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.�,W{��,f�.;;,��,,�:x;u•r-:Y. .. ...�„� „. :;F, . .�;.:�: ..,F•::..:n. <br /> �.\:: fY.,. I� ��AA�. <br /> - __.__ _ ... . .. —' iJ.. .. _1____ _.! <br /> • • . 1 <br /> � 1 1 <br /> 1i .. � ' ' , ' � <br /> � •'-":iT• . . i�........_.._....n. . • . <br /> �+ ' <br /> ... ' '.f����-.v /✓ � .. .. � . . . 'r...� . � ' '_ __.._..vr.� �L o.�.r........a. . .... ,-�_ <br /> '�[•"'�...'_'�'— '_ "_ �.._.�.. .. .'"_'1`_'_0___'_'_'_"�."..._. '/ . � �.�o���.�..=r L�. <br /> , . _ ,� , .. ^..__A_—::A�i_ti.r�` ...>"-U"�'d�",�{-.`�=S_..._�-. —. ^ . <br /> yeS:._ I.�'.' <br /> �.:."_•__ <br /> '1. '� �- <br />. sticM � '� ` � <br /> �..r_�.�.� . 99- �.o��� �-, <br /> - • ' tiUARUW[3R COVnP1�NT9 thAt Qprrower i�lawildty cclr�cQ of tho estnte hercby convmycd nud has the eight to �:� <br /> � �r[�nt and convoy tho Prape�ty au6 thnt thfl Properiy io n�ncn�umbered. excep� for encwn9ranses af rerord. Banower �- <br />�-.'���i_,.� wamu�ts and wllldefend generally tltp dtte ro th�Peopefty nQainrt ull clolme nnd d�mansfa�subje�t co�y encvmbruttces �--_= <br />. •�.�.._rrr�- . <br /> of r�s,oxQ, t-=� <br /> ��;,,�:�� THIS SECU�I t�l INS'iit�1MEN► wi�ibiues u�affoea�coveasuitn fcr nr.tional ure aad nvn-nnifaem coven�nta wtth . <br /> _'=�=�r"`:' �{�� vnriutiona by jurlsdicti�n to constitute a uniform seturiry lnsteument sovering reai pmpertY: <br /> .�:� - UIVIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower aud Leader coveanat aud aBreo as follows: _ <br /> 1. p� af p�p�, �t�t md I,ate tbarge. �orrotver sha11 puy when due che priacipal of.and iaterest <br />-� on.the debt evldenced by the Note and late charges due uader the Noto. <br /> -r-�=�� 2, Mo�t61y Paymeat of'P�xee.Insur�. �0�(�t�3eo. �arror�er ehall iaclude in erich inonthly gayme.nt� . <br />-?�:�€:_;�.� � together with the ptincipal end interESt as set forth ia the Not� and any iqte charges� a sum for(a) taxes and special _ <br /> -`. '�'�� assesa�ente levied or ta be levted against the Fropeity, (b) leasehold pt�ym�nts or ground rents oa the I'roperry� aa,4 <br />��.'��'.-f�..- h a. In an ear in,which the I.ender must pay a t�ortgage <br /> -_- ,•"r (C) Premiums fOr insurtmce recluited under para�raP Y Y <br /> ._s,;,,,�,� <br /> -- insuraa�e premium to the Secreiary of Housing aad Urbaa Aevelopraent C'Secretary").or in any year ia w1�ic�su <br /> --= premium would have been requfred if B.ender still held the Security Inshvtnent. each monthly paytnent s1ie11 also <br /> -�� inciude either: (i)a sum for the annnal mortgage insorance pn�aium w be p�id by Leader to We Sescc.Eacy. or(ii)a <br /> -==�'=;s�� montbly charge instead of a mortgage insuraace premi��tbis SecurIt�y ��nt�e by the Secretary.��i�a ._ <br /> _ reasonable amount w be determined by the Secrefacy. <br />_-„'T�;`�r� are called °Fscrow Items" and the sums paId to Lender a� called "�semw Funds." <br /> ---- Ixnder aaY time� colleci and hald araounts for Escrow ItBms in an aggregate am�unt aot to eaccead the <br />_.�%;t,��;� . maxim�un amouat tl�at may be requicefl for T�sariower's escrow accaunt uader the Real Bstate Settlgment Procedures . . <br /> � Act of 1974,12 U.�.�.�2601 g,�,.end iaq�i'i�menting cegulations, 24�CFI�Pert 3�00,as they amen�led �.. � _ <br /> --`�� � time�o time ('RESt'A�3;exce�i4#hat the cushion or spserv�paaniued by RFSPA for unantlaigated dlisbiSrsesn�n3s �os;'• �'. , <br /> -,.,'�;°-� disbt�as�aents before�the gorra�ver's paym�ats are availabY�in the accaunt may aot be b a s e d on amoun t s d i�t���'ox e'r►� <br /> -"s' iaortgage Insurance prem�um:•: � , ��,_ <br /> • If the a�aouats Di�3 by Ixnder for Escmw Items exceed.t�►e amouata perrmitted to be held by AESPA. Leader shall <br /> ' aocoupt �o garrmwer for the euSess funds as re4ui�by:llESPA. If the amaunts oY lLads held by X.endex at aay t�ae <br /> --_ ;; are�s�lt sufficieat to pay the k�?ser�tv ltem9 waen due�;i,�ires raay�oii,y t�� aar,.ncsx a�!rrqssire P�rr��?* u�� , <br /> -•?':'r,� up.fhe ahortaga as permi .. <br /> .�,. tted �y 1�SPA. .. <br /> =�`•. +Ii��Iiscmw Funds ere pleflge�•.as addidonal s�cWret�•im��1!sunns secured by tl�is�ecurit3+Insuum�ent. if BoROarer <br /> ;-_i',;y�:; .;��; <br />---° -- tenders to L,ender the fall paymeat of all su�3�auaas.'�n�W2r's accoaat shall be crodited with th�4alasice re.mainin8 <br /> ��'�-`� for all installmenc items(a).N).�(�)��Y�artgag,e�isqra�tce.9a+�+iuin installrneat thzt Lea�er has aot ba�me <br /> .��:� obligatod ta pay to the Sccretary,and Y.eader sluill prompt4y refliud�anq excess funds w Borrower. Immediately prlor <br /> to a foreclosun sale of ths Property or its acquietcion by Lender,Enrrower's aaount shell be cc edtted with eay ba:ance <br /> temalnlug for all in�Qiime tR for ltems (a), N).�d(�)• 1 and 2 shall be lied by L�nder as follows: <br /> 3. Applk�oa of Paymcna. AII pay�ents under paragcaPho aPP <br /> - P1RST. to the mortgage insuraace prtmium to be paid by Imder w the Secretacy or w th�aoonthly chargs by the <br /> Socretary instead of the montlily aartgage insurance pc�emium: <br /> SECO to aay ta�ces�special assessmente� leasehold payments or ground rents.�ad fire,flood and other'La77ard <br /> insura�ce Premiva�s� as required: <br /> T�D� to interest due u.nder the Note; <br /> FpUR't'H, to amo�aflon of the principal of the Noie; and� <br /> H, to lau charges due under ti:e Note. �..,�,.s.p..�,flu;;r,c��re at1 improvements on the PmpenY+ �er <br /> - - 4. M�e.r�pou�d i�ioer r,mtu ��. ....._.,_._ .__._ <br /> now in e�dstence or subsequesslY ��a8� ��ws,casuaities. aud conti�gencies. includ�ng ��.iS+bich <br /> I�eadcr requires insurance. T6is insurance shall be ma�itained ia We amownts and for the perlods that Leader <br /> - - - rcquires. Boirov�ep shall also iasiue aU i¢�,provemeats on the Prope�tg, ahether now in e�steace or subscqneatlY <br />--°.P.�" ec�etad, against 105s by YIOOd.9 LO t'tte exu�t requimi uy iinc�a.icwa'�t. �:ll iis�u�*..� .�tt:1�t��'�rtith cQnte�� <br /> spprovod by Leader. Thc insu'r,t�cae Polides and any renEwals shaU be h.eld by i.�9tr r,�d e�sit is�l�cn,lcws psy�tL <br /> ,,;:� Flausaa in favor of.and in a fo�ln accePtable to. Ixnder.� �., <br /> _— In the eti�cat of loss.Bort+d�eer shall glve Lender i�nn�diate notice by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not <br /> made promptly by Borrawer. F.actt ias�uaace company ooncerned is hereby suthorized and direc�te6 to make payaieat <br /> for suct► loss dicectly to Lender. instead of w Bomocver aad w Lender joinfly. All or any part of the insuxance <br /> _.:F<;� prnceeds may be applied bg�Y,ender�at its ogflon,eitBaet Qsi�to the reducaon of the�k�udebteduess under tlne,e N�and <br /> this S�rItY Ins�ume�. first ta any delinquent amoum'�:�pplted in the or�der in�c�;raph 3.and then w pa�r�a�ent <br /> ---_-=-= of principai. o:(bj to tt►e reswra3io� or rep��ir af t1� �� _ �+n�.�ettS►• AnY 8PPlication of ttte P�g'�the . <br /> `Y� � p�adpal shaU net e�ctend or postpone th.due date of the montLly gayments which are referced to ia ParagcaPb <br /> •�,,.; <br /> --- � • change the aimu�nt of such paycr�.°nts. l�ny exc�s inswance proceeds over aa aununt required to pay all outsta�ding , <br /> - - - iattebiedness under the Note aad thls Securitp Instcum��t sbsll be paid to the entiry legally entitled thet+eto. <br /> - � In the event of foreclosure of ttiiis Securlty lnstnu�at or oiher uansfer of dtls w ttie Property that extin�uist►es <br /> �.-`.-.-- the indebiedness. all dght. title aad ir�rest of Borrower in �ad w insuran.ce policies in foiee shall pass w the <br /> � purchaser, <br /> __�_..�.��_ . 5. Oo�►. �• ���anee sad P�+aeectdoa off tfi+e A+opecty; �rm�s Lo�a /l�la�n: <br />� "'`"``��:''� Epr�olds. Bomower sbali oxuPY.es4eblish,atad use the Property as Bormwer's�siucipal residence v+it�sfin¢ydays <br /> =_,- after the executioa of this�uity Insu��ent (or wlthin sixtydays of a later sale��c�ansfer of the Propert�� sr�s1 sha11 <br /> -___"�`"`.""' oontinue to ocsupY t$e Frageny as Borrower's pri�ccipal resideaoe for ai least oaC year after ttte daie of ooeu��aaY. <br /> _ �-��:�� ranless L�der detemnines that r� wlll cause nadue hardsDsip for Borrmwer, or unless e�aradng ,,,;.. ;. <br /> �:��� circumstances exlst wLich are beyond Bomnwer's oontrol. Barrower shall not�fy Ixader of any exteauatInB ,,.;.��. <br /> .'.7� 'f3'.. i <br /> _�;,_:.`��. � � <br />_--�'�_'-.��.-' N�t1�SSA-�El1 D�D OF'I�UST <br /> ?::x.: ��r no�mc s7r��as%�s Fage 2 of 6 <br /> �g��t�-., <br /> -_�.�=�c�+,•Aa�q <br /> ���'� <br /> _:t���..{� <br />