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<br /> . , . . `'�t:�r;;.
<br /> ;t
<br /> � . •. , . -•----.._._.
<br /> --�--�--•------- - .___...... _.. ... ._.---•_—•_--- f „
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<br /> ° • 1 .-+ .
<br /> -, . . � � � . � 99� �,�►�s� .
<br /> 14. D� �AUL'Y'.Trustor will be in default if suy party obligated on the Settued Dsbt falls eo make payment when due.Trustor
<br /> will be ia default if a breach occurs under the terms of tttis Security u►strument or aay other docummc executed for the :.�;x�t
<br /> purpose of ereatln .securinB or Sua��anty�g�e S��pebt. A good faith belief by Beneflciary that Bene�iciar,yr at aay .
<br /> , � th�ve alue�re Property!s�ia�Paic� Sh�l also coastitutei an e�+ent o def��uli�Debt or that the pmspcxt�f any payment or
<br /> • ,,:�::
<br /> iS. 1tEMEDaEB ON D�FATJLT. Ia some instances. federal and aWte law wlll requlre Beneticlary to provi�e Trustor with ,.,.�.i
<br /> EB
<br /> aotice of the right to cure or other nodces aad maY establ�sh time schedules for foreclosure actioas. 51�b�t to these �1T�.
<br /> m
<br /> �' �`�J Ip vld�by law if=Trustor 1g i�n defautt�l�� �e S�ure� Debt and foreclose this Securlty Iastnunent a manner
<br /> p �,',`'
<br /> � At the option of Beneficiary, a11� i�v3ng notice i� requfit�+ed by law,upon the�oaurreace ofpa�deifaultho 1 abn�yiimme �R,�
<br /> imm�ately due and payable� g
<br /> ,� the�after. In addition. BeneRciary shall be eaititled to aU the remedies pmvided by law, the terms of the Secured Debt; �.y:_
<br /> ` this S�rity Inspuanent aad any related documsr�ts,including without limitetion. the power to sell the Property. �,�
<br /> ' : If there is a default,Trustee shaU, in additlon to any other perniitted remedy.�t t6erequest of the Beaeficiary. advertise L,:��=
<br /> .t and seu th�pmperty es a whole or in separate parcels at Public sucti°°t°the hfg,�at bidder for cash end convey absolute ,�.,�
<br /> t title free aad clear of all right,dde and interest of Tr�stor at suctt time und place as T�ustee desigaates. Trustee shall give
<br /> ` = s nodce of sate including the time,terms and place of sale aad a description of the property to be sdd as required bY the •; ,__
<br /> ' � applicable faw ia effect at the dme of the proposed sale. �+e.;°-
<br /> � �:_-,
<br /> Upon sale of the pmperty and to the extent not prohibited by law Tr�stee shall make and deliver a deed co the Property � .'
<br /> sold which conveys absolute dtle W the purchaser, and aRer �gt paying ail feea, charges and coste. shall pay to
<br /> � 11 assess�nems and p�ior encumbrances ead interESt ---
<br /> „ ' :� Bensficiary aU moneys advanced for repaire. taues, inauraace. ens. �e �lus. if any� to Trustor.BeneSciary may �_
<br /> thereon, and the principal aad iaterest on the Secured Debt. Paying �..'
<br /> � '�� � purchase the PrnpeztY.The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the fads set forrh therein. � _
<br /> , t� p���{���stinct.cumuladve end not exclusive,and the Benefic�ry is �►dtled to e11 remedies meide�l at law or �r
<br /> ¢quity,v�rDether or not expt�esslY
<br /> set forth.'Ihe axeptance by BeneficIary of any ewa in payment or pere�al payment ou the
<br /> S�red Debt aftet the balance is due o:is aocelerated or after foroclosuse prooe�nge ace 8 ed sha11 noton Trustor's
<br /> �� waiver of Be�eSciaty'��twaiv�e�e c�ary'�s rigbt t f la�zer c�ansider the e ea a default f�i��.oa�tinues or Riappens aSaiu.
<br /> defal�lt�Ben �'Y d
<br /> ' 16. EXI°EN9L3; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATloiti��8'� i�'EEaTsi�tar breaches a�ny co�enant�in thi�s 3ecudry ,
<br /> rop �ibitedGb iaw.TYustar agcees w pay ell of Beaeficiary's expens
<br /> Instiumea ��r��SO PaY on demand any�amount incurced by B�efici�ary fo��a,t���•����°e
<br />- ethenvise pro�the PropertY and Beaeficiary s securlry interest.Th in
<br />- payment until paid fiill at the highest interest rate in effect as provtded in the tams of the Secured Drbt. T1usWr a�rees --
<br />' :;`��: to p all costs aad expenses iacutred b Beneflciary in colrecting, euforcing or proteetiag Beneficlury's rights aad
<br /> � �es uader this Securiry Insuu�nt•��am shaU r a�sin in�effect untill rel�ed.Tn�stoi 8,agr�es to p.aY f r�Y
<br /> . . a t her le�u l e x�e n s�. T 4�s S e c u r i t y !!�
<br /> : � recotdation cests of such release. —
<br />. .. 19. ErT�ilRONMENTAL LAWS AND I�AZA1tDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used ia this sec�ion, (I)Bnvironniental Law
<br /> r�reans, without limitation. the ComPrehensive Environmea►tal Response�C°mpeosadoa and Liabilky A�(C�Cg,�42
<br /> ire
<br /> - � U.S.C. 9601 et seq.).and all other federal. state and local laws. reguladons, ordinances.coutt ordess,
<br />--"'�`;`::`.� � " opinions or intecpretive letcers coacemtng the public health.eafetY.welfere.environmenllutant o���liwnt w�ich �hes
<br /> ,-5.,.•�!.G'�,,(bY' po
<br />_ - .,,r. . Hazardous Sabstance rueans any toxic, radioactive or hazazdous e'roWUS�to'the public health. safety, welfare or
<br />-;s,"'�,•.� , characte�istics which reader the substance dangemus or potentlailY dang
<br />-�-;;�``'`=•r_ environn�ent.The term includes. without limitation, any substauces de8ned as'hazerdous snatesial�" 'toxic substances,°
<br />-��s�':,:�r• "hazardons waste"or"hazardous substance"under any Envlmnmental Law.
<br /> ��';A:i:%��.;.�;�°
<br />_;r'�;,'`,;>>.:•�, TYustor npreseats.warrants and Qgrees thet: _
<br /> ,=:-fr:,:.�.. ' ' A.Eaccept as previously dlsclosed aad ackuowledged in wrlting to Beneflciary. no Hazardous 51�bstance is or will be
<br />�.�;-• �r-` located.stored or releasad on or in the Pmpercy. 'IZ►is restriction dces not apply w smaYl quanddes of Nazandaus --
<br /> .�...._ ��,�s tRncea t h a t a r e g e n e rntt y remeni�ed to be ap ropdate for the nornoal use and maiatenaaceof the ProPertY• . -
<br /> " '�.�� �.^---i�g�'.qa�y;:y d���u��wlel!�in wei gw BeaeficiatY�TcasWr an d ev�p tenan L l e a:�e b E:a�ar,�, �_-_
<br /> 'T ' aa�d�remain ia full compliance wlth anyappllcable Bnvimnn�ental Law.
<br />�.:..' . ao B�efi�r if a release or threateued release of a H�aYdons S�bstance oxurs on,
<br /> ��;�:� C.TrasWr shall immediatelY or�there is a violation of any Environmeniai Law concerning the Pmp�tY. In such an —
<br />�,:���:' :s . uader ot about the PtopertY
<br /> event,Tcusror shall take all necessary re�lial actton in accordance with rmy Envlronmental Law.
<br />-�.���:- D.Tins2or shall immediately aotify BeneRciary ia wrltin�a9 sooa�eT�t�se or threatened �rekase oef any Ha��da�i�s
<br />-�_'-`"" : . � , or tl�re�tened iaveatigat[oa. claim, or P�� reIating
<br /> f�'� :.
<br /> . _ � Substaaae or the vtolation of any Environmentall.aw.
<br />-` � 18. CONDL+MNA'1'dOleT.Tmstor aill give BeueSciary proa�pt nodce of any pendinn8 or t6reatened acdoa.by private or ublic ---
<br />-� .. �;.� eattdes to purcha�se or take any or all of the Property i�n enh o f t h e�ve�i l e s a l b�ecdons'or clslms�'nrustor assigas tor _
<br /> � ; a.uthorazes Benenciary w intervene in Trustor's naane Y
<br />-" a ; .,; BeaeScIacyr the pru�da of any award or claim for damages co �and will�appUedna�srpro ded�g�3�ulty �—
<br /> , art of the Pro»ert3► S�ch ProceeQ$ shall be considered paym t or —
<br />: , ' ��t.'�is assignmeat of proaeds is subjec:t w the tenms of any pdor matgage.daed of trun, securlty a�ne� �,.
<br /> _ • other liea documeent. '
<br /> ��-�-:
<br />- . 19. INSURANCE.Tcuswr shall keeP ProPertY insu���loss by fite.flood.theR aad other haaa�ds and rislc.g ceasonably �•_. :
<br />-. associated with the PropertY due to its type aad location. 'Ihis insuranoe shall be maintained in the emaunts and for tho [_
<br /> ---------�j� ...,--- � �n.o :.,�...�„r,• c�rries moviclina the insnrauoe ahaU be chosea by Trustor subject w �
<br /> _,�_, [�:
<br /> penons wa��scncucia.y . �.....�. ..._ ..�__-- -
<br />_- , Benetaciary'sappro val, wh�ch shall aot be unreasonably withheld. If Tn�star fails to matntain tne covera�c a�3i;uuw
<br /> 3 . above,BeneBclary may, at Beneflciary's option,obtaia ooverage to pmtect Benefictary's sights in the Pa+ope�ty accotdin8 .
<br /> - � to the terms of this Securlty Inst�vment.
<br /> policies and reaeevals shall beac�pta�b�le w Beneficiary and small iactude a standard"snortgage clause"and,
<br /> wrh�e�cable, "loss pay�e�e clause."Tmstor sha11 im:nediately no�fy IIeneficiary�of caacelladoa or termina�ol$�
<br /> •. � . insurance. Beaeflciary shatl have the rlght to hold the polictes and renewals. If BeaeRc�ary requtres.
<br /> �ive m Beueticia�y all c�e�ipts of pa�d prEnn1ums ai►d reaewal nodoes. Upon ioss,Truator shall give
<br /> . �no7ce to We iasvrance curier aad Beaetidary.BeaeSciary�nay mate proof of loss�f not made immediately by
<br /> _ ' Trustor•
<br /> „ fpsge 3 oF 41
<br /> mtggq gyycen Syatem�•tne..St Claud.MN f 1�80D397•49411�RfrDT�NE tOf27187 �.
<br /> 6 ' �
<br /> � . •i L �s+. ��,a �l.
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