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<br /> � � �.All Nturc cdvut�ocn fron�Beneflciney ta Tmatpr or other fl�turc obllgaqiona of Tcustor to II�:neflciury undQr ossy ___
<br /> «� promi�so uute.contrect,guamnty�ot olhcr evldenr�of debt executcd by Tnu�tor in fmor of Seucflciaey execute�
<br /> eRer this�urity iast�unent whetker or noi tUta Seeurity[natcumem is apeeiftc�lty �f.� cc�. If n�ase tt�u Qst�
<br /> ° persan elgue tdie Secudty Instnunent, each Truetor ngrees �hut thlt Ssxurity Insteamunt will secum nll ft�Mae •-
<br /> � cdvanc�z and ffitu�nb+�iIIetton9 thet eve Biven to oe incurr�d by any oneoa mom Teustop,or nny one or�nore'['ru9tnt
<br /> ate�otmers. Att ihturo�dva�tces tiud other fl�ture obli�atlons ste sectued by thls 5ecudty I�it�tweteat evei�tlt�git a11 _
<br /> , � � or pntt ma�y not yet be advanced.All thture advnnces and a�her Poture obltgationa sue�ecut�d a�if mnde on ttte d�te _
<br /> . of tdis Seciuity Insuum�nt. Nothipg ia thfa Securiry Instrun►ent ehull oonstitute n commint�ent to mnke ndditloual or •i
<br /> �----" thture loans or mdvances tn uny amount.Aay such commtunent cnust be�to ia n c�apnrate wdtin . �__
<br /> � .�•��'�'' C.AI1 obligutlons'Aeustor owes to Beraeo erd�rnfts mla�to�anydepo�it aaauat ap��ti��twe�nW'�n�atoi�� --
<br /> �-.-�_•� but uot limite� to. liabfltties 8
<br /> � .. BeneRciary. ���
<br /> ° ;: D.AII additlonal suuns advan;,ed andex�nses iacurnd by BeneRciary fot insudng� res�rvinB or othenvise protectit�g
<br /> � � 1he Praperty aad ita vNue s�nd aay otl�er sumv advonced ead expenses lacumed by�eticlary wider the terms ot ti.�i� �._
<br /> y Securlty Insmuncat. � :
<br /> o �� '�is Security Instrument will aot secure anY other debt if Beaeficiary faUs to gtve any r�quired notice of the right of =.-
<br /> tescisslon.
<br /> S. PAY1VdEN'I`S.1`rustar agcees that ell pa ts under ttte Se�umd Debt will be paid whea�ua ead in accardance with the --
<br /> und
<br /> i: �, tem�af the Securod Debt and this 9�Insuumen�
<br />- ° 6. WARRAI�iTY OF T1TLE. Tc�stor watrauts that T�usw��� a'�ad sellihe�ProYpetty to Tn�atee,in nvst�,witb Po�� -
<br /> . R� S�u�itj,Instnunent sind has the right to ira�evocablY S��
<br /> n is uaeacumbered,eaccept for emuunbranoes of c+ecord. p
<br /> , sa:s.7�ustor also waar�nte that the Prnperty
<br /> .. ... -•~�.��-, geg deed of ttu�►3.secutlty agreemeut or othet 13�n f` _
<br /> , 7. PRIOR SECURITY IIV'fERESPS.WiW regard w a�r other mort e, _
<br /> docum�ut thsi created a prlor se�:vrity intgrest or encumbrence on the propwtyo Truswr a�: _
<br />-. . .'A; A.To make all paynaeats whe a due end w perfoim or oomply with atl aovenante.
<br />{.�,y,:•..`,,�: • B.To pio�ptly deltver to Bea�riary any noYi�that'IYuswr reaeives fmm the halder.
<br />- C.Not to allow any m�iSc�tion or extension of,nor w sequest any ftitute�1vu�aaes under anY noie or agrearm�ut
<br />��.�:�• •� seeured by the ken documettt without Beneficiary's prlor wrltte�oonsent. .�-
<br />_,• , i td. CLAII1�8 ACAINSP�Ti.E.T�uscor wjll all ta�ces. asse�ents lieps,encuwb�aoes.leare paymema.Sroun.d tea�ta� -
<br />�e:,;:rn�� pay
<br />���' '-` ' milides. to the Fro�whea due. Beneh�ciaYy may re�,uit+�Tte�swr w pmvtde to Beneflcf�uy
<br /> and other r�ar8es relatit►8 r�xints evidencinst Ttvstor s gayment�Tmstor will defead dt��ro
<br />-N';�,.�e� aopies of a3i noii�t�at s�r,h aa�•w sr�3c� thp-- - . � t�or ag«cs W � � '
<br />;�i:�:':~�'^. the PnpertY agains� a�r clainas tht�t would impair the lien of this Sewdty Insaum�t• es who supply��bor
<br /> — ��t Be:nefici ,asrequested by Beaeficiary,any righta,claims or defenses'IYustor may henra against patd
<br /> �'.�_T�;�� or materl�s to matataim or improve the Property -
<br /> � -�-,s
<br />�-N���i at its o tIon,�eclar�tWt entire balance of the Se�ured Debz�to
<br /> 9. DZJE ON SALE OR�IVCiJMBRANCE.BeaeSc3arY may,
<br />=_��i:�,;. ; be immediately due ead pay�le�on the crestion of.or contract r the aeaflon of..any liea,eacumbiance.traa�f�t or
<br />-:��f� y,��: .., sale of the Property.This s7 t ia s�bject to the t�estricdons impased by federal la�v(12 C.F.R.591).asapplicable."E'Wa
<br />--�:�,`.Y-�._ o�veoant shagll �th the�gxe�►and shall iemaia in effect u�til the Secnced 1?�bt is paid fn fnll aad this Sec�arltS►
<br />`��'�e�.,d,.� Iastcttffieat
<br /> ,. . . �p in o�d oon�l3tion
<br />_�„„�:,��''� 10. PROPEItTY CONDTTI�N,ALTERATION3 ANU ,ll�rTS'P�°fl�N.aot�ti�or allo e� w�aste,, �pair�n3. or =
<br /> --- �:�..�� and nnahe all repaiie that are reasonab�]y necessaiY• Tr�stor agc�es thsi the
<br /> '°'�'�""'���'�� deterloration of tae!�p�y Tcuscor wili keep t1►e PmPertY f�of aoxious weEds and�asses.
<br /> - - -- naw�e af the occuP.aa�7► s use a�l not su�stantiallY r,haa8e without Beoefceiary's pr�nr wtittes►cAnsen�T�ustor w31!mt
<br /> pennit t�iny cha�nge m aap liaase.crstricttve aovenant or eas�eat without Hene�aimy's prior writteu consent.Ttuswr�+�1
<br /> °-'�-"Y'�`"` no t i P y, &n e f i c I a ry o f a ll d e m a n d s. Proceedin 8 s•claims, aad actions against'fma4or, aarl of any loss or danoage to Ohs
<br />-�s''.�� �� � -
<br /> Seaefi or Beaefldary'sa�ents may.at Beas 's option,enter the P,�opelcty at eny nasonable time for t he
<br />,� � pf thc pl,operty.E�enefis�aty shall give notice at the trima af or 6efon anB��.s 1'��ix�
<br /> '�"�`±����;� reasona6le purpose for the on. Any iasPerxtoa of the Pmperty shall b�entitelY for
<br />-- TNStor wIIT in no way rely on�eficiarY�s iasp�tioa. . . -_
<br />_----�� 11. AiP��Ol�it'Y'i'O�'r.��.If Tn:swr�s ta perfmm any duty ornny af Qhe covenazita contaimed in this Secutit5► ,�.,
<br /> ,� �r cA!��ruem t�t�e oerfamzed. 'IYuswr �ppo�ts tleu:�ficteay as
<br /> """°"'�,�,,� Insaumeni. BeaeSciarY�Y, wiiuuuE�Ic=. getg�sz - for rfomomttce.$enefiaiary's ri s to' ivr
<br /> -- --- atto�eY in fact so sign Tm�stor's aame or pay any amouat acc�sa�Y � orffi wTill not ude���a:���0m
<br /> Tcustor ahall aot create an obligat�on to�nm. and Benefidnry s failnre��t.If consu aion on the Ptati�.
<br /> `�'='"�' exetcisin�anY of BeneSciatY's other rlg5ta under ttee law or tWs Security �Y
<br />__.y. _-�-___ is disoontmued or not carrled on�a zeaso�11eAiIDOno'the�c�oe�n uudia�n.��I�e����tect Bene6�
<br /> ��� secusitp interest m the Prope�ty, udin8 � _
<br /> F!= � 12.A6SIGNML�NP OF LF.�iSES AND RENTS.'[Yvstor incvoc�iy grante� couveys aad sdls to Tiust�e.'in tivst for th$ :,.
<br /> r�.=.:;;:-, ;f aad inierest in and tm an and all enisting or thture leases,
<br /> - :. .��,?.; , beue�'it of BeneflciaYY,as additional securlty aU the b dde Y i�l�diag
<br /> - ' .. . subleases,aad anY ot�er wcitten or verbal a�nx�r the use and oaa►t�ancy oE any rtton of the Property. _
<br />_- . ::.;.:�;:.. {�� to as"LEases")and t�eats, issue�a
<br />-- :,�,.. �yr exte�sions.renew a l s.m o d i fl c a t i o n s o r s u bstitutions of such a�r� (all
<br />- . . and pmfits(all cefected to as "Renta"). Tmstor wlll pmmptly pmvide Benefidary with tcue and correct c op i e�s o f a U _,
<br /> - _. existmg and fiiwne IRases.Truscor may collece,receive,enjoy sIId use the Rents so long as Trustor is not in de�ault under i:'
<br />_- ._ . t1�e tem�s of this S�tY I�s�nt. • `�`_
<br />- � R � Ttaxtor ackaowIedges thst this ffisignment is Perf�ted uP°n the racordiag of thts I)eefl�af Trust and that BeaeSciary is -
<br /> . ' + of Rents due or W hecame duB to Beneficiary. Hu�s�ver
<br /> �. eotided to notlty anY of 7tustor s tenants to make payment
<br /> - . �� B�eSciary a�s��Y on defauit will Beaeficiary notify Tcustor and Txvstor's tenenta aad make dem�ad��
<br /> .�>-� � future Rems be_Qatd d3teCdy to genefi�On r�eo�e�liv�n8.�a°t�.,�a°.�dQ�in�for Eei�nefi�a�it►rY and willrao��e
<br /> :__,�,-,: _: anyrpay�nt ot eceu�s in ��us�vi o�..;,.m........ ..�._--,a.p p--_-
<br /> -- �• .:..,- s, the Reurs with any other fi�ada. Any amnums oollected w�� �udl�o�tea�ant 1 w.�Tin�istarsalso�a�es to ma�►�tain� _.
<br /> � • wa�raats that ao defatilt�acists under the Leases or any app' -
<br /> � require any tenant W o��piy wtth the Lemis of the Leases aad applic�Ye law.,L F . � a __
<br />` �� 1 3. L E A S E E�I O L D 3: C O N t�t)M I N I U M S PLANNED iJNIT DLV�E�.t�lEI�TS. 'IYustor ag�s to coa►P1Y �vi8b,th�e -
<br /> AS perty
<br />— piovidona of any lease if this SecudtY��on a leasehoid.Ig the Pro inclu des u u n it•i a a con do m i n i u a n 9 r a �
<br /> planued vnit development,Tcustor will perfoim all of Troswr's dnfles und$r tite oovenants�b3+laws.or�gutations o f t�e
<br />� ooadomininm or plauned unit development. ,
<br />— faago 2 os 41 _
<br />— . A,esa eu,m.sra�cm+.�x..s.ciwa.nua n�oo�sa�-:son wm,a�aravE,om�s�
<br /> -.. �� 1
<br />