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<br /> lA. Trustors hcacty rcq�c�s n cr��sy af Any nu�ac of dePa�lt an�that auy aotica af ck�lo Yc�:reundar ba maiZe�to 7Yu�to�at thc
<br /> address 6ei forth�In thc fust paragmph af this�Cd a►f Tnnz. -
<br /> lS�. Th��3en�cia�y nny�lry u�vriMCn instrnment execuitd and uckamvleQg¢d lsy BenelIciary,m�iled to Tmstors and recnrls�iu
<br /> the Coun�y in which tt►o property i�1c�cateQ and by otttenvlse oomplying urith tko pravlsions of the appUcatalo law of thc Stnto of
<br /> tscbraska,sabsnitute a suc�cssor to ths Trusta�Y�ai�ted r��;win or sc4iag Rs:eun¢xr. -
<br /> iG. Tldis Deed nf Ttust applies to and inures to�i�e 6ei�eui�f�;►cl i�i;��is al!�;a;itca Gcrc2��iiz�ie h:;'lff+.j3:7:,41L�f:,j.7�;:A2i.tiia,, �
<br /> sitcoessorr and ass�igns. The teren BsnEficary"ehaU mtaa the awner and hulder of the noto.whether or not named av Beaeflcisry
<br /> hercin.
<br /> 17. Without a�ecting the lisbility of any ath�r person Habla for the paynnent of any obligatlon hercin menttonod, and vytihout
<br /> a�'�ting thc Uen or charg�of�his De�d of T�ust u�n any pariian of the pmpe�ty not tt►gn or thmrerofore rcicasod as sccurity far ihe
<br /> full pay�ent of aIl unpaid obligations,the Bengflciary may,flrom eime to Ume sin8 wit�tout aMicx:(a)rcleas�aay persons so uable:
<br /> (b)extend th�maUuity or aiter any of the urms of any encb oiili$aiion;(e)�anz aih�inQulga�a:(��,Ic�a cs:��amry:.t tAe .. �
<br /> B,�nefiaaty's es�tion anY P�'a�Ponion or atl of the pmpertY:(e)taico os rcicasc any other or addittonal securUy for any obligation
<br /> hereia mei►tional;oz(n imke oempositiaas or other aaangear..nis witte debtore!n relatton th�nKO.
<br /> 18. 17ris Deod of Trust shall be govemed by the laws of the State of I�Teb�aska and,in the event aqy ona or more of the pravistot�s
<br /> oomtal�►ed}xreiq or the note or any other seau�Ity instNmenE glven in�nnectioa wiW Wis uansast�on ehall be for any ceasan held
<br /> to be imr�lid, �lcgal or unenfomeablq in anY respxt,snch iavalid[ty,UlegaUty or uas�'orceabillty shati aoi aff4ct a�otE�er
<br /> p 'rcve:i�s Qf�s qe�of T�nut,but fhe 17eer1 of Tmst sUaU be oons�ur9Q as if s�r,h invalid,ilivgal or unenf'�araable provlsion P�1 -
<br /> c�:�,r,becn a+nutiii�d herzin ar tAerein.
<br /> H�;;.�►ny'fo�;�inoo bY tl�e BeneHciary or Tt�stee in exem�sing aay right or remedy hereamdtr. or athetu+isc afforded by
<br /> a�}11ic�ble la.��,sh�11 not 6e a waiver of ux preclude lhe exerdse of'atry�sh caght ar remedy ttereunder. LikcwIse,ihb waiver by tb�
<br /> Beneficiary asr�ustoe of aay defautt of tt�e Tnutoxs under tt�is Deal aS"l�Ct s�ail not be deemod w be a waiver of airy other or
<br /> similar ddault subso�uentiy oocurring. .
<br /> ,:�Q;;IIpon ti�a written roquest oY the Be�c[a� �8 tbat all sums sxutpd hereby kav�bxu paid,and upaa surnndei of this
<br /> �,�?i�¢tf,af Trust and t6c nate to the T�for canxllalton a�nd retentlon and u�pon�ayms�t by Tn�stors of Tmsteo's fees,lku5tee sbali
<br /> �ry to TnuWrs,or the person ar persons leg�llY entiticd tbereto,without sirsr�rnuty. aaY P��tion of the Propeit5'tt�ca heldl
<br /> hexeunder. Id�t�ls ia s�ch reoameyaixe af suy mitoers or facts shall t�e coaclusivo pi+oof of tho��hfiil�ss t�eroo� Granteas in
<br /> � tLe rccoQV s��aiay be dascs:'bed as the"peisan or peisons iegaUy enEE�,�here�a." . .
<br /> �;�,_
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<br /> IN�VT�NESS V�HE�tE(DF,Tru�tors have�at�ai�ket�this��ci of`Y'na�t�tin the date first notoii AFwve. �
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<br /> ,_ _.__ ;:...._The for�k�inst�aent was�knawl�dged before me on March 1a, 199►9,by L't;(�YD G+Dt1IfWIF�I,AN .
<br /> r�aat� Y=a,�12 :�Er�ir�r!:�.►a�[��R_�_.'_'____
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