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� � . . , . .' <br /> .::,-: <br /> , � , � <br /> � _.., > � <br /> y ' .,",q�d . ':;���: <br /> . , °;�� <br /> �c�r. . „ • . . . :.,;;, <br /> -�r�...., . _ C.� „ , .. ...,,.mW,artr.s. . <br /> • ' .,..M,, ._ <br /> �;?s,�::•:��. ., . .,_,�,;,e.,;�, <br /> . <br /> _ ' S . .. ...' � :. . .. ' � .� ....r_�.__. ..�.. .��. '_�����.� <br /> . . . rt .� . ... ............�_—..�:��..�....:�._..._�._.���_�_.`... <br /> -� . <br /> i. . <br /> . ,:, .._ : 99'���5�� �. <br /> " .�- '1'tiilt:7'11[�Id�UI�'H AII tEte in�prn�ementc�now ur heteaftor erzcted on the property.and a11 et�sements.appurteneaces.and E <br /> flnlures ttmv on c�ecaftct u pnrt of tho progecty+. A11 cePlucements nnd ed�ditiona shnil ulso be wvered by this Securlry R <br /> !u[lIFi11iIC111. All nP tho&n•eQning In eCfcrr�el to 1n t3�is Sccuriry Instrum�nt as the"Property." �-' <br /> k f1t�HHt1Wt.',9t t.'t)V[�NANTS tl��tt florrowcr ta ln�rfi�11y eeiaed of tha esutta hereby conveyed aad dna ttie righc to graat aad _ <br /> cu►�vcy�ho R��t��esty mi�t that tlt�Prape�ty IS uncacum�ered. except fnr eacurabrances of record. Bamower warraats and v�ill <br /> t}l��ri�I(�l:6iLinlly(�iU({IlU lcl(I►0 1�idj�:.�ty AgCl12�t all elelmy nnd de�mnnda,subjest to nny encumbraaces of record. r_ <br /> i� '1'illy yl{t:UNi'1'Y INS7'RUMBNT c4mbin�s uniform cov�nrutto for nattonat use aad non-uaiform r,nveaenta with limited - <br /> vnrinUn�i9 hy Jurl�dlzUon cu cnnstiwt�aunitorm eecurtty inetniment wverina real pmperty. _ <br /> ��'A�� IIN11��)NM CAVHNA[d'fSi.8orrowcrund l.�nder coveannt nnQ apree as followa: <br /> �,;,�,'� 1. f''�iytrctld o�I�rlilelpal pltd Inter�ti Prepaymcnt mnd Lmte Chs�egc�. Bornower shnll prompdY Pay when due the <br /> �,,,,r„�I�k� �►►I��cipal ut�id h�tcrest on tho debt 0vtderead by tho Note nnd nny ptepayment and late charges due uader the Note. — <br /> _ � �, F�tsi�p:j�'a'wNf3 ar� Qr.;us�nt�.BtabJcct to npplienhln law or to a wrltten waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to <br /> " �:CiN1l't Ili11It0lIN�►i1lUtilhly{9�y11iCiU�flId duo under the Note�untit the Nei�is puid tn t�ll,u sum('Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes <br /> � NIl4I 89SN991iN:illR WIt�CN ItlBy AttQ�fl pTlOilty OYC!tItIB sCCll[Ity In8tN1tt0At c14 f►110II OA t118 P[0]fCTly;(b)Yeatly leasehold payments <br /> .. �, ar g�otuM�rute��n tho P�pacry.It er►yt tG)Yenrly hau+rd or pmpsrty Wsurance preaniums:(d)Ye�r1y flood insurance premiums. <br /> IP ai�ys(ot yca�ly nwrig�ge insura��c�e pr�rn�ums� if cny; mtd�(�any suma pttynble by Borror�er to accordeace with _ <br />��� d►n�ruvletum nt parwgre�h B�In ltcu at the payment of niartguBe tnntunnca premfums•1'hesa items are ca11e��Es�'mv Items." <br /> I,c��dev n� ��y�lu�e. cullcct and hald Runda Ia an amount not ro mxceed the maxi�aum amount a leader for a federally <br /> �clxted�n�►ifg�go luan�iuy rtqutro for Boirownt's�row eerauru undcr th�fcdcral RealBstat�S�tlexazat Pmceduces Act of . <br /> �, .`. 1�74�anKi+.dr�itn�n timo ro timo. lZ U,S.�,Sectton 2601 et seq. ("RBSPA°).unless anocher l��v e,h�Y applies to the Fuads <br /> scte n teys�r ninnvnt. It so. L,cnd:r rniey. ot any Ncno. calIact nnd hold fianda in an nmflunt not co exoeed the lesser amouat. <br />_�,.;+,t .� Le�xkr nt�y etlluute tlte ntttuuret ot Fundeduo on tha btisls oP current dntn and reaso�able estimatea of eapendir.xres of futut�e <br /> [?scruw ttenu or u!hetivl90 iri aeeoMnnee wlth aDpliesble lnw. <br /> .--��,� , 'i'hn l�und� d1►�11 Uo kcld in an lnt�tltutian whose dapoaito are iasured by a federal agca�y� insuumentality, or endty <br />-'�.Y��,� (inCtudtnp i..cnder�It Len�let te euch cu►tns�t�tlon)ur in any k�ederal Home Loan Benic•I.eader ahall aPPly the Funda w pIIy tha <br /> �•T:f,.f�". 1?sceuw Itlm�,l.ender miy not chugo Borrow=r for hoidtng and applyiaB the Fuads,aunuaUy analYzlnB the escrow+as�uat,oz <br />='--�.°°� verllylnY tho L?u mw�te�n��unlc�s Lend¢r p4ye tior�ower➢ntereat on the Funds and nppllcable law permita Lender w maks sua6 <br /> --'�-==� �chnr�a. 4�owevcg,l�ei�der mry as�ulro�omewer to puy a cs�o•tiatto chargo for nn indepeadent real esuue tax reportin8 sen+lce <br /> °s°'�;?�'_� uxc�f by i�e�xkr In cuuttectton with thls loam, unleas appltaablo lew provldea othErwlea. Ualess an eg�xment la made or <br /> � .,�nrmw�r any inurrst or eamings on the Funds. <br /> - ,<-;:r.`,� �ppiicoD"10 iAW 6equitef inic�esi io i�io{'m1n,Lc"i�l�'f sli�I sxi+x s�ut�.+ss' ��. , <br />--��_..����:„�.� Fbrrowcr Rnd I�cMdet mxy �gt�co in wdting�6owwer.that 3ntarest sbNl bo p�id on th�Fucda. Lenfler shaU give to Borrower, <br /> _�:��'!t�i�l wititout�hMt�o. �n uutud Acco�.�dttp oF 1ho Fund�.e�ovuitiII credite and debita to the Fvnds ead the piupose for which eac� <br /> -_-_- — Eeblt w tb�I�u¢�d�w�o nu�da.1'ho�'und�aso plMgcd es ndGat�mnal securiry for aU sums secured by tWs Sxuriry Iasmiment. � <br /> - �-� If tho Fu�xl�htld by�nder eacaA t�o e►nou�et�Perralttad co bo held by applicabl�law.Lmder ahall accouut ta Ba�Yawer <br /> ��°`-�"�' [ot the exc:ts�H'uttdu In�ccordiutce with tho r�equlecma�ito of appltcabla law. lf tbe aaiount of the Fua�s held by I.ender at any <br /> �"'�`a'� �tn�e b n�t tnftictent to p�y tho t?kr�►w Items when duo.Lcnder may so aotity Bon+owas in wrltinB.and.I�such�ase Bosmwa <br /> �-���� �hdl pxy tu l,en+tcr tho mrount n�:e��try+tm mWce up tko daficionay. Borrower ahall m�ke up tho deficiency in no mnne than <br />----`��.:"�'.� twdre�u��1htY pa�+�nent���1 l.+ender'e�nlodtacrctton.� <br /> _-.._;����� <br /> - - U�wn psymeat In IUl1 of xit aums eccuctd by tltla�5ecurlty Inauumennt. Lencler shF11 promptly refl�nd to Bmrower eny <br /> Fbnd���td by lsender.IP�under perx�r+phli�Lendnr shnit ncquire or ge11 the Property.Leadcr.prlor to ehe acquisidon or sale: � . <br /> � of the Ptoperty.�h�ll Npply�ny h'�nds hcid by Lendar at,tRo dmo of acquiaitlon or sale ss a crodit against the sums sxured by ... <br /> �t►h t5ecvrity imt�ument. <br /> ° 3.Applicatlo�ot YMYmentt�Untcs�appllcablo lax�pt+c+vidoa othe�wlse�alt paymr.��s s�ceived by Lendcr under p<'�a8rapbs <br /> l wcx12�hrt0 btl y�!le4:firct. to anY pr�pay+mcmt chergae ttuo undor tho Note:secoad,to emounts payable under paragcaph 2: <br /> - `�-- thtM,tn intere:t due:fo�nh,to ptlnc:lwl due:utd I�st�ca cmy iate chnrgca duo uader thm Nou. � <br /> .. - �_____ a��.r i.n.....:.s.....e�f�11n.M�,,,,��.1�.O�v�..s„ - � . <br /> — 4.�.7111�l�i I.t[!d�QO[f'OM«lAAlt pl�' OI INIC1.�iatiNUiO•�ttot�vo� �wsr.w..v....y...�.......� � —r"+ . <br /> _ = whlch may a�ta�l���ftofity o•rcr thla SeMntity Inssium�nt���end tea�hotd payasenta o:gmund cents.if any.Borrower ehall pay <br /> - tAese obliptlan�in the mmncr provtdcd in p�r�Q�ph a.aT if moi pAld in thnt manner,Botrower ehaU pay them on tirae direccly <br /> ------_-- tn the perec►n uivott paynacnt.Borruwcr tbdl pmmFtly�11tt�toh�eo Lcadar atl nottoes of amannu tn be paid under t3�is paragr�pb. _ <br /> _ -= It Botm�ver tl�tktf lal'i0¢lYlYl!lllb Qll�i�y�E3armwct tnni4 prompily iusuiou iv I.eudc,cc�iy�o�+:d�ci�g t���n�t�3io. <br /> Borrow�r xhtll promptly dlsrAar�e�ny lten whhh hai prlardsy over thia Security Inanumeat um3sss�arrower:(ay a�+ees in <br /> —�° wNting to the piynunt af the atitipatlnn e�ccurtd by tho ttCm(n v mann�r�oceptablo to I.endei:(b)contcsts in good faith the lien <br /> ---- by, ar defendd �alnat eufotccn�ei�t ot tla elen (n, lep�tl�{�t�eoeiltat�o abloh G� th�Lendea's opinion operau co prevent the <br /> cnforc=js�rne of tAe Iira;ur ts)�urre�r�m fho holdrr ot tho Iton�n agreeraent sattsfactory co T.cnder aubo�dinuing the llen ta <br /> � thla&eeurity In�tcument. It l+�sxter e!ttcc�»li�t��h�►t eny�tt o01ha Pr�otty is subjcst to R lien wbich may attain prtorIty over <br /> _.�_=�� thi�Securf�y Inrtrunuat�I�c�xter�n�y sivofi+�rr�wer u nsittco idcntfryin�tko lien.Bor[ower shall eaNaSy the lien or take one or <br />_=--�'_-„��,�� moro�f lh��ctlorl��1 fanh afx►�a wUDh�10�lay�ot ttto giving of noi[ce. <br /> _- _ -- __— Fcem 3028 9180 <br /> "''"� s� �SYlAE61�9��z�o� �p•oo�t uww;...�.51,� <br /> t _ .� <br /> --`'..�.f;-- `:� <br /> . <br /> ^�_._ . _ . . . -- -_ <br />