� _1T'[.i�N.. _ . . . . . . . }��YSi�(�'tl.i,:.,��.�_ , _.. '
<br /> `�: '.:r _ .. . F , q'rv�t�Q-.
<br /> _. ,.;l • . . ' t .. . :a�-'
<br /> f� .�4.� . . " , I.. .... ....�v�J.. ..,......«i .e ... _' ,�
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<br /> � .:r,�rt�i5T1,y.,.. . . ' . . - .. , . . , . . -- ... -
<br /> _ -. . H[ ..yrurl�r-. . • .i ......ytiw..,,�ti;...s'q,v,lir�wVvw- . .,-�. ,�..,�.6nr..... . .,r..r"l.µ.-r�..`cW�'"jp"'
<br /> ` �� ..��•; J. . �--_.._...._�..____�._ ----`---- ----_�_.._._�.._...._ --���.T:
<br /> �. w�. ` �'.:
<br /> � I ,, 7.�pmtett�lon �i I�nder'a Righfa in tho��oports+. !f Borrower 1al�s to pedorm the covenants and agroem�ntu t �
<br /> • contulned in thls Szcudry�nntrument,or thore is u Ie$al proceeding that moy slgr.Ul:antiy afteci Lender's dghts in tha Propaty(such as
<br /> ' o procnoding in bankruptay,probate,for condemnntton or todelttire or to ontorco luws or regulaUons),theu►Lender may do and pay for !•;_-
<br /> whatc►vet Is �ocessnry t�Qarotoet the vatue of the Property and Lender's dphts In the Property. Lender's acUona may indudo paying C �-
<br /> ^ nny suma aecurQd by e 7en whlch has pdodly over this Secualty lnstrumont,uppendng tn court, peying reasonabte attomoy's tooa nnd � �,
<br /> entedng on the Propertyto malce repatra. Nihough Lender muy tnke acUon under this paragraph 7,lender does not ha y to do so. � p ��-
<br /> ��,�' Any emounle disbursad by Lender under this peragraph 1 stali become addittonat debt of Bortower secured b this 8ocuri
<br /> Insirument. UnSess 8arower nnd Lender agree to other terms of payment, theso amounta s ha l l b e a r i n t e rest trom tho duto of � �. :
<br /> . �, disburaement at tho Nolo rate and ahaU be payable,wNh tnterest,upon notico from Lender to 8urrower�equo�Ung puyment �_-�
<br /> ,,;.� 8.Molt9�80 �il8tafaRCe. B Lender requlred mortgage Insurance ao e condiUon of making the loan secured by this Secudty � �
<br /> �natrument, BoRe�ver ahall pay the premtums requlred to malMeln the moR�ago insurance in efPed if,tor any reason,tho mortgage A
<br /> `'��� Msutence corerage roqidred by Lender lapaea ot ceasas to be in efteet,8ottawer shall pay tho premtuma required to obtain coverage p __
<br /> �.;�„E,v,�,T� substantlally equNaler�t lo tha mortgage insurence peedousiy in efteat,at a cost substentlairy equivdent to the cost to 8orrower of the �_
<br /> --.. moRgage inaurance preAousty tn etted, irom an attemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. It substantiatty oquivalent mortgage
<br /> � � insurance coverage ta po4 availabto, Sorrovrer shall pay to lender each month e sum equnl to one-twetfth of the yearly mortgage .
<br /> �. insura.nce Premfum being paM!by Bo�rower when the insurance wverage lapsed or ceased to be(n eNeot. lendet vQl�accept,use and
<br /> �• retatn these payments as e toss resene tn 11eu ot mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, at the _
<br /> �� opUon of I.ender,It mottgage tnsurance coverage Qn the amount and tor the pertod that Lende� requires) provlded by un tnsuret
<br /> epproved by Lender egain beeomes availab►e and Is ubtained. BortoHer shaU pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage
<br />�,s��_._,,;_. Insurance fn efied, or to provtde a �oss reservo, um0 the requ(rement for mortgage Inaurance ends �n eccordance With er►Y w�ten
<br />'�a;.:� ,� agreement beiween Bonower and Lender or apppcable Lmv.
<br /> - . Q.1?s�peatl0�l� Lender or fts agent may malce reasonable enUtes upon and Inspectlona oi the Piroperiy. Lender ahall give `
<br /> e`i . gyrro�,er naUca et the tlme of or pdor to an inspedion specHying reasannbla cause for the Inspectlon.
<br /> ."�'`^��"Y''� 10. Condemmatlofl. The proeeeds ot eny award or claim for damages, d(rect or conseojugntial. in connectlon with eny
<br /> condemnatton o�other tftbdng of any Part oi the Prapc�,or for conveyance In Iisu of condemnriUon, are hereby assigned and sheq be
<br /> `:�=T,�r Patd to Lender. -
<br /> In the event ot a total taWng of the Propedy. th� proceeds shall be applled to the sums aecured by this Security insbument,
<br /> wherfier Qr not then due. wlth enY excess Ppid to Borrower. In the event ot a parttat taking oi the Property In which the falr msrket
<br /> `�-'i'f• value of the Prcperty 6nmedtately before the teking Is equal to or grea4er than the amouM at the sums secured by thls Security
<br /> �.h*8r_�i _
<br /> _�_.� instrument Miree�atety betore the tatdng, unless Bortow�and Lender otherwtse agree in wiiting,tha sums secured by this Sscu
<br /> :_<<� InsUUment sh�li be reduced by the emount of the proceeds mulUpliod by tl�e toUoaring iracdon: (a) the total amount ot the sums
<br />-, -���_- sscured tmmediately 6elore the tak(np,divided by (b)the fair market veiue of the Propc�ty imme�ately before the taldng. My baianco
<br /> shell be pa(d to Borrower. In the event ot a partlal taking of the Properiy in which the telr madcet vatue ot tha Prope�ty fmmodiately
<br /> �`'�� ��.�takistg Is Iess th�n the amount ot the sums secured Immediatery before the teking, uniess Boaower and Lender otherwise
<br /> --.-_'��;�� agree in w�tting or unsss appiicable taw atfienrfse provides, the proceeds shan be appfied iw ihtl auira+ a�+�r"�S tri� =�+
<br /> ---��=� tnsUument whether ornot ihe sums are then due.
<br /> - -=_�;,_�e7
<br /> ---= B the properly is aban�oned by Borrower,or H,efter noUae by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor otters to make sn award or
<br /> �� settlo a daim ior dame9es,Bon°Wer fails to respead to Lender wRhin 30 days atter the date t�h��e u s secur ddbY`this t8ewrhy
<br /> ;�,�:,.,_�a to co1lect and epPN i�e proceeds.at ib optton,ei¢her to restoraUon or repair of the Propeaty .
<br /> Instrumeflt,whether ar not then due.
<br /> �-=''��' Unlssa Lender end Borrower othenvise agree fn wrftlng, any eppUcaUon of proceeda to prindpA! shail not e�dend or postpono tha
<br />-_--- =��� due date of the monUOy payments retened to in para�aphs 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of such puymants. „_
<br /> _.-=-3�'��`� 1 L Bor[oxr8t l�ot�teteaseei: Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. ExtensEon M the timg tor payment or �;,
<br /> � �'t`�-1'�"� modifleatton oi omosUmtFon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by L.ender to eny suceessor in•interest of Borrower
<br />�_ -�� shaN not operate tv release the pa6fliry af the odgnal Sorrower or Borrowe►'s successors in interes� Lender shali�ot be required to
<br /> 2_� aonynence proceedinps agatrist anY succeaso�tr► [Maest or retuse to extend dme tor payme�t or othenvtse mod�fy emortlzaUon of the
<br /> - sums secured hY thb SeairftY Inshument by reasan ot any demand made by the adginal Bor�o�reP or Borrower'a successota in
<br />.----------- tnterest. Any tarbeartnce bY Lendar tn rocerdsing amt right or remedy ehaN oot be a wbtver ot a predude tho exa�ise of eny dght or _
<br /> --_.__�_._ rernedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and Assfgns Boand;Jo1M and �everal Uabliity; Co-signers. The cavena�ta end
<br /> �:_°� agres,yaQnts ot this Set;uriry Insbument shafl bind end benefit the sua:easas end esst9�s of Lender and Borrower, subject to the
<br /> ___ ___= pravtstona of paragraph 17. Borrowe�s covena�s and a�eemerrts shatl ba Joint and sevecaL My Barro�rer who co-signs this Ssaur[tf�
<br /> i .� Instrumer►t but does�evt exeaite the Note: (a) b co-stgnle9 d+is 8ecu►itY Instrument onty to moRgage, grant. and aorney that
<br /> - 8artower's Utterest a�the 1'rop�+y u�da ih::i��o(th��^e»K4fi;lnafn�maat;(b)is no!pesonaN obHflated W Qay the sums secured _
<br /> -_- -_, v by Mis Securi�l tns6urrie� and (cI a8ree� tliffi Len�rx end any otfier 8oirower m9y s�re� to a�end, ino�ity torbear or make stry
<br /> `''�`�� accommodationa with regard to tesma ot thts Securtiy tasdumeM or the IVote witho;it that Bortower's consent
<br /> --':-•''�� 13. L.oan Cll�r9os. If the lo�n secured by thts 3ecu+ity Instrument is subJeat to a law whtch sets rna�dmum toan charges,
<br /> — end that Iaw is flnatj Er�terpreted so that the Ntemst or other toar� charges coVected or M be collected in oonnecUon wtth the loan
<br /> ---_� exceed the pemu�ted qrnits, then: (s)anY such loan charges shall ba reduced by fhe amouret necessary W reduce the charge to the
<br /> =W:_._._--- p�ed 6rc�f�end @) an�r sums already collected irom Bomiw�which exceeded permitted Iimite w�be refunded to Bartower. Lender
<br />-rt�:��::•s� may choose to make this retund 6y�ductng the prtndpai owed under the Nate or by makLig a d�red paymant to Bo�rower. H o
<br /> -::,r;>;: ent without en ent charge under ihe Not�.
<br /> .r.;�;c:`.:��� re�Lnd teduc�s prindpal.the reductlon vl�be Veated es a par�at PreAaym Y P�P�
<br />��:RFr� 14.NOtICa�. �'+ny�otice to 8ortower provided tor in thia seartty�nstrmnent��wo��by '�-�-°°L'�g K^-'�".""'°�"g k by
<br /> - ------- - lirst ciasa ma➢untess aPA���w ��use of another method The no�co sh�li be duected to the PropeAy Ad�+esa or any
<br />-°--,-"'-.�"� other address Borraner desl�ates by nottce ro ixncici. R��y r�oUw ia l.cxu'rr�.a�!se gk�►by fust�ass mail to Lender's eddtsss
<br /> __-'--��s'��w
<br /> v"7C�:.• "`-"°� steted heretn a any other address Le��der designates by noUee to Borrower. My notice prov►ded for tn th[s Sea�dry Inatrument sha9
<br /> ==�z���;:'!h�;ti`�_ be dea+ned to havebeen given to Borrowef or Lender when gNen as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> -='-�.���`�l�'y'"J� �5.Qoveta'11nA I�w; SevArabllity. This Seeu►Iry (r�strument shaq be govemed by tederal law and the taw of the
<br /> ''- `e.::•e���
<br /> i r�?t;-�.,-. _
<br /> _ ��'`` `• judsdiWon hs�rhich tisc3 Prope+tY ts located. In 4he event that any provision or dause ot this Seqtrtty InsLument or ths+Nate con cts
<br /> �-� -� - -��-e..,�.a.a�� sn9n nnt aNect other aroristons ot this Sea�rEty InsLument or the Note whfch ean be�+ren etfed
<br /> --:._�iT. �tu�aM!n.o..•.��..�.. ---°--
<br /> ==����-��� wilhovt the conflictln9 Proyiston. Ta th(s end the provislons oi thb Security Inatrumertt and the No2e are deeUued to Da severacia•
<br /> -._f�.�. . � 18.80ffOw0�'�CCpy. 8orrower shaU be gfiren one contortned copy of the Note and of thts Securiiy lnstrument
<br /> - ` � 1 T.Yransf�ir a�the Prmperty or e Beneftctat intereat In 8orrower. N a0 or eny part ot the Properiy or anY
<br /> � ` interest tn it Is sold or transterted(or H a beneTdat int��st in Borrower fs sold or Uanstemed and 8omower is not a naturoi Persan)
<br /> ' ` wlthout Lend�'s p�or wrkten conserit.Lender maY�at its ePllon.require tmmedate poyrtcant tn NU of aU sums seamed by thls Securiry
<br /> ' , lnstrument How@ra, thia op8on shail not be exerdsed by Lender Ii exe►dse is prohQ►fted by tederel la�v as ot the dato of this Sscurttyr
<br /> :. . : tnstrumant
<br /> +W ;:��� It Lender exe�dses thts opttan, Lend�ehaU pMe Boirower nottce of acceteraUon. The notice shrlt provid4 a pedod of not Iess
<br /> o -. ihan 30 daya trom the date the noitce is ddlrered er mai►ed wtthtn r�htch the Bortower must pay e!i sums secured by this Seacdry
<br /> -,..„,:� Inatrument If Borroxre�faiis ro pay these sums pdor to the expiratlon ot thts perlod,lender may[nvoke ony remedfes perm[tted by this
<br /> ,�,Y'��:''�:� � �¢q�tity��atrmnent w(thout turther noUce or demand on Borrower. Form aoze e�so
<br /> - . . � . F1079.LM0 t3f�) Pagn 3 ot 5
<br /> .. 850256
<br />