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<br /> � S. Hoze�d or Pro�rerty Insaimnce. Horrower shatl koep ehe impruvemente na�v existing ar hercufter crcctcd an the —
<br /> Proptrty insue�d ngainst loss by �rc. h�.urds ineluded widiin the term "exteitdcal enveroBe"mid nny atl�cr ha•r.cudw. inctndln�
<br /> flo�dR or floudinp,far wi►ich I.cndee eec�uiees insumncz.Thix insurunce nhnll i�e�liuintnhted in the anc�umn mid far the potiads
<br /> that l.ender requfres. Thc insumnco careicr providin�ths inr,urnu�.�o tit�nli ho d�osen hy Rore�m�cr xubJect tu I.ender'e npprnvni
<br /> whlch st�c►U nat be unreasanably withheid. If Borrawar fidiH ro mninri►in rnvc�a�c dcscrl�cd abovc. I.cnctcr may. ut I.cnder'� �
<br /> optlnn,ahtnfn c�wern,ge to pr��tcct I,ettdee'K riphta in tttc Prop.rty In urcurdQm:e�vitl�pamIIniph 7.
<br /> All insumnca poHcie9 and renewais ehnll bo nceepmble tu l.ettder und ehail inciude u stnnJarQ mortQoge clausc. Lender '� `
<br /> slin!!have die right to h4ld th�policies and rcnewuls.IP Lcrtder nequirea.Aarro�ver ahall prom�tly Qivu to�.endor uU receipts of �
<br /> paid premiums and renevinl rtotices.In the event oP loss.Boerower eball give prompt aotIce to the lnsumnce carrter und Lender. Q
<br /> I.ercder mny make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borro�ver.
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwioe egree in vrrtdng,insurac►ce praceeds shali be applied to restoratton or repalr of tha
<br /> Pmpeny demaged,jf the restoration or repalr is eoonomicully feasible c3nd Lender's securIty is not lessened.If the cestoratlon or
<br /> repair is not econamically feaslble or Lender's securlty would be lessened,the insurauce pmoe�ds shall be applIed to the sums �
<br /> secured by this Security Iastrument, v+aether or aot then due. v�th any excess patd to Bormwer. If Borrower abandons tha
<br /> Fmpetty.or daes not answer wlthin 30 daya a notice from Lender that the iasut�nce c�er hns offsred to settle a claim.then
<br /> Leader may coUect the iasurance pmaeeds. Lender may use the proceeds w r�ep�ir or restore the Pteperiy or to pay suuis _
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument.whether or not then due.The 30-day perlod will begin when the notIce fa given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower oihs�vIse agreE in wrlting. anY aPPlication of pmoeeds to princIpat shall unt extend or
<br /> pastpone the duc da�c of the monthly gayments refersed to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or change the amount of tho paymenu. If _
<br /> under par�►igraph 21 tiie Pmperty is acquired by Lender,Borrower's rlght to any insuranc�e poUcies and praceeds resulting ftom
<br /> damage to the Pmperty prIor to the eoquisItion shall pass co I.ender w the extent of the swns secured by this Security Insuument
<br /> immedlately prior w the acquisitioa.
<br /> 6.Oca+�imxy, Prescrvatton,MainYe�nce and Pmted[on of the Pnnperty;Horrower's Loan Appltcadon;Leasehotds.
<br /> Borrotve3'shal�occupy.establish.and�se che Property as Bomower's psinclpal resideace within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> th(s Sec}�t�ty Y�st�ument and shall son�iaus W axupY�he PmFertY as Borrower's prIncipal residsnnoe for at lesst one year a'��..r
<br /> the date aY'o�upazccY.wil�.v Lender oY6�etwise agc+ees in wrlting.�vluch coaseni shall not be unieasonably withheld.or unless
<br /> ��ftenuatiing circumstances exist which are bey0nd Bormwer's control. Borrovuer�shall not destroy, damnge ar impair the
<br /> - .�r�party; 'stlow the 1'roperty w deteriar�te.or commit waste on che Property. ]8�bwer shall be in defanit if any forfeitura
<br /> actF�n't►�•pro�eding,v�hether clvil or criminal,is begnn that iu Lender's good��lih judgment c�uld nesult in forfeiture of th�
<br /> p�rt',��.,.s�i's�m�prtally�a�r��e iten created by tbis Secusity�''1�stRUmenl:or Leadcs's�'s�ecuiity intemst.Barrower may
<br /> =. cu�such a�efault and teinstat�,as pruvYdai in paragraph 18.by causirig'tUe aciimri�ir proveedin�:to be dismis�ed w�ith a ruliag
<br /> ra
<br /> �th�. in'Y.ender's good,fAiQln`•def4�nihaf�oa. Precludes forfeiture of t�i�8orrbwer'a�aterast in"t'�,e Propert3t.t►t''othe�materia! �..�.�
<br /> .impairment:trFiWb lien breated�by.t��$eCUrity It►sm�ment or Lender`e;socurity i�a't�rest. Horitiwer shall•also be in de�nult if ,-
<br /> Bormwer,clnrh�g the loan applicadoft��rosess.Save materially falso�r�naocurats itd�Ormstton or s�atements w Lender(or fa�i�l,
<br /> W pmvide L`et►sler wIth any material inf'ornoation)in conaecttoa�*+itte�e loan evidenced by the Note.iacluding,but not iimite+l
<br /> to� representaHona oom�eming Bomower's occupaacy of the PropertY as a principal cesIdenoe.If this Security Instmment is on a
<br /> leasehold;Boirawer shall comply with aU the prnvisions of the lease. 1f Burr�wer acquires fee dde to the Property, the
<br /> IeaseholcD and the fee 6de shall aot merge unless Lender agmxs to the merger in wridag.
<br /> T.�'►'otoctdon of Leader's Yttghis!n tlte IIroperty.If Bomower fFWs to perform the oovenanss and agcaments contained in
<br /> tuis SecurIty Iusm�ment,or t6ere is a legal Proc�ding that may signi5canfly affect?.ender's rights in the ProPerh'(such as a
<br /> pracocdi�g in banluvptcy.probate.for eondemimtion or forfeiture or to enforoe laws or regutatious),thea Lender may do and
<br /> paY for ahauver is ncoessaiy to protax the value of the Pmperty aud Lender's riBhts in We Property. Lender's actions msy
<br /> includa paying eny sams stcuned by a lien which has priorIty over thIs Socurity Iastmnunt, aPpearInB � �+ P�lno�
<br /> tt�sonable attorneys'fees a�eauring on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take actlon under thi�paragcaph
<br /> 7.Lender c�ties not t�me w do so. `
<br /> ��p!�� „--'--�_..�.:_ .._�._...� � J�.�o�� o,6i�:�inr,_I sW.t rif Rnran�ver c�lzfed 6�ir'1�?99
<br /> •wJ ^^`f� aDWI�i lIJ L�ilMil WNV1 MMO j/o�o�MrY • w�� .
<br /> Securiry Inst�uneat.Unless Borrowcr and E.ender agree to other terf°.:s of paymen� these amounts s6all bear interest froni the
<br /> date of d�sbaisement at th�Noie tate aud shal!be payabl8,with iriterest. upan.Botice frura L.ender to Born►wer requating �
<br /> _ ��. .:.. .�.�:., _ �,�,, .
<br /> S.��!l38�.T��IISUliIIOC.�1.C111�T S�CQI1�PEd Ifl0Itg8$e s�-�'�d�8 8 OOIK�1IIOII oI IIIa➢CEO�$3�17F.�13b.3 ecCiltc��i'j�aiiS� _
<br /> _ Insuument, Bornowet slsal!pay thc�ums cequire�to mainfieia`�he mortgagE insuiaace'vs�effe�. If. for aay tea�sd�,°t�te _
<br /> moagage iosunance coverage required by Lender Qapses or ceases to be in effecc.8orrower shall pay+the ptamiums iequlra2 w
<br /> obtain ooverage s�abstantially equ'svalent ta the mortgage insuranoe prevlously in eff�ct,at a wst substantiaUy equival�m._W the
<br /> ooss to Borrevsrer of the mortgage i�manoe previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer apptnved by L�qd�c. If
<br /> substacti�Uy equivalent mortgag�ias�*..3m:rce ooveragc is not availabie,Bormwer stiall pay to I�eussaer each month a sum o��3�1�to
<br /> one-twe�Rh af the ye�rly mortguge insutanee p�emium being'Paid D+Y Sonowa when the Insuraace ooverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in effe�.L,s�er an'1��cegi,use aad cr�ain these payments as a loss resewe ia lieu of mortgage insuranoe. Loss neserve
<br /> _ �orm�6as a;a� -
<br /> Ppe 9 uf 8 .
<br />