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<br /> This DEED OF'd'RUST is raade thiis lSth day of 1N�rch, 1999, by and among LLO�tD GOODWdN,
<br /> AN IINMARItIED MAN,x�d F�.OYD GOODWIIei.AN i1�NMARRIED MAN,s�s joInt tenuate and�not as
<br /> tena�ts in coma�o0.�e��►�er referre�to as"Trustors,••whether one cr more,whose ma�ing address is 5�37 �
<br /> Nortle 90t� Roxd, Cairo, Nebr�ska b8824; THE 3TATE BANK OF CAIItO, � 1Vebr�tek� Bse�king
<br /> COI'pfll'ANOD,hereinafl.�r a�ened to as"Trustce,"whos�mailing address is Boi 4T,�,C�airo, Ncbrastcu b88Z4;
<br /> and THE STATE BAN� Ok' CAlR0. s N��� B�n�ng Cs��vntton, hereiaiafter rcfened to as
<br /> "�eneftciary,"WI10S8 IIISt�itl$flddl�3S iS�AY 4Z�,Cairo,IYeSraska 6882�$:
<br /> For valuable consideration, Tcustors irrevocably grant, transfer� �onvcy�td �ssign t� Trustea, in trust,
<br /> wl�b po�wer of sala, far the benefit and securitY of SeneSc�ary,under aa�subject to the terms and conditions�f
<br /> this Deed of Tn�st,the follo�veng d�ribed real property located in�ALTL:Coutrty,Nebraska:
<br /> '�$�'�:.;�OUTHWL1Si' t��3�'TER ��W If�i} �� ��Tit3Zl .. l':':� �1.4?;, T�?�� .
<br /> tagether vsri�'i�all bu�dings,improvemems,�'udures,stre�ts, alleYs,PassaBeways,eas�nents,aght� pnvileges and
<br /> appurcenanc$s loca�ted tliereor+,and�ail�personal property tha�t�ay b�or hereafter�c�e anitntegra[part o�f such
<br /> buiildings and improvements, all crops raised therEO0. and all water rigi�ts, �of vu�iich,including replacemems
<br /> �t�ad�itions thereto,are hereby declared to b6�part of the resl estate�►m+e3►ed in trust IIiereby,it bx�ing agreed
<br /> that all of the foregoing sball be hereinafter referred to as the"Property;": ;
<br /> ., FOR TIiE PUItP05E bF SEC4TRIN�: , � ,
<br /> a. Payrtent �f indebtedness evidenced by �'�stors' aote o�even �date herewith ia tha prinapal sum of _-
<br /> S38,OOO.i,�9�.�$etkor with i�erest at the rate or ra4es���id�ttt-cr�; r�s.' ��� ;!1�a!; �hfi,r.�inng
<br /> and�xteasi,�a����f srao}��oie, bath priacipal and iaterest oa IIl�e noie being payable i�:accordnnce with the cerms
<br /> set fortb the#'.'�ei�;`�vhich,by this referencs is&��eby mad@ a part hereo�and any and all fisture advances and
<br /> readvanc�s�a�.��+����t�d�'P�'�c7�tSF�IT�lOf2 j3T��iE=--�i;�#��!'S�'_���e��tv ,!l3��c�tt� -
<br /> "Note"); :•:�::�� �,: , ��>� � �,
<br /> m. ��p�yme�o�'q,t�er sums�#�eaced by Ben�ficiary to protect the security oftheNote;
<br /> ;;.��?�, tha performaace of all cove�rts and agteements of'Ttustor set fv�h here�n;aad
<br /> :,;�ti, all pmsent and fut�ue indebtedness and� obl�gations of Taustars:'To B�atfic�.�ry whettser direct, indiract,
<br /> absolute or contingent aad whether arising by note,guaraa+ty,overdraft ot otherwise;
<br /> 1'O PRO'TE(.T 1 S��.vaui i^vr."�y°�y^g��g�r'!'gQ�'!���N�gEBY COVENAN7'AND AGREEz� ,
<br /> i. To pay when c�t��Ia�P��a�d the im�si on.ibe inddxsdncss eva:�?�o�by ths iwtc, x5uges,fas and all oiLer
<br /> ;;.r,
<br /> snms as pmc�ed in ihe loaa insat�ss.: . ..
<br /> 2. 1Yvst�are Ws mv�ss c�'ihe prct�e�tY�have t8e nigLt �fl anthorlry to execute thi� Deal of Tmst in�co the
<br /> �°� �.. � � ��,v�,� snecial as�ssments and all other c.harges;against tbe PropenY,I�Eore tSe same b000nx
<br /> ' :°s'°„ °� ..-�.�• -----• which may be levled uponT3cne5icia�y's irtere�t naes�or upan mis veed aF
<br /> de.T9aqneaL T�ustors sl�ail�ay ell taxes and a� af st�e wh�le or auy part thercaf
<br />- TsuSt or t�e�ei.�t sec.vred t�ehY,w�twu3 re�d to aay la�v t6at may be enactcd impc�siaB�ymem
<br /> upon the Ben�frciary• e fir+e ans3 sac�otber baraands as
<br />_ ;. '��i�'��'or�em�after locatcd on tlt�DropertY in�u�a�iu�dama8 �Y
<br /> the BeneSciaz7+maY�in a�mounts aud oampanies aoo�table to d�e Beneficiapy,SucL ins�rau�oe pa�tcy s�aii coraain�st�uu
<br /> ' maitga&e clause i�favor of Bends�aiq. Tnutor shall promptly iepair,mai�tain and replaoe the prapeny or any part themo�so _
<br />= tt�at,exeept for ordir.►aty n�ar and tear,the prap�rt3'sloall nai deteriorate.
<br />- S. In the event th�pm�eertY, ar any part tt►ereo�shall be takem by emine�domai4 the Bea�Fic3ary is entiEled io ao�lect and
<br />= re+oeive all oompensation�vhich maY be Pazd for asy Prapen►Y mken or for damages to propeity noi talcen,easi t6�Beneftdary s�all
<br />_ ;,,��ly r,ush oomg�n„�tien,nt its a�tion,eiwer to a red�rction of the indebtiedne�sea�red horelry,or to repair and restort tbs property
<br />__ so taken
<br /> 6. The Bene�isiary may. buY shall have no oltligatioa to, do anY act which Ttustors have agt�but �iled tu do, and the
<br />= Ben:Sciary rnay also do any ucE ii deems�m pmiea the Hen he�o£ Tnistors ogro�to repay, upon demand,any sums sa
<br />_, expend�ed by tltc Benefic�ary far the above purpases.and ony sum so expended shall be added w ths indeititcdmes�s�curcd trcr�by and
<br />