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<br /> B.All ti�ture advances from Heneficiary to Trustor or other fi►ture obligations of Tn�swt to HeaeSctary uader any .,,���,u,,p
<br /> p���o aote,contract�guaranty,or other evidence of debt executed by Tzustor in favor of Beaeflciary executed ..,;�z���._r;-
<br /> - after chisrySccurity Instrument v�hether or not this Security Instnunent is speciHcally referenced. If mare then one ... .. .
<br /> � person aigna this Security Insaument, each 'fr,�swr agrees that thia Security lastnuuent wlll sccurc all f�ture
<br /> advances end thture obligations that are given ta or incurred by any one or more Trustor.��Ym�t even t�hou�.�h a�lrl "rs''��'�'-=
<br /> and others. All future advances aad other fut�re obligatIons are secured by thia Seturltp • = >.•-
<br /> . , ur part may not yet be a nt.�N�othin uin thims S�u�rity In�sav�m�eart s�ha�U c�onstlt�ute a�mmi�m�ae�nt o;make addit�on�ald oi �,��!a�?�'-
<br /> ' of thia Secur[ty Insuvme 8 n I �'�r,�'T,.�-
<br /> -." future loans or advances in any amount.Any such commitmeat must be a$reed w�a s separat�writiag ,. ._�•:'..
<br /> "�� • C.All obli�ationa Tcustor owes to Beneficiary,which may later arlse.w the eateat not prohlbitb tby-law��o��Sa �,:�_r;,__•
<br /> -'^� but not limited w. liabilities for avecdraRs reladag to any deposit account agreemen _�,,,_�-
<br /> BeneSciary. p ,__-___...
<br /> D.All addidonal swios advanceci aad e enses incurred by Beneficiary f incumed by Ben�eSciazY underethe tcrms of�tht�s ..`'-�_�=
<br /> the Property a3d its value and any a�er sums advanc�d aad expenses -
<br /> Secttrity Iasmument• -`�``�.--
<br /> . , # '�i$ Securlty Insuument wlll nat securc anY other debt if Beneflciary fails to �Ive aay rec(uired notice of the right of i�[�;��_'_
<br /> i reactssian.
<br /> ., .. ', S. PAYINENTS.'IYvstor agrees that Nl p uacler the Securcd Qebt wiU be paid whc+n due aad in accoidance with the �--.
<br /> ,. Y,� teims of the 3ecured Debt aad this S�Insaument. -====-
<br /> 6. WAR�YAN'TY OF T1TLE. Tmstor aarrm►ts that Tnistor is or will be lawfully seized o�e�estat�tnalth pow�of �" "r"`
<br /> S�u�ity Instrument and has the rigt►t to irtevocably great.convey,aad sell the Property �.r�_�y__
<br />' ��,i;.",� � sale.Truscor also warrants tliat the PropertY ia uaencumbered�excePt for encumbrances of secord.
<br /> , ;, ent or other lien ; -.�
<br /> '4;r�'��''�' 7. PRIOR SECURPl7t BV'T�RE�I'�•With regatd to aay other morcSege,dezd of trust� securltY agreem _ - -
<br /> ,,.� --
<br /> docwneat that created a prior securltY interesc or eacumbrance on thepioperty.Trnswr a$rees: �
<br /> A.To make all payments ahea due and to perform or oomply with aU covenents. _
<br /> y�� B.To pmm��tly dellver to Beneficiary any nodces tLat Truator receives from the holder. �
<br /> �" C.Not to ellow any modification or extension of, nor to ��y ���v���� �y note or agreem�nt ---
<br /> ;' , �by the lien document without B�eficiaiY's Prior tten oonsent.
<br /> t } ., ., ., w� eccumbraaces,lesse paymeate.Bround r�ts.
<br />� l�, 8. CLA1M�Ab6.�iSTi'YTiT�.�.'i'rusiar ufil Fs, �w d�.�Beae�ficiarY maY uire ituswr oo p�vvi�ta��n:.ftci�ry' -
<br /> . utilitles.and other charges reladng w the FropeciY ts evideac 'lYvsto�r e payme�t.'['iustor w111 defend title w
<br /> • copies of all notices that such amounts are due und the receip �B ymt Tcustor agrees to assign w
<br /> the ag�inst an claims that would impair the lien of this Security Inst�umen• arties who supplyla6ar
<br /> � ,., " Beae .asn��by Bene�iclazY anY���.claims or defenses Tn�stor maY ha�'e aBainst P -
<br /> `���`� � or s w or uupmve the�roperty.
<br /> ;,�:':,,.
<br /> ,��.:., . ' declare the entire balaace of the Secvred Debt to
<br /> 9. DUE ON SAd.E OR EPTCiJMBRANCE.BeaeSciary may,at ita option,
<br />_ , : :4�';! . be imm�liately due and payable upon the creadon of,or conuact�or�ef�l�aar(12�F R S9�) raace i�aa�afer,�t
<br /> � , , sale of the Property.This rl�ht is subject to the resuicdons imposed Y app
<br /> � '':�;:"� covenaat shall :ua wiW ttie Property and shall remaia ia effer�until the Secured Debt is paid in full,and thia Security
<br /> r-,. � "''''i^ �Cili 18 I�P�S�.
<br /> _- ,�,;;�;'� � ia$wd ooAdition
<br /> :; :, 10. PROPERTY COI�IDITION. Ai.TERATIONS AND���r s�not�'�'OOmmit or allowe any w�aste. �P�t•the
<br />_' _�_`;-'".,a and make all sira that are reasonabiy neces.sary
<br />�`'':� . ���k?= deterioration of�e Pro�rty Tivswr will keep the Property free of noxious weeds aad gcas.�es. Tn�stor aSrees
<br />'.`.":.•. natum of the occuPancY-and use wW not substantiallY chan8e without Benefi 's prlor wrluen consent. Trustor wW noi
<br /> ..,.,,.,.,.: ��iarY�e prior wtluen oonseat.Ttustor wIU
<br />;^��<�. ,.:,. . permit any chenge iaa�r license.resu�icdve covenalnt�or.easea��o��,I,rustor. and of any loss or damsSe w the
<br /> �:K,°.A?,,;.r��,� aotity geneficiary of all deman.ds. Proc�tngs�
<br /> -:�-,�:>:,'_� • PropertY•
<br /> .,�,���;,�t,�;�. . -
<br />-� . .. g�eS��cl��or�eneflciarY e ents may,at Beaeficia�r's option:enter�t►e PropertY at anY r�aable time for the uepose
<br /> - ` :..;-. � an �eSciary shtill gtve Tmstor nottce a2 the tIme of or before an ins�on s1�� a
<br />_�.�'� �;,:i:� of the Prog�cty. . shall be entirelY for Bene ciarY's 1 ae and -
<br /> °r.-=��,� icasouabte�uxpose for the m�ion. Any, insPection of the PropertY F�_
<br /> `'�L-'``�`-=--v- Trusiox wiu La no tt'�r Y °, s�-'�'�`"�� �._
<br /> -_,>:,� . tr! �a Scl..r' _
<br /> __��.;i. .
<br /> - .:.i:-. 11. AZTI'HORI'1'Y TO PERFORM.If Truator fails w P oi�e th m w bey of om�T�rns r��ints Beae&c��
<br /> z.:,:-s...� �t, BenefidaTY maY,without notice, Perfo�m f��rmance. Beaefia1arY s r18ht m P�rfoim�for
<br /> �'.,�..• y'��::.- attomey in fact to sign Truswr's naa�e or pay aay amount a�sary
<br />=•�., �.�., Tcustor shali not create an obligadon to pertbrm,end Beneficiary's failuce���n�npstt�u�oa o the�from
<br /> l_..�rw.s�q•,?�" CX ganY o f B e a e f 1 c i a r Y's other rl g h t s under the law or thts Secun�i' take all steps nenessary to Pro t e d g
<br /> — " 18 d3�AtIIIt10d Of II02 C31lied OII 3n S I�C8SOri8ble IIlalplCis BCIICftC18IY II1�Y
<br /> - �. �'`: ' secudty iaterest in the Propen9+inclttding complettea of the construchoa. --
<br /> j � � 12. ASSIGNIVIENT OF LEASES AND RENI'S•T�:..°'w':i.�ocab�y grants, oonveys and sells to Trustee, ln uust for the r
<br /> p� title and inierest in and to any and all existin8 or futune leases.
<br /> �, benefit of Heaeficiary.as additional seauity aU theta�oi•the use and oxUPaacy of aay rtion of the PropertY,Incladin8 -
<br /> subleases.and any other wriKea or vetbal aBreemen. ts sU tef�w as"L.eases")and mnts.issues ---
<br /> � � `'': �r. any extenslons renewals,modiflcations or subsfltuttons of such �a��(eficiary with uue aad corn�ct copies of all �.-.-=
<br /> ' }- and rofits(al� referred to as Rents ). Trustor will prompclY p =a----,
<br />� :;t�.' , �
<br /> T . ��o���ty .T�usWr a�ay collect.receive, enjoy and ose the Rents so long as Ttustor is not in default tmder _�`__
<br /> the terms Iosuument.� a,:i��
<br /> � T�ustor aclmowledges t}wt this assigament is perfected u�on the cecoiding of this Dced of Tcast and that Beneficiary is "__
<br /> '' of Reata due or w t�eoome due to BeneficIarY. TcIowever �:_.�.:
<br /> _- _ _-- ---�- m�itled to IIotifY anY of Tcustor.s teunnts�to�ma�ke�ayme�ns�.nr..�r�r�nd Ttns�nr's tenants aad make demand that el{ --=
<br /> � B��j�ry agcees that oniy on aeiaui� wi,i �..r•a:, �-•», �p-,.:_
<br /> future Rents be�aid�irectly to Beaeficiary.On rPCeiving notIce of default,T:vecor will cndorse ead deliver m�semeu _ -
<br /> y .. � �y ayment of xents in 1`custor's possessioa and wiU receive any R�ts in tr�st for Beneficiazy and will��� �_<^�
<br /> pymen xs app
<br /> the Rents wtthaay other fi�nds. Any amouats cmIIected�1� Iaad�lo�te a t 1 w�Tcu�stor a��to maintaia and �,_,:
<br /> wanants that no default exists under the Leases or anY a�P �cable law. • ,`
<br /> -- . require any tenaat to comply with the terms of the Lxases and aPp ;`,;,
<br /> . ., , CONDOMIIVIIIMS' PLANIVE� UMT D�1�+0 Trustor'agtees w com�ly tviti� tlLe _
<br /> 13. Y.EA3EHOLDS; _
<br /> _ pY+ovisions of any tease if¢his Security��of Tn sto�r's�du�es u�ader e c��ov��.by-Ul�aws,or r�1a�Onsmnf�the
<br />- ° cp.oado�ininiucn�PI�tuni�elopnnent��� _ �.
<br /> . fpage 2 af 4l. ..
<br />� o., .
<br /> 01894(lankcn Sv�ma.ve..St.CiwO.MN It-800�991•23411 Form RE-0T�NH t0J27181
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