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. . . ....,,.,�, .. , . <br /> . .� ,.�,;-t' , :): .. . 'a :�`r , 'n' ":%t:-, n.. <br /> . , � . •;�3. {ti.• <br /> . � `� , <br /> "� ' � <br /> � j� ' •� <br /> �ar • <br /> - '' I uY.�i�t+n°ix�d.a . . ' ' �� r. O ..}p.`'.�l�31F��_ . <br /> .. .. <br /> ;,.a....,.c„erK_ .. _ . . ,_ .. .. , <br /> .. ^�sa- <br /> _ __—���'�_' '_...��._—'_"..._.'_'....._-..__. �.._...._.__....._-.__.,..___...�._�.Y._�--^_ _.'—_—— .�.�_._ _.,_ .._ <br /> i <br /> .. ' - . � • . °- <br /> . �.. 0;�9R9888 �i�� ��°f�s���i ���D O�1'�U�'P ����a F <br /> Loan No 7t�326� (Corrtl�uQd) - <br /> - - s - <br /> (b) Com�nnc�an ectlon to Porociose th1�Deod at Trust n5 a mort�sgo,appaint n rocolver o�sysattloal,y onicrco ony o!tFm covannnfs = <br /> , hereoh,and <br /> (o) Otliver to Trustee a wdft¢n declaratlon of defau:t and damand Por esato and o wdtten notfce of detnutl and�aatlon to anas�Trustore , <br /> Int_rc�In th�Prop�rty to ba co!d,t�h!Ch nnNCO Ttustc,�ahN!cttusa to bo duty fi!od for recoM In Iho appropMato otilcog at tho County In ; <br /> 5 � whtoh tha Praperty ts tocated;and <br /> +�°` (d) With reapect to eli or any pad of the Porsonel Proparty,Lender ahel!hnve afl tho dghta and reme0los of e seouro0 paity under the __ <br /> i�ebmskn Unlform Commerclai Code. <br /> • " �`J�� Fcrestosut�by Pawet of BNs. If Lenda eteots to toreotase by exem►se of the Power of Selo herein contairted,Lender 8ha11 noUry Tnrrtse�nd <br /> ' �'` ehati daposit with Trustee thb Doed of Trust and the Koto and suoh recelpb and evidenae ot e�endtNres made and saoured by this Deed ot -• <br /> ��"1°�..�"�-.�" Trust as Trustae may require. . <br /> -_ (a) Upon recetpt of such noUoe from Lender.Sn�staa shail cause to he reoorded,publlshe6 an6 dellveretl to Tru3tor suoh Norice ot Dsiautt . <br /> 'e � and NoUae o}8ata as thon requtred Dy Iaw and by thb Deed of Trust Trustee shaii.wlthout damand on Tnistor,after euoh tlme an may <br /> F then bs requfred by taw and after reco�dation of such Notice of Oafault and after Nofla�of ScUe haNnB beeo givon as requlred by taw,sell <br /> tho Proparry at ths tlme and ptace o!sale ftxed by B In suoh Noflce ot Sate,etther as a whote.or In separete tots or parcel�or items as <br /> :, Trustse shall deom e�edlant,and In such order as ft may determine,at puElio aucUon to the highest bidder far cash tn tawful money of <br /> • the United Sfatss pnyable at the tlma of sale. Tnisteo shalt dellver to suoh purchaser or purchasers thereo!Its good and suNlcient dasd or <br /> •�� d�ds aonveying the properly so so:d,but wllhout any covenant or wartanty,express or imptied.The reottais in auch desd o�any mette►s <br /> •• �;,•r'(;r or fecta shell be cortdusive proot of ths truthtulness thereot My person,Induding wlthout QmRatton Tru3tor,Teustee. or Lender.may <br />�. .. Y...'•" puroha�at such sa'.s. <br /> {� (b) As may be penn7tt�d by taw�aft�deduoUng a!I cosffi,te�►and axper�sos a!Tnr�tw and o!thls Uust,Inciuding cosb ot evidence o! <br /> �``� riUe tn connecUon u��t�saio.11rrustee shr11 apDty tNr praoeed9 of eoie to pa meM W Q)ail sums e�en0ed under tP�e tartea ef this Qaed ot <br /> s <br /> Trust ar under the tarms af the IVota not then tepaid,lncluding but nct Qm ed t�aocnied IMerest and tat0 oharpes. (11)ell other aurt�s then <br /> � aeoured hereby.and piq the remalnder,M any,to the persan or peesons Iegeliy enUllsd thereto. <br /> - - - (o) Trustee may!n tho manner provfded by taw postpone sele of alt or nny paUon ot the PropeRy. <br /> �' Remedlea Not Occtuatve. Tn�stee and Lender.and eaeh ot them,shall ba entiUed to enforce paymaM end pertormancs of any Indobtadness <br /> "•h �`�� •� or obllpaUons secured by thlo Oeed of Trust and to�.se sll dOMs end powei9 undar this Deed of Tn�t,under the Ma',e,under nny ot the <br />- � �•-;'xr' Reiated Oocum9nts,or under any other agreorrreM er arbr iaws now or hereafter in force;notwithstend►np,some or�II of auch inds6tedness <br /> "' � ,• aad obllgaBons seoured by thts Deed of Trust may now ar hereafter be othenatse secured,whether by mort�age,dead ot trusb ptedpe,Ibn, <br /> - . ; :{:�:;��' assignment or otherwise. Neither tho acCepffince of this Qeed o!Trust no►Ib enfotcoment,whethe►by court aotlon or pursuant to the powet of <br /> ;y,f�f:.;�';i{�; seie or ather powors eonteined in 4hts[Y�ed o!Trust,shffiI preludk�e or In eny manner affeot Tru,stee's a tsndar's dpht to reallze upon or <br /> �,..;;,:;.�.(���: enforoe any other secudty now w heren9ier heid by Tn�stee or Lender,ti betng apreed that Trustee end Lendar.and eaoh ot fhem,shall ba <br /> v;r.•r�°'^� , emtUed to entoroe this�ad ot Trust aml any other seourily now or hereafter heid by LemOer a Tnislee la suoh order and rrtann0r aa they ar <br /> ._`- ��= 6,'i�rc,i rn tAsr�r�ay!ss�saM 8�dstto C�s�ssnlrs. t�a s3�;4oni?�!!�+en�r!?±�w?d b Tn,stee or lender,ts Intended to be <br />-•r;p;,_;n � eaciusive o1 eny othot+�mady M th�Oeed of Tntst or by taw provided or permilted.bwt eeoh sheil be cumularive artd shelt be In eddlidon to _.. <br /> -- ev�ry other remody piven ln this Tn�st or now ar hereafter exaUnp at taw or in equlty or by statule. Evsry power or remedy qtvsn by the . <br /> �'"�, �� f�tote or any of tAe Re�ated DxumSnls to Tn�stee a Lendar or to which etther of thom may be otherwlse enUtled,may ha oxsrelsnd, 4" <br /> —�"�:'t coneurronfry or Indopendertiy.from Hme!o tlmo snd a3 otten es may ba deemed expedient by Trustes ar Lendar�and eitfier�them may • <br />_..:�H=°=�'� pursue tneorabtent romedtes. Notfitng in thia Oeed of Tnist shaU bo constr�ed aa proAlbtUnp Lender trom ssekir�p a Eeficlenoll Su�i�merrt <br />_T�,,���X� a9einst the Tnastor to the exter►t suoh acUon b permittad by taw. <br />_��z� Repu�st For NotkO. TrUStOr,an behelt of Trusta and Lender�hereby requesb that A cqpy of any NoUce ot Detautt end a copy of any NaUce <br /> o}Sala undw this Qeo�t o4 TW;f be ma�ed to them at the addr�sses set tortA in tAe ihst pnrayraph of thb Deed ot Te�sst, <br /> y`�'�=` ��'� Vyai�reri E[ection ot 12em�4ddlas. A wehrer by any perty of e bceach of a provlston ot ihls Deed of Trusl shaU not consiBute a watver qf ar <br />.u�,'`=y�':�:�i{� <br /> 1��="-� preJudkx the parlya dphte otharwtse to demartd strtat oomplfanoe wlth thot p:ovSion or any other proNSlon. Electlan by Lendet to pa�sue eny <br /> ``=�'' remedy provi6ad in thb peed at 77ust,H�e Noie,fn any R8lated DocumsM,or provtded by�aw shell no!mrciude purBWf of any other remedy, <br /> ---- - and an election to make�enditures or to take saUOn to psrfattn an oblipaflon W Trustat ander thls Qeed of Trusl after tatlure ot Trustar to <br /> ---_-•�'"� pertotm shall not af(ec4 4ender's tipht to dedare e detsult u�d to exem,isa sny ot Ib rem6dtos. <br /> Rttetnsys'Fee�O�0»oei. It tender InsUtutes any ouit or acdon to entorce any of the terms ot thts Deed of Trust,Lunder she�be enttUad 40 <br /> "p— necovar suoh sum us Ma court may adludQe reasonabte as attomeys'tees et tdel and on any appeal. Whvther or not ar�y coud action ts <br /> - --'°� IrnoNad,ait reasonabte e� inouRed by Lender which tn lendc+r's oA�nlon are nao�ssery at nny 1Nrte Por tt�e protaoUOn of ils interest.or tha <br /> entarcement of tb dphts shall become a pa�t o}the Indebtedness payabfe on demand and ahaY bear Interest at the N�te rnte hom tho date o7 <br /> _�___.._�_._ ��nd[turo ur�tfl ropald. E�emes covered Dy thb Parct9�Ph Inctude,wfthout�mttaUOn.however subJeot to any limfts under epp.icable law. <br /> -- �.�a.ttgrroys�a�whethr or not there B a IawsuiL Indudina flttumeYS'tees ter DankruP�Y P�eedlnps pac3t�iJinp o�tats'v modlryr or <br /> �_—� vacate amr automatic stay or injunotton).aPPeals and anY antlatAetad post-I�OOmaM cottooaoo seMOes. me cost m searchtn9 records, <br /> -_..- --=_-a=- obtpintng tltte reporb(Including toredasure repoda)�SurveYors'rePab�ePP��UUe Insurance�and tees Tar ine lYtistee�to ihe exte�t . <br /> ___ permNted by sppllcebte law. Trustor etso wiu pay eny coud costs,In edtltHpn to a0 other sums provtded by law. <br /> ------__=_� Al�b ot Ttitatee.Trustee shali hpve afl ot th¢rigM.�ertd duttos o}Londer es set forth In thia seadon. <br /> _------- PnWE�i AND 08il0ATi0ti8 OF TRtIgTE�. The tollowin0 provisions retannp to me pewers snd obiiyatlons o#Trusiae arv pari uf i1i�Wud�f <br /> ___- v_�_ T� <br /> Powers o!TrusEes. In addiittort to etl powers of Tnastee aristnp as a matler of taw.Tn�atee shail have ttw power to L2x�e the toUowlnp actlons , <br /> l�� tactudi�tdedk�Uon�str�S or o�M�s to the�publfa (b)1 1���➢�N e se p MoraexetNn�p ony�tricBOn�on tfie Reet.P�, <br /> �"�i- end(o)joln tn am►aubardination nr att�nyreomen!af(eatlnD this Oeed�Tn�t a tha Interest o!tsn6er under thb Deed of Trust. <br /> ---`� � 7tu�to�.Tnutae sltialt meet ad queUfbattons roqutred far T�stee ander appticabte taw. In addltton to the dpMs and remedies set toRh ebove, <br /> ---�;,�;,;,;;,�,,; with�espet,{tp aN pr any o?the PropeA�r,4he Trustee ahaq have the dpht to taectose by noUoe and sele,and Lendar sNill have the rtpht to <br /> . ���� faredose by judtcis}4o� eltMx case tn eocmdance witA and to the tull exter�t provtded bY apPltceQle taw. <br /> -s;:;x;.,N 5�1'Ttfita8?. tAtidw.fii Liaiiva a vpYi6�'��tdu'jt tt8tp 8m6 t01[mB flppQlrtt 8 GUCa95SOt TttiSt29 t0 e!!y Tt�!�e?. �+ipt8�1 h!�under b�ett <br /> _°?-:.-�^= tr�str¢maet exocuted ertd acknawled9ed by 4ender and recorded in t4e otHoe at fhe r�ecorde�ot HALL Cou�►.I�IaD� Tfee instrument shaU <br /> z==�i;i#>>: corttnfn,In addHton to all other matte�a requtred by state taw,the rtnrtres ot the aiginei lsnder,Trustee.ertd 7n�tor,the 0ook and pnpe(or <br /> _ :t?%��;y� <br /> _�-�T_,,T,��'.�r. <br /> �� - <br /> ,.; �.. ; <br /> , � . <br /> . . ._ <br /> �,_. . . . :. <br /> . <br /> _ - - - <br /> - -- -- ------_ <br /> ---- �- --_ <br /> �� . .._. ' � .- ����i��.? '� , i rx��.- <br /> w <br /> _''y� T�. GaF'�,.i4'4T1�')WB� � <br /> G��''{{�� n . _ <br /> . 7,r =JrA��.�1� .. .. . ., � . .. •�}�� L s�1t. ..1J.: ' "' ' .. "}l�.�a � - �. <br /> . .f.- . . r � .. . . �, . . '_ • . . ' . . " . ' ...�. t_:4 :�_^Sv.s� <br /> . , ^:S;'��°- <br />- _ .. � - .. .. . . . ..� . . . , ' � � . �- . ^��i�-' <br /> � � � r• , . �� � - .. . " . . - : . .. � , � :-�aF:77:'°�- <br /> . . . .. , .. . - . u.. .p: ,:{;r.: --_—.. <br /> . . - .. ' ' . . , . . . . �^t' ' _ <br /> - .. , }. . . � rl/ . ., .. �� • .. i . .. .. . .. . 1 Lr�y�.. <br /> _" ii . . " . .. . , a� ' - .r ,.�j=��- <br /> _ ' ' . ' . ., -- , ... � .. �� ��i'.'lr`d.� <br /> `� . .. . . .. .. ' . - <br /> , n ' - <br /> _. . � - � •��r . ' . .. . <br /> .. ., ' o - - � A.w. -�! t. , . .i'. ., i "'° . <br />. . v� .L'^`'�Yti . "k d <br /> . .�<'^ . .. . . . _ _ , ." , . . �� � �1'���]' � - �� Y �1 7l�.�.1JU - <br /> i ' .f tr1� � <br /> ,. , .. _ = 'saC ;r�l f c l�i'�v—.x jt?�b7 ..t_�. <br /> , .r . �� , . . . . . ' ., r�?,rr.��'��t- ,i,•� s;�t,.C� <br /> ' ?� ' . � .. ,J�, f"*+'::y;1r'.��:" � w+.. _ <br /> �� �'"� � �,y M� v <br /> �j � J �,.w. oni �'1tiS. `i°+�2`^ .^" _ <br /> . , ., , , ' , w.' ' �,•" f )� �' `Li° c_ <br /> .. , o . " „ '. . � r t�. `�` ."„'a�f� �f. <br /> ° J .. „ o �� .��.}�,��G`�� . <br /> � <br />