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<br /> �� M� If tha amaunt of tho Funds held by i.ender.u►gether with t1►e future monihly installments af Funds payable prlor to
<br /> the duo datc.w of teaes�aasessments�insurance premiums and ground rents,shall oxcecd�hc amount required to pay said �'-:
<br /> ' '`��_ taxes�assessments,inswance premiums and gmnnd rent�as they fall due.such excess shall be,at Borrower's opdon. _
<br /> • eithea pmmpdy repaid W Barrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installraenis of Funds.If the amount of the �.,-
<br /> .;�-t��''f�� Funds held by Lender shall not be sufticient w pay taxes,assessc►►ents.insurar►ce premiums and ground rents as they it___
<br /> ��--r ,. ' fell due, Borrowa shaU pay to Lender any amount necc,.wsa�y to make up the deficiency in one or more payments as ,,.`v.
<br /> `;,ti�4•
<br /> Lender may require. °-
<br />- • R iC Upon gaymaent in fiaHE of�➢1 sums s�ured by this BEed of Trust,Lender shall g+mtei!pily nfund to Borrower any ,
<br /> '' �k Fv.�ds hel�by Lendxr.lf under para�p9� Il7 heseaf tbe PmpertY is sold or the 1�a+opertY is ntl�e.�vise acquised by _
<br /> , �:��,t '`i L.ender,Lender shall aPP1Y,no later than im�mediately Fa�ar to tfie sal�off o9i��ra►perty or ets aca�msi��n by LencDer,anY ----
<br /> ;'��;-���:�.'{•��.�� Funds held by I.ender at the dme of applicauon as a credic�,ainst the su�ts secwred l�y th�s De�of Trust.
<br />�1;:°."?�'��:-��� � 3.AppHcation ot Paymen�,.Unles,s applicable law provides otherwise,a11 PaYmenls�eceived by Lender under the
<br /> �, ' Note and para$raphs 1 end 2 hereof shall Be appHed by I.ender flrst in paYment of amouats payable to I.ender by
<br />_ r; �,; Boirower �tttdea paragcaph 2 hereof,then W intcaest payable on the Note,and then to thc principai of the Note. -
<br /> �� �"� '' 4.�riop Mortgag�and Bc�.s ot�'n�sti C�gesi menL with a lEen whi h h�a.g�p erlty oBer fhis Dced of gTrust, : :
<br /> '�.-'`".'�{"� under eay mortgage,deEd of uust or other securtty agree
<br /> r•t,
<br />_.-:YwL:.0 �
<br /> including Borrower s covenants to make paymenta when dao. Bom�wer shall Ray or cause W bcs p Wxes.
<br /> �-_-: � ossessmcnut and mher charges�finos and imposltlona utttlbutnblo w tho Praperty whfch may auoin a prior�ty pver thi�
<br /> :-•-�--- DocQ o!Trust,and lcasshold pnymenta or gmund renw�if uny.
<br />'_..t.�I�-���
<br /> s.HozArd Iaeuepnce.�orrowcr shull kr,�p tho Imyrovcmcntx now oxistl�g on c�rcuftcr cmctcd an tho Property
<br /> _:�y;�� inaurcA agninAt loss by firo�hau�rds inctuci�:�f within tho torm"oxtcnded covcroge;ond such athcr hm.orde ag Lcndcr
<br /> ,�.,z;-:� +nuy rcqulro artd in such amnunts and tor such perloda ay Lcndcr may rcquiro.
<br /> Tho insumnco caMer providtng Uto insurunco shWl bo chosen by Borrower eubject w a�prflvul by L.ender.
<br /> -":��� provlded, thsit such upprov�l shrill nat bo unroasonnbty wlthhala A►1 insurance poltcies and cenewula thereof shall b�s in -
<br /> Y`F�� u farm accepu�bla to Lender end ehall includa a slandard mortgaga cla�se in favor of and In a form scceptabla to Lender.
<br /> ���yn t��ht tn hnld the pollcictv 6t1d cenew8L4 thereof.sub�ect to the temis of any mortgage.deed of ttust
<br /> °°��� or other seciulty ageement wtth a llen which hes prtortty over this Aoed of Tiust
<br /> - - In the event of loss.Borrower shali give pmmpt nottce w the insurance ca�iea end Lender.L,e�der may make
<br /> —_ _ proof of loss if uot made pmmptly by Borrower.
<br /> - --� If the P,ropetty is abandoned by Borrower.or iE Bouowea faUs to respond to L.endea wiihin 30 days from tho d�*_$ ..
<br /> aodce is mailed by LEndeP to Borrowet tt�ai the insurauce carrler offers w settle a claim for insuiance benefits,Lender is
<br /> � authorized to collect andapply the insurance p r a c e e d s at I.ender's oprion eithcr w restoradon or repair of the Property
<br /> or to the sums secured by tius Deed of Trus�
<br /> __ �:� 6.PreservatEmn and Msifntenance of Pe+�gerts,1.eascholris; Condominiums; Plenaed Unit Bevelopmm4s. _-
<br /> �..�„� Sorrower shali keep the pmperty in good m.pair and shall not comwic waste or pamit impainnent or dexriarariun of tha .
<br /> m
<br /> __ Prnpeaty and shan comply with the pmvisions of any lease if tt�s Deed of Trust is on a leasehold.If�S Deed of'husc as .
<br /> on a w�t in a condomuuum or a planned euiit deve�op�scait,Barrowes shall Perform�11 of Borc�qwar's obliga�mts�iudea. ,
<br /> _`� the declaration or covenants creadag or govemiag the�condomiruum ur plat►aed�unit developnaent,ihe by-IIa.ws and
<br /> --_ reguladons of the oondominium or planned unit developmcmt,an��oonsttwe.nt eocwriems.
<br /> 7.Prote�4ion ot Lender's Secmrity.If Borrower faiis to{�eaform The cove,nants and agneEments contaiaed in this
<br /> Deed of Tmst,or if an adion or proceedmg is commenc�d whi�h 3nuiGdallY affects I.ertdFr's Literest In the Property,
<br />---------- then Lendea.at Lendea�s oprion,upon norice w Borrower,maY make such eppeazauces.diaburse such siuns,including
<br /> ;;� reasonable attomeys'fees.nnA take such acdon as is n�Y�Pr'o�Lender's 1nLerest.If Lendear required moitgage
<br /> - insurauce as a coadidon of making the loan secured bY this Deed of Tmst,Bomower shall pay t�e pm,naiums requiroel ta
<br /> ------ - mainmin such insurance in effe�t uadl such time as the requirement for suc6 ins�c�tetaiinates w aocordance with
<br /> --�—' �onuwe�'s a+Yd Lendes's wriuca a�ent or applisah2e Taw. k.
<br /> - � - --`� pny amounts.disbvased by L,endea pucs�ant to dris pmraBraPn �.witi� iute�est iue�-ee��at iuc:t3eie r.�,st'�:!! . --
<br /> beeome addiuonal mdebtedness of Borcowec secural by tdis De,ed of'IYu.ct Unless Somower and Le�tder agcee to other
<br /> teams of pay�uent,such amounts shall be payabie upon notice from I.ender ta Bormwer reque.cdng payment thereof.
<br /> Nothing oontaine�in this�aragraph 7 shaU require L.ender w incur any expense or take any ec,twn hereunder.
<br /> - --- g.Inspection.Lendar may make or cai�se to be made ieasonable enuies upan atid inspections of the Prope�ty,
<br /> provided that i,ende,r shari glve Boirower nodce prior to any such inspecdon spe�'ying reasonahle cause theaefar m
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