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<br /> � �. Hpmrd or E�perty �ss�nce. Hornower shall keep the imprevements aow e stInII or hereaRer erected on the = _
<br /> � Properiy insured against loss by flre. haza:ds included wlthin the teraa °exteaded c:overage" and eny other ht�ards, iacluding �-
<br /> � � flooda or flooding,for whicb Lender c+eqnires insursinxce.This iasurance shall be maintained in the amouats and for the gerlada =_
<br /> _; " ,,'�# thut Lender requires. The lasurnnce caaler pro�tdiag thP insurance ahall be chosen by Borrower subjecc to Lender's approvel °'"
<br /> 5 wh{ch shrsti not be uneeasonably withheld. If�orrower fails to maintaiu coverage descrtbed above. Lender may,at Leador's --
<br /> .� opdon.obiain covera$e to proteci I.Qader's rigiita in the Peop..rty in accordance with parugraph T. �
<br /> � � All insuranc�policies aad renewala sha11 be aceaptabte to I,ender and shall include u standard n►ortgage clause. Leader
<br /> shall have the r�ght to hold the policies and reaewals.If Lender requtres,Borrower ahalt pmmpdy give to l.ender ail re�eipts of _
<br /> :��!k"' paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss.Borrower ahaU give prompt aa�ice to the insurance carrier and Lender.
<br /> �� L,ender may make proof of loss if aot mado promptly by�ormwer. —
<br />—�,.��,. Unl�ss Lender and Borcower othenvIs�agree in wrlting.insurance proceeds ahaU be applled to restoration or repair of the
<br />:'_ ` groperty damaged,if the reswratlan or repair is eranomicaily feasible and Lender's secudty is not lessened.If tlae restoratton or �
<br /> �' � repair is not econotnicaUy feasible or Lender's securlry would be lesseaed.the insurance proc�eds sha11 be applied to the sums
<br />- '-� �'� se�ured by this Securlry IInstrument, whether or aot then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abaudans the
<br /> Pmperty, ar does not answer wlthin 30 daya a notic�s fmm I,ender that the insurance cerrler has offered to settle a claim,then
<br /> �:�r.; I.ender�►ny collect the insurance pmr.�eti�.L,ender may use the pmceeds to repair or restore the Property mr to pay stuns
<br /> -;ti:�� �' secured by this Se�urity Insuument.�vhether or aot then due.�e 30-day pertod will begin wh�n the aotice is givea.
<br /> `"-- �'-. � Uniess Ixnder and Borr�wer ottner�viae a8�in wrItittg, anny application of pm� to princlpal shall uot ext��d or
<br />-';:;;.�:;..
<br />-.`�r.�:" post�ne the due date o£tbe monthly payments refernd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amounc of t�e payments. If �
<br />-__ -=' rr uader paragraph 2I ti�e 3atoperty is ecquired by I.cnder.Borrower's right to any iusutanc�e policies aud proaecds resultiag from
<br /> datnage to t�e Property prior to the acqulsiYioa shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums aecured by this Secutity Insuvment
<br />-_•:_.:'?v�_ immediately prior w the acquisidon.
<br />_�4_"'�� 6.Occupancy��rreservatton�Maintenanee and lPc+utedton oi the Fenperty;Borrower's Lua�Appllcatlon=I.easehalds.
<br /> � ' Borrower sheU occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's prjncIpal resfdence withiu sixty days alfter the ex�on of
<br />��':�� �hia Securiry Insuument and shaU continue to oxupy the Pmperty as Borrower's prtncipal resideace for t�t lcast oae year ufter
<br /> . K�`;��j'� the date of axupaacy.w�less L$uder otherwise agress ia writtng,which coasent shall not be unxeasanabty wlcLheld.or ualess
<br /> '`_ � eatenuating circumstances exiat which are beyond Bomower's conu+ol. Borrower shall not dessroy� damage or impair ttce
<br /> �'�'=��� Ptcperty, allow the Progerty to deterlorate,or oommit waste on the Property►.Borrower shsll be in default if any forfeinue
<br /> --—___„�:,� action or procxeding,whether civil or criminal.is begun that in Len�er's goad faith judgment could r�,solt in forfeitnre of the
<br />-�:,�,�,.�. �P�Y or ot�xcwisa materiaily impair the Iiea created by�is�ec.vricy jnsuumeni vr L�ucter'a soi:u��ty;�tc;ca�.Btst:aivcr ffiy ,
<br /> -..�,:.�� cu�+e such a default and reinstatc.as provlded in paragisph 18.by causing the actioa or groo�eding w be dlari�i9scd alth a nilfwg
<br /> __._Yi� that. in Lander's good faiW determination,precludes forfeitus+e oY the Bon+ower's interese in the Pmperty ox other apaurIal
<br /> "-�:.;_��� imFairment of the flen created by this Seauity Insnvment or Irander's sa:urlry interest.Borrower shall also be ia dcfauit if
<br /> -- Borrowe4,during the loan appllcation prucess. gave materjally false or inaccurate iafoimadoa or statements to Lender iar failed
<br /> — - - to provide Leader with aisy materIal informattan)ie�conaecxion with the loan evtdenced by the Note.lacluding.but not limieal ,
<br /> w.ntprese.nrations coacerning Eornflwer's.4xupanay of thc Property as a prInclpal residence.If this S�r[ty Insaument is on a
<br /> - leasshold, Bozmwer shall comply aitb� all the pmvisioas of the lease. If Borrower acqui�a fee tide w the Propeity, the
<br /> `_"~`�" teasehold and the fee title shall aot merge uniess i�ender agr2es to che merger in writing•
<br /> -----�- 7.P�tectlon oi Leader's Righta in the Progeriy.If Borrower faila to perform the wvenaats and agreements oamtained ia
<br /> this Saxurity TnstNment.or there is a Iegal psoceeding that may sjgnificantly a�'ect Lsader's r�$hts in the�+c�operty(such as a
<br /> '� prooeodiag in banlQUptcy,pmbata.for condennnation or forfeiture or w enforce laws or regula�ions),then'.lsuder may do and
<br /> pay for wbatever!s necessary to protect the valne of the Property and I.ender's rights in the Property. I.ender's ections may
<br /> include paylag aay aums sxure� by a lieu which has priority over thia Seoudty Insuument, s►PP� ����F�B
<br /> --- rqsonable attomcys'fees and e.nterIng on the Property to ma�ce nepairs.Although L.ender may taYe acdon nader this paragraph
<br /> . 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br />- - - Alli/ ffiR011IIT8 Q130111SC�1 Ify/ LOIIQCI WI(tCi iIIiS jJtllt�ttyiu i o`udii v'u�sau0'miuiu'vas5i uw� vn .D•v.iv�va nMwnw j u�.iS _
<br /> - - - Security Instniment. Untess Borrower and Lender agree to other terma of payment,these amounts shall bear interest�rorm the
<br /> ckus ot disbutsememt at the Note r$te and shall be payable� with interest. upon noticc from Leader to Bomower nquesttn$
<br /> ___ �y�t-
<br /> — , 8.1l��r��s i•��•��^a_ If Lender required mortgage insuraace as a ooamuon ot ms�kking the toan securea by mis a"a.�ueiiy `
<br /> Instn�e�.Borrower sball pay the piemiums requi�l to maintaia the mortgaga insurance in effect. IY, Yor any rea�an, the
<br /> _ motigage.insuraaa wverage required by I,eader lapses or ceases w be in e�Ct,Borcower shall pay the�iemiums raauired to
<br /> �'� obiain onverage substantially equivaleat to the mortgage insurancs previously in effax,at a cost substandally equivatent��o the
<br /> _�.�-�. cost to Borr�wer of the mortgage iasuranoe pnvionsly in effe�t, ftom aa eltemnu mortgage insurer appmved by Le�der. If
<br /> --- - substantialiy equivglent mortgage insurAnee coverage is act available,Bormwer shall pay w Lender eac��month a sum equal to
<br /> --;��._,���, ' vae-tweifth of tLe yearly martgage insuraace pre.mium being paid by Boxrower whea the insurance o�verage lapsed or aasod W
<br /> -�=�s'�±� be in effea.Lender arW accept.vse aad retain these�PaS+meats as a loss reseTVe in lieu of mortgage insuranc:�. Loss ressrve
<br /> =� , �t Fwm 3028 9/90 _
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