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<br /> .. Unless otherwise agceed ir►wdHng.011 insurance pr�eda eh�ll bQ nppiied to the cestomtion or rep�ir of che Prmperty or to _
<br /> � We Securod Qebt. whether or aot then due� at Beneficlary's option. My applicntton of prooeods to principal ehnit nat _
<br /> " extead or gastpoae the d��e dnte of the echednled ayrttent nor chnn e the nataunt of any pAyment.Any excess�vlll�e pr1d
<br /> w the arantor.If the Pro�ty iaacqu�ired by Beneficiary,TNStor's d t to any Insurnnce policies and raa.�s r�:ouiUW! �- °
<br /> fcom damage to the Pcoperty before the acquisit�on sball pass co Beae cinry to tlie eacent of the Secured�ebt im►nedlately �—
<br /> . hefore tt�e acquisitlon. �' -
<br /> K � � �[.,-:�-
<br /> �' �o pyAco��T�ury�fund�8 fo�r t�axNe.9Cand�u�rnn��in��sciow���`$sepurnte agreement,Truator will not be -
<br /> �-�-� ' l•._:
<br /> ..4Y��J y
<br /> �;...,,,�.� 21. F�ANCIAI.�II'�OI!'d'9 AN�AIDD!'d'aOP1l�E.�UNIEN'A'3.7Yustor wUl�provlde to Beneftciery upon r�quest� enY �:_
<br /> tor w si deliver. nn fite an
<br /> , ; tinanclal stutenaeut or infoimation BeneSclary may deem res+sonsbly aecessary.7�us eBrees ��p�����tor s =
<br /> additloac�l documemts or certificudons Wat Beneficit�y maY consider necessnry to pe�t'ect,wnt?nua. ,._
<br /> ' obligatioas uudet thia Securit3►Watrument and Beneficiary e Uen statua on the Prope�ty. :
<br /> ' xt. d��.VT AND II�IVIDUAL LIABII.LTlf•CQ-3IQiNFItS,SUCCESSORS AN41 A�IIQiFIS BC�i1ND. All dudes under
<br /> ,�;;�: thls Securlcy Insuument are joiat aad indiv�dusl.If'fcustor sigas thts Securiry Instnament but does not sign az► e�0eb ce�t d
<br /> � � debt, Tcustor does so only to mortgage Tcustor's ipterest in the Pmperty to secure payment of the Secured
<br /> „ �` 'hustor does aot agree w ye petsonally ilable on the Sec�u+ed Debt.If this 5ecud Instrument secures d Susua►nty betw'een —
<br /> .�: ��,���pf,�rsgcc�s to r�ive ri�Dts th�i m�Y p�t��flnm brl�n8 anY�ton or alaim .
<br /> against Tmsior or any party indebted under th�bTl�oa. 'tt�.ese dghts may inc ude� but are aat Wuud to. �y —
<br /> s �
<br /> � anti-deacie�y or ono-ac�on lawa. 1Y�s�r a�e�ths� fiCiary and attY Party to this Security Instrumeut uiay exteaa,
<br /> � m�y�o�r�make sny c�ange in the tetms of this Sep�rity Ins�v�nt or any ev�Qenae of debt witl�o� '��s��
<br /> .. I�ns�u�w�t sbaU�bind aad beneGi�e�r�nPSmso�rs�assi�gf ns�ot"i��aad������d ���of tlil�S�riry - -
<br /> � ' 23. APPLICABLE LAW SEVERABILITY;INT ERPREPATION.'i]�is Secudty Instiument is govemed by the laws oY the .
<br /> ':;�` jurisdiction in which�enefidary is located,excePt w the exteat othawise required by�the laws oi the��� m�a�y no�
<br /> ....•',:,�`•: the Pro is located.11tis Secudty�asuunsent is�p lete and iltlly integiate�t.'[hie Secur[tY
<br /> �e or modified by oml agreemeat.Any sectioa ia tfiis SECUrity at�hmeats.or a�aSre�e relatefl w
<br /> ,<.::=• ot lledlype�mirstha
<br /> � � the Seau�ed Debt that contLtcts with applit�ble law wlll uot be effecSve.uniess law e��ess1Y �P Pe
<br />__ .,.,i . varlatlons by wtitten a�.If aay s�ction of this Securl InsStuatent canaeL be enfo�ed Ect�otdiag to its terms,tivt
<br /> - •. , section will be severed and wW aoi aflF�ect the enfozceabllity o�the r€mainder h�6f th�ns oft�hl.svS�ecud �
<br /> _ - - ���tar r,hall include the plural and the Plw�al the dagvlar.'Ihe cagdus -��tiu t�af��i^-�
<br /> . � Instnurent are for oonvenience only and are aot to be osed to in�ecpra
<br /> 1t, � T1me is of the e�seace in Wis�rity Tnstn�en�
<br />-�:r."�.;'� 24. SUCCES�01�TItUSTEE. Beneflciary, at BeneSdary's�optton. mF►Y from tlme w dme remove Tcustee and appoint a
<br /> `°_t.��,:; �coessorWstee�thoutan �f���Y�weand�duties�oo�� �by��ur�'itY �lnsun�r.afl
<br /> -� �..:is..�r appl�e al w.
<br />.,.'i��� .,,
<br />'`�"�`� '., law aiy notice shall be�iven bY dralve�aag it or by��zt by�st class mail
<br /> :,^�>�;;:��. ?a�.NOTICE.UWess othetarise required bY i f Tns�n�mea or w�my other address designated ia wrlting.
<br />-._ -+��:-, w the approprtatep�y's add�ess on page o this Securlty t,
<br /> ---_ �:�:W� Noiice w ane tcustor_ w3U be deemed w be aoflce to all uustors.
<br />- W y:`� Z6. WAIVF•RS. Exo�t to the extent pmhibited by 1aw.Trnstor waives all appraisemcnt aad homestead exemption ttghts
<br /> =--�,y,�� tr,lating w tLe Property.
<br /> _,•=�,�`�p�� Z9.OTHER'�ERM3.If checked.the followtng are applicable w this Securlty 1asu�moent:
<br />. . y-^.�.LT�1111
<br /> ❑Line oi CnedlQ'Ihe Secaued DEbt includes a revolving liae of credlt pmvislon.Although she 5ecurea D�bt m�►Y be
<br /> ---_--- --= reduoed to a zero balance.tlils Sesudty Instivmeat wUl r�oa9a in effeex wutl releasea.
<br /> ----- Q Coa�nxtton Loan.'I1�is Sec,�BiYy Insuvmc�t sowres an obligation incarced f�or the eenst�cdon of aa impruv�t
<br /> ��. --- _-- on the Prcpeaty.
<br /> --__-- � ❑p��iiin8•'l�uswr�to Beaxficiary n sBwcity inoerest in till gaoifs thut Graator own�now oi in the fuwte
<br /> gao
<br /> = �''--� � LLat PtL aT v1i11 hECJ�C � i+P.12R8d t0 Y11B P[OpCtLY. 'ILIS SCCATILS► IOSLi11D�L Al� 85 g �B
<br /> -�.x��ow Sfg�L ' jiL.i�fi'+$��j'++►�G 8a G►'�Q.^°.y^.'Y:.'li:�i^..T."1O�°�^f rw��rl fi}�t�n�.mnc�a of A►itlCle 9 Of t�lE
<br /> ---- �u nuji uu'�II. �
<br /> --_-_"--' Unifo�Co�n�ial Code.
<br /> _—�_,=`�= �Riders.'The oovwaats and agie�eats of ear]�of t�e ddeis cttecked below are 1�eoiporatad ir�and supPlea�eat ujd
<br /> --_� amend the te�s of tLis Seauiry Inst�unment.[C�eck all applicable boxes]
<br /> - - -----
<br /> --'�"-:��'� �Cmtdom�nium Rider ' Developme�ut Ri�eer Other.................._............._.................
<br /> _ ,� �Planned Uait
<br />— --- --T?`��1 �Ad�ttaaal Tesm9.If fnstallment pa�t is mt paid�y tt�e d�e date, tbe,bartk
<br /> 1T �� � �un�1�� rate gqu�]. t,o post c�atuocitY z�te aai the�
<br /> `�r— ���e tr�e loan � an a curz+ent status.
<br /> •��.R�:+;�::
<br /> -= -:.,�:.�%
<br /> -- _-.`�_.- �� .
<br />_=_::-,�,,._,
<br /> =r:• .
<br />�:}:'��'_'. S3GNATSIRFS:By sigaing below,ltustor agrees to the tetms sud cov�aats coataiaed in this Securlry Ins�u�at and in aay -
<br /> - a�ae3�meuts.Tcustar also aclmowiedges reaeiPt of a caP3►of this Sewrtty Insu��n the date sfa�ed oa�gee 1.
<br /> ..� .-� �,
<br /> :. ..�*- i�' �:.,lr: . .,A►�.. ...........����Q. .. ... . .............................._............._..........��.
<br /> �-- -- t3ignanuo) ' � I;� � N�) (sigaanuo).
<br /> t
<br /> � ' A�OWLEID�I1�NTs
<br /> ,. ...............}ss. _
<br /> ' ST'ATB OF�4�..................................COUN'I'Y OF�Tt.............................
<br /> ' �D 'it�is i�nstcu/mTea�t wTa-{s ackiaowledg+ed bTe�f�oreym� erytGh.�is�...T...�,�it�'A......day of..........�!�1�..�.9�...................
<br /> �' " by �ifhfi'+. ..1fr..h'J�t..#?.$++^7'M�t.6tRY�:wr......................................................................... .
<br /> My wmmisslon eapires: �..
<br /> ' ., .............. . ...... �,Amt�e) " ........................
<br /> . m�esa eanse�sYaaN.Ne..st.awa Nuu a�sooss�-ssa�� w,,,ac�orr� ,omrr� lps9e 4 0!4)
<br /> �K��r�{�
<br /> •. d.AR�0:8METH��
<br /> . ' - �r�lYO.� a '/ '�i , e.a,- �.i
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