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<br /> � � 19.7I'r�nsfer o!the FropRrBy or n 13eneficiai Iptw�st tn�areower.If�11 or eny part of the Property or nny intereat in it -:�+•
<br /> is sold or tamtsferred(or if n tseneficial intereat in Horrower ia sold or trnnaferted end Bornower is not t►natural person)without � Y;�_
<br /> Lender's prtor�vritten consent, Lender muy. at ite opdon, requlre immedinte puyment !n tWl of cill sums secure�by this ;y;
<br /> '" �_ Security Inauuraent.However.thta optinn Ahnll not be exerclsed by Lender if exercise is prohibtted by federul law os of the date _��:-_
<br /> ° ' of tbis Sacurity Inatnunent. `
<br />° If Lettder exerci�es this option,Ixnder sbnti givQ Barcower notice of sccelerutton.The notice ehNl provlde n{seriod of aot
<br /> � �.! less than 3Q days from the date the not[ce is delivered or mailed withia which Borrower muut pay nil aums secueed i�Y this �;_�:
<br /> �� � ' gecurity lnanwnent.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prlor to the expiratian of this gedod.Lender mny► invoke nny cemediea `
<br /> - ° ' permine�by tl�is Securlty Iasuument without fhcther nottce or demvtd on Borrower. �=�
<br /> ��� 18. Honmwea�'s Ri$ht to 13etnstate. If Borrower meets certain aonditions. Borrnwer shall have the dght to heve �__-
<br /> w,a;�� e n f o r c e m e n t o f t h i s S e c u r t t y I n a m i m.e�►t d iscondaued ut an y tirae prlor to the earlier of: (a)S weig o f s a l e c o�n t a i a� t h l a �'
<br /> ,�.�-6 applicable law may epecify for reinstatemeut)before sale of the Propercy pureuaat to any po �;,,
<br /> :,� Se�udty Instr�ment;or(b)enay of a jndgment enforcing thia Securlty Inauument.Those coadidons are that Borrower:(a)paYs -__-
<br /> , Lendet all suma which then woWd be due undar this Socuriry Iastrumen.t and the Note as if no aaeleratioa had occuered:(b)
<br /> •� cures a�►y default of any other covenents or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcin8 tbis Secvrlty Insemment.
<br /> a►Y uire to assure
<br /> � �. including.but not limited to. reasonable attorne�rs'fees;and(d)takes such acdon as Lender maY�sonablY�1 _
<br /> ' that the�ien of this Secuplty Insuument. Lender a dghts ia the Progerty and Borrawer's obligatton co p�Y Insm�naent and the -
<br />_ ,' this Security Insteument shall oontinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. tbia Securl --
<br /> �: obligattons secured hereby ahsll remain fu11y effective as if no exeleradon had ascurred•However,tLis rlght to reinstate shall .-
<br />_ _ �� not apply in the cese of accelerat[on under paYagraph 17. -
<br /> 19. Sate of Note� ChauBe af La�m�vicer• The Note or a nartial interesc in the Note(together with tbis SecudtY
<br /> � � ,: Instrua2eat)may be sold one or raore times without prior aotice to Borrower. A sale may rESUIc ia a change in tlte endQY(ka°wn
<br /> ' . as the'I.roaa Servicer')that oollects montWy paymencs due under the Note and this Security Iastrument.There also may be one
<br /> 0 or more changes of the Loan Servlcer wu+elated co a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Bo�rrua'eT wj11 be ,
<br /> given wrltten aotice of the change in acconlance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the aame and
<br /> address of the aew Lflaa 5ervicer aud the address to which payments should be made.The noNco wit!also contain any other
<br /> . infornu�tion required by applicable law.
<br /> "` ;• � 2�. Nazardouv Substences. Borrower shaU not cause or permit the presence, use,dlsPusal� storage,or release of any
<br /> �••` �``� Hazasdous Substaaces on or in 2ha Property. Borrov�+er sball not do, nor allow anyons else to do, an g eff�►8 t�►e
<br /> ,;,.t..�:;�: r
<br /> Pmperty that is in violatioa of any Environmental Law.The precedtng two seatences shall noia�ly w e p�ate w�nomaal
<br /> ���'-�: swrage on the Property of amall quantities of He7ardous 5ubstances that are generally recoguized w be aPP�F
<br />>�_�� . . , residemlal uses and to mainteaaace of the Propecty
<br /> .,-.,,ii A• gonaa,er$hall prompdy give i,ender written notIee of any iavestlgatton�claim,demend, lawsuit or oth�aaIon by any►
<br />.=�;;;;�.:;:.,� Sovcruuaeaiat Gi tcgutataiy z3eaci ar prl�at�g3rt;it�volving the Ptoperiy an�any Hezetdous Subslence or Envllonunitental Law _
<br /> - �•• of which Eorrower has actual lcnowledge. If Borrower learns,or is aotiSed by aay govemmental or ngulatory aut�oricy��i
<br />==::�t,*��-� Bonower shaU prorn tl take
<br /> _� x,Y aay removal or other remediaHon of any Hezerdous Substance affecdng the Property is aecessary, P Y
<br /> a(1 neassary remecDial actions in accordauce wtth Savironmentel Law.
<br /> _;:;��"�' As usal fn tbis patagraph 20. °Hazardous Substances°are thoss subse�moes de�as toaic or hazardous substances by
<br /> °;%:.:�;'� Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoliae� kemsene. oth�r tlammable or to�dc peuoleum�►mducts► toxic
<br /> =�:.�: pesticldes aad herbiddes,volatile solventa.materlals containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde,aad radkactive matenals.As used in
<br /> .-:,-,;.+:,.�`;. •. a�grap h 2p, •gnvimnmemal Law" means federal laws and lawa of the jurisdiccian aherc the Property ia lot�ted tbat
<br /> .:.�:-_-;�.;_y�n� relate to haalth.safety or envuanmeatal Pmtecdon.
<br />::r:�+,�:_.°�;;�i,'� NON•UNIFORM COVENAN'PS.Borrower and Leader fiuther covenant and agree as followa:
<br />--u,�:;e.�,��r� 21.Aaxlern4io�;R�edles.E,�ader almli give notEce to Borrower Y►rlor to accelerafloa followinS Borrawer's breach . ,
<br /> -- oi any coveaatrt or e9reanent in ihf� Secantty Imstru�ment Nut aot pt[or to aooeleratton uasier p�ge'aP6 1T unl�ss �
<br /> -� applicebie law provldes otherwise).T6e e�otice sLall speeify: (a)the defaWt;N)tLe at�toa req�ired W care the defouth, .
<br /> .'� (c)s date.not less t h a n 3 0 d ays t r o m t h e d a t e t h e n o t t c s i s g t v e a t o B o r ro w e r,b y cvhicd the ddaWt must be cured;and
<br /> ---- (�that faiture to cun We detault on or bdore the date s�pecified W the not[ce rnay resWt tn ao�eieration ot We sums
<br /> ----� s�w�ed by this Sectutty Inshwnent and sste oi the pe+operty.The aottce shall furWer infom� Boreower oi the Y�igitt to
<br /> _..�� relastate after aoceteratton aad the right to br[ug a eowt adton to tusat the qon-e�dsteace of a detaalt or an3' other ,
<br /> de4ease of Bon+ower to acaleret[on ead sele. If the defaWt is not cured on or before the date spedtied in the notice, �
<br /> I.endei.at ita outfon.maY�Wre imm�late paymeat in ttiill of all sums secnred by thfs�Secm�[ty Instrnment w[thout ' � '.
<br /> -.`:�:'� twther demand aad�ay€�avoke th�ara��oi�is ann avy omer re��p�•�•:•K��i:�v,..:d,�«�.:...,.�:.."'�-"'-•• _
<br /> -�� eatttled to ooIIeci ap��incure+ed in puesuWg 4he remedies pmvided in thLs parograPh 21,indu�lyg,but aot Iimi4ed _
<br /> �__- — �,�nable attorueys'fees and costs of tlile evtdence. .
<br /> ---- - ° It Wa power bf salLis invoked, FTruvtee!haJ��re�oord�a notice of aletault in each ooimty in which any Wut qi the
<br /> =_----- rrnpasy is inui+�u wr.o„o,......:t�;....,of..�..-----— �re�:-naer ar�ed!►y appl�caJ�le taw to Bore+nwer and W ,
<br /> ----- the o4her�so�pre.sccriue�i�g+a��Sieai�ie law.At:er tlt:tleae e+esjrfred by e�tic�Me law,'['�ustea st�tl gtre g�ubUc aottce -
<br /> r
<br /> ----- ot sate to the persoas and in ths maanner prescribed D3'apPlicable Iaw.�wIthout demnnd on Borrawer.sbiaU sxu
<br /> -` -_ _ - the Ptop�aRy st.pubIIc auctton to the highest bidder at the time and place aad uader th�terms daignute8 tn ths no�oe of
<br /> -__.�.�-�� sAle in orre or more�arcels and in aqy order 1tu4tee d�ermines.'1'rnst�ce ms�ch�e��l�Lendeer or�dest�ee ma,Y
<br />_ ,=p=�.;=._� Pr�uperty by Pnbilc annonac�ent at the tlme and place oi enY P� u'
<br />-- __�=-=�'�" puir,hase the Pcoperty at any sale.
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