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' f� _ .. ,..t. . , ••:� � �r•+��' <br /> ::�' ,�i�• �fr� :'i4•i..� � <br /> ' � �; ' �:r+;`. <br /> l , . ?%• .� . <br /> 5 <br /> �e . <br /> .�:r._r � > - . -' - � . - <br /> . , �,. . ,.. . . . , .. . <br /> , . . . . .,� , .. . - . .. ..—__.. <br /> ..�, . . , . � .. .... ..,.._.._. .. <br /> .,.- . . � . ...____..,...°'--... .. . _..._._ <br /> �, ..,. <br /> . ... ...�v .._...,7f�': HY�....•).� .. . i-� ._..._.._................. . <br /> . . . ....,.... <br /> _ .._._._.,_�.L.i.l4iti_� -.�_""___�____'"�._....,...._.._... _, '__" . . • <br /> .r..,;}:::.!..l ' <br /> 1;�. �OPPOWOP'8 ��g11t t0 �a1tlStIItO. Y 8ortowcr maota certain conditions, Borrowet shaA havo tho dght to havu -,- <br /> " � entorcoment of ihis Socu►iry Instrument disconttnuod Lt a�y time Prtar to tho ear�er oi: (a�5 days(or such othar poriod es appllcabio <br /> !aw may spocity tor refnstatemenl) botoro sale of the ProPMy {wrsuant to any power ot sato conta!ned In this Sacurity Instrument: or <br /> (b) entry ot n Judpment entareing this Socudty Instrumont. Thoso eondiGons aro thet Borrowr.r. (a) pays Lendor ail sums which thon <br /> would bo duo undor thls Socurlry �nstrument and tho Noto ae if no acccicrc3tion hed occurtod; (b) ouros any dotauit ot any othcr <br /> �, covonont or ugtoomonts; (a)poys all expenses Incurred in enfactng this Secudry Instrument, Ineiuding, but not Bm(ted to, reasonob�o� <br /> uttomays'tees; and (�takas aueh acdon es Lender may roasonabh�ruquira to assuro that tho Ilen ot this Socuriry Instrument, lender's _ _ <br /> �ights in tho Property and Borrower s obllgaUon lo pay tho sums secured by thls 3ocurity�nswment shall continue unchungod. Upon � <br /> retnstntement by 8ortower, this Sacudty Instrument and tho obllgaUone socuro�hereby ehaii remain fuilh t�ct{vo as if no ncceleratlon � <br /> e <br /> hed occurred. Howevet,this dght to re(nstate aha0 not appy in the case of aceeleratlon under paragrap �,_ <br /> 19. Ssle Af NOte; Change Of LOan 5ervic8r. Tho Nate or e partiat interost In the Noto (togather with this Socu�ity <br /> �nstn�ment) may be so�d on0 or more times wfthout pdor nWico to Bortower.A saie may result in a change in tha entiry(known us tho <br /> ^ • •Loan Sen+icer•) that collecla monthy payments due under the Note and this Secudty Instrument. There atso may be o�e or moro � �`--. <br /> changes ot the Loan Servicer unrelated to e sale h'��@ and appUcable taw.e ThehnoUce w 1 sta e theRne a and add ess ot the � <br /> noUce at the change In accordence wrih paraA�ap �`` <br /> eew Loan 9ervicer and the address to which paymeMs should be mada. The notiee w1i1 aiso eontain any other IntortnaUon required by _ <br /> aPPlicable law. -- <br /> � 20. Hazar�oua 5ubstanees. Borrower ahal!not cause or permlt the presence,use, disposai, storage, or teieaso of any _: <br /> Hezardous Substances on or tn the PropeAy. 8ormwer shall not do,ndr�law anyone eise to do,anything�aHecBng the Property that <br /> is in violaUon ot any Environmentel Law• The preceding two sentences sheU not appiy to the prosence, uae, or atorage on the •._ <br /> _ Property ot smaA quenUttes of Hazardous Substances thal are genera�y recognbed to be appropdate to nortnal residenUal uses and to �- <br /> . mEilntenence af tho ProP�Y• -- <br /> Borrower shal{ promptty give lender written ooiice of any Investlgadon,daim� demand,tawsuit or other action by a�iy govemmental = <br /> ' ar regutatory agency or pdvate party InvoNing the Properiy end any Hezardous Subatanca or Environmentai Law ot which Borrower has <br /> actuel knowledge. H 8orrower Ieamx, or is notlfled by any 9ovemmenta�a regulatory autharfty.that any remova� or other remediaUon _ <br /> otl <br /> •�,"-� ot any Hazardous Substence aftecl(ng the Propetry is necessary� Borrower shaii promptly take aU necessary remedial acUons in <br /> � accordence with Envlronmentai Law. - <br /> ':� qs used In this paregraph 20, °Hamrdous Substances' are those substances deflned as toxia or hamrclous substances by <br /> Em(ronmentat lew and the fotlowing substances: gasoiine,kerosene,other flammabie or toxia petrofeum products, toxic pestlddes and � <br /> herbicides.vo�atlle solvente, materials containing asbastos or fomealdehyde,ead radioactive materials. As used in this paraSraph 20. e_- <br /> , ,��� 'Envlronmentai Law' means tederal Iaws and laws of the judsdieUon where the ProPcvy► is tocated that relate to heafth, sateiy or �-� <br /> environmentel protecdon. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender brther covenant end egree as foqows: <br /> -�� , �� e�_o4s��e�; Rem�dies. Lender shat3 give notice to Borrower prlor to aaceleraHon tollowing <br />- � ' Bor�ower's breach of any covenant or ag�e�m1eM����d seothe�rwise)��Th Ro co hail sp olfy: <br /> � � acceteratlon under paragraph 17 untess app p <br /> ';;";;;�� � (a) the defaul� (b) tha a�tion required to eure the default; (c) e date, e�ot �ess than 30 days from th� <br /> �� ���',;�` �� date the notice is g(ven to Borrower, by whteh the defauR must bo cured; and (d) that fe��uee 4o cure <br />"'��'��` � the degault on or before the date specifted in the notiae may result In acceleration o� tt�e sums <br />-� seaurod by thts Securit�v Instrument end sa�e of the Property. Tho notice shall turthar inform <br />�;,..;�. .. .. 8orrower of the rigM to reitestate afit�e ac�e�erauon and ttie�ight to briag a cour# aotion to assert the <br /> ,,, o�n�-existence of a default or any other detense of Borrcwer to acceteration and sate. If ths defauit Is <br /> � '' n�2 �ured on or before 4Qua date epeciRod tn th� notice, Lender at its option may require iroeanediate <br /> 1 _ � pay�u�ueM in tull of all sams secured by this Security Insb'umet�t with�t��1e��•d�nder shatl be <br /> trnroke the power of sale and any ofher remediss pemnitted by app <br />'' � ,� :��:�� entitled to c�Giect all e�enses incurred in pursutng tho remedtes provided in this pasagraph 21, <br /> ��""'""" in�tuding, but not iimited to� reasonad�le attorneys' fees and costs of tit�e ev�dertce. <br /> �.=�;'�'.'•,Y If the power of sale la invoked, Truatee shall reaord a notice of defauit tn eaah aouMy in whtch <br />'.�:���'•:k'- any part of the Proparly Is located and sha{I maii copiea of suah nottce In the manner prescribed by <br />=������ �-��: applicable taw to Borroweer and tu the other persons prescribed by appficeble Iaw. After tke time __. <br />�:,�,��. � .�" required by appitcabte law,Trustee shali give pubfic notice of sale to 4he persons and in ihe manner _ <br />_ ���. �;;; presaribed by epptioable taw• True$�m,without demand�n Borrower� shall seit the Property at public <br />��" --=� suctfon to the hfghest bOdder at the�tims and P�ace aed une9er the terms desl�ynwted U t�e eatice of <br /> =?" 4:_��:'_= aate in one or moee paraels and In any �rd�r Trustee determinea Truatee may postpone safe of ail � <br /> �_ . .�,.� �a ��, orcavtouaty <br />-' `°:"..," `� ar «s:y �°.rCe! c►f tha �rQperi�r oY Pubiic ann�uieeii�e��i a2 i�+o ,3:+�� �_`:� pl..,._ �,. <br /> °'� t u�ehase thE9 PropeTty a't arry snin. <br /> y::� �,;�.:�J� scheduted sete. Lender or its deatgnee rney p <br />=����,�,r".', Upon recetpt of paymeM of the pdce bBd, Trustee sR�ail detiver to the purchaser Truste�'s desd <br />_�z;?�,:, conveying 4he Property. The recitats in the Trustee'a do��shail be prima facte evtdence of the trndh — <br />=�,::!�^'��:_ <br /> of the statemer�ts made �harein. Truste�ahail appty fhe proaeeds of the sale tn the tollowing orders - <br />_ -- -�� . (a) to atl costs ared exp��ses of exerctai�g tho power ot sale. artd the sete� tnciuding the paymer►t of <br />=•� �-� - the Trustee's fees ecte�aQy�ncurred, not to exceed 109'0_ 9b of the p�inaipai amount of the note <br /> at the tima of the deataration of default, and reasonaQale�4torney's fees es perenitted by lavw, (b) to ati ___ <br /> • �r sums secured by thts Security Ins4run�ent; and (cD ampl excess to the parson or persona IegaQy _ <br /> � et�titled t0 it. Instrument,Lender afiali request Trustea to reeonvey �' <br /> � '-.� 22.Reaorneyance. Upon payment of a0 sums secured by tNa Sewrity ti:;=. <br /> - 7 � �� the Propcxty end shatl surtendat this Scaurity i�ioUUment and A!i notos e�i�encin8 d�t secured bY thia 3ea�tY �ttsWment to Trustee. �*: <br /> - . Trustee ahall reconvey the Properry without wartanb and wHhout charge to the person or persons Iegaly entttled to iL Suoh person or ��, <br />� , persons shell pay any recordation costs. f�: <br /> f--. <br /> • �=_, <br /> „ <br /> �----------=- ea �..hrlkute Trerstee. Lender,at its opUon. may from time to tlme remove Truatee and appohd a suecessor trustee to � <br /> - .�_. .,.. - __- ------- •--'-- <br /> Y. � -- -- ura�,,..d t'- <br /> at►y Tmstee eppoir�ted hereunder by an instrum�t recorded [n the counry in wai�n mis �+m`y ��w�..���.. a ....�--_� .._.__. �.;- <br /> ��y��o{me prop�ty, successor trustee shell succeed to ali the title,power end duties conterted upon Tnistee herdn and by <br />= apPiteable law. <br />" s4. Request 4or Notiees. Bortower re9ues� that coples ot the noUces ot detauft and saie be sent to BorrowePs address <br /> which ta the Properiy Address. <br /> = 25. Rldere to thts Security Instrument tt one or more ridets are executed bY Bortower and recorded together with <br /> lhis Soeurtry Instrument,the corenants and a8ret�nenta of �ch such dder shalt be incorporated into and shail amend end supptement <br /> � the wvenants end agreements ot this Securiry InsNuMmt as it the rider(s) were e part of this 3ecurfty inaVumen� <br /> _ ---- Form 30Te s/90 <br /> v . �t0Y9.1M0(3/99) Page 4 ot 5 <br /> •7 . <br /> _ �- <br /> 990Y56 F- <br />