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:. t . . . ..�.. <br /> ( .:.�:'` . . •. 'll.�.� �� . - _ 1 . 1 <br /> . _.�Jl•.1.:,�` , ' <br /> , . . �l i <br /> ,�y ; .... . . , . � .; <br /> ;:�� , . - „ <br /> � _.._ . ,; <br /> , �,K.�-. •• • �, .,.:��n.�►:N.��._. .. - . <br /> . , .,, <br /> .,.... ,..-..,�..,,,. <br /> , , . . : <br /> . __-- <br /> . .A . ._..._.____.__.._.._. . <br /> , .¢ , _._--..—.� __....______----�---- <br /> __.....:z,��----._ '�-------•----.,_�_._ ��'"._. <br /> 8orrawePs eserow uccount under the todarat Resl Eetnto Sntt►ement F'rowduros Aat ot 1974 as amended from timo to time, 12 U.s.G. �_; <br /> ' • 2801 at saq.("RESPA'),uniosn unothor law thnt nppllas to the Funds �ma rs tosser amaunt. It ao,Lamdcr may, nt any dmn,colle�end f..�F. <br /> � hold Funds In c�+wnount not to axcoad tho losser amount. Lender mc�y esttmato tho Amount of funds due on tho basls of cuRent datn � � _ <br /> m <br /> Ueablo taw. �.�?=`' <br /> and reasonable esl�natos ot expendlturos ot tuturo E�a�nri items or otF�ervAsa In Aecordanco with app ;,..�, <br /> "' Tho Funds shap bo hcid in an Institutian whoso doposits oto inaur�sd by a foderut egoncy, (nswmentuqty. or onUry (inWuding � ��x:��_- <br /> tho Funds to pay the Escrow Items. � ��' <br /> � Lender,it iendar b such an tnsUtutlon) or In any Federal Homo Loan Bank. Londc� shail appty _-� <br /> • Lender mny not charflo Bortower for holding and apptyin0 tho Funds. annualry nnatyt(ng tho eserow eccount, or verltying tho Escrovi __ <br /> �� Items, unioss Lender peys BoRav�et interost on tho Funds und a�ppca�lo I�Y�pcm�lta Lendcr to make auch n ehar�o. Howover,Londar {��__, <br /> �'..� muy requim 8anae�csr to pay a ono-Umo charge tor an Independent r�al ogtota tex reporUng servlco used bY�ender in connoction wlth W <br /> ' • this tonn,untess epppcsbte law provldes otherniso. Unless an agreen�ent is rnade or applkabto Iaw requires ot n writing, ho evere that � -- <br /> -�..'"-�� ahsp not be requlrad to pey 8orrower any interost or eamtngs on ihe Funds. Borrower and Lender may a5r = <br /> :.+«7 � - <br /> ,.,�,.<,:a� ,- interest ahali be patd on the Funda. Lender shali gNo to Boerower,wtthout charge, an annuai account�ng of the Funds, showing <br /> ,- ; credits and debits to the Funda and the purpose tor whiah each debft to tha Funds was made• 'fhe Funds ara ptedged as addiUonat <br /> � � securfly for ail sums seasred by this Security insWmen4 ° <br /> '� It the Funds hefd by Lender exceed the amounts pertnittad to ba hdd by�a�fex�bte law.Lender sheil eccaunt to Bo�rower for the - <br /> � ' r' excess Funda tn accardancs witt► tho requtrements ot epplimble law. tl the amount of the Funds hdd by Lender at any t+�is not <br /> ; • sufflctent to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so noti9y Bortower tn wrfting,and,in such ease BoROwer shail p�y to�d�L - <br /> the amount necessary to make up the dofldeney.Bortower shalt malce up the defldency in no more than twelve monthty paym <br /> , � Lender's sole disaetlon. <br /> Upon payment in full ot all sums secured bY this Setxi►l►Y�nsWnnent, l.ender shell promptly►efund to Bortarrer anY Funds hetd by <br /> ;!, Lender. lf,under psragreph 2t,Lender st►all aequlre or seJ the Prop�ly� Lender,ptio►to tFv.eaiulsitlon or satc ot the PropertY, eh�►1 <br /> , ��'� � � ePP�Y e�Y wnds held by len��at the Ume ot acqulsttlon or sale es a aedR agalnst the su�a sea+red by this Secu►ity InsWmer�t. <br /> w 3.AppO�a�tton o#Pay�Onb. UMess appticaQ�le law provides otherwtse.all payments receMed by Lender under parag�aPha <br /> �•.'a"�= 1 and 2 shall be app0ed:flrst,to any prepaY►nent charges due under the Note; seeond,to amounts payab�e under para9wph 2:third — <br /> to tnterest due;tourth,to pdndpal due;and tast,to any late chargea due under the Note. <br /> -. ;.; 4. Chaeges; Liens. Borrower shetl pay all taxes,assessnr►eMs. char9es� flnes end impospbns attributable to tha ProP�Y <br />-',�;. +� ' which may attehi pdodty over th(s Securfhr InstrumeM. and leasehold payments or ground rents. it any. Borrower abaii pay lhese <br />_•...�,.,±��}+'" � them on Ume direcUy to tha person <br /> ,.,;;� obliga�ons in the manner provlded in peragraph P,or B not paid b thet manner,8orrower ehatl pay h y Horrower makes <br />- ;;; owed paymen� 8ortower shall promptly tumSsh to Lender eii oo8ces ot amounts to be pald under ttJs Para9�P • <br /> `"��,.`,'x' ` • .�"" fumish to Lender recelpis evidsncing the payments. <br /> - �.;.,;,�";�; , ,;�"� Mose payments dfrecUy, 8orrower shall promptly Inahument uniess Borrower. (e)agrees tn wridng to — <br /> 8orrower sheii Prompdy disaherge any Iten whtch has pdority orer this Security ���a uan by, or detends , <br /> �i`i'9'�� , the payment of the oblic�aUon seoured by the Ilen in a rrsar►ner accesambte to i.ender: (i�}�;,ninsts#s 6oa <br />_.:s!_.w;:.,,ss <br /> •�� . 4. a aJnst eniorcement of the I[en in,legal proceedings which in the Lende�'e opinton o erata to prevent tha eniercement oi the I(en: or(a) <br /> d P <br />- �,-.,^;-•'�, � 9 . <br /> --- '�= --�'`�� seoures irom the holder ot the Iten an agrexment satf�tactory to Lender 6ubordinatlng the Ilen to tMs Sewrity lnstrumen� M Lert er <br /> �-•�,��;�4 over this Se a d t g��netrument, Lender may Sive <br /> -----.�—.,mr,::f determtnea that eny part ot the PropeAy ts subJeat to a Aen wMch mey atta�n D�a�Y <br /> -=..��^��;� Bomower e neUce tdeMitying 1he Uen. Borrower shaU sa�aty the Ben atake one or more of the acttons•set fodh above wlthtn t0 dey� � <br /> ��,��,� of the giving ot noUce. <br /> __�=`��� S. Flarard or Property Insurance. 9ortower sha(1 ksep the Improvements now existNH a hereafter a'eeted ort the <br />�- ''.-=.=�'�_'- property Insured agalnst loss by fire. hazards tnduded wfthin the tertn'extended eoverago'and any oth�t�ezards�indudtng floods a . <br />-�,:�.x:x-�u���9 <br />_-_ti�—.;;„,��� tlooding,fot wNch Lenuer requires tnsuranca Thts insurance shall be mafntafned in the smounts and•far tho pedods that Lender <br /> ���� requirea. The Nsurance cartter provldtng the tnsurence sheli be chasen by Borrower subjeat to Lend�r'�aPProva�Wp�eh.shatl not be — <br /> �� unreasonaby wqhheid H 8omower telis to maintain coverage desabed ebove, LenCer Le�de�s op�on,obtaln eoverage to _ <br /> -- proteci LcmdeYe dghta tn the Property in acCo�dar►ea With Par��ePh �' B�USe, Lertder shall have <br /> ------ NI(nsutance polldes and renewats shall be acceptable to Lender end shaii Inc�ude a stendard mat9a9 <br /> e W Len6er eM recetpta ot peid premiums. <br /> ---- •� the dght to hald the polides end renewals. if Lender requirea.Bcrrower shall promptly 9N <br /> and renewal nogces. In the event of loss, Borrower sfiall givo prompt �oUce to the insuranee carder a�d Lender.Lender may make <br /> - - proof ot loss B not made prompUy by Bortower. <br /> --_ - - Untess Lender and 8onower oihenatse�sgree tn writing,insuanceProceeds sheD be appIIed to restora�on or repatr af the Property <br /> �� — �s,mznad.U the restoratton ar repair Is economicalry feasible and Lc�nder's seeutiry ts not(essened. it the restoratlon or repeir ts not <br /> _-- ---_ �.._ u.... .�o a�w� . weutd be tessened. tAe insurance Proceeda ahaii be ay+pos�lo the ou��� a+:�.urc� �,� _ <br /> _- --_ - ewn�,�J,;�:y �t'��.... !.^^....... ----�Y <br /> - ---- Securtty Instrument,whether or �ot lher► due. with eny excese Paid to Borrower. It 8omower al�encCons the Property. or does not <br /> �•,� - enswer within 90 days a notice trom Lender that the insurance canier hes oHered to settie s o�(m�,then Lender may �°ll�the F. <br /> -- - - insurence proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repatr or restare ffie PropenY ot to pay��wns secured by thfs SecurltY &=. <br /> _____ ___� I�atrument,whelher or not th�due.The SO�day perlod wiU begM wh��oi p��=o p�����not extend or pastpone the <br /> --- Unless Lendet and Borrower oth�wise agree in wrtdng,amr a.ppl ��. n under paragrePh 21 <br /> �---Yv�_���- due daW of tha momhy paymenta reterred to In paragrephs 1 end 2 or change the amount oi thepaym <br /> �°" �a the property Is acquired by Lender,Borrower's dght to any insuranae poUdes and proceeds resu�tIng from damage to the ProPerh►P�or <br /> -r„�,,�,i_'� Instrument tmme�dtbly'�Srtar to the <br /> __��'�.�,�;.�,� to the acquisidon sheJl pass to Lender w the extent ot the sums secured bY th[s Sec�tY <br /> M��M'� Bv.�r�b1Y�n. J w����al� wR p �rdwef O �n , <br /> -�.�..' 6. t8accupsncg►, Preservatiofl. ii�9ale�te�anco a;:a �••••r•z �• :'•s� se4°�'�;E _ <br /> „ es Bomorier's prindpai residenee within sbGq <br /> -�_�_',"'_�.'_, AppUcation� i.reaseholds. swrower shan oca,py,essaeesh. wa use ttte Propenr <br /> , _ _, days after the executton of th�s Seeurriy lnstrumem an�shnll wrttinue to ocoupy the Pruperiy as Borrower's pr6sdpal restdencd for at FY <br /> - -----� � ieast one yeer after the date of occupanay. unless Lender othenvise egrees tn vnitUig, whiaM wnsent shatl not be unneasonably <br /> `;�,n�;: 1, witflhe4d.or unless ext�uatlng alrcumslenoes exist whtch are be�rond Borrowefs cantroL Bercawer shaU not destroy,dsma9e or impatr <br /> ..,,,ea.o�, sranerW. 8orrower shaD be Ut dafautt it eny torteiture ad3an or <br /> -�;�r=:,:,: : me Ptoperey.eiow me iTOper.r tV VOtWMY�W�...._.�..�_--- . • - or omav+ise <br /> '"'"''::�,,;,�, proceedag. wheth�c7rii or begun that tn Lendm's good laith Judgment coutd resuR in foAeiture ot the Pcopeny _ <br /> . , •_ �-r ma2e�, tmpa7 the Iten aeated by this Seacrity InsZrument ar I.ende�'s seeurity Gderest. Borrower may cure such e detautt and _ <br /> ' . � i reinatete,as provided (n paragraPh causing the actfon or proce��ing to be dism�'ssed with a rvllng that. N Lender's good taith _ <br /> or other matedai ImPnirtne�t Qt the U� aeated by thla _ <br /> .. ..t determtr►attcn,predudes 4odetture ot the Barrowe�s fntaost in the Propeity ���on pmcess. _ <br /> ': $ecurily Insfiunent or lendcls security interest Borrower shall elso be in detautt tt 8omcwer. during�e toan apP <br /> l <br /> �� gave matmia0y talse or tnacarate Informa8on or statemeMs to Lender (or talled to provtde Lender wUb snY mate�t IntormaUon) in <br /> connocUon avNh the loan evidenced by the Noto,inds�ai�g,Q�ut not Emited to,repres�tatioris cunceming Boaower's occupnnaY of the <br /> " proPerty as a principat resldence. tf th{s Secur[ty Instrumcnt b on a teasehotd. Borrower shaU wmpN with eIi 1he prov[sions of the <br /> ��nQ, �} @a�w�acquUos tee tltte to the Properry. tho Ieasehotd end ths �ee tltlQ shnU not matge uniesa the Lender agrees to ihe <br /> .. � , mQrger in wriWg. Fo�m ao2a e/so _ <br /> . � . , <br /> o`. „ F1029.W0(3193) Payo 2 0}S <br /> 930258 - <br />