly to small quantities of Ha�ardmia <br /> °_ -,�''="� Substances that are g�e4ally re�a�to he priate for the aormal use�maint�nance of the Pmpeny. <br />-•�,w.,. ;. <br /> - �. � B.E-� t s previo�y dirclosofl aad aaknowledg�i�n writutp to Benefictary,Tn�stor and every tenant have been.are. <br /> °-'���~ .....��„��,i•+;n�i�lt m*�!»with any plicabie�nvtroam�ental Law. <br />;',`'',.�}�:^,;`----- C.Tntstor sbsU i�iately na2efy�en�eficisuy�f a release or tbreatened t�elease of a H�cti;;o���...�.••-'w, <br /> ' �� uader or about'Yhe Prope�y o3 thece is a violadon of a�r Envlrormaental coaoeas�in8 the PmP�Y.1n such an <br />_`-:�-�..- event,Tntstor shatl take" aU na�essarY rea�edial actian in acoorde�ee aith any Bnviro�ntal Law. <br />�_��__��i� D.Trnetor sha11 immediately natify BcneSciary in writing a�s soon as TrustoT hav�+eason to believe there is any pen�n8 <br />-��;p::�.�-`�'_-"�� or tht+eateaed investigation� claim, ur ProceedinS �B �the release or 4hreateaed release of any Hazardous <br />,,,�,�,,. ;�;.:. . Substa�nc$or th¢viol�ion of any F�vironu�entat Law. <br />=,�;`.�':�.� � or threate�ned aaion,by prEvate or IIc <br />_;:- _ 18.CONDEI►'INATION.'iYvstor willg�ve Eeneficiary prom�t notIce of any pendin$ <br /> ����� or take any or all of the Property tl�roaBh ooaderonation,em�cent domtiim,or any other t�ans. r <br /> ` authorizes efic[ary w iateivea�in'I'n�stor's nar�e ia mry of the above descrlbed aaions or claims.Trustor sssiens to <br /> . geneBclary the pmc�eds of any award or claim for daznages conneaed a���nednasr rovlderl��his�Se urity <br /> ;.�,� part of the Such pmreeds shatl be considered paymeus ePP P <br />; i n �r • Ins�meat,Tl�s�t of pror�eeds is snbject to the tecros of aay prlor mortga�ee.dced of tcust,securitY agreea�t or <br /> ., . s� other lien doauqceat. , <br /> ' 19.INSU�itAI�CE.'I'custor shall keq,Properiy insured against loss by Gc�e,flood,theft aud other l�ds and risks teasona6ly <br /> Ge <br /> � � assxiated wLtL the Fia�aty d�.x it°t;�e aad location.'ibis insncance sball be maiataiaed ia Ute amou�s and for the <br />- -, �� �eriods that BeaefzVei�y.s,r��i�lihnenc�nnrceeasonab1Y v�v'ithhela.�IfeTiustorcefaii�s w�maint�ein�the co�r sub� <br /> L.L_ - .a.w�rtino <br /> ' ` ~ � ab ve. Benefi��Y►at HeaeffciaYY's opdon,obtaln Covert+g,e to pl+ocecc tsenenciaiy a riguio�...�,,.,1....'' ---o <br /> T to the telms of Soa�rlty Insuum�nt• <br /> � ,�11 insuraaoe pollcies and reaewals sh�ll hz aoceptatitai le t�o Bin�eficiffiy and�incind f sta u��m�o�rtS�a aeof�e <br />- where a�plicable. "loss psy�e��cic.use."Trustor sbail y �r ��� ��� •r�or � <br /> - tns�raace. Beaeficiary sLau have the right to nold the policies and reae�val�� Tnistor shatl give <br /> V� immediately �ive W Beneficiary all receipts of patd pcemiumg aud renewal not�ces. Ugon loss. <br /> . ' . i�diate not�ce to the ia�mnce cazcier aud BeneRclarY.B�neficiary may muke proof of loss if not made immgdiatelY t►Y <br /> Trustor. <br /> raage sora� <br /> -- ° . 0 t99p gp�b�rMaml,��ro..St.Claud.MN(11i00 997•23611 Farm REOTdJE 101Z7187 ��� <br /> _ N <br /> . � I w . `, <br /> U <br /> •' „ <br />