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<br /> At;y ap�licatlon uY rtnts chal! not cur�:or�l�vo r.�y da���xlt or[nvNidate nny other right or remedy of Ixnder. 'Y'hie -__
<br /> asslgnmcnt af rcnte oY tho Fia��crty sMtll tcr�z'rts�t»w wht�tha dEbt sECUred by tho Scsurtcy in:teument ia paid la full.
<br /> Ig. g�rectn�t�aa �'c�n�tar�. If l,e;i+f�Y re�y��trc:� Imc�:A��e pay�n�nt in tlill under par�gmph 9.Lender e�y invoke
<br /> iusu cd in puroutnA ti�ye���11c�ro�vtd���i��ttttiti pc�rnpS��18.1 ludtn�,but a t llmitedeto trea�onablea ttomoys' .--
<br /> fees and coste of QUe cuidence. art of the �
<br /> If th� power of salo ie invokctl,Tnaste�s ahall r�or�i�a aottce of default la reck uounry in wBith anY P
<br /> Fraperty {s lacated �nd shnll �natl capin,a oY sttcb c►otic�a �c►thc raan�er prescrihed by apglicuble law to Bairawer and
<br /> n ticable law.�'custe�2�sha11 gtve public
<br /> co the other pErsons pnsrribe�bY e�PFtca6lo tmv. Aftez th�time re9ulred bY aPP
<br /> nodce of eate to tha �erson9 and in tha uz�►na� pt�crittr�l by apgUcable law. Trustee,without deemaad on Borrower�
<br /> sball seU the Property at public a�uctta� w ttta h1fl4�t bidder at ths tfine and plac� and uuder the tar�as �Ba�
<br /> in the natloa of sale in one or abo blir�a�onot�noe��1as th tlme �p�termine�Y�reviausl sehed�ul�sale. I.eader .
<br /> or any parcel of the Pcoperty by p _
<br /> or its deslgaeo �u►y pvtchase the Pmpsat�► a& aAp salo.
<br /> Upan receigt of payment of the�pdoe btd�T�€tc9�shall deliver to the piurha�er 'a'n�stee'e d�ed mnveying the
<br /> grop�rty. 7he recitals in the Tiusiee'a de�d sbaU be prtu�facie evideare of the uuth of 4he statemeats n�ade therein.
<br /> Tnist¢e sha�l apply tho prooeeda of tttr snls in tkti foUoiV�g arder:(a)W all oosts aztd eApeases of exercising the powe%r
<br /> of�e���!tha sale,includtna the puyta�ent of ths Tau�'s fee�acivally insusced. not W eRCeed
<br /> of the prlacipal aaaouac of the nor� at tha dm� of.ttde declaration of c3�faulb �wd �zesonablc attomeys' fe�.s as
<br /> pemducd by law;(b)w all swns socurosf by tbiE Sacucity Insuumert: sad(a)en3��ss to the petson or persans
<br /> lega�y cntit�ed to It.
<br /> Iff�e Le�der's interest in chi�S�curity InsaumEat iA•l��l$by 8he 5ec�+etary ead the SecretaTY �9� i�am�'��:a
<br /> P�p;�� !n flill under paragraP}� 9:ttse Sa�2tttxY maY i�vAke the non,judicisl powrr aff a�le pravld�ed in tbe �1�� .
<br /> P2a�ly�Mortgage Forxlosure A�t of.19�4("�,�cc°)(121J:S.C.3751 es s�.)by mqu�sting a fore�losuris.�o�i&aio�i�s= ;.
<br /> designated und,er ttee Act to commeiace for�:ciostue and to se11 the Prop�t3y s�prc�vlde�l ia the Act. Nnthing iai ibe . -
<br /> � prec�listg�ssn�noe shall deprlve thdi Sca�etary:af any rl,,�►ts otherwFse availabte to a i�nder undrs�i�is paraBraPh 18 .
<br /> :,_ .
<br /> . or r�plicable iaw. . . � �ry�, Leader shal��reqnsst 1Yustee
<br /> . L9.���t�oouvtY�mce. VPoa PaYa�ht of�i�sums secunpd�y
<br /> ��::.:E'�� io'cecoavav t�e P�cai+�rtY and shall surr�adai t'�is�S�aci�}► �pstnune�►t n�d all notes�videacIng d,ebt secured by this
<br /> ' •r,�. .:,' wii�i3i�r"s.�t'3��ihtl8i S�la.r�c�.tn ehe nersnII
<br /> Sec�tityi Inso�ument to'I�ustee. Tcuate�sl�t�l t'rflnnv�y t�,e a'►-oP�7 -.
<br /> ' ar pezs�ns leg�ily enfltled to i� 5msh pr�on or peisona KhsU paY anY reo��rdadon wsts.
<br /> �p. �e 'lt�qtoe. Leader, at its option, ma3t;fron►t3m� w dme rem�ve 7tustee nnd app��at a successor
<br /> uu$ta t��ny Tnuta appoiated hereu�der by u►insmumeai cworded in the count3►in which thie Securtty Insuumdnt
<br /> is reoorded. Without conveyance oE olse Propaqy.the s�sooaso=uustee 6hali succeed to aU tho tttie�powrr atd duda
<br /> wnferrod upon 1Yustce heKia and'�bYAPPlieablo luw..
<br /> � 21. RaNeR tar Nudoes. Bomswer mquats th�t copies of the aottces of defs�ult sad e�le bo ant to Borrowtr'a
<br /> sddm.s whir.h ie tho Property�ddt�s.
<br /> ?x. Riders b d.�Sa�t7�t�u�. If ono or rtzs�e ild=m ae+e exc�uted 6y Bonowcr and recorded together with
<br /> this Socualry Inauument, tlt6 COVODIIAtS Ot C9CD 80��p��� ��0de�s(s�w cna Par¢ of this Secu�Ity�Inmumeat.t
<br /> the aovaunta md �tremeate of ihis Securtry
<br /> [t'�e�ic applicsble box(es)j•
<br /> � Condamininm Rider � G�u�e�. Payment Rider �GmwIng P.quity Rider
<br /> . ;" ' � . . - " � �ider ReUsibiliratian Losa Rider
<br /> � P4anned UIIit DevsloprnEnt ltiatr � wajusuw� �
<br /> � 1 0 Non-Ow�ec OccuPancY Rid�c � Osher [�x1fY]
<br /> ,.. ' '
<br /> . B�Si�i3�R��L' La�:A°..'. Parra��cr���st�e.°e t�tl�t�ems r�p�++^� �p8ess 1 tlu�ne,,i� 6 of tDis Sa�irlty �
<br /> ' (�tsv,unent and in any dderts) exccuted by Borrower a�t+coorded with i�
<br /> '� . • .
<br /> . ,..:". .:: ,P.�� s�,� ����' �� �'r�''�`.�;s��
<br /> ,:�' LUZ �. �OR'ZAL �id�to�cr�s A�ALSERTO 'CaRRAL–PAR�A -Borrower
<br /> ��� . `��
<br /> � —""' � -Bommver -Barcourr
<br /> �Seal) � ��)
<br /> ' . -g�,.,,,�:�
<br /> -Borrower
<br /> Wimess: @Nimess:
<br /> ;,, -
<br /> , . �..
<br />_.- �A. �i1 OP TRUST p,�A S of 6 ,
<br /> — Casim+eet byaan.ur.leoo)6t�u6i .
<br /> =•s�
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