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<br /> ^, r 03�97-1999 ��`i�`�r�.Q���'� ���� ��`�'��1�Y PAge 4 �:::
<br /> I.oen No 78326� (Co�9lr�ad) F' ±
<br /> � dum�aQd cr dC:,tM �d tmprovemsnts in n nsnrtar eaUstsctory u►Lan�ar. 4sr�02T oha0�upon sstl�taotory proof of ouoh e�4ondituro, ay or B�_
<br /> p ,.,�, relmbuRa Trustor trom tha procsad�tor tha reasonttrle aest of repllr or rerlaraUc+n!!TnntOe I�not in dofaWt under this Qeed of Trus� Any
<br /> procesQs�vhtoh heve no1 been di:bursed wltMn 180 days aAer lflolr roeelpt and wi�'ch Lender hae not oommltted to the ropatr ar rastorBtlon af
<br /> - Ihe pro�r°Tty sh;�il 6s usod�n!to pay any amount owirtg ta I.cnd:r undor tfli3 Oa�d ot 7tu�t,thon te pr3y nccruod Intorc.zf,and Iho tem�inder,it
<br /> t� any.eh9ii be applied to tha pdnalpe!batance of the Indebtadna�. If lertdot hotds any pcc�vet�a ntter payment in Put1 ot lrle Inc3ebtedness,sueh �� .
<br /> ' • �: proceeda shali be pnid to Yntstof as Tnuto�'s Interesb may eQpear: . a-
<br /> Unsx�lred Inaur�nce at 8sle. Any unc,xpired insurence sh�l Inure to the benofit of.and pass to.ths purehasor of lhe Prope�ty covered by this ;�;_
<br /> t.:�ti�� Oetd of Trust ot any trustee�eaie or other sat0 hetd ander tNe provlslorts ot thls Daed of Truat,or at any Icreolosure sslo ot suoh Proparty. -•
<br />, `��"'" F�tP�ilD1TItAEB B1I 6E71DER. It Trustor fntls to comnty with any prqvi^,lon at thls Doed of Tn�t,or It any u�lon or prccsed►np Is commenced thpt �.:-
<br /> :�"�' '' � woutd matedalty attoot Lendefs intere;sts In the Propariy,L.endl�r on Yntslors behait may,but shsll not ba requlred to,�tke any ncUon that Londor �.
<br /> deems appropdeta Any amount that LenQsr expanda in so doing+niU R�87r Interost at the mte providad for In tAe Idote irom the dnte incurred ar pal@ -
<br /> = • �' by Lender to the data of repaymeM by 7rusta. AlI euche�ense3,ctt�F+nd�'s opUon,wlil (a)be payabia on demand, (b)be addnd to the bafanca �
<br /> � � ot the Note and be epporttoned amo�and be payab►e wtth any irRtmttment payments to hecome dua duflng either p)the term ot any appifcabto =-
<br /> ni �nsurance potlay as (0)tha remalnlnp term o!the Note.ar (a)be treated as s OR9pmn payment whleh wlli bo dae and peyabie at the Note's matudty.
<br /> �n ,�,� Thts OeBd of 7nut slso rAU Socure poyment ottheso amounts. The riphtsprAVldad Pcn�n this paraBraph ahati be In addidon to any other riqhts ar any _
<br /> �; mm3dlos to whtch L�nd�may ha enUUed on account of the detau�. Any suoh aoUon by tsndet shall not be cor►atrued as cudng the det�ult so as to
<br /> bar Lender trom any remecty that it othanxise woutd have had. --
<br /> �`• WARR/lNTY:DEFEM8E OF TA91.E. Tho toliowing prowsions rsistlng to owne�shtp oi the Praperly auo a part of this Deed of Tn�st
<br /> � T(tle. Tntstot wamrr►b lhe�� t4)truslor halda good and marketable tlUe ot cecord to the ProAer'h�In fae slmPle.treo and elaar of all IlonS and
<br /> -. enoambm�n�+,.s.vther lhan tt►ose sgt btth tn U+8 Real ProP�Y�Ptlon Cr in aey titttte Insuranoe po:fay.ti[ta re�o+i.or ffnat dUa opiaian CS�Y�Ea •
<br /> �;r,;,- `�`, tavor oi,g�td+o�pted by.Lsnder in con:tE+cFan wtth Mis Oaed ot'Itu�t.and (b)Tnistor has the fuil rtght,Povrr.and authoriry to ezecute artd
<br /> - �"' ' � :� deliver t�118:@�4T 7rust to l.9nder.
<br /> ,,w,, '� IQefepwa teP lU1ta. 8ubjeat tq SF�o excepbon in tha paragra�h 6�bt�.�,Tnistor warraMs and wUl torever deiend t0a tlUa to ths PropeAy ngainst iho —
<br />- �•_�__.. i a w f W cl a i m s�all p e r s Ons. in tha everit any cullan or pra.aa�inp Is commenced that qua,tto�Tiustors tl�e ar thg lnta�est of Trusteo or
<br /> � ,.:. Lendet qt�f9ar9C1�poed of Tn�st,Tnis4or shall detend the actlon at Trus4ofs e�ense. Truator muy be the naminal parry In st!sh praoeedtn0,b u t
<br /> -�- Lender sy�t�a entlfl�d to perUCipate in the prooeedl� and to 6e rep�:�ad in the proceedtng by counsai of Londer's own oholce.and _
<br />-� �"' 7Yustor�arAi daliver.or catue to be delivered,to Lender attch i�trum�nt3 as d�Ender maY re9uast irom dmo to tlme to permft suoh paAk�pation.
<br /> "-",r� Ikable latv&,
<br />"�,_a:;�.�. Compllanae�IUt Laws. Tn�stor warta�s that the Prope�ly and Trustors use of the Property compites tivith all B�Qstfnp app
<br />-..3'•..�:► '
<br /> _ �,;;. ordtnances,and repulatiarof mf flovemmental authoAties. _
<br />:°_;;�-�� CpND�MAUTIQV. The tollawing provislons reia8ng to condemnatlon pra;eedings are a part ot thls Ceed of Trust. -
<br /> 'X3��:� Apjllkatlon o!Net Proceeds. If atl or am►part ot tha Property b condomned by emineM domaln proceedings or by eny proc�eedinp or
<br /> L p���a�Q}.tn�e���attan,�ender may at Its eteatton require that nU or any portfon ot the net proo�ads ot the award beap pitad to tha
<br /> :-,_,;,.,X���;°' Indebtedni�s ar tho repatr or restoradon ot tho Properly. The aet proceods of ths award ahatl mean ttre awaro a�r paymani vi eii rawai�
<br /> oosb,e�en3ea,and attomey�s fees incwred by Trustee or Lender In connection wtth the condemnaUon.
<br /> y��� Proc�edin�. If any P►acesdinp in eondemnaUOn ts 10sd�Tivstor ahell Dromptly noUty tsndqr in wrNl �and Tn�ata sha!I,promP�Y teke euch
<br /> '���� � Eteps as m1�y be necessary to detend the acUon and obtaln the awerd. Tnr.dor may be the nominxt pa�y tn suoh proceedfnm,Out Lendbr shW
<br /> , �o er�tftled t0 P+�Pate In tha P��ng and to bera�r�aented in the prooeedinp by oounsel of ita mvn chotce�end'�clastar wUl de!(ver ar
<br /> -���r:?�;;;�°3� . esus8 ta�a+BaUvered to Lender ouoh Instruments as may ba reQuested by lt irom tlme to tlme to Pertntt auah pediclPatlon.
<br /> :-:.�;y�r,�y;,;� Id7AQSfnOli 0iF HAXE8�FEE.B AND dAAAGEB mY C�lIERa1fN@IOTAL AVIt�AIYt[8. Th9 tollowln0 Provlslor�9 rCtabng to H�menta ta�ios.: .
<br /> ---u��a 1�n�tnd Chtr{�t�aro a pert ot this Doed ot Tnrs� .
<br />`�
<br />"�<_ �� CiureM T�s,Faas and Chmpe�. Upon�eqtcost by��andar,7nutor shaU executa suoh d�oumems In edditlon to thts Deed ot Tnist nnd fake
<br /> ...�,ti-_��.,�.-,�.m whatever pther aeUon is re�ussled by Lendor to perteol and aonBnuo Lende�'s Ilen on t1w.R�m1 Proper�r. Trustor shnll reimbw&e Lender for eD _
<br /> • ---- ft�mt`�aUon ad'texes.[ees.doou�sTamAs,��d�Otha o es torreCOrdifg or rv8��ttU3 O nd o�1 Tn�st. �d ot Thi9l,Indudinp wNhout
<br /> pa�rt�o tka trtd�e4ledness secured uby this Qe�ed a�t Tnu� @�y a sp C R���eon Tpiustor whiCb Trustor b uthorl�od or requred to deduet trom
<br /> — psymer�ts on the InOebtedness sewred by thLS type of[�aad of Tius� (a)a tex on thls typa pt Oesd of Trust cherQeabie agatnst tho Lender or
<br /> tha hotder oJ ttw Note;and (d)a spectNa tax on al aa eny pcitlon of the tndebtedne�or on paymenb ot pdncipal and interest made by
<br /> T�NStor.
<br /> _ — g�m..�.ie�t�r.res li any tax to whbh tta�sBCUon epp0es•is eneotad eubsaquent to the date ot thb DeeQ of Ttust,tMs avent shall have th9
<br /> -- - 6ams etF.�et as an Evant of Ostault(ee deAnefl below��and leacler may exerdse arry o►aB vi iis avafu�:,a�asr-��!M�s�:�!a M�.d3 ss ,
<br /> provided betow urtkss Tn�stor etthx (a)pays 4�e iauc bc#or�It becomes dollnquent,or (b)cantesb the�x as provlded�bovs in the ta�a�a'antl .
<br />__-_._-_-� Uens aectioa and deposf�wlih Lender oash or a suHkt�int caparete surety bond or othsc sacurtlY sntlstectap to lender. _
<br /> --- SEt�lRI7Y AGREEMEMP:F1l1AlLCiNO STATEIAEN't8. Tha f�lowtrp provlstons retaUrg to ts►IS aesd of Tnist as a seourHy eDreement are e Part of =°
<br /> .z_--=.��� UN9IJ�OOtiNS'r.
<br /> --- -__;,� g�y�� Thb t�me�t 9h�il conaUtuta a aecuritY e�eu�,i fo t�a s�a�t.riy at t�.P�..."'Sy�lL�s�cY!�her
<br /> peraonal prope�ty.and Lender MaN Mv3a at1 ot the�Ighb of a secured P�+h under tha Unitorm Gommar�lal Cods as amended trom flme to
<br /> tlmo.
<br /> _-`�v.��- Ss�tuHy IMeresl. Upon requsst 4Y l�n�er.Tnator shaB execute Qrtar�inp statement�ar+�take whatever ather nctlon Is►e9u�tdd Dy Lender
<br /> -- to port�et and cominue Lertde►S�secu�tty Inte�ost tn the fleMs and Peisonat Properly. tn�ddHion to�thb Qeed af TYust M tt��1
<br /> --- = properly records,Lortdor may.at anY Ume artd without WrO�er autho�lmUon trom Tn�star.Yi}�azeeuted counterPacts.eoP�ao er oe0roduetlom ot
<br />_-L°:-� --- this Q�c�c�Tnut as e ttnanc[nD statement Tmstor she0�mDuse lendor tor e8 e�ense,s inourred[n perteeUn9 ar aor�tlnuirg tAb seCm'11'
<br /> __—=-- irteces3. lf�.i defauN.Tnistor sha11 asr.smbfe the PeBOrul Pir�Q�!h►In a manner and 4t a P1eco reasonably comrente�to Tntsior and tmnder
<br /> � _-� � and make it avaAaDle to Lendsr wittiln thr�(9)days ettor�elAz arwriiton dsmand irom Lendar.
<br /> ��^�' �Ueby Deed �Tit�st�obmined(e�ech as 9�rod O�t e UrHtam C�om}�ms�claf �Code?.�o��n tt►e��st pag p��lat?rest
<br /> _ "`�'-�
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