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<br /> TO08THBR WITH all th�improvements no�v or hegeafter er�cted on thB propzrty,und all easements.appurtenances.und •-�
<br /> fixtures nov, on c�re:�ite� n part aP thc praperty. All seplacements wtd �ddit{ons shull ulsa bs covered by this Security
<br /> Insuurttent. All of Qte forcgolt��ta referecd to in this Secupity Instrument as the"Praperty.' �
<br /> �ORFL01,'y8R COV�NANTS thnt Borrower is ta�dfully seised of the estate hcreby conveyod und has the right to grnnt And �
<br /> canvey the Property �d that the Propeny is unertCUmbered,excepi for encumbrances af c+�mrd. Borrower wnrrnntti nnd will
<br /> defend�enemlly the titic to the Progcrty aBuinst uit cinims and dem;snds.subject ta any encumbranoes of rectird. ;��
<br /> THIS SECUEdITY INSTRUMENT combines uNform covenants for nationai use and Ron-uniform Wv��nm►ts wit6li�i�lted � -
<br /> vu�fations by jurisdict�on to oansdmte a uniform secudty inshu�ment coveriug real property. �
<br /> UNIFORM C4�t�NANTS.Bonawer nnd Lender cavenant and agree as foUo�vs: �
<br /> l. Pa�ment of Prfa�tpal eud Interest; Prepayimeg[t and LaEe Charges. Horrower shall promptly pay when due tha �
<br /> principa�l of artd inter�st on the dcbt evtdenoed by the Note and any prepayment nnd Iat�charges�ue under the Note.
<br /> 2. I�bnds far 7P[u�eutd IttstDrance.Subject to applicoble lnw or to a written waiver by IIxnder. �orrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the ds►y�onthiy payments nre due under the Nate,unt�t the Note is pa3d in fiell,a sum ("Fwzda")foe:(a)yearly wxe� -
<br /> aud assessments which may nttain prIority over this Serurity Insmiment es a lien om the Progerty:(b)yearly leasehold paycsants
<br /> or graund nants on th�Propzrty.if any:(c)Yeariy huxnrd or propraty insumnce premluma;(d)Yearly flood insurnnce prerciu�.s.
<br /> if any; (e)yeurly mortga�e Insurunse premIums.!f any;and(�any sums payabla by Homower to Lender.in acoordance wi•�h,
<br /> tke provisions of paragraph 8,in ldeu of the payment of mtortgage insuraace premiums. These items are ccil„",od °Bszrou+Items.°
<br /> Lender may,at any time. collcxt and hold Funds in an amount not to excexd the ma�imum amonnt a lend�r for a federally
<br /> tseleted mortgage loan may�qulre for Botmwer's escrow accouat uader the federal Real Estate Settlemem iarosedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as mttended from tlme to timB. 12[1.S.C.SectIon �601 et seq. ("RESPA").unless a�athar law that appliea to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, Lend�r may:at any time. coilect and hoW Fuads in an amourt nat w exoeed the lesser aatoum.
<br /> Lender may estimnte the amount of Funds due on the basis of curn�t data rucd masonable es�mates of exQenditures of future .
<br /> Fscrow Items or otherwlse in a000idance with applicable law.
<br /> Tt►e Funds shall be held ia an institutlon whose deposits are insuced by a federal agency. instrumentality. or entity
<br /> (including Lender.if Lendcr is such an Iastitutlon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds ta Qny the
<br /> Pscrow Items. Lender may not charge Barr�ower for holding and applying the Funds.aru�ually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> veritying the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interesc on the Funds aad upplicable law permits Lender to m$tce such
<br /> a cher�e.However,Lender may reguire Borrower to pay a one-tIme charge for aa iadepemiem real estate tax reporting servioe '
<br /> us�d by I.ender in oonnectton with this loan, unless appGcable lew provides otherwIse. Unless an agree�mnt ia made or
<br /> appUcable law requires iaterest to b�paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Sorrower eny iaterest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> Botrower and Ler�er may agree in wrldng,however, that interest shalt be paid on the Funds.Lender shail give to Fsarrawer. `
<br /> . . widhout charge, an a�ual accounting of the Funds.showiug credits and debits to the Futads artd the purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was rnade..Tha Funds are pledged as addidonal security far all sums secured by this Sec�nrity In.ctcumcnt. �
<br /> If the Funds heid by•'Lertder eaoeed We amounts permitted to be held by�applicable law.Lender shal�ueoount to Bornower ,.
<br /> fnr the exoess Funds in accordance with the requinements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds He1d by Lersdex,at any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Essmw Items when due,L.end$r may sfl notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case�torsower
<br /> shall pay to I.ender the amount neoessary to make up the deficiency.Barrower shall make up the deSciency in no ritore�than
<br /> � turelve monihly payments,at Leuder's sole�iscc+etion. ' '
<br /> ' UPon Pay�ent ia fuU of aU sums secured by this Securiry Instrum�at. Ltnder shall promptly ret�►nd to Borrqwer any
<br /> � Funds held by Leader.If.under pardgraph 21.Leader shaU acquine or sell the Property,Leiader. prior to tN�acquisition or sale
<br /> of the Property.shall apply any Funds heid by Lender ai the dme of acquisition or sal�as,2s credit agairist the sums sh,�itred by
<br /> this Security Instniment. ��. �.
<br /> 3.ApplicaHon olPayments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,al!payineats received by T�ider under paragcupha , .
<br /> I and 2 shail be appli6d: tirst, to�►y prepayment cLarges d¢e under the Note; seoond.W amounts p�yabtc Under parap,raph 2; .,
<br /> third,W interest due; fou�th.to princIpal due;and last,w any Iste charges�ue under the Note. •
<br /> 4.Cbarges;Liens. Bomower shall pay all taxes.assess�ants.charges.fittes and ia�sidons atuibutable to th�IPio�eciY
<br /> wi�ich [Qay attain prioriry oeer this Secudty Instrument, and 8�ola gayments or gnound rents,if atry. esor�wer��nn pay
<br /> these obligai[ons ia tf►e manner pruvided in parsgraph 2,or if not paid in thai muueer,Bomower shall pa3r:�dhem on time cl3recdy •
<br /> to the person owed paymen�Bomower shall promp'dy fia�aish w Lender all notices of�noumffi to be pa�ii:under this pacagrnph. ,
<br />_ If Borrouer makes these�aymznts directly,Borrowei sl�all pmmpdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the pa�ment�.� _
<br /> Ror�awer sh?!1 ptomptly clisc��r�e a.ny lien which ha_a Qri�rity over shis Seaurity Instnrment unless Borrower:(arsip�ees in
<br /> wrinng to the gayment of the obligation secuned by the lien iti s manner accepiable to L.endel;.(b)oontests in$ood f�iit@a tlte lien
<br /> by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal procaediogs which in the Lender's opinion o�e to pi'event the
<br /> enfoioement of the iien;or(c)secures trom the holder of the lien an agre2�nEmt satisfactory w Lender su}�rdinating tl�e liea t,� ��:��;.
<br /> thes Stxurity Instnuneni. If Lender det�rmines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry over '
<br /> tius Scxurity Instiuuinent. Lender may give Borrower a notice�s�fntifying the lien.Somovrer shall satisfy the lien or tnZt�oae or
<br /> more of ths actions set forth abave wIthin 10 days of the givin;of notice. •
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