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<br /> ° UNcsa otherwise agre�d in�vdting�nU ins�n'�nce pmr,e�ds ahulA b�npplied to the reswrntian or repnir of the Pnperty or to �
<br /> � the Secwred Bebt. +��hether or rtot then de�e. oi Heneficiur�r's option. Any ripplicudon of procada to prlacipal ehaU aoi -
<br /> � � extend�or postpone the due date nf We scheduled paya►ent nor chen�e the amount of eny payment.Any excess vdll be p�Id �
<br /> � to the 8runtor.Ef the Pcope�yr ieecqu�ired by BeneRciery. Tcustor s rl�t to any insnrancepolicies aud roceeda:esultin8
<br /> ftont d�.m.ye to che Propetty lzefore iho czcquisition ehaU pase co Beaefrlary to t$e extent o�the S€cured�2lst Imm�lately r_: .
<br /> . ::�" bafore the scs�uioition.
<br /> .�:.-�. 20. ESCItOW�'t1lt TAJ�B Al�l)IAI�URANCE. UAIf�B OtLElWI6g pIOVIdBd IIl II fieJlAtUIC 8$LCCII1CUt.Trustor wlll uat be
<br /> ,,���� reyuir�d eo pay to Beneticiary t�nds for taaes aad lasivan�c:in escrow. _
<br /> 21. FIIVANCIAL FtEY'UYtTS A1VB ADDI'TIONAL DOCUMENTB. 7'iustor wiU�provide ro Heneficlary upon request. any
<br /> - • flnaztaIal statement or infotmn�ion Beaeflclnry�y deem reasonably necessary.'iiustor ag�ees to siga.deliver.sad file any __
<br /> m �y
<br /> • . '` ' blig�on nsduude�s�t ur�tty��ln�vtnent�BRenefic"iary�sl�le.�nistaws o�n 1he P ap�ertY.�'ooatlnue.and preserve Grantor e
<br /> .,�
<br />- .;�,�•�.Y:,.. - this ge�ity Instrument are joint nad 9adi�duat.If Tmstor aigns thls SeGUrity Insuume�mut does not siga an_Debt�d
<br /> ,,, . debt. Trustor daes so onty to raortgage Tr�stor's interest in the Property to secure payunent of the Secured
<br />--�'r{,'° 'IYvstor dcea not agt+ee to 6e parsoaally liabte oa the Setured Debt.If this 5ecurl Instrument secures a goarauty between
<br /> "R,��:' EeneBaisiyr and�ustor,Ttactvragrees to waive any rights tLat may Qrevent Bene�ciar�r fi+om br�nging pny uctton or claim
<br /> e:�:�-�: eiast Tmstor or an arty in�Tebted under the o61��gado�n. 'll�ese rl�hts may inclu�e� but are not limited w. any
<br /> and en to tbis Securlh►Inshument may extend.
<br />:_.,`;;;;.t�::° ffiti-de�cle.�cy or on�an tacr3. Tcustoz agceQS t�B€�nen�iary Y P .
<br /> iary
<br />,.��'h� modiPy or make any change in the terms of th�.s Sec�uit�Insuument or any e deace of debt without't�ustor's oonsrat.
<br /> �Iactn�nt shall��b d ffidlbe�nefit�th�e successors��assi�sns of�ti and�Hen flcia�e dut�ey and benefits of tlila Soc�uIn+
<br />'=-����t ?3. APPLICABLE LAW{SEV-F.RABILiTYi��A�No��eivvlsB��iilr�ed b�y�the lavgs of�th�e juyrls�di�an h e
<br /> �.;,_� judsdletioa itt which Benet�cia�Y is lacated.exv� 'iliis Securlty Jastew�nt may not be
<br /> ". = the Prop�y is located. This Secauity Insuumenf ia�p l��e aad fully iategrate�• -
<br /> tegrat
<br />�_^;��_��.� amendei!or modifed by oral agreemsat.Aay secdon ia t7�1s SecurltY Ins�nthat law�expresslY o yimP�p��ts�the
<br />,_�v.� the Seatred Debt that oonflicta witli applicable law wiU aot be effecfive. -
<br /> ��ljbe����If any seaion of this Secu�i Iasuuu�ent cannot be enforced ecc�+d'.a8 w i teims.that
<br /> ;��;.t�,},� severed ead cvill not effect the enforceabiliry o�the remaiader of this Se�udty JasuumPnt.Whenever used�
<br /> __�,..,,� the singular shali include the glural and tlte plural the siagulaz.The captions and headings of the sectIons of this Sec.vrit�J
<br /> - T��f ch��ss�ce in t�hiea�S�ity�Insu�ea3 to be usod w intezPT�t or define the ter�s of this Secudty Wstn�men�
<br /> o=:�:����
<br /> --=-"`1�;,�� 24. SITCCESSOR TRU3TElE.Bene�iici�ry, at Ben�ficiary's optton, maY from time to time ret�ve TNStee and appoiat a
<br /> - -_ - sucoessor tmstee wlthout any�er fora�ality than the desiguatiloa in wrlting.'�e��b W�is �ty tI mm�i�at�
<br /> - the Prs�pertyr. shall suax.ed all the tttle.Power and duues conferred npon Y
<br /> __�...�-,� �plio�b�le law.
<br />.`�V `V� 2S.N�►t'�CE.Unle�othe�wise s�by law t�ny aodce s�U b��ven by deHve�g it or by mailing it by�Hrst claas mail
<br /> . N�oe m one�u�ustor�anll�to�a�c�to.�all u�ustoryrs��or to an}r other addr�s desi�����8.
<br /> _�_w:r_.�_�
<br /> _`°--''��.`�� Z6. WAIV�RS. Sxcept to the extent probibited by law,T�ustor waives all apPraiscmem aad homestea�l e�ccmp8ua,slg�ts
<br /> --_-_---� zelating w the PropeltY. ,:� ,
<br /> 27. (DTHER TERMS.If checked,the follow�►�are�plicable to thia Sc�rlty Insbvment: : .
<br /> ' �Line of Cre�fiiG The Secaced Debt includes a revolving line of credit pmvjston.Although the�Debt may be
<br /> --- rednced t�a z�o balance.tb�fs Socur3ty Ynmumeat wql retnain ia effect aatil teleased.
<br /> -_
<br /> _._.. .s....:<;.?� C�.Cu�on L�n.This ScciirltY Ins�ument secuces au obligation iacum€�d for the oonstnrctioa o aa mv�ment
<br /> -, on t'he Fiapea,ty. . .
<br /> - -= ❑FSa�ure��.'�ustor grenta w Beaefiaiary a se�urlcY iaterest in all goods that G�tor owns nnw or in the fhwre
<br />-�-- aad that ara,.vt wtll beoome fixtures nnlated w the Property. 1Lis SecurltY Insaumcat sufHces as a Susncit�g
<br /> ---�NT:� sratement and any cazbom.Phatographic oY oiher repraiuction may be filed of reoord for pmposes of Article 9 of tiie -
<br /> - - Ua[fo�Commercial Code. . . .
<br /> -�..�... _-� ❑Ridsre.The�covenants and agree�nta of eacb of tIle ridc-zs ch�betow a�i�v,��i��s.r,...'-�-�-.._._'.i�
<br /> ------ ams�d the terms of this Secutity In§t�u�ent. [Check aU spplicable boxes]
<br />;� ❑Coaslomimitun Rfder ❑Planne�U�it Develvpment I;ider ❑Othex..................................................
<br /> = �—_ �Additioaal7Cerms.If n�y fnatal.].tit�it ia mt pa3.d by the due date. � bank
<br /> ez��.rate � to��po�t maturity rate � the artstandit�l .
<br /> =��'i� l�o a n�eanoe Luit�il e 1.oarb a current atatus. ,
<br />-__=_�� .
<br />----=_;,�;�z� .
<br /> .���
<br /> �i ''� SIGNATURESt By signtn8 below��or agcces W Yhe tesmg and eovenanfa cant8insd ic,►ttai�S�uritY Insmam�nt z.�+cl a�l auy
<br /> ,�.`�,
<br /> _--_ «,�_�� att�chments.Trustor also acknowtedyrs reoeipt of a oopy of tliiis Se�uttty 1na�ment mn tlte cl�rte siated on page 2.
<br /> �.�._a�y[q;'Y.�
<br /> „Vei .�o�:c:,, . .
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<br /> -��:.. ., = = �''� 'ihis inswment was ac�nowteagea vefom me cbia......a$C�?,..... aav of........::�!�aG�'�;3. ..........
<br /> „ � •�.��� j'�[.l�.k��..P7�QN�r .�Si .K�4,..�?1�1��4?�7�P• � .... ......... .
<br /> . ' - : .. '` My cammission expires: , . ...... . .. .!l.`.:. . ... ...........
<br /> . .... ... Ma1�y �blk)
<br /> . :, .:.. p»��n,yy,mn,,,ma.st,qouo.MN It-800187•23611 Fam REOTdKB 10127f87 fpage�of 41
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