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<br /> 03-17-�1889 Continu�d) -
<br /> • ., Lo��+N��63?.�S �C _ G�"
<br /> �L ��_.
<br /> IFt1RYMEN Af3flltA/WGffB;A'fTORt1C•Y�lPl�ACT. TP�3lollov�np provlalons�slattnp to tudher nssurnrtcus end attorrtey-tndaat are n pnrt ot this ��:_
<br /> . .:.t Oeed of Trus� .-
<br /> F�elht?AaguPana�x�.At any 4Im3,nnd from dme to tfma,upon request ot I.ender�Twstor witi make,exeaute and deliver,ar witi oause to be
<br /> - - made,exocute�or de�v�rcd, to l.cnd:r or to LcndYo d:^!�rt�, and when requostod by Londcr,cnuso to bo Qtod,�aordod,rofllod, or f�°''
<br /> ri� rereoordad,as Ihe case may ba,at euoh Nmes and in auoh ofNcss and ptaoes es 6ender may daem appropriate.any end sll auoh mortgnges,
<br /> deeds ot trust.seoariry doeds,sooudty agreemenb,flnnrtclnp atatamenb.conHnuaUon statemente,Irahumems of fu�twf essuronce,ce�ttflcat�,
<br /> and other documents as may.!n the sole apinlon o}Londer. be n�ary or destre9:s in order to ettc�atuate,comQ►ete,perbot,condnuo,ar _
<br /> � ��K;�' preserve (a)the abQgeflons of Trustor undsr the Nota,thte Deed of 1Yust,end the Relatod Oooumanb,and (b)tha Ito�and seoudty interests =
<br /> � crontad by thts Deed of Yrust as flrst and pdor Itens on ihe Pro�erfy.whether now owned or hareafter acqulrod by Trustor• Un►oss prahlblted by —
<br /> Iaw or egreed to tho contraryr by Lender In wdtirtg,TNSta shail refmburss Lender br all cosffi and expenses inourred In conneoUon vutth tho
<br /> ���µ mnUe�s retarred to 1�tNs PareOraPh.
<br /> :-;��. +;� �nprrtey..in-�eet. If Tnistor talls to do any of the things referre6 to In the precading paragraph.Lender may do so for and In the name of ,�
<br /> '� Trustor and at Trusto�s expense. For suoh purposes,Tnnior hereby Irrevooebly appolnb lsnder as Tn�tefe attome�-in-fael tor the purpose
<br /> a;; of making,execuUrsB,deliverlrtg,fltlng,recording,and ddng elt olher things as may bo rtecossnry or desirabte.In Lendefa sote opinion.to
<br /> < eccomplish the ma4tera retattod to in the preceding purugraph.
<br /> ' ftAl PERFCRMRNCE. It Trustor pays elt the�ndebtedness.Including wrihout Ilmitation elt fulure advances,when due,and othenxtse peAortns eJi
<br /> ; ,, � the ob1l�aUons Imposed upon Trustcr under thiS Oeed of Tn�.st,Lender sAaA exeoute and deiiver to Trustae a reqvest tor fuii reconveyar�ce and shall
<br /> . • snd the P rsonal�ProAertY�a�Yu►���nCe t9e�te9uir�ed bY�sMU 4 pa�td by�tnis or,I4 patmltted bydaPD cablee's seoudty interest In t�e Rer�At
<br /> OEFAt�.T. Eaah o!fho fatlowing,at the aptlon ot Lender,ahatl constlfirte an event of datautt('Evant of Oafaulty undsx tNs Deed of Tn�sh .
<br />�""`• " � ' ` OatWlt on InaObtSd�sa Falture of Ttustor to motco anY paymeM when due on the indebtedness.
<br />- • <<r__�
<br /> '' Oetnuit on 04hu Pay�rsente. Falturo ot TNStor wHhln!he tlma requlred by thb Oood oi Ttust ta meke any paymant tor taxes or insurance,or
<br /> :.,.-:..�',;�r.� any other payment necessery to prevant fl�np ot or to efhxt disoharqe ot any Iten.
<br /> � ��*:. � �pmplimes pe}pt�.Fellure ot Trustor to compry wfth arry oth�r Mrm,obitgaflon,covenant or condttton oonta[ned in this Deed of Trust,tha
<br /> ,.- . � � Note u In nny ottt�Retated Dooumerds.
<br /> =a°�,;; �4�•.
<br /> `-`�=° '*� FNts Ststeme�a- MY werte►ntY.rePresentatlon or statemen!made or tumished to lendx by or on Eehetf of Truatot under thb Deed of Tnut,
<br />''�; y�� ths Note or the Related Dowments is tatse or misteadln9 N any matedel respect,e�lher now or et the tlme made cr flerrdahed.
<br /> ;,,P�...;:
<br />_�-•sy:� '` • �efecUre(�tyteraltm4lpn. This Reed o}TNat ar eny olthe Ret3ted GxumeMS oeases to be in full to�ce and eitoot(tncluding tathtre ot anY
<br /> ,.,�.-:;
<br />:�=.:�-:, collaterat documenb to Create a vatld and peReoted secuiAy i�te�est or 11en)at any tlma and any+eason.
<br />--=`=�"=-ru•, pe�tA or InaaNenep. Tha death of Thutor.the insolveney of Trtator.the ePPolntmeM o!a reoelvFx for any art of Trusto�'s DrQ9��1►�e�Y
<br /> reo x
<br /> -�--'T�';_ _ �.��n� te�r tha 6enef�t of aeditois.anY hrDe of a�editor worlcou►. or the commenceme�ot nnY P nq umfer a�+f�bankruAtaY or ,
<br /> „''$""�� inaotveno9 taws by ar asainst Tnistoo .
<br /> ` ��:,j. FareCipoutt,FoArelture.etc. Commencemerit af taredosure o�toAetture proeeedinys,whett►er by l�d�P►oceed�n8�sett-#�e�P.�P�on
<br />- �•�:` , or tnY otAer�ad�by any Cred(t�01 T�a a bY a�Y9o������t any ot the ProPe�Y. However�this subsenNon atieil not
<br /> _rer�.:"•�;, MPN tn tha event ot a good telth dlsAute by Tcusta as to the valt or reasonabteness ot the deim wh�h ts the b�a o}fhq•lt��re a
<br />_.,. ..;-,•:,,.,,:
<br />-._�.�„�;�,� taeteiture prooeedtrq�Prov►ded thal Trustor plves Lsnder wdtten n of such clain:artd tumishea rost�ves ar a auraty bond ta the c1rJm
<br /> s:U.�:��-i� satistaataY to lertdsr.
<br />___ -�°� Bra�h of 01riar A47�'b�• Any bresch by Zl�u�tar v�nd�the te�ms of any o morit conoerninp n0nelndebtedness o�oh►IpaUan o� .
<br /> �Y-- wHhtn any grace p�r�cd provided tfierefn.InCtudina witheut IlmitaUon any apr�ee Y
<br /> _�=^--:�=�—'s to Lender,whelhor edstieQ now o�tat9r.
<br />:-,';�:f•;..'�n?sz.�
<br /> t�,�,� ��Af�tirtg Qiprantpar. My of the precodi�eve�,s ooaurs wlth respeot tn enY tivarantor ot any ot the Indebtedness or e►+Y G��rantor
<br /> dles ar becomes inaartpeten�or revaicos or disputes the valldtly.of,ar Ilabiilty under,arry duareMy of the Indabtedness. Lendes,et tts opUon.
<br /> - maY.but sha➢not be requt�ed to,Pe�the(iuerantors esffit�to assume uncondlUOnatty the obligetlorts aii�inp under the puarardy►In a
<br />`°-__`-_-- manner sadsiactory b Lender.end.in dotrp so,cure tha Evenf ot Oetautt.
<br /> ...1:,,�.�,�� InsecuAlY. tander In good tetth desms ttsatl tnaeaure.
<br /> ';§ �i)�E�o qtre. if such a tatiwe ts curabt9 and R Tn�sstor has not bean pNeo a noUoa of a breach of ttw sar�provt�on of this Doed of'IFust
<br /> ��'�Tj`:: wil�+in the P��nO twelvo(12)mo�.tt may be eund(and no Ewr�ot Detault wN hava ocaurted)R Teustor.eNer Lende►sends wettten
<br /> --`.�•:s:� aoUao demandlnm eure of suah taflure: (s)oures the taiture wtthtn ton(t0)days:ar N)H the curo re4uhos more than ten(t0)daYs�tmmedlatdy►
<br /> • u�mates eteps sut8cbr�to ouro the tatiure and thereafter coMlnues nnd complatas sU roasonibte nnd neoes�a�!►�aulAcis�to produce
<br /> .,com�uanoe ee s4an�s reaaonebq Pracncai.
<br /> Rltii�Jf$IIND REM�DIEB ON DEFAU.T, llpon the oceurrence ot uql Everd of Oetauit nnd at any Hrm thereatte�'��ot lender�d lt�op�on.
<br /> -- - �Y�any one ar more af the faL'owing�hts and ramedles,tn atddlllon to�y other dDAts or remedies provlded by Iaw:
<br /> - _°- ���up�De�n...�A99ftlAnai Remedt�. If anV eve�ot defam't ooCUro as per Me tetms Ot ths�'Ote secu�ced ah�bY���tlio!t
<br /> ---- deetare a0 lndoDtedness eeeured by this Deed ot 7ntsi to be dua and pa�a.i8a and its�setaa shaA fA.:."�en�='-��'`� . -
<br /> -----,--- - gny prese��nant.tlemand,Rrotest�noUOe of any ktnd ihereartwr�Lvnoer n�ay: , °
<br /> (a) Elther In person or by agent,wtth ot wfthotst brinotnp anY acUon ar proceedfeg.m by a reo tR�oPOn���nyaame.I���ol�
<br /> �,.,� regerd to tha adequaoy ot It�seaunty.e�er upon and teke ponesslon ot the Property.or enY Pa�
<br /> of Tntstee�aad do eny acls whleh tt deems neoassuY or deskablg to presetve the vatuo.matRetebiilty ar reMebi9h►of ths�.a D
<br /> ot ihe PropsrN or interest in fho ProA�Y•inaea.e the income trom the ProPaif►cr prctsci tha secuAry ot the Property;artd. th a without
<br /> - --_--- tek��p pps.,esslon ot tho ProPeRf►.sua for or otheiwise coAect the rents,fssues end proflL of Me Pro�t►�tY�Inctudinp those past dite nnd
<br /> __ �.�,�� unpatd,and eDDt�►tha seme,Iess aosts end e�onses ot aperaBon and cotlactlon,Inctudln�nttomeys 1ee�to eny Indebte�Jnass ceaured
<br /> -. -- by tht�DeOd otTwst.afl In such order es Londer m4y►detertnine. The entering upon and faWnq possesslon ot the Pn'eAertq�the co{Iectlan
<br />