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. -�.,. ,., . ..fir;��l��,.,�`�� ._ .- -- - --�- - .... . . � <br /> �4 ,*ff?��:��-si��,, i <br /> . 1� ���`�� ' ' . � ' " � . <br /> �r�ii .. - ' .' .� .. .. .� .. .. <br /> ) . -�Nu��+�"tini.. �. .. •. ., .. . . .... __ . <br /> .. � <br /> •.,•! ., •• � 7 ' � � . . -.�.. _r.. <br /> , � .. : � - , - . <br /> . . <br /> _ „_ � .. � 4 � � a..�6fi'ii .. <br /> ' n 11�: <br /> : <br /> . , r1.��.:.+=+!S., w.`it� �� . . .. }� • <br /> � u . . .. ., . . . .. __._ _ "`"la's <br />.. „ �.'..'��.. . .� <br /> ...k . . ��������� � <br /> �:� <br /> � . .r� circumstances. Bonower ehali aot commft wnste or d�stroy,dumn�o or euissu�tttially shunBo the Prn�ssrty or ntlo�v�he -- <br /> � � Progeny to deteriorate, reasonuble �veur aad tear cxcepted. I.ender m�sy lnspcct thp Property if thu Prop�ns� le vasnnt __ <br /> , or abandoaed or the loan is in defuult. L�►der c�ay tuExe re�sonnble ncttan to pmtect nnd preeerve such vncn�►t or _.__ <br /> ' �"��z'�'�'�;; abandaned p�rnperty, Borrower ahall also be in default if Borrower. during the loun nppltcntton procesa.gave ivaterially <br />�._..4r-'E �•_ <br /> �� false or ineccurnte in�Fomiation or atatements to Leader (or f�tleca to grovide l.ender with any mate.lal infomiation) �- <br />.`:�,,��r,;;'� in conaection with the loan evldenced by the Note.includiag,but aat lisnited W.represenuuioas concemtng @arrower's '- <br /> ���*' occupaacy of the Pro�serty as a principal reaidence. If this SectuIty Instt�unent !s on a leasehold,Borrovrer shall ca�mply <br /> wiW the prnvisfons of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to ihe Property, the leasehold aad fee tide ahnll not <br /> "°r` be meeged uulesa Leazder agreea to the merger in wrlting. <br /> 6. ��oa, 'i�e pmceeds of any award or c1alra for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with <br /> "�0"'"',T`�' � any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property. or for canveyance in place of condemnation, are hereby <br /> ;-�;„._��'� asslgned aad shall be paid to Lender w the extent of the fiill amount of tho iadebtedness that rernains unpaid under <br /> � -.,' the Note aztd this Seciuiry lnstiwnent. Lender shall apply such pmceeda to the reductioa of the iadebtedness uader <br /> the Note and this Security Iustnunent, Srst w any delinquent ammwis appUed in the order provided in paragrapb 3, <br />`'`'�.'.''-��"�,� and dien w pre�aymsnt of principal. F.ay application of the proceeds to the princIpal ahaU not extead or postpone <br /> -'��"�= h 2,or change the �no.ount of sueh payinente. <br /> .:�`=�'="=�� the due date of the monthly payments, which are rsfetred co in paregcaP <br /> -��,�,�� <br /> _�;-���.�� Any excess pmce�s over an araount required to pay all outstaadiag indebted�esa under the Note and this ty <br /> ~��.;�..�. Iastiument shail be paid uo thc entity legaUy entlded thereto. gorrower shall pay all govemmental <br /> --�.,.ti��rt� 7. Chs�tges w�mm�vet aad Pcotecdon of Irmdet's Rtglus�th�Prnpeity- <br />- �^�",`��s�' , ormunicIpal cherges.Mes aad la�positions that ar�not included inparagreph 2.Ba:rower shaU paythese obl�gations <br />.::,_;`, ',"., ``�. on time directty w the entity which is owed the pay�ment. If fallure tv pay woitld adversely affea Lender's interest in <br /> _-.�43.. <br />,;�`a. �� the Pcaiserty. upon I..e�d�r's request Borrower shell prompdy fiirnish to I.ender reoeipts evidendng these payments. <br /> �' ,y Jf Honower falls W mnke these payments or the payments requlred by parttgraph 2�or feils to perfom� aay other _ <br />"�"n"��?:•z` oovenants and agreements cantained in this Securlty Instrument, or there is a legal proc�eeding that m�►Y s3,gnifiaantly <br /> -----`'�'� ln bankruptcy. for condeuu►ation or to enforce laws or <br /> -- :,:� affect Lend�r's rights ln the Property (such as a ptoceeding , <br /> -- =__�"� regulations)� then Lender may do aad pay whatever is necessary co prot�t the value of the Propezty and I.e�der's rIghte . <br />,,�� . in tha Pmgerty, including payment of taxes.6azard ia+surance and other items mentioned in parn�raph 2. <br />;_� Any amouuts disbnrsed by Lender under this paragraph shall become an additionat debt of$anower and be <br /> _ — s�sr-�!h;thio�."3�y . , l *, �'!!�e amaunts ahall bear interest from the date of diabursement at t�e.�Nate rgte, , . . , <br /> _ and at the.npiiqn of Lem3er svall be irrron�ltately dus and payable. •. <br /> �=:�r�.� ' � . Bormaret�shatl prom�t}y discharge any Hen wbich has prlorlty over this Securtty Insuument unless Horr,cwer:(a) ,. : <br />,��9Ti� :���ees in wrIting w tbe g�aynuent of We obligation secvred by the Aea�n a maaner soceptab2e to L,enslerc(b)oontests <br /> ,_ — �:in Sood taith the llem by.ksr defends a�inst enforcem�ent of the lien in,legal pmceedings ahich 3a the L�ndei's opinion <br /> operate to prevent the enfo�nt af the Hen;or(c) secures frnm the holder of the lien an �ge�ment �facta� <br /> to I�eader suiwrdinating the lien W this Securiry insmuneat. If Lender determiaes that anY p F�Y <br /> subject w a Iien which may attain priority ovu tWs Secudty isisuument. Leader may give Bosrower a aotice ideatlfyInB <br /> � the lien. Bonnwer shaU satis€y the lien or take oae or more of tlie�ctions set forth above within 10 duys of thc giving <br /> of aotice. <br /> -- 8. Iioa. I�er may oollxt feas and chargea authorazed by the Secretary. <br /> 9. Gramdt fas Ac�elaa8an oi D�ibt. in the case of a 4 <br /> (a) DttdL Le�nder may.e�capt � liailted by ngulu�iaaa issuod by the Socretary P Y� <br /> defsWts.ceqti�re im�diate PmYmcnt in tt�U of Wl sauns sxured by this Sacurlty Insuwnent if: <br /> (i) Bozm�v�s defauita by failing W pay in Aill aay moatttly paymeat cequined by this Saur�ry Instrumeat <br /> prior to or on the due date of the neat manthly Payn�ent,or <br />_ c�� w+��er aefmilrs by failin�.for a oeriod of thiity daYs.w perPorna any other obligations ooa4aine� <br /> - ------- ia this Securlry Ynsut�men�. <br /> �� �w� (�it Ap�yal, I,atder shall,if permitt�d by epplic�lsle lew(including saxton 342(d)of <br /> the Garn.n.Germai� Depository Instiwdons Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.iTOlj-3(d))and wlth ths prtoz Apgroval <br /> _-_ --=-� of ttte �'?�}►: mnuire �*e paYn�at �n 1Wi of ail sums socund by this Security Insuumsat if: <br /> _ -- (ij At2 or gsatt of W°.Ps+ogs�Ey,or e be��rial inletesc in a wst ovwing all or pstt of tt�e Ptoperty. is Sold <br /> or othexwIse ffansfe�ed (ather thaa by dee+ise or deaxnt)� and <br /> (ii) 1]ie Property �S not oxupied by ttte purc�ser or grantee ax his or her prfncipal t�esidtnoe. or the <br /> pwrchaser or grantee dces so oxupy the Praperty�but 6is on c�r credit hes not been appmved in <br /> -- aocor�'ance �vlth she requiremtnta of the Sec�taey. <br /> __..✓5�� (eD No Waivcr_ If� ooeiu that waWd permit Leader w ccquire im�ediate paymeut in full.but <br /> ______.__ Lender does uot cequ9re such gaYments. Lender does aat waive Its rtghts with respact to subsequent events. <br /> _ _-�:'`'�. �a2 �„��rt,,,,� af HiID Se�atg. 1a maaS► cIrcum�tances cegiilEilans issuad by the Sea+etary will Umit <br /> _------='a I.ender's t�e case of payea2at defaults. w reqttia+e i�dl�Q paymr.�t in full and forectoso if aat paiai. <br /> ,,„�' --��� �['hia Secudny In,suu�eat dces aot authorize aa:eleratioa or fot�eclosmro if not permitt.ed by�egnlations of the <br /> _f == SecretatY• <br /> _ `—-_-� (e) Mert�ge Nat Ioauaa. Bon+�wer agtr�es tbat ifthls SecurIty Insttument aad the Noie are not deteimined <br /> - ""�-s"�� to be eligible for in.�urance under the Nattonal Haustng Aci aithin 60 DAYS fmm the <br /> : =�-� .�' .ae►:.o.�� t��r m�v.�t tts ondQn r�plte lmmedie►Le P2ytaerii it1 tlill oYall suuas SeCUted bythie StCUTIty <br />_._.____�j�� . ��t_� A arluen atate�ooent of any authorizod a,geat of the Secretaty dated subsequent w <br />-'-.�r�:��;� 6 0 DAYS from thz dat� hereof, declinin� to insure this SazurIty Inst�m�aa ensl ths Note. shali be <br />•��-=�:�;�:�;!s•; d�conclu�ive proof of such iaeligibility. 1�Fotwtthstaeding the foregoin,g.this opdon may not be exerdsed <br /> _-,n..�:.tiv�"t:...,��i <br /> _ �' .�'�.,;;: by Lenda when the unavailability of insurance is solely due to L+eitder's failure to remit a mortg�e insuraace <br /> .��:,�i.'rc;�o:� <br /> �'����`.��, j1I'Cm111ID LOt�C $CC1pt�. <br /> �=:"���.�:+�;�� : <br /> :. . , ;;.r�� GP95 <br /> ':�,,`r�;:�",'�`,I�`,��" NBBRAS��a�U► D�D OF RBUSf <br /> ��-`-^i�:. ��t;;�f�, ooa�ey�+.rK.ceao►6s¢nax PaEe 3 of 6 <br /> :-�s. . <br /> -sa:;.�::'•:�''�":� <br />� y�4���.�wi.�at4' <br /> •',i,�._��`.�,y��'7,h <br /> Jfir�' <br /> :•�S: <br />