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Lender or ita nBent mAy malce reasonable enutea upon nnd inspecdona of the Property. Lender ahall give <br /> " BOIIOWCI QOtICC 8t thC tliAC Of OY(1YIOP IQ 8a 1119�fCt{Oil 6pCCIfYIY1g PCa.,01lIIbIC G:13�C fOP t116�AS�LKIOri. ��` <br />- �-° _� 10.Condemnatlon.The pmceeds of any uward or claim for damages,direct or consequential. it1 connectinn wlth aay <br /> condemnation or other taking of any part of the Propexty� or for conveyance in lleu of coademnation,are herehy agslIIned nnd - <br />,<pti� �heU be pa4d W L.ender. _ <br /> - Iu tho evsat of a totnl taking of the Property,the proceeds shaU be npplied co the sums aecured by this Securlty iasuucnent. _ <br />- whether or aot then due.with any excesa paid to Bomower. Ia the event of a partiul takIag of the Property in whtch the fuir = <br /> �'°°�'�'•s market value of the Property Irsa�edlat�ly before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of ttte aums secured by this .- <br /> '�'-� Securicy insm�ment immediately befo�the taki�g,unless Borrower aad I.eader otheiwise agree in writing,the sums se�uced by _ <br />- .. Wis SECUrIty InsKUanznt shall be reduced by the amouat of the pmce�da multlplled by the following fraction: (�the touil <br />_.'�,:;"� '��,, amauat of the sums secured immediaiely befone the takL��.divided by (b)the fair market value of the Property immediatcly <br /> -�•��.� bafore the tt�lcing.Any balance shaU be paid to Borrower. In the eveat of a parttal taldng of the Pmperty in which the fait <br /> :�_t�•,� . <br />-�.�,��;, market value of the Property immediately before the taking ia less tban the amount of the sums secu.�ed immedtately before the <br />�-�?.�'•,�'�'.,,'R tnldu�,unless Borrower aad L�tder othervvlse agree in wrltIng or unless appltcable law otherwIse provides. the proceeds shali <br /> ..:;:x:�;.. <br />'r..:. be applled w the sums secured by this SecurIty Instivment whether or not the sucns a�na then due. . <br /> ....�..�,. ,� <br /> �:���;� Yf the Property is abandon��by Bflmower,or if,aRer aotice by I.ender to Borrawer that ttte condemnor offers to m e an <br /> ,;;�'��_�.�:� award or settle a claiffi for dameges,Borrower faila to reslwnd to Leador wlthin 30 days aflter the date the aotice is given, <br /> ''-�`==�- I.encler is author�Zed to callecx aad apply the its option.either to reswration or repair of the Propetty or to the sums <br /> .'i+����i��it�:;.� . secured by this Secusity lasuument.wheth�r or not tlten due. <br />...T.:"��� Unless L,ender aad Boaower otherwise agtee fa wriHng. ei►Y eFPlicatien of proc�eds to principal shall not extend or <br />--°`�='"`-"� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or chauge the amount of such payttir.nts. <br /> ----_� il.Boarower No!Ite]eused;Forbeaa�ance By Lender Not m Waiver.Batension of the time for paya�ent or modllication <br /> af amortlzadon t�f the sums secured by thi�Secutlty Iastrument granted by Leader w any successor in interest of Borrower shpli . <br /> --- - not operate to release the Uability of the original Borrower or Bomower's succes.gors ia interest.Leader shall aot be required to <br /> -_- commencs proa�ings against aqy successor in int�rest or refiise co extend time for payment or othesw[sa modify amortizaflon <br /> -,-,� of the sums securea by t�is �writy insuumenc iry ieason oi airy efcmiuic�in� try the ��igi�at °asrc--.r�ar Eams�.:�'s • <br /> - - -- successora in iatergst. Any► forbearance by lender in eaencIaing aay rlgbt or cemedy shatl aot be a waiver of or preelude the <br /> --v--- exercise of any right or nmedy. <br /> — 12. Suceessors and Asslgps Bound:Jaiat and Sevepai LiabiUtyi C�e:s.The covenants aad agrxments of�his <br /> - - � Secu�c�ity Iasmiment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Boirower� subjea to the pmvtsiona of <br /> ptvagraph 17. Borrower's oovcAants and agceements shaU be joi�and several. Any Borrower who ca-sigas this Sec�axity <br /> .�� Instrument but doeu not exe�a►ta the Note: (a) is co-siguing this Securlty Insuument only w mortgage.grant su�canvey that <br /> - Bomower's interest in the Property w�d�r the terms of this Securlty Instanmenr.(b)i�not personariy oblfgated w pay che sua�s <br /> _v=_= secunad by this Security Iastcurnem:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other 8orrower may agree to exund�modify.forbear o� . <br /> -��`��` make any aaommodations with re�ard W the terms of ihis Securiry�nstrnmsat or the Note witttout that Borr�wer's wnsmt. <br /> :_� 13.Y�oan Charg�v.If tt�e Joan secured by this SeCUrlty lasmuuent ia subject to a law which seta maximum lou�charges, <br /> •',� and that laa 3s�na1Dy incerpretad so that the imerest or other loun chatgxs coller�oz W be collected in oonnxxlon with tbe <br /> - loan ea�ceed the penanitted limits�then:(a)aay such loan charge shaU be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> to the permittal limit:and(b)anY sumg alteady oolle�i from Borrower which excealed permitted 13mits will be iefundc�w <br /> � Borrower. Lender may choosa to make 2�1s refuad by reducing the prladpal owed under the Note or by m�aking a dlrax <br /> �"!,tt�o�� �3!ment to Boriawer. If a�r.eibad reduces p�incipal, the reductioa wIll he tc�eated as a paztial PrePaYment without any <br /> :;��:. . Px'�p�,yment charge unner tne riou. <br /> :,'� 14.NoNces.Any notice w Borrower pm��ided for in this SecurIty�ast�em shaU be givea by del3ver�ng:�e.or by mailiag <br /> it by first class mail unless appiicable law roquires use of aaoticer metiiod.The aotIa shali be directed to the Property Address <br /> - - or smy other address Borzower desiguatcs by notice to I.ender. Aay n�utice to I.ender shall be'given by firsa class ma�l to <br /> -- -- t pnt,��a r+dd�a stated A�s+ein or any other�ddress Leader designatea uy nouoe to u�:rower. iwy aouce pravided ioz in�his - <br /> - Security IASaument shaU bo.dcemed w have bcen given to Borrower or I.ender when.given as Zn+ovtded in this paragraph. <br /> -. 1S.Governing Law; Soverability. This Secudry Insnument shall be gov¢seted Dy fcderal law and the law of the <br /> � jw4sdicdon in whlch the Property ia la�ated.In the event tbat any prowision or cla�ise of this Securiry Insorumeat or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicabie law,auch conflict sha11 not affe�t other provIslons of tbia Securtty Insunm�nt or the Note wbich caa be <br />- - -- given e�fect without the c�z�lictin�pravisivn. To this ead tiie provisiona of this Secur[ty Insnvment aad the Note are rloclarcd <br /> _.._.__- to be severable. <br /> —_ = i6.HorioWer's Copg*.Borrower shall be gtven one vonformed aipy of the Note and of this Security Insmimeat. . <br /> Form SOZB 919D <br /> __ ___ ��BVtNBltss�s�.o� v.aeams wnr.:� . <br />,, ��� `��('i _ <br /> _-_ <br />