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:'s:i.�•;i` . _ .f,�1,�y,, , , . . ; D "i <br /> 9 �1 .:�.. i� - � <br /> I <br /> �i i � . � <br /> t, ...�.�wJiDl.+� � . . ... ..... . <br /> �� <br /> �� .. . . •9Y4'�1'SP�:tis.r <br /> ' . iia5v+7�w1�!l.iOR�i�rS:�ti... ' � - . . �. - _—,_'�—...�.�_- <br /> . <br /> .�.. , . <br /> '� �.�...v ....c• v� �rtv..,...r.i ' __ -r,�. _ <br /> " ° _'..��.�.a�- -._rn�_...-,—._�: ____�_.._.�.�_�.. _.-.�--_'_ �.�.. <br /> : . :_�=� , - 9go s��s�s � <br /> ,•M!=tt p �� <br /> �.4.�,�..F, bccome secured Iry tho tien hereof. T�e BcuefiMury sW�U no Incur any Ilabillty b�ause of�nything iR may do or omit Yo do E" <br />.� �� .p� here�artder. _-- <br /> „ 7. The BeneSciaty sha11 have the d�ht,pa��ex and autkority dn�ing the wndnuauoe of this Deed of Trnst to oollect the eents, <br /> � lssue�and pxofits of the pmperty and of any personal pragerty tocated thereor�with or�vlthout taIs�g gassesston of the prapetty -. <br /> � -���:.�.�, s+�fl'ecu�d hercby,and Tnrstars l�ereby absolutely aad unconditionally assign aU such rents,issucs and proflts to tho beneRciary. The <br /> p i' �cneficisuy.however, l�mby aonsents to Tcus!ors'oolle.ction and retenflon of such mnts.issues and long As Truswrs are � <br />•�'w_,�. no1.ut such Wne,ia defautt witta mspect to pay[nent of any indebYedaess se�ared he.mby,or in the pe�'ormance of any agreement ` <br /> r. I�'xY.� <br /> . = hereunder. If any event of default described hcreafter In respect to tUis Deed of Trust shall have occurred and be continuin�,the <br /> �+�,.� ° BcneSciary,as a matter of riglit and wlthout notice to Ttustors or anyone claimia�uiader Tn�stors.and wlthout regard to t�e value of <br />:-_;�,:��; the aust essate or tha interest of the Trustors therein, sha7i have the ri�hht to apply w arry oourl having jwisdictlon to appui�t a <br /> �-=� reoeiver of the pmperty. <br /> - 8. The Beuefidary, or its agents,are authorized to eater at aay reasonable dme upon or in any part of tlie property for the <br /> ��'�� the same aad for the utpose of rformin any of the acts th aze authoa�ized to oim under the tem�s of " <br /> _ �:;.�� P����S P Pe ffi �Y P�'f _. <br /> ",•� ,• any laan insi�umenis executed by Tn�stors. <br /> ,.,,�__.,_•:;. <br /> '�--�':s'�„�-`�'�¢'� 9. If all ar aay part of the pmpezty or wy iaterest of Tiustors is sold ti'an�sferred or further encumbered without the written <br />.-_-��,,;.,F;� oonsent of the BeneQciary,the Bene�idary may declare all sums securad by t6is Tnut Dee�t to be immediately dae and payab::and <br />___=-��'r� prooeed to the semedles avaitabis to it uader the default provisions aontained herein. <br />�__-� 10. Any of the following events shall be deemed an event of default hereunder: <br />;��,��'v� �. T�stors c,hall have failed to make paymeet of any instsUment of p�ncipai or imerest nT a=ry other sums secaued he,reby when . <br /> --�.�:;�� d�; <br /> --,;;�;,_.;, — b. 'Chere t�aas ooc�ured a breach of or default under any term, oovenant, agreement, condiflon, pravLsion, rep�esentation or <br /> '.'�:rt;��'".`�,� arananty wmaiaed in tbis Deed of Tmst,the nois ar auy other loan insaument secured he�+eby: <br /> c. Ti�ete has bcea a default by the Tzustors ia the payment of anq prIor or subsequent liea or eawmblaace in respect to all or any <br />-..�fia. .� part of the progerty, <br /> - - d. Tnutors shall .file a voluntary petition in bankrupEay eir.shall be adjudic� banluupc or iasaxt+ent, or shall make an � . <br /> assignmeat fox Yhe benffit uf creditors ia res�ect w the gio�ttY;or an actton to enforae any Uen or enwm6rance or judgments <br /> - -=� agAinsi the progieriy is oommenoed. <br /> __ li. Ia t�event of any default,tlie Benefidaiy way de�lane�indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the saine <br /> � shall then�tpon become due and payable wlthout any p�senrmeat,demaad,Proiest or notice of any kfnd. Thereafter,tlte Beneficiary <br /> -� ,. �; . . <br /> - - - a. ei4her in pers�n or by agem, with or witlwu3'b�ringing anY ac.�on or pmoeeding,or by reoeiver npppinud tby a ooart and <br /> ;.� ::,:.'.,`� withAut regard to the adequacy of auy secu�ity,emter n�pon and talce possession of the property,or axay.�part thereo�in its own <br /> •`.•r r,, . a�rr►��or in the na�e of the Trnscee. and do a� ac�.S 'which it deems noces�ry �nd desirabte w preservo. �e valu�, <br /> - �etabiiity or r�'ut8bilitq.o!'.#he property,or part thete�ar interest therein,increase the income thenefrom Qr'�trotect the <br /> — .�;: secvciry hereof t�ek vrithout taking possession of the propeiiy.sus for os oiheiwlse oollect the re��and p�+ei3'i�ts tlrena� <br /> includin$ tho�,q�ast due and u�paid.anrl apPIy We sam� [ess easts 3iad expenses of ope�atian a�tl ooIIection, inciudizeg :, <br /> — attamry fees,idpb�aug indebtedness secured he�4 all in such onder s�the Benefiaary may deurmine. 'd'he enUertng upoa <br /> - aad tal�ng poss�.sion of the tiust esrate.the oollection af such rents,issues and profits and appliratioa thereuf as aforesaid <br /> --� shall nat cu�e or waive siry default or notioe of ddault here�tnder or inivalidate a�r act and in re�wns�w such dr�ainit os <br /> pursuant to such natFoe of defanit and notwitbstanding the continuanoe in possession of the pr�pe�ty or the col�eaion,�eou��t <br /> �� .� and application of rents,issue.s or pmfits,Tiustee or the Beneficiaty m�lbe eatitled to exercise every dght provlAed for in aay <br /> of the laan inst�nac�nts or by taw npnn aocurreace of any eveat of de&u�t�;inclnding the riglht to�aancisa tLe poever a�'sate', <br /> --- 6. oommenoe an action to fareclose this Desd of T�nst as a ma�g,aS�app�ini a reoeiver, or spectficaU3'enfor�oe any af tLe <br /> oovcnants here� <br /> - c. ckliver w 1lrustae a ariuen d�xlaiation af deFauli aad de�i for sal�and written notia nf defaWt an�d elaKion W cause � <br /> _ - �.. T 1113[Ol'g'�IlICIBSt�A ibC plOpCilY fto 1z Su�i.�w'�i��..°'�° �.°i4�l.."'�l�'"-�Fe►r�e±n2 ita tlw _�4ei�1 IOCOtd3 , <br /> . of the oountq in�v�fch the pt�p�ty is locaDe3. ���, <br /> 12. S#�oald the Beueficiary elect to foraclose by exen3se of the power of sale herein oo�ained,the Beneficia�Y st�il n�S!Tn�ctee�'����''' <br /> - a��hall deD�it wiW Tzostoe t6is Doed of Tn�st and the note ana,s¢ch reaeipts a�ei evtdenoe oF�made ati�sea►r�d <br /> - -__ � __ +na�r?3 rntSt&C ID3V ICQ11$C.�11D�a ICQIICSt Of thC 3CII�IClaly,t�lC iiUSi�Sn3v C'dLLSC iv uc ia�riir�i�—'-lnwia�v�ali$fii:ii:.:Cw <br /> to TcaSOOr such Notioe of Ddault and Notioe of Sale as tlrca reqnir�od��Baw a�d 6y tBis Dud of TmsL 7lustee sriall wlt[�oat demaad <br /> oa Tn�stor,aftea socL time as may tben be t�eqn�red�y law and aQer Yeoord�tien of a�cL Noiioe of D�faolt and a8e�Naliae of Sal�e <br /> _ I�avin���a given as rhqnind by law,sell ibe pmper.y At the�un enA Pl�x of sale 6xed by it!n s�ch Notia af 3a1G eit6er as a <br /> -J��: who�,.'es�'in separate Ids or paa+�i3s or ite�s as Tmsoee shall detm expmiemt,aad in sas�P�r as ii may detc�minG at pnblic <br /> aucxion to the high�si bidder for cash and sha11 deliver to sneh pnrc�aser or pu�cbaser�then�.da deed to the pmpeny soIB,oor+sistent <br /> ivitl�the law then in effecx. RecIrals in the T�ustee's dced sLall be piima facies evidenoe of the riuth of the smtements m�de tL�ereiB. <br /> � Tmstee shall apply the pmoaeds of the sale in the following order:(a)te all ceawnable aosts aacfl cxpeates of the sale,inclUding h�t <br /> not timite�l to Tnutee's fees of aot more wan Z°l,of We�ass sak pri�,ceasansDle�ttorae;f�au�c�of Htte evi��;(b)m a11 <br /> ---- --- sams s��red hY this Dee�of T�and(¢)the exoess, if anY, to tLe person or persnas leg,al[y e�titied the�to. Amy��on, � <br /> - ---— inclnting tiie Beneficiai3►,maY Pur�£�saial Pr�pty'at said M.��. Tn��a�in the En?.�r�ravi�odlsy law,po�ione sak of all _ <br /> -----= or aay postion of We Property'- <br /> ----_� 13. TNStee snd the Bcneficiary,and each of them,shall be�ntitl�ed to e�oroe g�aymen4 and pafo�ana of aaq in�d�dxedn�or <br /> =-_�' obli�►ti�n soaued herebY and to execcise all rsghts and pa��ers tuider this 15eed of Tnut or und�x say loan iasOm�att or oWer <br />— =- -__- _�__�_ - ����..��.�.s.1.�:nd.t.r.�lms�aa ntstla�linns��1nr <br /> -_�,� aglCCm�t[cr�y mws noF va ucicmcw vnwvw u�...,�...�a.,a �.�..�. ----o--- - <br />-- -,.�°�. .-° whict►anay now ar hereafter 6e ot�envise secuccd, bY ma�gag� deed of wst, PladgG lie4 ���or otheiwise. <br /> -_�_-'°�.� Neitlaer tLe aooepta�oe ef this Deed of Tmst noz i4s eafotoement,tv�ether by aourt acbiora oi ptusvant W tbe gu�er of s�le or othet <br /> �-:=-=°'—'�'�'-`��::� pmr,ers herein oo�ained,shall prejudioe or in aay manner affect T�CUStee's or the Beoefldury's =ight to�al�ze npon ar entb�oe aay <br /> �,r� at��ty,n,.:t�l�.,:,re�ier lt�'::b�y T�ee or the Beseficiaiy. it bsing ag�ceed that'Mts�ee and ttr�BeneSdary:and each of _ <br /> _..�s;e�:��all be e�titlad to enforas ti�is Dced of Tnut and nny otk�r sc�uiry now or he�r held by t�e BeneSsiary or Tnistaa in <br /> �'� -T such otder and manner as tU�.y�ay in thzir absoh�ie discretion detctmine. Na nmedy Lezein oontkrt+ed upon or res�vod to Tmstce <br /> xar BenefiSci.zty is iatend�d to be exch�ve of auy oit�a mmedy herein ar Ey t�w pmvided or peraiitted.but eacl�shall be a�ative <br /> �'''`-.� and shall be in addidoa to cvsry aihet remedy gi�en herau�de�or now ar her�after eldstln�g at law er equiry or by sta4ute. Every <br /> ` �*�'���y� �er or en of the laan inst�eats to'd'�e�stee os t�ee Benefccinry or to which either of the�may be eihern+ise <br /> - .�r.�. • r�me89� bY�►Y <br /> -;��;1�?�� e�im'tteci�uay be exe:cised.wacumnt[Y aT ia�a-+�uY.from d�to tim�amd as oRen as may be deemed cxpedient bY Trustee ar = <br /> ::;��� BencBc�ary.�either of them may purbve inoonsistem remedfes.NotDing hereiat sh�ll be aoasnued as pmhibidng the Bcnefctary . <br /> ";;a;-,,;;;=;�- fmm seeking u deffci�ncYludgment again..M Tn�siors to Ws e�aeat s�ch uction is pcm�itted by L�nv. <br /> ;�:x�i�.. <br /> - • ..�. <br />