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<br /> � 99• ���s� .f` J
<br /> B.All tLture advnnces feom Beneflciary w'I'n�stor or othcr ft�ture obliBationa of Truator to BeneSciary under any _ ,
<br /> promisso�y state�coauact, guarentY.or other evidence of debt execute�by Trustor ia favor of Beneticiury executed --- `y�
<br /> aRer th{B 8ecuriry Insaum�ut whether or not thia Secvrlry Iaewment ia apeclficelly referenced. If morc tban one
<br /> ty '
<br /> s�
<br /> � y�er,on �igas this Sec�edty In�tnxrr►ent, eacb "IYvstor aSrees �`t oaie or�rao�re Tn�isto�r anYione oT mor�e 1 nistor '��
<br /> .. adv�s+ad tl�ture obligations that ar�e given to or lacurred bY anY �.;::^,,;.:
<br /> and ochera. A11 future advances end other fuhue obligutioas are secured by this Security Inst�meut even though ell ^_
<br /> Q or psi�rt may not yet be adv��8 in th�ia�u�riry la�hi meeut eha�ll c�obinsdt�ute a commi�une�nt ainf na�lcedaddidonal�eor �-`.,
<br /> of ihis Se�urtty Insmuaent• �1'-�
<br /> . ti�ture loans or advances in any amount.Any such commitment raust be agreed to ia a separate writin . ��,,.
<br /> '" -�j, C.All obli�atioas Tzustor owes w Beneflciary.wbich may later arise.to the extent not proWbited by�aw�l�=d�Sa �=`-,�:�
<br /> ' liabilitiea for overdrafts relatiug to any deposit account aSreement betvveen �:.'.:.
<br /> " ' �„�r • but not limlted W� �.v=-
<br /> � Hene€cciary. e�cpens by p � g °--
<br /> : D.AU edditio�sdumi s�u���other�adva�nced aud eRexpenses ittcurred bY Beneficiary uad�t�he t�erm�s u�Wis �--
<br /> o . the Property _
<br /> Securiry Iasuument. -
<br />' � 'I�is gecutl,ty Insttument will not stcure any other debt if BeneRciary fails w give any required notice of the rIght of �
<br /> `'.� tl;
<br /> r�scission..
<br /> g, ppylyl�NTS,Trustor agre�that all Pay nts�nder the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance w�th the �___
<br /> � ` terms af the Sec�ued Debt and this SxurIty elnsteument. �---=-
<br /> � �•
<br /> � Pe. WARRANI'Y OF TITLE. Trustar warrants that Tn�stor is or wtll be lawfully seizecl o,���nwiih powerof -
<br /> Security Insu�nt and has the ri�htto I�revocably graut,convey.�f�en�cumbr�ces of re�ord. =_=__
<br /> � sele.Tcustor also warcbnts that the Pm�rertY is uaencumhered.exceP a t or other lien _
<br /> �° �. PBIOR SFCORPPY INTEREST3.With regard w any other mortgage�dced of nvst, secnrltp �
<br />' . docuaneat thet cteated a pti Ttustor a ees:
<br /> or securiry interest or encumbraace on the Property. t3�'
<br /> .' . ,�. A.To malce all payaoents whea due an@ to perEorm or comply with all wven�nts.
<br /> ' S.To pmmptly deliver to Benefldary any notices that Tcusror receives from the holdet.
<br /> C.Not to aUow any modiflc�lan or extension of. nor w any fi�ture ed�ances u�d� �Y note or agr�at
<br /> secured by the Iien document witiaout Beneflciary's prlor�consent. _
<br /> eacumbrances.lease paymente.Srnund�ta.
<br /> �: ' . 8. CLAIINiS AGAII�iST TiTLE.Tiustor wWpaY�whea due B�ene'hrcIatY muY�T�Truator to pmvide w I3eaeSelarY
<br /> -;�;:.� . s- udlities�and uitiei ch�rg� �e1s�St4 ii� �m�+?-*h► •
<br /> . ,.. copies of ell notices tb$t s�ch amouuts are due and the receiPts evidencinS'rneswr a payuieut.Tzu.�sar��ll w�ass[�tte�
<br /> {� BeeueflcCa °�a�t any ciaims ditat aould impair the lien of this Securlt Insuument. Tmsto�r a�gcehs �lylabor
<br /> � ry a�quested by BenefidarY enY dghts�claims or defenses Tcuetor may have against P
<br />� , '�
<br />�,.t t_ or noaterlfue to malntain or 3�aprove the�roparty.
<br /> ;; . t[6DSfCT'OY
<br />-:.M �. DiJ�ON SALE OIt�ICUMdRAN�E.Bcneflciacy may,
<br /> at its o tion,declat�e the endre balaaoe of the Secured DeSt to
<br />;,�::-E.,.:. .•.' be immaed3atelY due and gayable apoa the cr�ation of,or conuact�or the creatioa of. any flen�encumbtance,
<br />-`.:_�e,�: . .:-.. sele of the ProPertY.;fhis d t is subject to th�restricdons imposed,by federal law(12 C.F.R.591).asappIIcable.'1]�is
<br /> wvennnt shall run v�nth the�ropa�tY aad shall remaia in effect unul the Securcd Debt is paid in fiill az►d this SecurltY
<br />�.s-� I�m��nt is released.
<br />-",�.�M. ,: � � condiUon
<br /> w`,N+^�.}:T.....:i': . �p
<br />�i;;y,.. _�„ i�. ALTERATIONS AND��N not�manit or allo e�►Y T��sWr agrees��4� ar
<br /> PROPER�'Y CONDTI'dON, .
<br />-�:_�. :: �. and make all � � � �0��1y �• &�ee of noxious weeds aad gcasses.
<br />'�'.`L r?=, ��a�On of�e Tru�Or wW kcep the Ptoperty ,
<br /> e
<br /> Truuo
<br />�:�''::;:�•�., us$vuill not subs[antiaUY chanSe without Bene�i�1ary s prtor wrItten cons�.�r not
<br /> -° ,^�7 natuce of the oocuPffi��� �ve covenant or easement without Benet�derY�s prtor arltten consent.Trustor will
<br />;�,.�:�;.�,_ �� p�t�nY c�ange in any lio�se, s. claims, and actions against'lYus�r, and of any loss or da�Be w the
<br />__ _'__;._.���;�� notify BeneSclazY of ali demands�PmceedinS
<br /> � '�'� ��� + at an reasonable time fox the urpose
<br /> - -�e�.� g�eR�or Beneficiazy'sagents�may.at BeneBciary s optioa.enter the PropertY Y _
<br /> ._�.�._._.,,., B�ne�eiarS+ sha11 S�ve Tcustor noSce at the time of or before aa inspe�i�°;8 t �d �-�
<br /> =j�� of g the Prope�ty. on of the Property shall be entirely for Benefi _ --
<br /> nssonabYe pu�wsa foz t�e ins�x�on. Auy insPecti
<br /> -a-�--�� Tn,�r�wUr in no waY miY on SEneficiary's insPaction• __
<br /> ijW-'��'��`' il.AUTHORLTY TO P�'�RIVY.tf`3'tustor faile to�"ifarm snY d�t�'or any of the cov e u a u i s con i a t ti i e d i n t h i��' -_
<br />-�:�`��:�� wlttiout aotice, Perform or cause them to bey�rfo rmed. ►ruswr ��t�"m'for
<br /> _=`�-:g�3 Tnstrutneat, Beneftciaty maY. for perfOmosnce.BeaeBciary Sh �ftom
<br /> � attomey in fact w siga'IS�vstor's uaa�e or pay any amount ne�ssaiY �wW not proclude Bene
<br /> r�a� Trustor sha11 aot create an obligadon to m�,aad Beaeficiaty's failure�t.If any a�usuuctlon on the��
<br /> -- 's other�uader the law or this 5ec�ultY �e all stePs aecessar�► rotect Bea a�Y s -
<br /> -��F�� i��W��ueyd or�i�on in a reasoaable nnanner,Ben$ficia�Y maY 1O P
<br /> � socu�ity intereat in the Property,includin$comPletion of che oonsuuaton.
<br /> :`i J~r' '�-' t8. GDIIVCy►9�SCIIS LO ZYt]S�E. �II ttUSt f0!tI2C -
<br /> i�.AS3IGNMENT OF LEASFS AND RENTS.Tmstor irrevocably grsn or future leases. -
<br /> ' beaefit of BeaeficiaiY,as adait�ond securitY aU the rt�hi t�he eus�aad oxuPanc�y° a°Y�ffirtdion of�Property.iacluding
<br /> -. .�.� subleasea.aad any otha written or verbal a�nte fo ts aIt re�to as"Leases")aad rents,issuea
<br /> aay extensions reaewals,modiScatzons or sub�titutions of such �e��(efidary with uue and comect ies of all
<br /> ' y= ead� profite (al�referced w as 'Reats°). 'hustor wfll pmmptlY�Pd .--
<br /> �ng aad firture Leases.ltivstor aoaY oollect.re�Ve.�oY nse the Rents s�long as Tc�stor is aoi in de caader --
<br /> � the terms of this Seauits►Ias�u�• ----
<br /> . � the reoording of this Deed of 1Yvsc and that Benefidary is __
<br /> - Tn�sior acknowledges that tLis assi�nment P��� of Reats due or to become due to Beaefcciary. However _-_
<br /> J " ' eatttled w aotlfy asy of Trustor's tenants to makepaYmeat _;
<br /> . - _�_ Beaeficiar�►egre�that only on defm�l•t wW�BP.ne�fl�anY a°�nf�d�ulr ffi'I�ustor rwi11�a��nd d�el�vedr to�BeneB ar�y
<br /> .. _._ ��I �r � ._.tt�� Mo
<br /> - � :` fi�uue R�ts of R�t8�1r18tor�6 gosses'sion end will�rECeive any R�ts in wst for BeaenciffiY�w� .� =
<br /> any aymeat ap vided ia this Secudty to maimatn and �
<br /> - , .. + ��tbat�ao default exists uader ihe�L�ases oi��BPPlicable Ian�dlo:d/t��aat law.Tn�scor also a� �-.
<br />- '� . re�uirE any tenant to comply withthe teims of the L�eases and�plicable l�w. �:
<br /> PLAIQI�IED UN1T'mE�[.OPIIR�NTS. T:usior agrees to comply with the •_ • �,
<br /> 13.LEAS�SOLDSt ���MS' is on a leasehold.If the Property iacludes a imit ia a ooadominium or a ..
<br /> , pmvisions of any tease if d�i.s Sec+►d �(ns�a`t laws.or regulattons oY the
<br /> - . , planned unit developmeat,'�ru�r�P��all of'lYustor's duties under me covenants.bY- �
<br /> ''-� OoIIdonA3riI1uII oI plaIIUed U�t devClOpIDeIIt.
<br /> (PaBe 2 of 41 . ;-
<br />—. pt93a8a�aerabYatm��.�.6tCtouO.MN fl$OW97•Z33t1 famRE-0TdVE tOR7197 �,i
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