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<br /> _ grants and convcys to Tru�tee.in uust,wlth pal�ler of salc.the foltov�in�dsscnbed property tocated in the Counry of =�..-
<br /> � , � L--
<br /> ' " �.� Hali ,S�of Nebraska:
<br /> t�>::�Z :., � LOT BQURTSBN (14I. YN �HARDSIN3TON SUBDYVISION." B82Id0 A PART 08 �8 --
<br /> 2
<br /> gQ�TA8A8T Q1TAEtTBR 08 TBS SO�T�fPEiBT QUAA7'8R (88 1/4 SYJ 1/4) OH 9ECTI027 __
<br /> ��� TpPBNTY-ONE (al), =N TG�P�TSHIB 8LF.'11SN (il) NORTH. RANdS NINB (9) 9P88T
<br />- »,. oF gHS sYxaH p.Id. ,HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. .---
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<br />-��•,-' ?�r<�`;'.1li '` whicl�l�as the addre�s of 1704 8PAING RD
<br /> ' ap� =gL�,ip (ctty�,Nebraska 66801 l�'�e) (h��"�F�Y�„�
<br /> - �n`�n..n` � 'InC3S'fElfitt aith all the improvements noa or hereafter erected on the pmperiy. and aU easements.righte.
<br />_��-„��:�;�;�,� appurteaences and rents(subject however to the dghts and suthorlties given herein to Lender to collect and apply sucd
<br />�___�-��,�� centa).aU of which shaU be deemed to be and rrmain a part of the property wvered by this Deed of Tcuat;and aU of the
<br /> - - foregoing. together wlth said property(oc the leasehold estate if this D�ed of'IYust is on a leasehold)aro herelnafter
<br /> �-��.� referred to es the"Propen3►":
<br /> __ Tp gg.CURE w Lender the rep3yment of�he indebteElness evidenced by Borrower's rtots dated
<br /> "���� t�asob a7, 1999 snd extensions and renowals thereof(hereln"Notc")�in tho prirtcipal sum of
<br /> - - �-�� U.S.S �7t,680.00 .with interest thereon,pmviding for raonthly instalimenta of principal nnd interest,
<br /> - with the bel8nce oi the indeit�ecincss.u inii awzw-ps�,�a aad�Sysbls oss l�r+_3 1; 3g34 :
<br /> __. — the payment of all other sums.with interest thereon.advenced in eccordance hercarith ta prouxt the securlty of this Deed
<br /> of'Itiusfi and the performance of the wv�►ants and agreements of Barrower hecein contaiaed.
<br /> - Borrower coven2nta that Boaower is lava+fullY selsed of ths estate haeby conveyed and has the rtght W�ane end
<br /> -_- � that Borrowea w�anan� ts and�will defend g nerally the tt�tle�'tv the pProperty against ell claims and demands�s�'OUbkct to
<br /> ---_= encum6Tances of record.
<br /> - - UNIFORM COVffi�TANTS.Borrowa and Lendcs covenaat and aeree as foll whea due the principal end iiAterest
<br />__-;�,�:;�,� 1. Paymemt of Prindpal and Interesf. Borrowea shall prompdy pay
<br /> .�.r.a� indebtedness evidenced by the NoUa aad lata charges as provided ia the Note.
<br /> --_�- - Z.Funds for Taaes and Insurana.Sub�ecx to spplicable law or a wriuea weiver by Lcr►d�.Bornnwer shall ay
<br /> -_ —� m Lender on the da��monthly payments of prrn and int�rest are payabl8 wed�tfie Note.unttl the Note is pai�in
<br /> fu11.a sum(he�oin Funds' )equal w one�tw�of the yearly�ces ovea this Deed of cl'l�ust,and�ounm d r�ts on .
<br /> _ plannad unit development aasessments,if any)whlch may atisin prtmity
<br /> �:��R.
<br /> the Pmperty. if anY+Plos one�twelfth of yeasly�remium insmllments for ha�acd insurenoe.plus one�tarelfth of yearly
<br /> :,��,;,,, pre mtwm insmllments for mor�gage ins�uance,if any.ail as reasonably estimated inidalty and from time tn tune y
<br /> ' I.eAdha on the basis of asse�ssments and biils and reasonable esdmates thereof.Bormwer sbatl�not ba obligated m mako.
<br /> — such payments of Funds to Lendea co che exte�nt that Borrower makes such paYments ro tho holder of a prlar mortgage ar
<br /> deed of trust if snch holder ls an institutional Iender.
<br /> -� -. �f Bottower pays Funds to Lreader.the Fuads shell 1�e held in an fnstiwdon the deposits or accounts of whfch are
<br />-.:=-.��;-'-`� insured ar o�rmnrc_�d by a fed�rni ar�tate s�ency(inclnd'eng Lendea if Lender is st[ch an instiNtion).L,ender shall ap�lY
<br /> —�-';'�'� the Fauas t�ir►y �tu ta+.es.assessrnc��,ia.,^urs�sce Frea�ams sa��ot�n�!_re_mm. l.ender msy not charge for,:o ho2dwg "
<br /> �,���
<br /> _ ,.?� and applying the Funds,ana]yzin8 said acoouat or vaifjnug and comp�ing said assessn►ants and bi11s.nnlass Lender
<br /> � paYs Boaower intcrost on the Funds and appUcable law pe��mits Leudea to matce such a�harge.Borrower and Lendea
<br /> may agre8 in writipg at the time of executt�n of this Deed of Trust d�at inte�st on the FUads shall be paisl W Boaowea,
<br /> and unless such agreement is made or applicable law requices such inoeaest to be paid.I�ender sdalt not be requiced to .
<br /> pay $omower any inierest or eamings on the Funds. L.ender�shall gtve to Boaower, wIthout char�e. an annuat
<br /> uccflunting of the Funds s3ww3n8 credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit w the Funds wes
<br /> a�ade.lti�Funds are pledged as additional seaurity for the suros secared by this Deed of 1�ust.
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