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<br /> "'�����.�.���.��.��-�,rniii i'~+��•'H. '�'.iT.R.1%JZ___�snc.zomx�u-i�se'uwn-.�..��.�-- � .
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<br /> paymcnty may no tonger bo ecquiecd.nt tiie opiiun�f l.ender,if mariBnge insueance wv�mbe(in the mnount nnd far tho{scrtod `
<br /> tt�nt icsidcr ecquirca)�ravidcd by an inaurcr appruvcuf by l.ettsicr ogain bccorrtes nvaflnblc ae�d ie abtalcted. 0orrowcr xhnlf pay
<br /> the�remiums ecqt�ired to mulntc�in martgngc insi+rn�irc in cffcct.ar to pmvlde a las�rescrvc,ur�tii ti�o rdyufr�totent for ntut�tgnQa
<br /> insurnncc endH fn nccordanco with nny wrht�n ogrccment betwecn Barro�ver an� Lertder ap lipplicuble Iu+sv.
<br /> 9. Inspection.Lcndcr ar tts agent mny m�ko rcu5annblc cntrics upnn nrtd inspccttons af t8ie Pro�sc►ty. L.stnJcr nhnll aive �
<br /> Qtorrowee naticc nt dic tim�of or priar to an inspccti�n spccii'ying reasUnnblo cnuse for thc inspcctian
<br /> 10. Condemnettan. `ific procecda of u�ry awc►�d ue or forf conve�uu o in Ilcu af condemtiwtian, a�hc by`ussigrted artd �� �
<br /> condemnutlon or ather taking of nny part of tho Pmperty. Y
<br /> shnll be paid to Lender.
<br /> In tho event of a uvtul ttilcing of the Pmperty,the pm�:eeds shail be eppltad to the sums secured by t4�is Security InsUvment.
<br /> whether or not then due.with any excess p�id tn Borrower. In the evcnt af�parti�l taking of thc Property in whIch the fnir
<br /> mnrket value of the Property imme�Uately before the taking Is equal to or greaeer tban th�amoant of the sums secured by tl�is
<br /> Securlty Iastrument immediatcly beFare the taking,unless Bomnwcr and I.ender otherwise agt+ee in writing,the sums setured by
<br /> n
<br /> this Szcuriry Insuua►ent shatl be ceduced by the s�nount of the proceeds rauldplie�by the following frectioa: (a���ta1 . .
<br /> amount of the sums setured iunmediatelY before the taking,dlvided by(b)the feir market value af the Prope W�ch the fair
<br /> before the taldag. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In.the event of a partial takiag of the Ptoperty
<br /> m3r&cet value of the Property immedietely before the taking is less thun the amouat of the sums secured irrunediately before the'
<br /> �e�ng�unless gorrov�rer and Lender otherwise egree ia writtng or unless app4cable law othenaise provides,uIE PtOCE0�8 6IItlII
<br /> be applled to the sums secured by thts Securnty Instnunent whether or not tha sums arc then due.
<br /> If tha Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by I.�nsler to Borrower tha!tiee condemnar offcrs to make a1x
<br /> awasd ar settl8 a claim for dtu�ges,Bomower fails w respond to Lend�r wlthin 30 days aftEr tha date the nodce is given,
<br /> I��ader is authorized to coltc�t and apply tke prooe�ds.at its option,either to reswratioa or repair of the Propercy or to the sums
<br /> secu�ed by this,S�utity Instruimeni.whether or not Wen du�: '�
<br /> Unless 1,�rider and Borrower otheiwise agree in writing, any:Application of proceeds to pdnt�pal shaU`�peY extend'aY
<br /> postpnne the dpp t�ate of the montWy payacems referred to in paregraFbs I �nd 2 or chenge the amnnet aay such pa�,rcdente. ' .
<br /> or•MadiHcation
<br /> ' �1.Borraw+er�Tot Rel�st�f Forbe�rauce By Lenalar Not a'►�siver.�xtension of the time for��iaymc�nY �
<br /> of.�unortlzatian of the sums accured bY t6is Secwity Instrumt�lt Branted by Lender ta ai�y•saccessor in interest of�oY'cower shall
<br /> pdi aperate to r�lease the liabilii.y.+�f the origin&1 Borrowgr c►r Borrower's sucoessa�s ia interest.L.eader sbali nqt 6e required to
<br /> com�uence proc�clings egainst iu►Y successor in iatetext ar refuse to extend dme for paymeut or othecwtse�todlf'�amoTci�atton
<br /> of the sums sec�ar,ed by this 5ecurity Instni�ent by reason of any de.inaad made by the orlgin3t �orrower or Borrower's
<br /> n i�o3y.�hai!a�w�?:::i�az�f�t g�t,�te:the
<br /> susxessors in iaterest. Any foxbearance by Lender in exeTCisinB�3' S�t ur , f:_
<br /> exercise of�ny right or remedy. '.. '
<br /> 1Z.Suacessors and.l�sslgas Bonnd;Joint and S»veral`��b�ltt�r;Go-signers. The coveaants and agm�riients of ti�ia
<br /> 5ecurity Instnunent s6a11 bind and bensSt the successots and assi8pa o�Lendsr and Borm�+er, sabject to the prnvisions�f
<br /> paragraph 17. Bomnwer's oovenaats and agreementa sha11 Ue joint aad sevesal. Any $°�r°wer who co-si�as this Securi3y
<br /> Instrumsgt but does aot eAecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secudt5►InstNment only to mortgeg�,gcaat and convey thui
<br /> Borrou�rer's inte�st in tha Froperty under 3he terms of this Secudty Lisuvment:(b)is rtot persomlly obligated to pay the sums
<br /> stcured by t�is Securttv Insmunent;and(c)agrees chat Leader and any other Borrocrer may agree to extend,modity,forbcat vr
<br /> mal;�eny accommnda5ions urith regard to the tem�s of this Secudty Insmunens ar the Note wittzout thaa Borrowcr's oonsen�
<br /> 13.Loan Charga.If the losu securcd by this Security Insaument is subjoct w a taw which sets maxLnum loan ct►arBe�,
<br /> aucl that law�a finally Inteipretod so that the intenst or other laan charges cotlectad or to be oolloded�to:oducoe�tlie c��C
<br /> toan excad the permitted limita.then:(a) any sucfi toan chaige shali be radnad by the�nount neas.�ry �T8
<br /> w the pemtiued iimit:aad(b)anY sums siready oolla�tod fmm Bomower whlch exaeeded permiQtcd limits wiU bn�fimded ta
<br /> Bor[ower. Lender aiay choose W malco this refiu�d by reducing thts princfpal owad uader tho Nate or b�mnking out�ea 1
<br /> W►Yment to Bomower. If a nefiuid reduces principal, the reduction wlli bo treate� as a partiat Prep�►Y Y
<br /> �enavmrnt cuarge uader ih0 Note. ..----_._.:-
<br /> 14.Nottces.My nodce to Bomower pmvldod for in this Security Instiument shall De gtven iry aenveriug n vi vy w�
<br /> it by first class mail unless agpltcnble law requires nse uf anotAer ca�ethod.Th$aatice Eh1U Ire dtre�d to the P�p�rty Add�ss•
<br /> or any oth�r address Borrower desi�nates by notioe to Ix.a�der. Ac�y noaee w I.eader st�all be gtven by fitst�alnss mxil�•LC,
<br /> = L�,d�'s°�rc:y��e��7�c+r���d�s I.e�er des�g.mtes by notioe to Boirower.p►nY tto�ioe pmvidod far iu cF��
<br /> Secudty Instcumea[sir�ti be deeme�i w�u��:�s giv�s tes Eas�rrrr c���al±en givm as umvidod in th[s pac�SisP�• � .
<br /> Ig.�o�� �,y��; ��biUl�,. 1'his S�writy Tus�ument shaII be govemed by fedual !aw and tho laa o�ticu�:
<br /> jurisdic:8un ia wluch die P[opert5'is located.In the cv��t xhat anY P?+ovisIon or clause of tlris Sewnty Iastnwnsnt or tho N�t�s?
<br /> oonftids witA a�licable law,such oonflict shall aot afE--.,��other pmvisions o�this 5xurtty Instru�eat or the Note whicb c�tt�(3v'�:.
<br />= S�ven effect wa�Yiimt ths confliciing pm;resion.To tY�is end die grovisions of thts Saurity Insttumert a�th$Note are decfy►t'ad�
<br /> ,; .
<br />•= ta bc severable. '
<br /> . Y6.Bars+�we�s�oisy,lBoie�ower shall bs given Q�'con8orrued coPY of the Note and of this Sa�ritY insmr�uuent.
<br /> , F«m 302s 9190
<br /> vr�a e or s
<br />