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<br /> TOt3ETHER WITH o!I t7►e improvem�nts rww or herenfter erected on tha property. and alt eusements,appartenances.end
<br /> fixtures ttow or hereafter a part of the property. All replucem�nts nrtd additions shull also he cov�red by thia Sgcurity
<br /> Instrum2nt.AII oYthe for�IIoing is referrcct to in thls Secudcy Insteument us thc"Pmperty."
<br /> BOR1tOWf�R COVENANTS that Bnrrower is tawfully seised of the eatato heccby conveyed und has the ri�ht to grant ntt4
<br /> convey the Property and that tho Property {e unancumbered,except for encumbrances of cecord. Horrower wArrunts and wip
<br /> def�rcd generuQy the titie to tito Pra�:rty ug�ln�e�il claims tu►d demands.subJezt to ntay encambrnnces of record. ,--
<br /> TMdS SBGURITY INSfRUMENT combines aniform cavenonts for nadonal use nnd non•unifarm covenunu�wlth Iimited
<br /> vArlationa by jurisdiction to eonstlmte a unifortn securlty Inatniment aovertng c+e�l property.
<br /> UNIFOIiM COVBNANTS.9orrower ertd l.ender covennnt and agree es followb:
<br /> l. Payment oi Frieezipal and Interes� Prepuyment and Lute Char�es. Borrower sha11 promptly pay when due the
<br /> prIucipal of and lntereat on the debt evldenoed by the Note and eny prepayment and late cherges due under the Note.
<br /> Z.�rads tor'd'eu�And dn�^ursuccc. Subject w applIcable!aw or to a wrltten wxtver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to -_
<br /> Lentter on the duy ntonthly paymants are due under tlte Note.untll the Note ia paid in fuU.a aus►("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> and assessraents w6ich mny suain priorlty over thIs Security Instrument as a lien on tha Property;(b)Yea�'ly leasehold payments
<br /> or growcd renta on the Property.If any:(c) Yearly hazand or property insumnce premiums;(d)Yearly flaad insurance premiums.
<br /> If any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any; and(�aay sums payable by Borrower to I.endzr,in accordence wlth
<br /> the provisiona of paragrapb 8. in lten of the payment of mortgage insura:eca preraiums.Those items am z�lled"Escrow Items."
<br /> I,en�e�may. at any dme. collecct and hold Funds in an amouat aot to exceecl the muximum amount a lender far��edesally
<br /> s�l���l mortgage loan roay req�aira for Bo�rower's escrow axount under tlae fecle,ral Rea�I Bsiate�etttemcnt Proc�duns A�of .
<br /> 197Q as nucended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.(°ItBSPA"),unless another la�v th�t applies to 3he Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount.1f so,L.Ender may. at eny time, collect end hold Fuads in an ainouat not to e.eceed the lesser amount.
<br /> Len�lEr may estimate the amo�nt of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasoaable estimatos of eacpendlt�sres of tbture
<br /> Escx�o�v Items or otlaerwlso ia n�ordance with appliceble law.
<br /> �e Punds shaU be helcl iu an institudon whose de�rsits are insurad by a federal agency, InsuumentaUty, or entIty
<br /> (inc9udin8 I.ender.if Lender is such an lnstitution)or in any Federal Y�iome Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds w pay the _
<br /> Escrow Items.E.ender may not charge Borrower for holdin�and applying the Funds,annuaUy analyzing the escroWV axouut,oc
<br /> verlfyiag the Escrow Item�,unless Ixnder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pem�its Lender w m�lce such
<br /> a charge.However, I.ender may require Borrower w pay a oue-dme charge for an independent real estaYe tcix reparting service
<br /> us�l.by Lender in oonne�tion wIth this loaa, �tnless applicable law provldes otherwIse. Unless an agrcement is made or
<br /> appltcatiie law requitcs incere.st io bv paici, Lc,r3��iit�t!s�r�d ta gay Ea�:.�sss;iater�t srr�s c+��h4 Fur,ct�±, . _
<br /> � Borrower and E.�nder may agnee in wcidng,however.that lnterest shall be paid on the �nds. I.eader sha118fve to Borrower,•
<br /> wlihout charge, an..apnusl axountfng of Ct�e k�nds.show[ag ciedits and debits to the Fuads aDd thQ piupose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.Th�Funds are pl8dged as additionai sECUdty for sU sums st:�ured by t3�is 5ecurity Insut�mcnt•
<br /> di the Funds tceld by Leader eace�d the amounts permtaed to be held by appGcabia law.Lender shall axouat to Borcower
<br /> for the excess Fuads in accoidactoe with t�e requirem�nts of applicable Iaw.If tha amount of the Funds held by LenQtr at any
<br /> time is nat saffic3ent to pay the Fscrow Iteans when due.I.ender may so notify Bomower in writing,and.in such case Borrower
<br /> ghall p3y w Lender.the amuunt neces.sary w meke up the deficiency. Bomower shaU maLe up the deficiency ia no more thsn
<br /> twelve montlily payments,at Ler�der•s sole discretion.
<br /> 1Jpoa payment in faU of all suuns sccured by tbis Security Insuument. Leader shall pmmpdy refund w Barrower aay
<br /> Funds held by L,ender.If.u�er paragcaph 21,I.ender shaU acquire or sell the Property.L.ender,prior to the aoquisitlen or sale
<br /> of the Property,s�i�a11 apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of aoquisiilon or sale as a c�it against the sums secnt+ed by
<br /> this Security d�tr�x�nent. �
<br /> 3.Appltc�tibn of I'eyments.Unless o�p7icable law pmvides otherwise,all payments reoeived by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 t�J��.shpll be applied: fust,to any prepayment char�es d,ue under the Note; s000nd,.to aznounts payable umler paragreph 2;
<br /> :hiir�l uw 3nte.�t due::fourth.to AtinciAal due:aad las�to tury tate charges due under c�e Yote.
<br /> ''''•,,4:`C6axg�s;�Liens. Boreewer shall�ay�11 taxes,assessments.charges. finas and imposittons attributrDle w ttte t�ropetty
<br /> which may att�i�.priority over this Secusity��3nshument, riad leasehold payments or ground rents. if ax►y. Borrower shal!pay
<br /> , �te§e abli�atioin's:irti Yhe manner provtded in paragtaph 2.or if not paid In that manaez.Bornower shaU pay them on time dlrealy
<br /> dD.i�1C�tsvi viYou�ayr��t.4orroz:cr�.�1!�r�m�fy fimsieh to i�er all nntices�f amaunts to be p2id under t�►is pamgaph.
<br /> :I�8�+i'rower maYes these paymeAts directiy,Buu�a+er sl�ait�srcmpt2y fuscd�h to i��r�gts evideasi�;t�TMay�?►cc-
<br /> �8oaower shall PromPtly discharge any tien which hes priorisy over this SecuriY3r I�st�ua�em unless Bornower.(a)agt�in
<br /> � '.,�IYjng to the gi�yyment of the obligation sewc�ed by the Gen in a manner�cceptable to Lender;(b)oontests in good feith the li�.'•
<br /> ' l�y,.,or defends'agaiast enforo�nt of the lien in, legat pmoeadings which in U�e LeIIder's opinion openate to prevent cEr�� :..
<br /> �f4:Fement of the lien: or 4c��s�ecures from the hoider of the Uca an ag�+eement satisfactory to L,ender subozdina3i�g il�lien to '
<br /> y,���CUrliy Iastrumem. If l[��r detemilnes that any part,of the Property is subject to a lien w i u c L may at�'�:�b:-:t�'over
<br /> this`$ecurity U»s;iument, Lender may give}lo}mwer a notice identifyin$the lien.Borc�ower shall satisfy the lien cts,�e ane or
<br /> more of th:•�rtlan's set forth above within 10.�2ys of the giving of notice. '
<br /> � Farm 302$ 9Ig0
<br /> - � � Pe�s2ot8 _
<br />