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<br /> � . ' �l �F:•'..�,,p.l�;{,��,•ROCr:.::=v�
<br /> �; • A(ti,,'1'.1'iustor will be la defnult if eay party obliguted ou e ecure��s�to t�Pd��►en exe ut�for t�h�e '
<br /> 14. DEF ��_���
<br /> wIU�e ln deft�ult if a breticd occu=e under the terma of this Secucity Instrumen .__
<br /> c g ��"�'
<br /> musgase of crcntinB secndnn or guarantyin ar endry bt�i�atedtan 1h�Sc�����bt ory�hat�he�+ro�ai of unY P�a�°r , :
<br /> ., ,� tlme is inseru[�w[tI�respi�t to any PShatl also constitute an event of defuult. •':,s•�
<br /> the vnlue of the P[operty �P�� '"°
<br /> �S. EtE1VIEDI�6 ON DEFAULT.1n some inat�ncea. federal ond state law will requtre Beaefic{ary to�provide Tn�stor with -.�
<br /> ,. notice of the rlght w cure or otina notices and may establish time schedWes for foreclosure a�o�as.�enib��a�m naei ':--
<br /> - J.:�� limitadons. lf anp Beaeflciary uu�y accelerate the Secured Debt aad foreclose thie Securiry �' ';,`
<br /> � -n ` .� pmvided by la�v if�1'mstor is in default. :.�.•.`
<br /> At the optton of Beneficiery.��i�g no�ce I� required bY 1 w��uP�� °�t�nce of a�defaulthor� �ye =__
<br /> it�iately due aad puyable, g� ���`
<br /> thereaRer.In add[tioa,Beneficiary shaU be entided fo alt the���l��on�the gower�to seli�the Progerty� DEbt. �F;�•
<br /> , <, thls Security Insmiment and any related documeats.includin8 r_ _
<br /> • If there is a default.Trustee shall I�acldi���Is et�pub�maitt�n t�o t�he�6lghest bidder foi�eash�and coaveY�absolute --
<br /> �� and seU the Pcoperty es a whol dtle aad interes of Trustor at such tjme aad place as 7Yustee desigeates.Trustee sball give _
<br /> .. dde f�ee and clear of all rlp,ht, t�be sold as required by the R
<br /> . , � �pllcable6law ia�eff�a�the d�me of�the pmp ls�s�°I sele and a dc�sa�iFsion of the property �::`_
<br /> '''„ and w the eateut not pmhibited by law.Trusteesha11 make and d�liver a deed w the ProP�Y �;tt N,
<br /> .5;;:� Upon sale of the propertY all fees. chatBes and costs. shaU paY � Y�.'_=_
<br /> . ,� . sold which �nveys absolute tlde to the pucchas�r. and after first paying �.���:_�:
<br /> � � BeaeRciary aU moneys advanced for repairs. taxes, insuraace. liens� assessmente aad prlor encarnbranc.es and�nterest .-v�-
<br /> ' t hereon, a a d t l z e p r i n c i p a l a n d i n t e r e s t o n t h e Secured Debt� PaYiaB t�e s u r p lus, if any. 4�o Tmstor. BeneflciaYy maY {�
<br />' ti' .".��`,' pu�chnse the PruPertY•'I he recitals 3n any deed of wnveyance s h a l l b e p n m a f a c t e e v i d e a ce o f t h e f a c t a s e t f o rt h therein. 1-:ti--
<br />'•:�;,` "�` p11 c�uedies are distinct.cumuladve aad aot exclusive.aud the BeneSc�y is entitled w all remedies provided at 1��e =-
<br /> . Beneflciar�r of any sum in payment or pa�ctal payment
<br /> �{ty. whether or aot expressly s�forth.'ihe aooepiance by are ffied shall rui constiuite a
<br />_. Secured Debt aft:er tlte balance is���lete cure of any e�icis�ng cdefaolt.By��xercising any remedY on Truscor's
<br /> .. , waiver of BeaeSeiat�'s�rlghtwaive eflcIary's r�ght to later considet the eveat a default if it condaues or haPP�ns�sin.
<br />- ` - defantt.�fi�Y-
<br /> COLLFrC.°�ION COSI'S• �aoePt whe�
<br /> 1�.EXPENSESi �V�i a���pVE�A��'��s���tor bc�eaches any coveuant tn thia SecuritY ��,,:;:
<br /> . - ro�tbTcuswr will also pay on dsmand aay amouat incurred by B�eficiary for . �E�p�s�n� �:.:.
<br /> sad Beneficiacy's securlty interest• will��from t�e date of the
<br /> �,:;. othenvise rote�ng the Praperty 'lliese eapenses
<br /> �:3'' paymeat imtil paid 3a full ai the hfghest jnteresc rate in eff�ll�ting���1n$�P�t�►��Deb��'I'custo��
<br /> to p ail costs and expeases in�u� by�BeneflciarY
<br /> ��s under this Sccurlty Insuument.Ttds amount may inclu 4•effeet ua�til z�+e1�.T�cuswi agces t�o pay�f�oi�
<br /> �;;:'it; eg es. Ttiis Secuttty Insuu�t shall t�emain
<br />` ,�,,. ,. �+ �rdatloa co�of such release.
<br /> _ . :. ::`` (1)Eavitonmeatal Law
<br />� , :.�; �. 17.ENVIRONMENq'AL E.AWS AND AAZARDUUS SIJBST�C�S. ��on aad Liability Act(CERC�,�
<br /> means. without limitadon. the Comprehensive Eavironmental Response� ons,otdiaances,oourt orders.attomeY 8 -
<br /> '---��� .:•:• . U.S.C.9601�seg.),and all other federal, state and local laws,regu1ad or a dazardons sabstance•and(2)
<br /> '�,t_, ,.- the ublic health.saf�Y.welfare, eavimnmeni
<br /> -.,' opinions or i�eiPretive leu�s coaoernin8 p us to the public health, safeLY. welfare or Y�,
<br />�''a4:;?`• - '� �• Iiazax+dous Sbbstanee means any touc. radioact�ve or hazardoua materi�l, aasce. llutaflt or contaminant w has
<br /> °--� .WK�--.� ' �ca wl►ich r�der the substauce dan$eroua or potentially daa8ero
<br />=;��1'�. � :• ->
<br />�.,_a;:,:,-.,•;�; ��� eavironmeat.'Ihe arm includes.withaut liadtatioa.any substances de8ned as "bazardous material," "wxtc sabstancea.
<br />����� "ha�+dons aeste"or'hazardoua substance°under any Bnvironmental Laa.
<br />-:�=�,,-:�IF':.:,
<br /> =�.� : ._. ,,rz Ttustor repmesenu,W�te�d�ees that: ao Haz�+dovs S��ce is or will be
<br /> ;._-T` _y;,� A.Bxo�t as Previausly disclosed and aclsaowl�in writing w Beasficiary+. tiiiea of Ha�andons ---
<br /> �=°- �`� au�b�saa' s-ucat-°i��ere�g�y;�►+�'�z�ed w be avP�Fi►'+�r�u���-`°�-'�`�I�tena�e o�f the ProT�ertY• �_-
<br /> bss¢ a., ra�ant have been.e[e.
<br /> --�- •.• .� ' B.Bxoept a��s previously disclosed au�ackaowledged fn wntin$w�euuacie��,T+�.'�xs�d-.�;.—•-
<br /> - �`: �� � _ and shall mmain in fiill oompllance with anyappllcable Envu�onm��a1 Laa+.
<br /> " Benefidary if a r�lease or thc+eatened release of a Ha�udons Stibstance oocurs on,
<br /> --.-;°*,,y..�,,� C.Tcustor shall ia�mediately n�Ytheie is a violation of any Bnvirenm�tal Iaw ooncernin8 the PsoP�Y.In such an
<br /> =;-�:r� �<, nnder or about the PmpertY xemadial action in acoordancew�ith aay Eavimnmeatel Iaw.
<br /> �.�_ ..
<br /> .r„ _. event,74ustor shatl tske ati nece.ss�tY �wri as soon as 7Y�ustor has reason w believe there isa�y P��S
<br /> -��r��.�;:�.,�..:,, D.1Yastor shaU immediatel�notify BeneficiarY �$ �ttce release or threatEned reiease of any Har�sdaus
<br />_:='�'=�, ",�� or tbreateaal inve�igatnon, claim, or P��B �`�
<br /> - _ �.."�,,� Substanoe or the vtolaflon of aay Envimnmental Laar.
<br />- � ,� t notice of any�din$or threatened aMion.bY PrivaLC or public __.
<br /> ' � ' 1 8.C O N D E M N A`t�t D1�.ltustor will give BeneflalarY P�P --
<br /> e�ittes w umhase ar take any or all of tite Prope�ty t h mugh co a d�o a,e u u n e a t d o m a i n,ar an other means.'i`[9SmS
<br /> ' .. `ta �ub.'�����$a�awa�rd o�r c°a�m for damages o�onnecied w'ath a�n�d��on or oth�er ta�g of atl�y �_
<br /> BeueficiflrY the Perty� Su ts and will be applied as provided in this Sacutit3► -.
<br /> � �� Inattument This� ig�� �roceeds shaU��t to he�of�Y Pnor mortgage.deed of cnist,secvritY ag�eat or —
<br /> t of proc�ds'
<br /> ' ' other Uen Qocu�nt• �
<br /> : i _.
<br /> � __-- ----' 19. 1NS[1RANCE.1Yustor shall keep PmperiY���loss by 5re.Qaod,theR and oiher h�ds�u�and�for bthe m:-
<br /> -
<br /> _��...L n...,.�„�., a�,�rn;rR tvne and location.'Ihis insuranoe sha111�e _�_.ma��►� w� �n�,��mr�uhiert t� —
<br /> , - �leiou wsua v.....,.,._.� --- -17ie in'sucance ca��ta Pmv� L1I0 lIISU['�tic a�� w w.�.....� ------- �
<br /> � � pe��3 tb2t B�IICHC�Aty �equ�s �-
<br /> � ' BeaefidazY�sapproval. whCch shaU so2 be unreffionablY withhel . If Trostor fails w m�in�ta�in�e�Y��8 �-
<br /> alwve�Beaeficlsry may.at @eaeficfa�y's option.obtain ooverage to pmtesi Beneficiary'e ri�h ��
<br /> to the terms of this Sacuriey Insu�t• �°
<br /> ���:
<br /> �licies and renewals shaU be aoceptabte�atc y���yB�cefi�of canoell�o or t�eiminaSo�n of t�'he -
<br /> �y���l eCEDICs "IOSSpay�� C18USe.�1Y11S[OI sbaU �� Trustor shall
<br /> insuranoe. BenefcciarY sha1� have the rtght w hold the policies aud reaeuvals. B�aeSciary re9 �r shall give
<br /> , ��ly ve to Beneficfars+ all reoeipts of p�d F B�eae�erY may make nP��°f o�tf notginade imm�1Y�3'
<br /> im+mediate no�ce to the insur'ance camer and�°eficiury.
<br /> , '1lustor.
<br /> rpaga 3 0:ol
<br /> � o�esaean�ers SYsscm+.me..st.e�a.ax c�.soaas7.sse+�wm ae-or�e ,om�s� — �,-
<br /> „ �
<br /> . i �,
<br />:� . .. . �'� e�� � . .
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