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. .g•"���" ' .YC'r�� .. .•.r,i,' � 7- .1��IYi�1l7.�`�i7i�..1+c:z��t�,�:i5ti;::: .>r ., r.. y�}� 1 ..i/%{.E,;7"jM.���•''t[,!„°' <br /> . �`4 R .t�'e�- ;i,r rr�;.r, <br /> . * . �. ;�(:S� <br /> , " ;:rr�-�„ .. - ., i�.,;�,�. �;l` - . ��..'.•; <br /> L� ',"L'; ' . <br /> w,` <br /> ,1 �r�4{ <br /> sqwti ., <br /> � ,. . �, <br /> � ; . ' n . <br /> �i.,.6�C1[� . , . <br /> -' � ,�. _. . ° ,. <br /> � , , , . ,::�- <br /> _ _._r.,.._- , . „ ..-•---••--- �� . __....____—_.____... ._ <br /> � � T '� '�11YM'!�lN:y:C,r .• """""'_' <br /> .-..:... -.__"...��.._....._. �__._....._". <br /> " E .:_..._�.__'__"_'_..a'_...._.._.._.' ._._......�.�..._._._�_-�-�--- <br /> l`._ <br /> „ �.. <br /> i <br /> � �g' �o�� �, <br /> � ��' Ualess otheiwise agreEd 1n writin��e�1 insurencc pros�e ahali be applied to the reswratian or repair of the Pnperty or to 0 <br /> We Sscured Debt. whether or aot then due. at Beneficiary's optioA. Aay applicution ot pmceed+to priaoiP81 shali not � <br /> - � �` extend or pc,stpone thc duc date of the scheduled paym�t nor chan�e the nmount of aay payment.Any excesa wiU b�puid �°.,_ <br /> ,. r to the�ranwr.If the Property Isac�uired by Beaeficiary.Trustar e ri t to any insurt►nce o11Mea and ro�eds eesuidr►g e•-.._ <br /> � � f r o m d a m p$e w t he Pro p e rt y befare the acquiaition sheU pasa to Bene ciary to Q►e extent o�We Saured�ebt immedlately �� <br /> `," before the acquisition. ��" <br /> y a0. ESCR�W FOR TAXES AND IN3U1dANCE• Unless otheruvise pmvided in a separate�8reetnent, Tcustor wdU not he _ <br /> � ;�) �quked to pay ta Beneficiary Funds for texes aad iasurance in es�row• <br /> -��q� 21. F�VAIVCYAY.itE�DR'1'6 A1QD A�DITdONAE.DOCiJ1Vfl�NTlS.Trustor will pmvide te�to sl��d Ii�n request.anY �. <br /> �. �b fiaandal atate�at er information Beneficiary znay dcem reasonably neceseary.TYustor , ver.and file any <br /> . . a d d i do n e l davmeata or ceartifications tbat Beneticiary ma�r consider ne�ssery w Perfect�continue�and presenre(irentor a <br /> '. . . c obllgations�mder this�ecurltY Iastnuneat aa d Hene Rc iary s l i e n s t a t u s o n t h e P r o p e rt y. <br /> 22.JOIlV�AND Il�TDIVmUA�L�ABIIITY C4SIGNLASi SUCCE&SOItS AND ASSIGNB HOUIVD. All dutles uader _ <br /> this S e c u t lty l n s t c u m e n t ere jo i n t a n d i n d i�d u a l.I f T r u s t o r s i�n s t h i s S e c v r t t y I n sECUment t:ut does aot ai g n e n�D e�b t an d <br /> debt, Tmstur daes so only to mortgage Tniswr's interest ia the Property w secure payment aE the�e c u re d <br /> � 'I'r��stoP d a e s ao t�re s�t o b e p e r s o n a l l y l i a b le on�ke Secured Debt.If triis�curl Insuwnent s�ures a g�eraatY bet�'e� . <br /> '�'s Beueficiary and 1�ustor.Trustor ag�w waive any rlghts that may prevent Hene�ciary f r om b r in g i ng aay s c t i o n o r c l a i m _ <br /> . sgatnst Trustor or aa party lndebted uader the obl�Eation. These righta rnaY iaclude. but are not Wnited to, anY <br /> . anti.daf'iciency or one-acflon laws.Truswr agmss ihat Bene�iaary aad aayparty to this Secutlty Insuumeat may extead, <br /> modify or make any chaoge in the terms of this Securi Inauument or eny-evidence of debt without Trustor's consent. <br />.;`•;�_ . , Such a ge�w� jli not relbeneftt�th�auccessotis aad�asalgaso fsTn�isto�i a�ad Benefitciel�.e dutles and benefits of this Security <br /> Insmunen�t ahall bind and r <br /> „ - ,,:s.< . 23. pPPLICABL�E LAW SEVERABIidTY;II�'ERPRETATION.This Secwrity Insuument is goverced by the laws of the — <br /> . %i�,� uris8icdon in wbich��iciary is located�except w the exteat otherwise requirad by�the lawa of the jutlsdictton where <br /> ' '.�,'y�, ia located.This S�dty Insuumeni iscamplet�and fliUy[ncegrated. 'rnia Security Ynsuumeat n�ay not be <br /> ��}�� �e t An section in tbis Securi lasuvment any agc+�nt reletad w <br /> : ��: .• amend or modified by oral ags+e�men• y � unless t�at law e�ressly or impliedly pemiits the <br /> the S�cured Debt thas contlicts witU applicable law will not be e ve. <br /> vaai�tions by wrE�ten ageement. If any section uf this Instn�meat cannot be eafoxrxd acoot�dtn�w ita tErms�d�at -- <br /> ser�ifln�ill be s�vered and wlil not affect the enfomeabili�ry o�the zemainder of shis Security Tasuumen.Whenever used� <br /> � , s and the ural the sln,AU1ur.The captions and headfn8s of tha secdons of this Security r�:; <br />--- J±•` o��$utAt�salt i�l�de t2ss�+!� Pl `- <br /> ',. 1n�setzment are far wnvenience only aa�n w be used to mterpi+et or dei�e ific�,�s af th��us3f,I��. <br /> �„���;;;„� Titae a of the essence in thia Secur1t3+ <br /> -"zY�AY_°.i� �y <br /> _'_'.lr�'F�'�'�.: . thedes <br />'-R:�r,;��-.,r:;. 2 4. S[J�C E S S O R 7�H iUStT&E. Beneflciery, at Benefi 's opdon� maY from dme to dme remove�'tustce ancl a�l?oi�t a =- <br /> `_ :::«�•-..._' �sor uust���su�cceed co all th e�e p�ow a n d uties�er��upon eT�b th�is S�It�p Insunv�nt a m d <br /> �d_,.�Y <br />-=_�:iir.'r;f:". agPl�csb e 1aw. <br />. .•,,._�c._cr;;,;..; <br /> '>,,.:.� ZS. N�d`II�.Unless otheiaise requtred by aotice ahalt be vea by deliveriag it or by ms�liag it by&st�l�� <br /> "-��-:;�� .':�, � �' ,or to any other add�s desi�nated <br />-�.`." �`.�� to the aPP�l��e P�'s address on paSe 1 o this Secucity Ins�ruent <br />`ti`.-:`.°'._._._ Notice w oae tinnastor tse deemed to be notice to all austo�s. <br /> :,�.��aa;r,� <br /> _. '�;,� 26. WA�V�.t�. Ex�ept to the extent pmhibited by law, Trustor waives ell apprt�is�nent and homestead exemption ta <br /> °��:��:�� cels�ling�to the Property. <br /> =- dt�`� 27. O�t R T�RM3.If checked,the following are appllcable to this Security Insavm�t: <br /> -,-:.�ii�•�� � <br /> - _ ❑Line of Crcdit.'!he Stcurod Debt includes a revolving line of credit pmvision.Alffiough the Secured Debt may be <br /> _-_-_- mducred to a zem batance.this Security lnstniment witl remain in effect uatil released. ' <br /> -- - = Cl Coastn�etion Loan.'Ihis Secudt�►InsWment secures an obllgation incurc�ed for tl�e coasuuceioa of an impmvement ., <br /> v' qn the Pcoperty►• <br /> �l�� �I�xtin+e FI1in8.Tcuswr graats to�eenoScimrY a securlty interest in ali goods tiwt Grrentd:owns aow or!n the fuwre _ <br /> no <br /> - end t�e� ox� ur x*ill be�s� fs�!cps�r�tere� t� the Progsrty. 'ibis Securlt3'Insava�t suffices as a 5nane�ag <br /> __ :. <br /> - - - _ statement eAd au➢cm$oa.P�oto8r+�c ui vit�ei i�i�lu�vss stt�p�filed of�x+*_+�;weooses ot Art'tcle 9 ui�e <br /> `,�� Unifomn�ommercial Code. ta of e�acL of the rldecs cheeked below are ine�:porau�d iaw and snppi�nt and <br /> -:�=������ �]Rtde�.'I9te coveaants�md.a� , <br /> .-- <br /> -----.--- Tast�unmeM.[Check all applicable boAes] . <br /> ___...__.= . tunead the ternos of this SecurIry <br /> �':�.-�-�;���� ❑Coadominium Rider Cl Planned Unit Developmeat Itider ❑Other................................... ............ <br /> :;���;;��''� �Addition�aiTerms.If intta�llm�E+ntto�t � ���tY r�at ari���� ... �t . <br /> :,-��::� �r ��q� an in��:ne� l�ian i.$ in a curr�B�L•tas. <br /> ;�`�-W;�: • 1 -oan bal�"2m0� LIIlt <br /> ;:;,..;.: <br /> - :�;�` , <br /> -� :,:: :.i. <br /> :s,,`.:�.�..; �� , ' <br /> � • ". • SIGPIATURES:By s��belo�v.lyustor•ag�es w the terms aad oovtaants comained fn this Securit3►Insuuinent and ia aay <br /> �"� ��- attachments.ltustor also acknowledges�eceipt of a oopy of this Securiry Inst�unnent on the date stated on page 1. <br /> . ..:`,.�t <br /> _ � � // �� � � /l 0 .o J�l QQ <br /> �'. .:: -�-- � � <br /> : . .: � �o �,,,, � � v -. <br /> .. ��,�;:- � � ...........3..:�7��i' �S"'�"'� z��'� ..............��. <br /> , i i' . �J��� <br /> . , ; <br /> ACKBIOWLEDCIt�NT: COIJN'I'Y OF�PlT�e . ...........}ss. <br /> . ' STATB OF��?'JCs��.................................. ..�7. ........ . ..�,9$�................... <br /> ; � am� ���eat wss ar�atowledged before me this. of. . ��� ....... ........ . <br /> , ' by�.!7•..�.a�.�k�iX.�.:.. . .. . .� <br /> .. <br /> My commissloa eapirea: . <br /> ...... .. .. .......... . .. . . . ......... <br /> c1Vw�+r Pu Ib) <br /> � . � m19866an1crosSYttemx�^�.�C�MN It$00397•25411�REOT�NI tOrl7/87 <br /> 4 094) <br /> GEHERAlH01AA1'-St�IeotNeDrasta �' •9"�� � ,v' <br /> J05EPQ1 R.008ROYOLNY <br /> � Mlr Oonm.Esp SeP��1100Q <br /> : � <br /> ; - . <br />