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. . „ <br /> '. .;.. .._� --- -- -- .._„ -.,_1 <br /> ._,,, ., .. ..� <br /> r�L. .. <br /> ') `� " .. . .. . . ., , _ U , ' ,1 . <br /> ' .a��.:� .. .. . " ' . . ___' _ <br /> ' .,. ' .: n n . _. •a . <br /> ..' . , n . . .�__ tin <br /> . .- . .. o - �!�-��_...._�..._._._........... .. ......__......_._._. ..... . .�, <br /> . .._..��..� � ^ ..._.. ..p_. . . � . ... ..n.... .. <br /> � . ...s_.���:i...wY.• TstYY <br /> . .. ¢� ..�.. <br /> �.__. <br /> .... ,. <br /> .y� . _.+-.....W,_ ' ' .. . <br /> .. _..."""_' "" <br /> ... •l____... ..... ... . _ .-. _. <br /> -_ "�?X' ._ � . <br /> - - -�-� ' ��•������ ,y,. <br /> �° $ 10.Etein�.�t..^a�nt. Borrower hna n rlght to be ceinstnte� if l.ender hns teyulred immedf.Rtc payrrteat iu�fittl �-� <br /> o ry^�- <br /> b:ss;uuuee of iiflreowrr's fnllure to poy en arnaunt due under thc Notc or tbts Se�vrity Instruaicut. Th�s eiBht apP�le� ���;r.; <br /> " �ven�tler foreclosure proregdinge am instiwted. To reiustnte the Securiry Insmuneat, Borr�ower shnil tcnder in a lu�t ���.-; <br /> -_ _ :..�� sum all emounts requised to bring Hamovrer'e acxount current including,to the extent they�re obligationn of�orrcoaer E;'s;;� <br /> - - uader thia Srxurlry lnateument, foreclosure costs and reasonable t�ed cuatemtuY atto:aeys• fe�.v r�td exgensea properlD' <br /> assnciotai wltii the foreclosue7: pt�acc:,diag. Upon xeinstetem�nt by �arrower, this S�udt�+ ir�dnament aad tba �•.�-..' <br /> . �;;�., ob2igadoas that it secures shaU remain in effect es if Lender had aot required imznediate paym�ni in fbll. H�veever, -- <br /> �� L,�..nder is not required to peimit relastatemeat if:(i) Ixnder has accepted reinstatement aRer thc cor�raeac��nt af = <br /> ;:,�,,. for�losure proceedings within two ye�u�s immediaiely prece�liag the wnunencement of a cusreac fore�losura -- - <br /> •� proceediag, (ii)reinstatement wiU preclude foreclosune on different graunds ia the future. or(iii) rcinstaternent �vtll _ <br /> �-�� , _��; adversely affect the prlorIty of the lien crzated �y this Secasdty Insuument. __ <br /> i l.Sor�ow�z N62 Rei�: Fa� b3►I�.c Not a Waiv�. Factension og th¢ tiruc of paynseaut or - <br /> � �� modification of amortizadon af the sums securod by this SecurIry Instcument grnnted by Lencber w any successor ia <br /> . .:� ' inurest of Borrower shaU nos operate to release the liA`bilIty of the orIginal Borrowet crr Boarov�er's successore ib -_ <br /> intetest. Lender shaU not be requlred w cwmmence proceedlags agninst any successor 3n inrer�st or eefuse w e�ctea� <br /> � � ` time for payment or otheNVise modifjr amortizadon of the sums secured by this 5ecutity I�aawre�ent by reason of any <br /> `',,.%,;�� • demand made by Wa or�gInal Borrower or Borrower's suecessors in lnterest. Any for�teara�ce by Lender ia eacer+cie3ag <br /> _��-„!:"t; any dght or remedy shaU aat be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right.oc reatedy. <br /> '==-"•''::c' � 12. Swooes�o:s aud Ass�gns Bound:dae3at aa�Severai➢.iabiticy;Co-51�as. Tha covct�ats and s�eementa of thie . <br /> -'""�'���� gecuriry Iastrument shall bind snd benefit tLe suc�essore and essIgns of I.eader and Borrower,s�abjeci w the provlslona <br />_..w,,. <br /> �: <br /> of paragraph 9@).Borrower's covensnta aad agrcements shaU be joint and several. Any�ortocver who co-signs e _ <br />_.: :'; �` �CUrIry Instrument but doPS not execute t�e Note:(a)is casigning this Securlty InBtrument only to mortgege, grunt <br /> -'. .`�. .� and coavey that Borrower's intem.qt in the Property��ler the tenms of this Secwtity Yqstntment; (b) is aot persoaaUy <br /> ti�Q'";,;.�;; _- <br />::::�_:�,r� �. - <br /> �° --- -• cahli�;ated to pay the sums secuned by this Security Ina�nt; aad<c)agre�v that.l.ender and any other orrow�r aiay <br />�-`-'-�� agree w extend.modify.fosbear or make any axommodations witm regaM to the temos of�bls �CCUrity lastrum�ent o� <br />---,�:�,g;�=' the Note �vit3tont that Horrower's oonsent. , <br /> -�v�.�' 13. IdoHoee. Any aotasa W Barrower provided 8mr in•this.S�curity Insaum�ent shafI 6e given by deliverjn�(t or � <br /> .`�,;�� bYmaiing it by fi�st ciass�asru7 vNess appllcable l�w aem�m.a dse of another methad. The nottce shaU be direcied ta, - <br /> _� .�.. �e Pmperty Address or a�►y a�her ad�iress 8�►rmNes design�►tes by:aodce co Lender. Atiy aotice to Leuder sliall be <br /> —_J:i'l�i�S�fl.�1 � <br /> 4,,.:�:�;��;,r'.' givenDy flts¢class maii w i.endei s adci�a"u�ia3 It�3�Yr a��x.'ws�s���ig�•"'� ��';�+dce co 8orrower.Aair• , <br /> ="��:t�d notice provtcled for ia tlils Securlty Instrumaent sha116c deemed to�aee been gtven W$on�uwer or I.euder vrhen glven, <br /> -�.'.��� as pmvtded ia this paragcaph. <br /> 14. Govem�og;Sevaabititp• This Security Ins�i�nt eha11 be g°vem�d by fe�fsial law aad ttEe law oi the <br /> - �'� jutisdktioa in wbich the Fmgerty te located. ia the eveat dust any pmvlsioa �r clmus;e o1�thls Securlry Instmment or <br /> the Note oenllic.ts with applicabie law.such oonflict shall not affax other provisians ct tht�Secuaity In�ment ot tho <br /> - Note which can be gi.ven effect without the oonflicting provision. To thia ead the pmvistons af tlh�Security instrument <br /> and the No¢e are decla�d w 6e severable. <br /> 15. BoQanrer'�Gopy. Borcower stwll be given one confor.n�d capy of the Note aad ot thi�Soeudry Iastn�eat. <br /> 16. �tdou� Sab�ooea. Boirower ehall not cauee or permit the pneseuce. �.dtsposal.stora8e.or nleue of <br /> sury Hazardoua S�bstanas on or in the Property. Borrower shaU aot do.nor allow anyo�e ekte to do.aay�htng . <br /> affecdng the Pmperty that is in violation af any Environmental Law. 'llie precedia8 two Seadacces shall not apply m <br /> - the pr�cenx, use,or storage on the Propeity of smat!quanttdes of Ha�rdous 51�bs�ences t�at are geuarallY ra�o��ed . <br /> co bc approprl�te to nom�al msideattal uaes snd w maintenance of the Pcop�: <br /> ""'�'-°-'° Borrowcr shall promptly give I.ender artuea ¢ottoe of�ny invesNgatioa, ciBiea, @eatand► lawsult or other action <br /> by any governmental or regWato:Y agencY or private party iitvolving the Propei�ty nnd a�ny Har�rdous a'�bst�c or <br /> ---__ • - .--.-- � *_._e a.o.a.u..,...a... �,d�,�st ti.u►,vlp,dge_ i�Bamower leams.or is notiged bY anY Bovemmaital <br /> - cnvuvuucusa� ,..a...,,�.«.............� r. ie ., <br /> --- -- ----- oI ieguiatury autuorety� that any r�toval or other r�iation of eay Ha�aadoue Substauc� affaxing the 1�+oP�rtY <br /> necessary,Horrower sbaU promptly take all ne�sss�Y remodi�i acdons In mocordanoe with Environffimtal Law. <br /> -_- = As usod ia this paragtaph 16."Hazatdovs Substaaas" et�those substanc�es de8ned a5'Goxic or h�dous sutin�ences'`. <br /> __—__-__� 1yy�nvixonxneatai Law affi the ioiluwln�,a�ttmiuu�;cs: g�:,l�.:�:��. atlt�e�?e nr cc�aic�rol�m prod�.�ts. _ <br /> . - waic pesticides aud hecblcIdes, volatile solv�ts, materlals comaining asu�stus u� f��at�eit;de. at� sr���v� <br /> materials. Aa used in this paragraph 16,'Environa�ea�al Law"areans fedexal Iawe aud lc�as of dte jurl�dictlo� wheie <br /> :�� the Pcopaty is la�ted thai relate w health. safetY or enviro�ental pmieaiaat�' _ <br /> �=�� . . _ <br /> _-------�- NON•LTMFORM COVBNANTS. Borrnwez aad Leader fiuther ooveaant and agnee as folCe�wa: <br /> -�� - �� 17. Aaai�mmd of R�ta. Borrower ancondtdonally assigas aad t�aasfecs w E�e4dex alll t$e ren� aud revemies - <br /> :'�� of the Sraperty. Eoamver suthorues Ixnder or I:�nder's agents tir rollect the reats an��tevenues aud IterEby dinects <br /> ,_;:��� �t�: of shc .�"tS' ;a Fs;ih� mats to Lender or L�der's agents. fIcwever. yrFdr w L��nder's Qo�se to ` <br /> Borrower�of Bornuwer's tnreach of any covenant or a�ment in the Securtry Itt�� Cmrrawer �11 colEect and <br /> _-=-� `�' m�oeive all nente and r�venues of the Property as tieistee far the beaeRt of Ixader amd�F.�uumwer. 'I�iu ass[gm�t of _ <br /> ____._� r�constiwtes aa absolute assignment aud¢ot an assignmeut for addtdonal secauiry��Iy. <br /> �'"°°�'�`'� If Leader gives nodce of b�+each to Borcower: (a) aU renis received by Bon+uwer shall•�e held by Hort�wer es <br /> =:-;x�`--"��� m�stee for beneSt of Ieader only,w be applied to the sums secured by the Securlty Insuument; (b)L+�[der sLall be <br /> ------- _,. _o..._ _____�.,._b....d.... e..a�..��.� :�r �fet�Pmaercv sluill eav aUrents <br /> ��.. � -=� CAUACa IO f70U�CI AIIO Ict�i�c tut v�auc iwsao w..:.. ....p...>. �..���� -- " ' ' - ' - <br /> � due aad uapt�[d w IxQder or L�eader's ageat oa Le.nder's wriuen demand to the teaant. <br /> s±.���:��� Borrower has not executed aay prior assi�t of the reats and has not and will nat�r.fbrm any act that wovld = <br /> _'._�.:;,: .+.,}� _. <br /> = - •E preveat Lender from exerdsing its rig�ts under this paragraph 1�. - <br /> -;'`"'''";.�u?�,i'�'a" j,�IIdt:r 66a11 ADL hC U�".1�IlIi�Od W eIII�!IIpOII� talce control of or maintein the Property bef�om or aftrx givi�aotice -- <br />�-'•�.Y�i.,:5•.......i 7R' tr <br /> '%`1:�.. .. . <br /> -.r_e <br /> _,:;*�,�4�,�;�"�::�-�• of breach to Borrowex. 43owever.Leader oY a jud'nctally aPPoiuted receiver may do se at any dme t4�Qre �s a . _ <br /> _ _ .-.4.;� v�. <br /> ��',^ . .,r'i� NSBRI�'Bl4I+31A D�OF 9itU3f � -- <br /> - _ � �..�r 4�i•t oo�,�u s�ms.u�.csao�aaai� Page 4 of 6 _ <br /> -. ' .:,,�.� <br /> �.�er�r�.ati�;�. . . -. <br /> - :�C�`.�.i:r! - . <br /> -------°r - <br /> j_�„: <br /> __ ,� .:i _ <br />