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<br /> 8orro�•icfa oscrow ucaount under tho toderal Reat Estato Serii�nont Procadures Aot of 1974 as am3ndad hom tUna to timo, 12 U.B.C. , .
<br /> � pgpt ot goq,(•RESPA"),unbss�nothor law that applies to t?�s Funda eeta a b�sor emount. It ao,Lcndor mny,ut eny tim�,colL^at rrd ___
<br /> � ' hold Funds In an amount aot to excoed the lesser amount. Lendor may ostimnto the amount ot tunda duo on thu basis o}curtent dnm �
<br /> ,, and roason�bb astim�tos of expanditures ot tuturo Escrov�Itoms or otheN+tse In ncaordanceQ Ie�Q pp 8����'��, ar ent[!y (InoNdhB � �'��
<br /> Tho Funds shntl be hotd tn er► IneUtutlon whoso dcposfts oro Nsurod by u ladero 9 Y 0 �"'��..
<br /> ` Lender. N Lnnder Is euoh fln InatlWtion)or �any Federat Home Loan Bank. L.endar sAati appy the Funds to pay tho Euarow Items. �
<br /> I.enB;.r nuy not chnrg� Borro�yer tor hotding and appbin9 tho FundQ.nnnun�h annty:in9 tho escrow acoount,or vertryU►g tho Eaorow � r�.,_
<br /> Itert►s,untass Lender pays Borro�ve►Interest on the Funds and app�laabte Iaw Permtta IAnder to maice suah a aharBo• HoLJ�v"�r.L�nd�t � ,
<br /> ° � may requlre Borrower to pay a onatimo chaBe tor an Indepandsnt real ostate tex reporting serviae used by LanQar in oonnootbn wHA _—
<br /> ��z t�' thFs ban,uniesa epPllaable iaw providos otherwise. Untess an agresrnent Is made or aQpUcable Inw roquires tnterest to be pald.Lendr3r _--
<br /> . shall not ho reRuired to pay Bortowar eny hterest or eamin9s on the Funds. 6oROwer and Lender may apree h wrkhp�however.tRat _
<br /> " °"""�� htmest ahali be pafd on the Funds. Lender shail gNe to 8ortower, wRhout ohergo, an ennuai accounting oi the Fund9, showinp �
<br /> ...w`�4
<br /> �,':,;' arGdi�s and debfta to the Funda end the purposa tor whbh eaoh dsbR to tho Funds was made. The Funds are piad8ed es ndd �
<br /> ', � gecurFty tor all sums ceaured by this Secu�ity InsVumen4
<br /> . � It tha Funds held by Lender oxcoed the emounta permttted to be held by appikabla law.Lender shan aceount to Barrower for the
<br /> excoss Funde t�acaordanco�atih th�requtranants ot applicabb I�v+r. It the amount ot the Furtds heW by Lender at enY tirtw b not
<br /> suffbient to paY the Esorow Items wP��dae�Le�der may so notify Bortotvor tn writin9.and.in sucfl Cese BottOwer ehell pay to tsnd8r
<br /> the amount necessaty to make up the detioieney.BGrrower shali make up the dFtfcEenay in no more than 4�xe9ro monthry peYr�ents�at —
<br /> . �, � Lende�a sote discretton.
<br /> Upon paYment In full of al!su�ns seoured by thts Securtty Instrument, ��r,sQaq promptly refund to 8orrower eny Funds held by
<br /> � dor to the acquisidon or salB af the PropariY.aha1S -
<br /> Lsnder. it.under para9raAh 2����n�ar shatl acqufre or seli the Proparty, P
<br /> ' � 8gP1� eny �unds h21d bY�der a4 tha tbne of�,xqufsiGon or sate as a aedft agahst the sums sc�ured by thta Seaurity lnstrumen4 —
<br /> 3.Apptigatton of PeymeenU�s. Uniess aAp�bable I�w provides othem[sa,all payments receNed bY Lender under paragrapha _
<br /> ° � ' t end 2 shatl be app��ed:fkst,to eny prePaYment ohargas due under the Note;socond,to amounta payabte under paraSteAh�Nird
<br /> ; � � to interest due:buRh,to grtnaip�i d1�a;and Iast,to any fate aharges due under the Note.
<br /> flnes and tmposttions attr�utabi� to tho Propertfr
<br /> • 6,{.ChpP9E8; Lt8R8. @omotiver shall PaY atl tazes� assessments. oherges, Borrourer shaU pny those
<br /> 6
<br /> _. . ;•1�'�k.:�. whbh may attain prbrity over this Seaurity t strum Ht,not paid U 4hat pmannes Borrowerusha pay�them on tfmo dh�ectty to tt�a peeson
<br /> :�;�'�; � obupaUons h tho msnnEr Provlded h Para�P 2•Q fi It Bortorret makes
<br /> ``�`.�:�:•:�� owed payrnen� Boxo'xa�8h��prompty fumish to Lender ail notfces of amounls to be paid under this paruBmP •
<br /> .;�i4;.);;�i:'ra�' these ptyments dUeath�.Bortower sfiall promPtb tumish to Lender r�ecefpts evidonohg the PaYments.
<br /> t b wrkhp W
<br /> ;,,:;,,;;tr�if. 9�rrsrle!ancU Qromptly d�cS�y"DB�Y Uen whbh has priority over thfs Securiry Instrument unless BoROwer.(a)e9rees Qs detends ,
<br /> q " tho pay�rtent of�►e obligation secureCl by the IQn h a manner axeAtebte to �end�;ib)��i5:t5�s g�lsBh it�!�!r► _Y�
<br />'r-'£'�i;:;y'Si;.0::
<br />__�.-�,;;�? � ayalnst�+torceme�nt of tha Iien In.tegel Proceedhgs whbh M the t.snders opinfon aperate to prevsn4 tha eflforceme�►t of the Uan:or(o)
<br /> -_-:;.ar.:
<br /> -:.:!�:.._ sgeurey trom the hold�of Me 1len en a8reement satisfaetory to Lender subordinadn9 the Iten to this Seourlty•U�stru�t It tan
<br /> � y determhes thet eny P8rt of the�toperlY b sub�t to a 110n whbh mey atWin prbrtty Over this Seau►ny InsWment.lsndK m��
<br />—=fi t;'ry>''�i4
<br />='�.!:;,,���'',,,� Bortower a noUce Edonttt�rh9 tAe I;en. Bortower shell eatish the Uen or take one or more ot the aoUons set torth ebo�e wYN(n t0 dtya
<br /> 7.4?�-;��� of t4��s 81�8 0!notbe.
<br /> -."`s;�._���� 6.H�Td m��ropertY Inaurance. Botrowor shflll keep the improvemente now 6xist4t8 or hKeaftet ereoted �n th�
<br /> :�;:�:�_°°-�'��
<br /> -_,_�_P�� property Ywurgd agahst loss by ffre.heratda inciuded withtn the tetm'exter+do0 cwena8e'a►►d anY othe� i�►rds.inoludhp fbods or
<br /> -��-�.�,..,,��. flopdinp. tor whfch Londsr �la�res insu�"oe. 'Phs hsurence sheli be ��ed in th0 amounts and for the pedoda that ta^de►
<br />-- �,�,�,�� �u�. me h��rt�e carrlet prpvidhg the bsurenco shaU be chosen by BoROwer aubjeot to Lsndere aApro�ai�htGh shal not be
<br /> - unreasonaby wfthhatd. If 8orrowar tells W mshtain oovetape descnbed above.Lender may.at Lendor's option.ob�h eove�pe to
<br /> -_=-�°-°� � protect Lendels tiahts in the Property h eccordance wkh P�9�Ph 7.
<br /> -' °"°`�"�"� qp tnsurance polbies and renewats shnU be aoceptebb to lender and shaq tnolude a standerG mortgests ctausa Lertder ahal haw
<br /> � -�'""��'�° ths �ht to hold 1P►9 policies end rerte►vals• It LOnder requYes, Bortower shell prompty gNe to Lender ai1 teceipls o! p�fd Rrart►lums
<br /> --_;� �d �� noy�g. tn ths evCaat Of bss. Bottower Sheil 9�e�2rompt notk�to 1fie insurenee ceRier and Le^d�.�-e�� �Y�
<br /> ::,: promi ot toss if not ma8n pra�'�i��y�trow3r. .
<br /> —.•-'-.�
<br /> Uniesa L¢ndet et+d Borrowar ott�6�wise q9re9 h writ4�g,insurwnce Proceeda shatt be applied to resto�a�n or�aEr 4i tlie ProRs�h
<br /> --- - - damaged�y the�estortttton or reyaU Is economicatty teaslble a�d Lenders security ts not iessened. If tha restoraUon or repafr b not
<br /> '����.—.:�, ecoaomiceYy teas�t� or Lender's secu�itY woutd be tesso+►ed�the�s`rence�wQOCr•eedf Bmrowar a�handons the PropeRy.orr�does not -
<br /> -_-rt.-,�� 3eeur31► lnsb'u�sient, whetteor or oot thew due�, wPd� any a:cC:s �" � f
<br /> answe► withh 30 days a notico hom Lender Mat the hsura�e �rier has ott�^�d !0 58iils e o1atm, then Lender m8y eoneot dw
<br /> .�..��:";.� Nsurence Drxeods. Lemde� may use the proceeds tu rePatr or restore the Pro� or !o D$Y �� s�� by th�s Sacuritl►
<br /> -T--�
<br />