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<br /> qny rosAonslhlilty ov I;abtJiy on IM pad o11.anAar to T�uatar w to any oiRflr p3raon. Tho raprosentntlon�and���a�rantta�aontatne�hstt3ln nto `
<br /> ;;r� baqod on TrusfaPO dus dlLQsnct In invastlp�tlnn ihe Rtoparty tor Ret3tdot�waete nnd h�utdotts eubstances.Trustot ha»by (e)retetsm and _
<br /> vmivt�any futur9 ct�tms epalnst Lender tor Irtdomnity ar contrlbut!oo In lhs svcnt Yruator treaome�P.abte tor Weinup or oiher ooste under tny
<br /> ; Blitifl 6:L'J3,an4 (b)cprc��to Ind�mnity nnA he1N h�rm!es9 len6ar a{�Inst nny and ntl clnlm�,1G8:°!� IIIIbII1Q:"�,damnpos,ponntl!��,and �
<br /> �xpen�a�wh1oB Lender m�y dirsot�r or Indtreotly eu3taln or euNe►i�suillop irom a brsaoh of thts aeotlon ot Ma t2asd ot Yrusl or ae a `
<br /> , � conntqusnce of any use,pmerntlon,e►e�nultolure,stortas,dispaaat.e�kase or throat�n�d�eteas�of e hasardous vr�ate a aubatanoe on th�
<br /> propartles. The provlslons of thts aeatlon o}the Oeed o!Yrust, Including the obiipation to lndemnlN, ehatl survtvo tho payment of the,
<br /> IndebtedReas and tho etUstnation and raconvay�nca ot the Ilsn ot ihis Oesd o!Tnut and shstt rtot be nlfc�ated by Lender'a acqul�itlon at any
<br /> >"�. , lntarest irt the ProP��Y�whether by toroo!osun a ot��wl�.
<br /> ���"'�Y Hul�rtce�Wuts. T�ustor aheil net eause,aondua!a permlt any nuisa�co nor oommit,pem+it,w aufter a�y edtpPlnp of ar waeta on or to the
<br /> __ propeAy or any parUon of the Properhr. VYI►hout UmlBng the p�nKel►ty o}th�fonnolno,7rustot will rtot remove,07 prant to anY other parly tho
<br />_ � � dpht to romovs,my dmber,mirt�rais prxtading oN aft6 pos),sal,prova w ro�c prosluob etltheut the pda wrlttsn consent o}Lendor. .
<br /> r Rammvel ot Improvements. Tnista shall not demotish a remove any Improve�nerds trom ths Real RropeAY wlthou!the pdor wrtaen cor�ent
<br /> � :�. ot tsnd�x. W a co�dldon to!he removai of nny Im vemente.lan8er msy roquiro Tntstar to make arrangements saUs/aotory to Lender to
<br /> dx
<br /> �: , replece suah Improvementa with improvem�nts ot at e4at equal vtUae.
<br />• 6aaxfer'a Rl�t to Enter. Lender and ib agenb and repressnWives may en�er upon the Reffi Proge�y► at a0 reasonabla 8mes to attond to
<br /> ��%�x��� � Landefs interesls and ta inspect the Ptoperty for p�upases of Tnqto�a oompQance with!he terms and condtdons ot thls�sed of Trwt.
<br />�'-'.-4'�• .- �A
<br /> '�y�:��`:�,=� Cotrqllrncs with GaremmentM Requlnm�at�. Tn►s?cr shal!promptty►Compty��lih all Iawa�ordinances.and repu�aflons,now er Aeroalter In
<br /> ... ,•��;• ef�ac�.at e3t 6ovsrr+m�►tai auth�ef�P�c�bt�ta 1he��se d �artay ot tha Propadl►. 'hustoe may�ontest fn good hiih any such Inw.
<br /> ��'"'... . ordinance,or reQutauon end withhotd comyllan�»dudnp any pro�oeerl ,ing nciuding apPropdate appeats,so lo�as YrustoT has noif�ied Len�er
<br /> °�-��}'�" In wrtUnp pdor to dolnp so end so tong as,In lender's safo opinton,Lender's interests in the PropcutY are not Jeopardized. Lender may require
<br />�;,LFj�•.','�R-.
<br /> - • Trustor to post udaquate s�aadtY or a surery bond,reasonebty satistactcry to Lender.to protect Lenders Interesi.
<br />_ _ ;��.���� pp�y tp p�e�, T�u,stor egress neilhes to abandcn na l6ave unattanded ths Properh►. Truster shuil do atl other acts,tn addttion 4o those acb
<br /> --�� ,..-." sei�erth above In tNs sacUon.wMch hom tAe oMrscte►and use ot the Ptope�ly are ceasoeaby ne�sssry to nrotect and preserve the Progerq►.
<br /> ..,.r t��,.;��..
<br /> ��,
<br /> �,,,z,�, p�pD�g�L£..GO�tSENT gY LENi�i. Lender may.at Ms opUon.doc9ne Immediatety due and pay�bfe ell sums seaured by t�is Oesd o
<br /> ;,;-:t'"� upon tha selo a kar�sfer,without t1re Lendor's pdor wrtiEen canseid.of sq or any part of the Raei ProPe�tY.or any I�erest U�the Real RePedy. A
<br /> ''��J;1�� „��y��,��g�p��y���}p�ai pmpe�ly pr a�y riph�y�ti pr Interest M►ereln:whether Isaal.OeneflBat or equitabte:whstt�g votuntary
<br /> or invotan�iry.whether bY outright sele.deed.InsTaitment set9 coMract��and cor►trad.car�trect tor daed�leasehoid Interest wlth a term 4reater th�►n
<br /> threa(3y years,leuse-optlon aontrect.or by seto,a�Igr+meM.or ti'ansfer ot a^Y beneflc#a1 tntare�st tn ar to any iend trust hotdinp Utle to the Real
<br />�;�,�,�,�� propedy,or by any other method ot convayance of Re�t Proyerly lnte�ast. t!�y T�stor b acap oratlon,partnershlp or amtted ILbilitft cot�sDe�Y�
<br />----- trarater also tndades eny ohanpe in ownershtp of more than twenty-five pero��t(2696)of the voti^D�ock�P�ht'�t�e�a R�d UaD�ity
<br /> -° _ •-�„�� company tnterests,as tha case may be,of Tnator. Howev�.thls opUon shall not be eoce�ised by tsnd�a such exercise ts ProhA�Itsd by tederal
<br /> �_...:`��5�l� iaw or oY�isa�e i��r.
<br /> __---== TAtfEB AND LIF�IS.The falowinp prov�ions�eL�Nrq to the texes and Uer►s on the Rroperty ere a 9�a this De�d ot Tntsf.
<br /> -' Payrt�enf, Trustor sha0 pay whon due(end tn aU eti�eMs D�or W deUnque�roYl 88�s�sAede!taxes�asseasmen�.charpes pnciud�n9 wate►
<br /> ero
<br /> -- �shW�aY when due eM c3�1mu 4qr wak dorn on or tar
<br /> ---- and sews►).flr�s and ImposlHona tevted a4atnst mr an�saoour►t ot the PropertY.8�h
<br /> -- aervloes renderod a matedat tumished to the Ra�� T�ustor shoH metr�mtn the�rapedf�irea et afi ueres h� ��adty owr or eqeal ro the
<br /> ---,;;;�,1� In�e�es1 ot Lender under this Dead at Trtest,eoccept t��Ilen of hoces and asse�me�►ffi not due s�lr�m�cept as at !se Provldad In Htb Daad
<br /> -::>..,'!�'�� 09 Tn�st. �
<br /> ---- - Rly�t'tb Conte�d. 'Ccustor may withhold PaY�r�t of arry ta�4 ass�srrterd�or dalm tn conneaHon wF1U+a 9ood larih dtspute ove►tM obYpntlon
<br /> _-_`--- to pay.so tonp a&Londefs i�tarest in the ProDe�f��s rtot�eopardmsd. It a Ilen a�is�or is�lad as a re9utt of nonpaY�►�Trusta shell within
<br /> -��.� 4itteen(16�d8ys uRor�he Uen artses or.tf a pen b ttted�wl�hin tEReen(16�days ntter 7ht5tor hos notioe of tr6 611n9.sneure the dischorpe ot t!W •
<br /> -_--��°� Uen,or It requ�ted by Lsnder.deposit wlth Lender cash or a euf�der�corporete auretY bond or other securitf►sa�Y to Lender In an .
<br /> amcunt suttfclant to dt�chn�the non ptus amr cosls and attomeys'lees or of►ro�ct�rges that coatd aoaue as a resutt oP a taaGosure a sNe
<br /> --- under the Iten. In a�l contest,Tiustor sha9 det�nd llse[t and Lendsr atnd shaU satistj►nny adve�se I�d�merrt betorn entaoemerit�atnsl the
<br /> - - Properly.Tnator shaU name lsnder as an addllor�ai obll�ee uader arry surety bond fumished In the co�est prooeed�nps. ,
<br /> -- , Lv[denes ot pay�62�t�4 ve$m�e ��oMldat�d�r�to tLender�at a�«rtre a wtitl�en�statemem�n1 e t�es�d a�ess�n�ag��t�
<br /> -- auttto�e ths e►Ppfi+D3� •
<br /> _ p�ppetiY• �
<br /> ,';`� Notics a!Con�ructton.Trwtor shall rtoGty t�ander at 18est 1Hteen(16�daya before any watc ks c4mme�ced�any savloes ere tumbhod�a any "
<br /> - .ians�y+�ura su�+��G r i+`.a:'r��lS;.�:ssY�=�s.+�'°�^"��"+��n.sr�th?r 4an ct���d es.sseAed on aocoart ut the work�
<br /> ';y� S8rv1¢�64�w matedeis.Tnastor w81 u�on re4uest o91.en�er Nmish to Lander advance sssuremxs satlsiecYaY to Lender that Tn�star aan and wY
<br /> - --- p�+1t►o cost nf 6uCh Imgrovertwnts.
<br /> 9RQ�1Y D/WAGE IRSi�iANCE The fatiowinp pravBtoas releUn�to tr!surtnp the Ptoy�ty are a ptut oHhb Deed of Tn�st. _
<br /> _ «,�•.-a---..-,•.-��+...��.Tn.�r�ta�6�sre ertA m!lrtt9ln poik�4 04 fre dsaurenoe urrih atettdard extOnded covetsQs endaraeme�s vn a'•.
<br /> -- -- - mwti..•�•••� 0i fipr
<br /> - - rap.ta�-..nt!�!cr t!�fu41n!��re41p vNuB ooveAng a�Improvs+nsnts on the Rsa1 P�+uch oth�er�h�ards�and 6ri+�q ins�ua��Gnia;a
<br /> - - 4ofnayrance dausa.and wlth a stendard martpQpee datae In tavsr o!Lentl�►.tqr�s9l�et
<br /> m9y Teasonzbty ro�tuiro. Poflcl�s ahatl bs wrttten in brm.amounls.covereges Ond basls raoaana6y naxptabb to Lsnder Rnsl i�ued by t
<br /> � � co�rPany ar compsntes roasonabry mcce0tahle to Lender. Tn�stor�Won repueSi n?t,�nder.v�n11 dellver to Lender trom tlme to tlrrw'the policies
<br /> or oeRitbates of�nsuranoa in fotm sat}s�CtaY to Lender.Inclu�np sdpuWHons 4�trt�ove�apeg wiU not be Car�sseNed a diminfshed wtthout et
<br /> least ten(10)days'prtor wrttten notice to Lendar. Ea�h Ir�3urance Polic!►.afso shaA�nciude an endasement yrovldinp that eove�ropa[n tsvor aT
<br /> ' I,endor wiU not be tmpalred in eny way by a►y as�,omission or QetauR o!Tn�or any other pa�son. 3hould tha Ftsel FroQwty at eey ttme
<br /> ---,•;�� Eecome tocated in en aren destSnated by ttie� Dtr�ecta oi tho Federa�Err�OaraY�Nmer�f�E�Y�e�rood hamrd oreu.Tnistar
<br /> --=== aprees to obtoin end mstr�Jn Federal Flood insannos tor th�t�unpztd PdnclpU 6aienee Ot thb tonn.uP tAe mndmum RaY%Y dmlb set
<br />_ --_.,�--.� - under ths Na8onal Flood instt►anoe Proprcm.a as olhe�re4uL�ad by Lendsr�artd to mal�Aatn at�oh iresuance tor the term of f,>a Ooan.
<br /> -_ _ a_�� Applk�tlon of Ptacaeas.?Fustor shaD promp�y►noEfy Lsndor ote�r loss or efncrt�g to the�'�oPe�Y.i�iuei��R; �.�r..""'_..�'!�e°�Tn!'�!'►
<br /> �� tr.�s ta do so vftNn Rtteen�16�d+Ys at the easwtty.Vlthether ar not L�ndera sect�y 8[mpaSred�Londe►m�p�d�Is Nectton.��ostvs and ret�b►
<br /> =� tho prooeeds ot ar►y tnsu�anoe and aFAN�P�$ro the redueNOri o!the ln�4edness.PaYrr�rt Q!an �`y�an�aCtittp tlt�PtcR°1ty��tt�q
<br /> =Y'i,� restaafion and repair o!the Properly. tf�ender ebcis to eJ�Pb�P�g ro���On and reRaTr.qhtstar ehaA ropalr or saoa
<br /> ----=�^�i>."�
<br /> --�=�^Y_�;,.._�r'��
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