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ii <br /> 7j"::! ' .� �, ., . <br /> . , ' - ` . -_��.w.•_ <br /> , .., E . _... :._.' .r� .- . ...-...-.�:''-- ... ..._�_...��---' .. <br /> . �. GJ:.'.�..��r __... ....... . . . .. <br /> 18. �9�?AwQr's Righ� to Rotn�e. It 8ortower meot8 certnin eondttlons, Bo►vo�yar ehpp hnvo tAO r1gh4 to hav� �, <br /> enforcemm►t o4 Mb Soourity Inatrument dl9oonthued at ony tlmo pttor to tho a1A:or oh (a)6 daya (or auoh othcr p�rtod uo eyptbabta � <br /> t�v may speat4y 1or rehatntomant)Datoro aab of tho Property puroucurt to uny poucr ot au1�eontahed in thi� 800urtry InsWmsnx or <br /> (b)GnUy o}u JuOgmant cnforoing ihi� 880urity InoWmQn1. Thouo aondittons aro thnt 8onov�cr. (n)puys Landnr&I1 aumu wh�h then , <br /> woutd Do duo wd�r this Seeurliy Inatrumnnt nnd tho Noto ao if no ncee�rallon had occurtod; (b> curoa any datnutt ot any other � <br /> " � � oovonaM or asreements: (o)pays ait expenses hourred in entoroine thts Seaurity InsWmont, noNdhg,but not t�nttod to, roaaonnbb� �Y, , <br /> uttomoy8'f�o�; and(d)tNcos 8uoh aotton aa Lendnr may re�sonably te4uUe to oeaure thet tho Ger�of thls L°eoutity InsWmenb L«1da'6 � - , <br /> righta In tho Proportf►and 6orrower's°m�BaUon�o PaY th�cums �caurcd bq this Ssewity tnatn�rtcnt ahall oonttnuo unohanQ�d. Upon � <br /> �� reinstatement by Borrower,thb 8eourity InBtrumant and the oblipatlona socunsd hereby af�a0 mmnln tuly efttiotMo as U no acaokuatton A�_ <br /> had occutted. Howsvor.thb�ht to rehoMte shap not appy h tAe aaeo of eaceferatton undor O8ro8�Ph 17. ' � �- <br /> - . 19. �ele of t�lote; Chnngo of Loan�orvleer. Tho Note or a paRi�� Interost In the{�loto (togother wUA thb BeCUtlqt �iJt- <br /> � InaWmEnt)may bo so�d one or more 4knes wfthout prlar notice to Bortower.A 881a m8Y res�n h e ahanpo h the entity(known es the ,:�N <br /> •° .""T •Laan &e�vN�r')that coLk3ota monthry paymenta due under the Note and this Securtty Instrumsret Yl+oro �SO maY� one or more .�; <br /> L o =- <br /> '" chcnges ot the Loan Servicor unrelotod to a eate of the NoSe. If there is a ohange ot the Loen Sen�mr,Borto�ver wN bo QMen wrRWn ��:_�„ <br /> notiCFi of the ehenBO h accoManae wkh paraarePN 14 abave end applicabte taw. 7tie noNce w[!1 afato tho nemo end addresa ot the ��_-=" <br /> �' eew Loan 8e�vicer and the tiddress to whbh payment8 ehould be made. The notice v�ifl atso conteh any othur Intom�atton reRulred by —_ <br /> � aPPlbabla tdmr_ =- <br /> ' � 20. H�ardou�Subatanaes. 80�tower sheC not CausO or ptumtt the presonce. use. disposal. storepe. or relesss of enY <br /> FL3mtdoue Subslenc�s on or in the Prop�ty. Bor►ower shall not do,nor albw anyone else��e��Qa�^o�StQ� on the <br /> ts Fn vloL�tlon af eny Environmental Law. The procedin8 �o ��� ahall not apDhr <br /> �'„ . .� -� PrcAariY ot sr�all 4uonUttes of Hamrdous Subsmnces that are psnmely �ecognmad to!�e appropriate to nomiel resid,entt�l usas and to <br /> ^ - matftenance ct the PropeRy. <br /> ° �. 8ortower shaU prompUy gNe Lender�m3tsr►notice of eny�vesttgaiton.chim. demand�tawsuit w othar aaUon by any 4o�r�►�►tal ___ <br /> •: ��, � �� ar regutatory egenay er P�Arate DenY in�°�s the Property and any Harardaus Substance or Environmenml taw of v�h�h Borrower has _�_ <br /> � aotual knowledge. If Bortow�r Eaams. or Is notffied by eny govom�nental or regut�tory autt►orAy. tAat any romovel ot other remed[ation �,rr;-_ <br /> I� ot any Hemrdous Substance aHectks6 the Property is necessary. Borcower shall promptly tatce att necessery remedl�l acNons M <br /> �: <br /> accordenee with Environmentat law. — <br /> !►s used b thts Pe►aSraPh 20. "Harardoue Slibstances" ere thos� substanaes deflned as toxk or he�rdous substances bY � <br /> �' Errvironmental Law and the toltowhg subsfeneas:BesolNe,kerosene,othsr ftammabie or toxb petroleum produeta,twdo pestioiders and <br /> hsiblcides,voiedle soNents,matertais confainhg asbestos or tomiatdehyda. and radiaaotMe mater�s. As used h Nts peragreAh 20� <br /> , "�nvirOnmerlffiI LeW" m08nS fBde�H1 t8w8 8nd laws O} the jteil3dlCtiOn whete the PlOperty is IOCe1Bd lh8t relate to he8fth, sfltety Or — <br /> enuironmenffi1 proteatbn. <br /> � NON�UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower end Lender turther eovenent and agr�ee as toUOws: <br /> �!. °..^�sle��n; Remedtea Lenelear shalt give notice to �orrower prior to �ccetere4t��llo�win��p <br /> � �orrowor's breach of any covenant or egreement ta tRis securiiy inat�on���' � ' <br /> ;,�..°' a�celerntlon under paragreph 17 unleas eppiicabte law pravides otherwise� T1o�no�lae at�ti spe�i�: <br />-;;,�,M1<<�5' (a) the d8tautt; (b)t�� mction required to cure the detault; (�)a d�4�,not lesa than SO d��s trom the � <br /> �f�2� the notice is gDva�Eo �arrower, by whtch the default mus4 be�ured;and (d) that t�9m�e to cure �,_,.._ <br /> � the detaeaet on or bebre the det� epeaified in the n��ce msl/ re�e�notico�shafl turthe�'�tnbram <br /> :.�.� � sacured by+ t�is Security Instrument and eale of tte� �roperty. <br /> Borrower of the rigM to relna�te etter acceteretiore and 491e rigM to �ring a court actlon to aasert 49a� <br /> :�';'Lr, " 000n-e�dstence of �a detault or nny other detenae ot Borrower to ncceleraUon and sate. if the det�it 90 � <br /> �"`� aaot eured on or betare the dote specifled in the aotice. Lender at its opfton may rea�utr� Ommed[aRe = <br />'� peyment in ta�0 of atl sama secur�d by this Security Inabrament with iut�tur�w•d��a��� <br /> � ' ��: invoke th� power �f aate and any other remedtes perea��ited by app h ��9 <br />- _ �.:`,,;;�, entiUad t+a co��ect al� exAansas Incurred in purautng � remedtes provide�l 0� thls para9reP <br /> 4"`�°�r inctuding, but not qmited to.�easoneb�e stto�'neYs'tees a�n� �osts of UUe d�ideeur��. <br /> a,-"`�.--' ��.� If the power ot aa9� is invoked, Trustee shall �ecord a noUce o! d��autt tn ea�h cou�ndy �n which _ <br /> .c ., . <br />�;.=��•:a;�-- airy part ot the Pro�e� is locnted and shatt mafl �opiea of �uch no4lce In the mnnner Wff�acscribed by �_;�.; <br />_-°:�:-:�:'�� """ appltcable tew to Borrowar and to th� othee pePSOns preacribed by epplicabte taw• Aft2r the time - <br /> �_;����; <br /> --���..:..,� required bY aPpUcable law. Trustee shatl �tve pubtic �c�tice ot eate to the persans and i� e mannes — <br /> -���`� � - preaaribed bY appitce4�9e tarJ. Truatee, �rl�-h�ut demacne9 mn Borrower,shall sell the Prope�y at pub�6� - <br />_� ' ����:�_ muctfon t,o the hlghest b[dder at the tlme and ptace ar4d under the terms dr,aigwa4ed fn the nodeb�4 <br />- �'�_�tir�-;� sale In one or more parceta nnd tn any ordf�� Trustea determinea Trustee may pos'tpoea� eala of aq <br /> - - mr etry parcel ot the Properly by pubtt� moaorto�enaernent at the time aneA place of nny pP�v�oudy <br /> � 'c- . ^ ac.°:��u'.Y��!-, !pn�+pr vr t�d��gnee n�ay purchase 4he Properh►�t enY sate. <br /> ----,, �`� Upor� iec�p: aS p:ym�:�3 �3 2�e �r�ee bt�i Truatee shatt delWer to the p�ocehaaer iru�ies's ���� F - <br /> ��"�'':^'.� c o n v a y i n g t he Pro perty. The re��is in the Trustee'a ateed shatt be pri�na �cD� evldence of fii� ira�3fi <br /> ��� -� . . ;. of tha sttetoments rae��f� therein. Truatee s h a U app l y t h e.P r o c e e d s o t t h e s a l e t n t h e t o t i o w i n g o r d e r: n, <br /> t <br /> `_�'��'�°'��:, - (aj to ali �and �enses of exercising the power'ot sate, �� �e sale,inctudMp the.(p�Yment o �;. <br /> '�"'�'�` ' tbe Trus�t�eo'e feea ectue�tly incuRe d. no t t o e x c e e d 3 °,6 ot the princt pnl an�ou�e3 of tha note <br />- .�.'_ , ¢�t the tDnne ot the dealara�ton of de�euit,and re�ana�u�e�ttorney's te�a aa permnQed ay tew; (b)t�aif -- <br /> . ' aums a�xured by thla Security Ins4�umen� and (�� o�y excess to the per�on or persmna ie�a�]�� _-_ <br /> - �: entitled t,o tt red b this Securiqr ins�uurt�ent,L.endot shap re4�+est Ttustes to reaorrveY -- <br />-y. } � 2�.EB�cweveyemce. vAon vam�eet or an sums secu r --- <br /> 2 . <br />-- ��3f ffie PropeRb*and stiail amander this Secur�Y Instrurnart and ail nMes evidenoing debt secured by thb Secufiiy l��t to Trusiee. -_ <br /> �, � Tn�stee shail reconvoy the ProPerh�wfthaut wa�b�d wAhout charge to the person or persona Ieyey► entiGed to ft. S1�cA person or <br /> . ., �� persons sR�Y PaY�Y recordatbn costs. r= <br /> �- <br /> �:,-.. <br /> __� 23.�u6st38ut�g�sHee. �onaar. at Us optEon.may from time to thne n;movo Tms4oe and apgotnt a sesxessor Ou�to �_=; <br /> r.. r� ...ww. N.e cCor»,ritv Instrutnen! � t6C0ldfld. 1NRhout ��`�=. <br /> - .--�_�-� eny Trusta�aDPaiMed hereunder by en msvam�m recvr�+ .. u� �:......, .. ........ __ ----. - - <br /> — ' eonvsyanca ot the ProperlY. successor uusDeo shaU succeed M etl 4ne title.Pawor and dutle.s contem3d uPon Tnistee hereh ana by ! <br /> - ' ' gpplicaDL�03w. <br /> •� 24.Requeat tor NoUcea Borrowet re4uosts that coP1s:o!Ne notiCes of dal9uK end sele be settt to Boaowaf6�ddress <br /> r1hlch b tM9 ProP�f►AdQress. <br /> — , . „ 2&.Ridera to thia Security Inatee�ment �eacn suen�8h8(I be h�0 t64 ht0 end 8het18rR6ttd�end�t plemBnt � <br /> ' this Seeur�tY instrument Ne covenants and aq�ts <br /> the aovenanta end a9reBm�ts ot this SecurftY insbument es it the rhler(s)vrere a Part of thb SecuritY Instrument . <br /> ' ' � Form 0028 WQO <br /> -. . �' -- Ff020.Lb.0(tl99) Pap�4 ot 6 <br />-�... <br /> �� t02S <br /> :7 - - ---- ----- ° ---- �� .,. <br />