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<br />, S. Hozerd or Property Insursdnce. Borrower s1`anll keep the improvements now ercisdng or hereafter erected on the 4
<br /> Pmperty inswed agninst loss by fire. hazards in�luded wlthln th�term "extended caverage" and a�y other hsv�rds, inctuding
<br /> floods or 91u�oding. for which Lender requires insurance.This insurartce shup be maintnin�d in the amounts t�nd for the per�ods
<br /> thut[.ender�uires.The insurnnce currier Froviding ttie insuruttce shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lend�r s npproval
<br /> whtch shall aat be unmasonably withheld. If Horrotircr fails to mainWin ooverage descdbed above.Lender may. ut Len3er's �
<br /> opttou.obiain covcrage to protect Leader's rlghts in the �ro�arty fn nc�ordnnce v,ith p�ragraph 7. ,-
<br /> All insuranoe policies•ead renewals shall be aaeptabte to l.ender and shail include a standard mottgage clause. Lender �
<br /> ehall have the rigY,e to h�nld the polIcles and renewals.If I.ender requires.Sorrower shall promptly give to Lendet ull c�eceipts of �
<br /> paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss. Borrower shaU give prompt notice to d�e insurance carrjer arcd l.ender. Q
<br /> Lender may make pmaf of loss if nat made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Ualess I.ender and Eorrower othenvlse agree in writiag.lnsurnnce prua�ds shatl be applled to restoration ar�+epair af the _
<br /> Ptoperty damsged,if the rESwretion or repair is ecommically feasib"le and Lencter's security is not tessened.If the restoradon or � j
<br /> re�air Is not econon�ically feastble or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums _
<br /> secured by ti�ts Securtty Instcument, whether or nat then due, wtth any excess paid to Bocrower. If Horrower abandons the
<br /> Property. or does not answ$r wIUda 30 days a uotia from L.ender that the insurance carrler hos offered W settle a claim, then
<br /> Lender may collect the inswance procxeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restotc the Property or to pay suaos
<br /> secured by th[s Security lasriument,whether or noi then due. The 30day perIod will begin when the noiice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bomower othenvise agre�in wdting. any application of proceeds to princtpal s�r►1! not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthiy paymeciu refercexl to in pacagraphs 1 arid 2 ar change t1►c �ur,ount of the paymeats. If •
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquirzd by I.ender. Bormwer's right to any insurance policies and praceeds tesultiag from
<br /> damsge to the P�+opetty prior to the aoquisidon sha3A pass to Lender w the eatent of the sums secured by•this S2rurity Instwnent
<br /> tauaediately prier to the aoquisltion.
<br /> 6.O�upancy,Presrrvation,NYsintenan�e am►d Pjirotection of the Property;Borrower's Loan l�pplfca8on;I.easeholds.
<br /> Borrower shaU occupy.establish.and use ihe Property as Borcower's principa!resIdence within sj�ty dnys after the exeeuHon of
<br /> this Security Instwnent and shai!condnue to aaupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> the dsite of accupancy, unless Lender othenrise agre�s in writing. which oonsent sh�ll not be unreasonably withheld,dr unless
<br /> extenu�ting circu[nstances exist whic6 are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shail not destroy, damagC or impair the
<br /> Property. allow the Pe+aperty w deterloratc,or commit waste on.the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> actlon or proceeding,whether civil or c�itainal.is begun that in Lender's gaod faith judgment coald result in forFeicwe of the
<br /> froPcrir��[i�wi��tei�atty im�;;��e!i�crt� �y lhia�sstir�Its..inttzteni ur L�l�r's S?M±tisy �ir�v�t: ftnrmwer may �
<br /> cure suc.h a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18,by c�ausing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> that, in Leader's good faith determiaation, pmiudes forfe�ture of the Borrawer's interest in the Proper►y�or other material
<br /> Impainnent af the lien created by this Secarity Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shalt atsu.be in defautt if
<br /> Batrower.durin�the loan appljeadon process. gave materially false or i�aocw�ate in€ormation or atate,ments.to Lender(or failed
<br /> ro provide Lender with any material infarmation)in con�►ection with the Iean evidenced by the No�,iacln�siig.but noi lim;ted � •
<br /> to.representations conceraing Bomuover'a oocupancy of the Property as a prIncipal reside�nce.ftf this Security instrument i��o�a
<br /> leasetcold. Borrower shall comply wiN �1l the pmvisioas of the lease. If Borrower acquitrs'fee dtla ta,the 1'roperty.�the -
<br /> (easehofd and it�e fee title shaq not merge unless Lender agrees w the merger in writing. . ,�
<br /> 7.FrotecHon of Lender's Rights In the 8rope�ty.If Horrower fails to perform tha coveriat�ts and agreements contained in
<br /> thiF Security InstrumEnt.or there is a legsl pinceeding t6ai may significantly aftect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> prooeeding in baalmiptcy.probate.for t�ndemnaiion or forfeiwre or to enforce laws or n�ulations),then Lender may do and
<br /> pay far whatever is rtece,ssaq+to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rIghts in the Property. I,ender's actions may
<br /> inciude paying any sums secuc+ell by u lian whic�has priority over this Security Inswmen� appearirig'�in oourt. paying
<br /> neasonable uttomeya'fees and entering on the Property�to make re.p�irs.Although Lender may mke actton under t}ris para$raph ;
<br /> 7.I.ender daes not have to do so. • •
<br /> ._.. �.,�e:,,Y,�,s,.�.rVa.! l... 1.�svlvr n,uirr th3�e�arn�a.•anh 7 ct►au t,arnrrw additinnal debi t�f SormiYer seCUred by�tI11s
<br /> Securiry Instrument.Unlesa Barrower aud Leader egree ta other terms of payment,these amounts st�all bzar interest fmm ihe
<br /> date of disbwsement at tl�e Note rat�and shall be payable.witt► intcrest, ap�ra aotice fr�m Lezxder Lo Etorrawer requesting
<br /> paympent. -Y��. .L,�
<br /> O•iviorigage insurbuur.Ii I,c,���aaju:.-�uN��fl�b i3�i�iiusCv°.�'r°r..:.i:1:.iiuOB Qf I"..3t`�SIIa^tii:����-,MV/Fs:f�tiV f�7fS�?Y'IFTt}3J :..
<br /> Insuument. Borrower shall pay the pmmiums required w maintain ti�e'mortgage insvraaoe nn e�7ai. If, fot ru�y �easart, tt.e -
<br /> mottgage inswanze coverage requited by Ixnder lapses or oeases W be in effect.Borcower sl�aU pay ttce premiums requined to
<br /> obtain mvernge su6stantially equivalem to the tnoitgage insutance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> cost t�Borrower of the tuortgage it�surance previously in effect. fmm an altemate mortgage insvrer approved by Lender. If
<br /> substantially equivalent mortguge insvranre voverage i�noi available.Bornower shall pay to i.ender each momh a sum equal to � •
<br /> on�twelfth of the yearly mortgage�usurance preuiium bein�paid by Borrower when the insur.�nce coverage lapsea or ceaced to ..
<br /> be in effect.Lender wull ar.cept,use and retain these paymems as a loss msenre in lieu of mart�age insuranoe. Loss ceseive
<br /> f«m's�ZB 6t"s�i
<br /> Pape 3 ot 8
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