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<br /> 9.Condemnnataon.The praceeds af any award or claim far daanages,dLsect or cor►se9nent�el,in connection with
<br /> '� �' any candemnation or other tsking of ihe Frop�ty,or part thcrcog,or forcmnve�+ance ia lieu of condemnadon,are hereby �
<br /> �:� assigned and shall be paid to Lender,sub}e�t to the terms of any moitgage,de�l of uust or other sec�uiry agreement =
<br /> wIth a llen whicfi has priorIry over this Deed of Tcust �
<br /> } .��,�,Y 10.Borrower Not Beteased; Norbearaace tEy Lender Piot a Watver.Extcnsion of the time for p�yment or k:-
<br /> modification of amortization of the sums secured by th�s Deed a8'fn�scgrante�by Lender w any successor in intere.ct of
<br /> ��`�'� y Borrower ahall nat oparate to release,in any manner.the liab�ity af the oripnal Boirower and Borrower's successois in =
<br /> ;�, interesG Lander shail not be re�uired w commence pmceedings a�ainst such successor ar refuae w extead dme for �_
<br /> � � ��" payateait ar othenvisa modify atnorti�ation of ttte suma sccumd by Ihis Ae�doff'lYt�st by raasan af any demand made by ,_
<br /> • �'� the onginal Bormwer und Bomnwer's successo�a in int�rest. Any �ab�cc by L,ender in exercising nuy rtght or
<br /> . � re�neiy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law,ahall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any
<br /> such slght ar remedy.
<br /> ° � � 11.Successors and Assigas Bonnd;Joint and Several Liabi�ty;CQ-slgnera'Ihe covenants and agreements
<br /> _,�,�.M y.�:� herein contained ahall bind,and the rigdts hereunder shall inur�to�tharesp�cttve successors and assigns of Lender and
<br /> --•� Bomower. subject to the provis�ons of parageaph 16 hereof.P.11 co�enan�and egreaments of Borrower shaU bP joint
<br /> �rk��;;1'
<br /> �_ ..�" arid s�vetal.Any Bo:rower who co-signs this DeeG of Trust,but does not aecute the Nate.(u)Is co-sigab►8 this
<br /> �_��=:���.� of'lYust only to grant and convey that Borrower's interresst in tAte Fro�eray t� 7Yuetea undcx th�term�of this Deed of �
<br /> ";,.Kr+,��,*;� Tntst,(b)is not persontilly liuble on tha Note or under ehis Deed of Trwst,and(c)egrees that Lender and eny other
<br /> _ : Bamowar hereunder may agree to c+atend,modify.forbear�or make any otlur aaommodadons wIth regard w the terms
<br /> � ,,;��, , af this Deed of ltust or the Noto.wlthaut that Bnrrower s consent and e�hout releasing that Borrower or modifying
<br /> thia Deed of'fYust as to that Horrower's Interest in the Property.
<br />- �.�-,'-�i 12.Notice.Hucept for eny notice required under appllcable law w be given �►another tnanner.(a)eny notice w
<br /> -' Bomower pmvided for in this Deed of Tn�st ehaU be given by dellvering itur by mailing such nadce by certified mail
<br />::_:;^�r� addressed to Bo:rower at the Pcoperty Address or at such other address es Bo=rower may designate by nntice w LEnder
<br /> =-�� as pmvlded herein,and(b)any notice to L,ende,r shall be given by c.erdfiedinaii to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />--",`,•r,'=�`-,:�� such mher addmss as Lender may desi�ate bY nodce w Borrowa as prov�de�d herein.Any notice provided far in this
<br /> =� Deed of Trust shaU be deemed w bave been given to Bomower or Lenda w6en given in the rpanner designated herein.
<br /> -�� 13.GoverNag Law;SeverabWty.'I�e state snd lacal laws epplicable to t6is Dced of Trust sGall be the laws of the
<br /> -."��� jurlsdtcHon�n which the�+uperty is located.lhe fozcsgoing sen�sdall not limit the applicability of federal law w this
<br />-:,;:,..,.� Deed of Trust.In We event that any provision or clause of this 3ked ot a msi. r�ti�e Ai�ccs�adsh�sglis�ble lsd,
<br /> ..---.,R„� such conflict shall not affect other provLs�ons of this Dced of 1�ust or ti'ie Nois which can be given effect witttout th.
<br /> -- cwnflicting Provision,and to this emd the pmvLdons of tbis DaerY of'I1nsz eaci�he Note are aeclared w be severable.As . .
<br /> _— used herein,"costs.""expenses�'and"aunrneys'fees"include aU surr►s to tie e�rent not pmtdbite�by applicable low or
<br /> - --' IimireQ he�sln. `
<br /> �� 14.Barraaer's Copy.Borrower shall be fumished a confomed copY of the Nots and of tt�s Dced of'hust at the
<br /> ---------- time of ezecudon or aftsr recordadon hereof.
<br /> --- 15..ItehabWtation Loan Agreement. Botrower shall fuifcll all af Bonower's obligattons under any home
<br /> --- --- m�bi�tation. impruvement, rePair. oz other loan ag�eemont which S�rto�a enters inw with Lendes. Lendea. at
<br /> =- ---_= L�atder's aption,raaY recluire Boaowea to execute snd deliva to Lender. in a fo�m accepmble to Le�►der.an assignment
<br /> _��_.._._v�, ��Y�h��laims or defease,s which Borrower may have agaias�par�.+•cuha supply labor,materials or seavIoes in ,_
<br /> -- coanectton w i t h i mpmvements m a de to the Pru p a t y. -
<br /> 1 6.T r a n s ter o f t he P r o p e r t y a r u B e n e f t c d a l I n t e r e s t in Borrosr�r. Jf all or say part of the Property,or any �
<br /> inte�st u►;.is sold or uansferred(or if a beneficial int�erest in Bormwer is sold or tranafeaced and Borrower�s not a
<br /> t12U1ti1�.pf1S0A�WIlIlOUt LUI�'s prlor wriucn consent,I.euder rnay.at i�s opttor►.require irnmediate pa ent in full of:
<br /> — all sums se�tued by this Deed of'kust However.this option s�all nat ts►e acetCisei by I.ender if ez�se is pxohibited
<br /> �--- ---. by feda�al�laa as of the dttte of this Deed of TcusK. '
<br /> _ If I,P�dcr exercisas this option,I.ender shari give Borrower notice of ec�eleaadon.'itie notice shall provide a perlod
<br /> .,��, of nat lass tdan 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wIthfn which Boaower must pay all sums
<br /> �__-�.�=�r �����y i m��permitted by tbis Dee�t of Tiust wf�w f�urdier nott'ceor demand on Borcower.��I,euder may
<br /> -- - -__= PiOY':•Uf�:i�"OrM CQ�'BI�P.PTfS.Brnrarler and Lensler f•!ith�cave�!nE and agreE as followa:
<br /> - 17.Aoceleration; Remed[es.Escept as provided in paragrap h 16 Lereol,upon Bonower's breac�of aay _
<br /> -� -- covenaut or agreement o!Borrower tn t6i4 Deed ot 7Y�t,. inctadmg Borrower's tatture to pay by the end ot 10 °
<br /> calenulssr daYs�'Wey ue due�any sams secured by t61s�eed ot'i�ust,Lender pr[or to acce�eeratioa abaII g[ve -
<br /> not�ae�tm 0orrower as provEded inpar�graph 1Z hereotspesifyt�ng:(�)thebreach,(2)the action reqn�rcd to cme
<br /> sach breach; (3)a date,not less tban m days trnm 4he�d�te t�e aade�b mailed to Borrnw�r,by w6fch c1h
<br /> �; 6resch mnst be cnred;and(4)Y6at failare to eure sach breach o�or before the date spec3tied in _
<br /> � _.-__— Initiais: • -
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