. . .. v.}Y.>")i.%'. .. , , ..
<br /> �'l ,. ,.. �• ..
<br /> •��a �
<br /> � ...._.t n ,.�-,w.r..��
<br /> �r' .. �•_i,a.w,,.-'rwe ". . ..... ... ._ .. ,. . . . ...._-'------ -
<br /> .. .' ,,,_. -w'.m�r..:._. -. . . . � -._ ..- - _ _.. .._ . ._.. ..
<br /> .
<br /> . .. n _',.... .. ..."...
<br /> ^4,_,...;;,�,,,f. �a�::� ___._ ..._ ...._... .. --•-.. _.._..�.._.
<br /> , ^ �
<br /> �"�—
<br /> 8. p��te�gtan e9�e�dea'o Ragh3a lae the Rr��eeAy. If Bo�ov�er tnits to PCAOrm !ho o�v�nMto tlnd agr83m�fM _
<br /> contahed I�this Sacurity InstrumenY,or thue h o Wpa�ProeesdhO that may nlgnl8cantry nNcat LCndero rlphta In iho Property(BUOh an
<br /> � e•proCeetYng In benkruptoy,R��4o,tar aondc�na+.ton or tortetturo or to cntorco �av�s or rc;gutatlon�nt�S��$m yd�oo��Pp y�Q � ;'(�f'
<br /> � rihatevor Is n�cossnry to protaot the valuo of IRe Proparty end Lendzr�o rbhts in thq Propariy. � reasonab�e aCtome�te teas ctnd � - "
<br /> � t�ny numa ceCUred by���^n whbh hna priortly ov2r this Stt�urty �n8trumnnt,oApe9rirt9�Qourth 7ALC d�r deoa not P�ava to do oo.
<br /> an4nri�g on the PrapeRy to make ropilrs. Atthouah Lender may take ecttan under thb pareprup i� _ �
<br /> Any �mounta dhsbumad by Lender unBcr th:s parag�apb 7 oha[l beaome addftlonat debt of 8orrower securod by tAb SeeurR�r �
<br /> InaWment. Untess 8orton;ar and Les+der agrea te otrtcr torms of payr*s°nt, thas� nmounta nnatl be3r tnterost hom tho dnto at � � °•
<br /> dlabunsmmt at tRe Noto at0 MO ahtp bs payabte,with hter�st,upon notice Irom Lender to 8orto�xer requesdnp DaYmen� �,;:�t=
<br /> 8. Mertgage Inaurn�nse. If Londer roqukctd moRgsge hsurance ea a con d t t ton o t m e k i n g 4 h e b a n �ira6 b y thb 8ecur�ly � - -
<br /> •'�� InBd'uma+t, B000K�Br shail pay the premiums�quired to mafntaln the moKgaBe tnaurence in etieot. It.lor any reason,tho mortpage � �^=_
<br /> __��,.�,.i' hsuronce oover8se reRuYed by Lenda► �epseg or ceases to b0 fn eiteot,Borrower ahall pay the premiums raqulred to obtain coverapc►
<br /> � substentfaly equNatant ta tho mortga�e Msurenee provtousry tn eHeot, at a eoat substantt�ly equlvaient to the eost to Bonoarer of tRe �_.;_•_
<br /> � ' "'r`'��� marigege hsurenee Orevlousty h eMeat.from an attemata mortgnge tnsurer approved by Londer. if substenttaUy ciqul�nisr+t mortgt�ge �;_
<br /> Insvrenea aovere9a b not avatlabte,Borrowe► shalt pay to Lender esoh month a cum oquei to onedwelRh ot N►o yeartY mort88ge Q'•"=
<br /> tnsurence premM+m bainp paid by Barower when the Insurru►ce�overage lapsed ar ceased to bs tn ef[eot. L�nder wm accept,uss and =._
<br /> rotain these paymeMa ea s bss resenre 4+ ttes� ot mortgage hsurence. Loss rese�B PaY�� may no bng�bo reQ+dred� r►t the --
<br /> • o optbn o! I.er�der, k mortQago hsurence coYaege (in the umount and tor tha poriod that Lender repuirss) providad by an tnsurer
<br /> ,. i�nsur�art�cde tn eNeat�r ato provide a{o3s reserve, unUl the cequirement forrmottaage insura c� ands(n accordenco wiUt et�y wrfKen °'-
<br /> t g
<br /> egroenfer►t betweon earrower end Lender or aAP�eable law.
<br /> e�lc�res,qonebla entries upon and InspecUons o! the Pmperyr. t.w►dor sha0 gWe
<br /> , [. .� 8. i�II69�Ari. Lencler or tia e�ant rt�y !n reasonable cause tor the InspeaUon. —
<br /> Borrower notke a!the Nme ot or ptbr to en hspeotbn speofry 9
<br /> , 10. CARd0�1'1110fE�1'�_ The Proceo�s of eny award or o�aim tot dama9es. dYeat or conse4uerttta4 b aonneatWend eho0 be
<br /> sa
<br /> condemnation or oiher mtcirtg ot any Rart of the Property.or for oonveyance h tkw o4 condemnation,ere hereby ess c .
<br /> pald to Lander.
<br /> " In the erent ot a total tek�9 of the Fro�erty, the Croceeds sAaA be epP� m �e sums seaured br N!s S�eCUrti1► Insintmen 4
<br /> ^ ,".�.;� whetrter or not then due.with anY mccess P�d to Borcower. In the ovent of a partha!takirtg ot Ne ProDeM h whbh the fafr mvket _
<br /> valuo of the ProPertY ����ry �Ore �e ��hg Is e�uat to or greater than the amount of the sums socured by thb S�ur�r
<br /> .. , Insuument irttmediatery betore the tekin@, unless 8orrower a.�d LendO!Othe�MllSe fl8fe8 h wtitH6�the sums secured by Mb Ssctcr�►
<br />_ :�•, , tnstrument shatl be �eQw�bY the amount of the Proc�a�s muRiPlted by the top awbg freaUodlateN before the takh�.�MY batance -
<br /> + secured himsdieteh betore the takinp. dNtdod bY(Dl Ne fatr maAcet value af the ropertY
<br /> chaU be paid to 6orrower. In the evdnt of a paRiat tekhg ot the Property B whbh the fatr markst value of the Prope�ty trnmedtatey
<br /> - wmn-s ihs i��SG � �!!�n tl�w umount ot the sums secured�tery bafore the taktng. unia�s Bottowe►and Londer othetwise
<br />._��-�r�-�'�`<.
<br /> ;:,t .• aQree in wr�inp or uniess epPlicabte law otherwiso Provides, the R��g she6 be eDPi�ed to tha e�er�, �+r�t �3 !!� '�"�Y
<br /> -��":` . :' Insbument whether or not the 6ums e�then dua
<br />'"�����`� °::��� If the Propat�r is a4andoned by Bortowe�. or ff.aft�r notice by Lender to Borrowar that the condemnor otfers co mnks en awar�a*
<br />=-''.'•';','�:x�`��. setUe a olaim for dertwpes. eomower tslls to respond to Lender wRhin 30 days efte�the date the notice I� glven.L�snfler is authori�d
<br /> ::`*;:z::,';<;:?°a,. • to:oUeot end aPPN�e proceeds.at Ra optfor+,eahe►to rostoradon or repair of the PrapeAy or W tAe s�ms saeured by�this Sx�tn'�r
<br /> :;-,a�.:r�;:'ri!:,••` IntCUmenL whether or not then dua
<br /> ..',=�'• -�=%.ti„�-�- Unless Lsnder end�onower othenvk�a egree In wr�in9.enY eAAl�ation ot procoeds to prYecipal sha►i not extatd or pastparte the
<br /> ;�,ebw:`.s� due Qate ot the monthry pu�7men4e reterret!to H pa�a8�4„s 1 and 2 ar ahan8e the amoun!of such paymants. _
<br /> _--��.,,,.,� 11. Bmrrower Not Rele�aed: Formearaao�m By Lender Not s 1Natver. r�aenswn or wa � ror payment or
<br /> y'� modNicaWn ot emo�timdon of the suma seeured by thls SzcurRY Instrument granted bY Lsnder to e^y suo�sssor h§�tarest of Borrowor
<br /> `="`�kL�s�r�
<br /> -:::s,� shalf not operete to release the uebURy of the odghel Borro►ver or Bortowefs suooessors in hteres4 Lendor shmtl not be roqutnd to
<br /> � �prxeedinos Qgainst any succaasor in hterast or refuse to cufsnd Umo for payment ar otherwise modiy eunortimtbn ot Ns
<br />--—� sums secured by this �1► Instrument by reas�on of any deman0 ce�de bY the orlghal Bortower or 8orrowere successors In
<br /> ----���.�� hterest. Any torbearartce R�Y Lender h e�mroisinp anY d8M or�rnedY shali not bo a waNer of or precluda the exa�cise ot My A4�!cr
<br /> f-_ �-{�..� �1�Svcceasors and Aast�ns Bas�nd; Jotnt end Several Ltabtiity;Co-si�nera me cavenants and
<br /> _ _v.:::;':�.��:. �ta o t t h i s S e CU r i t Y I n s b u m�n t shaU bad end benefit the sucees�5ors enfi assl4ns of lendar and Bortowu. subject M Nfl
<br /> '`"` h 17_. Bortowefs Covenants end a�reemeMS shell be loint and severel. AnY 8arto�r aho oOd�t h h S e C a d y i
<br /> = "�� :�'� provisions ot Dare9rap end comey that
<br />_;� tnswment but doss noz �ceaute d�e Note: (a) Is eo-signhg thES SecurtZy Inst�umant ony to moAgage. g�en� --
<br />-- -�— 8orrowe�'s ht�rest in tho�roperty under the tertns of tqis SeauritY Instrumen� (b)is not persoruellyY cbiigated to PaY 1�8 sums s�cured
<br />-_-��"�`".'=� that Lender end enY other Bortower msy egte9 to 6�Qend, m0�ih�.rorbear a m�s a�r
<br /> °''""'�!�!!�� by thts SecutNY Instncment;and(o) e9rees _
<br /> ,.-,..�wrt...-r:n�
<br /> -- �odetiona with regard to terms of ths SecuritY Inswment w the tvote�+:thaut that sarrowe.�s ce�+ssx+.
<br /> — .-`._�� 13.�en Chargea it dre toan secured bY thts 3ecu►i►Y Ineuuma►t b subJeW fo e iaw w�sfi;t► c� r�..."'�ssas �_n CM_*�3. -
<br /> —""'`�°°�=:'a'�� and that larv is ftnaiy hterpreted so that the hterest or othor toan charges coliected or to be eotlected in conrteeUon w8A the ban
<br />----- ,r� exaeed the P�Itted OmRs.then�(a)an!► such�oan chtu0es shall be reducsd Dy the amount necesse�Y to reduce the ch�rge to ttre
<br /> �=��� permitt0d t{mR;end(b)enY sums eteady coAeated trom 8orrower whieh exaeeded parmitted IImHs wfU be refunded to 8orcower. Lertd�
<br />��_,,.,..�r,��,�;�
<br /> ;:.*�.��•.`;":� may eP►oasfl to make this relund by ce Quo hg t h e p�i n a i p a i o w e d u n d e r t he Note or by maktng a direat payment to Botto� a
<br /> ::.;�;:�;�;:;.•..
<br /> - �"•�'� rstund wdua�s prlrtcipat,the ceducttan vAtl bo treated as a P�P�PflY�t w�hout any prePayrnent oharge unEes the Nota
<br />--t.. , �,•:.:,. -
<br /> -`�'�":�-f:- _ ' 94. NOtIC@8. My notiee to 8arrower providad for in this Seour�y Instrumes�t shat►be�iu�m Dy dethrerir►p R or by ma�np �bY
<br /> "=��s-�:'.,: '. first atass n�a8 unteas eD9P�la Iati7 reGukes use ot another method. Tho �otiCe shaU be direotod to the Pro3soriy /lddres9 Or eny J
<br /> :;: ..,. other aa0ress Borrower di�atgnates by notk:e W Lendar. Any aotke to i.ender shafl ba gtr�bY fl�at ctass er�8 uo i�ender�ad�'o� ,,
<br /> d ,
<br /> - sqte� h9rein or My other adGress Lander desiprtates by notice to Borrovrer. My notk:e provtdad Eor h this Seaa��tqr instrumant shaY
<br /> .�... ;. tre d�r7 Co have been 9Aren to Baaawer or Lender when 9tven ss Drovided h this parag►aPA.
<br /> � 95.��overning L.aw; SEVQfQP�lli4y. This SeCUritY Urs:ntment shflU tre govemsd by tederN law and tho law m4 41�
<br /> - _- . %� jurisdktton N whfch the Faaoperty Is tocated. In the evant Med eny Prov[sbn or clause of thls SeauruY Instrun�nt or tAS Nota ccnFGats =
<br /> .ru�. a.�.ur�b tmr_ sucb eonfliat shnU not aHeot other pmvisto^s of thb SecuritY Inatrumsnt or tho Note wflieh ean be gken eN'eet
<br /> .. _—_:_r-- —
<br /> 'M b...�r.eA1n
<br /> „—___:r_��- - ...... �r"'_' ' . ._..�_ u�W ' . ..
<br /> ,;."��'•� • without the conflicthg provblon. To Nis end the provisbas oi this SeaumY msuumerR m�u u.o..�..o m�••••-.----- ----
<br /> ""� � @ortower shaa be ghren one contormed eoP1►of the Note and ot tAk�Secur�r instrument
<br /> � 18. Barcower's Copy. -
<br /> 17.Transfer ot the Prop�'or a Benetic[al In4�eat In Bor�wr�r. It at! or anY part ot the Rroge+tY cr anY
<br /> k►terest h ft Is sotd or t�ensterred (or ff a beneflcC31 interest In Bortower Is sold or transtened and 8orrov,rer Is not a natur�!D��n) _
<br /> „ wkhout Lender wsrar t�tion shad na Do ezercised bY Lender tfue�cerc�tse Proh�fted�by t dleret taw as ot tl►eudate of thls Seairt'�r -
<br /> tnstrumertG Ho . P -
<br /> ° . Ins�trumen�
<br /> it Lander oxeraises thb opUor+.Lender ahaU gNe Borrower noHa� of eccaieration. 7Re �otM:e sAall Provide a P�d ot nat
<br /> than 30 dayo from the date the notbe Is delNered ot m�iled withh wh�n the 8orrower must paY a►►sums secured bY G�t�S�u�dq
<br /> inatrument If BoROwer taUs to paY the�e sums p�ior to the e�MaUon of this pedod,L�+der may hvoke any remedies pacmRted e 6�
<br /> - .__ _ �-„�, f{�p Instrument�vflAoait further noHce or demand on Boerower.
<br /> " P�p�3 a16
<br />- F,osauu+�o rroo�
<br /> - ,osa
<br />