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.: ;;; . . .. <br /> >t , <br /> � �'.'� .. <br /> . , . <br /> _.., .. ___ __ <br /> . „ . _. ......_.._. _�., ...... .-�--�- <br /> __---- ------...___. ._..--------- -- � .. <br /> .. , � , . D�(�D OF 4�U�'� • t�g��e <br /> ba.—iao�s�� g��� <br /> ' laen No 9t196�8 (CoMinuod) ��• , <br /> ° EYIaYtnp indehteanna�. A dctnutt shull occur urtdcr nny Fadstin8 indcbtadrtsss ar und�r ony+nsUumonl on tha Propery►e�dng any ExbUnp �, <br /> Ind�bt3dna�,or commancomont af nny eult or qth�r actton to IotCCtosfl nny�dsting I!:n an ih�Propurfy. , <br /> ' Rl�ht to Curo. If such a tallure ts curado and if Ttustor has nol been givon a nottce ot a bronch of IAA samo provision o}this Qesd cf Tnrl �. _ <br /> �vAhtn lh�precod�n9 twetve 112) monthe,It may ba cured(nnd no Ev8n10!Detault wtil hevo oCCURCd)ff Trustor,aftpt landet 88nds Mldtten -�,_ <br /> not�se demOnding Curo Ot SuCh tnfluro: (n)Cur4s 1hA fniWre wdhtn ten(t0)dnys;or (b1 it th�curo taqulros moro thnn ton(10)d�y3,fmm�dt�t�ly ,,,� <br /> wl�atos staps s�atttctont to ture the fc;iluro aod tharaaflor continu�s und completes ull rCasonnbta ana naoessarY oteps sui��dont lo proriuco <br /> comAnanco as:�oon es rcuisonably Wuc6a�• � . .�R-� <br /> � y gxete�.,e any ortv�or�mote of t�he bUO�vf np��gMs and reme'd of tn add�on�to anq other 8htn or re�modlos Frovldod by law: LendGr,nt lq optlon, • = <br /> _—�. , _ <br /> '" Rxeteratteo upan QeYautt;Ad�Ittosiai Recnedtss. It any event o}datuult accurs as pcu t►�terms of tho Note securod hereby,Lendar muy '`°�� <br /> ^ 'i-� deetaro alt Ind°btedness secure�by thri0eod at Trust to ba duo and paynbla end tha t;ama shnll thereupon becomv du�and payablo v�lthout h���� <br /> ��'. <br /> eny presontm�at,damand.protesl or v►otia�ot any kind. ThereaHer,Lendor may: �a:;-�___. <br /> (a) Eilher in psrson or by tigsn4,mth m wrihout bdngtng nny aetion or proceodtrtg,or by a reaitver apPointed by a couA and withoul <br /> 9 <br /> �;;,, ;; regard to th0 adeQuucfr of ib 68cuNY�enter uAon and talce passasslqn ot tho ProAsAy.or uny Pert its aw�name or in the�eme �u <br /> .�.,;;��;. W Trusteo,and do arry aCts whtch n deams naeessnry or dasirabio to preserve the vatuQ,merket�bl�dY or rentab�itty of the Proparty.a►Oart — <br /> •; )! ot the PropeAy or interest in tha PropertY inerease the income from the PropeAy ar proteat the seeuri9y ol the Property;a�d,wtth or vrtthout -- <br /> •••� taking possession of the Properiy�sua for m othenvise celtect ihe reMS,issuas and profits of the PropeAY.�nduding those past dtte and __ <br /> � unpald,and appty t�a sartea,less cosb artd eXoens6s of operauon and coltectlon,lndud[ng attorneys'fees,to any tndebtedness secumd <br /> . __j_ of suCh roents�ISSttos ertd+pr0`ds. 800 th0 8ppilCattonethereo?sha9 not cure or wGh�tiny detautt or notloe ot�data�ttt t�n�tDeod�NSI —__ <br /> ' •7' ar invaf!dato any act dona tn�pa�.se to sucP►detautt ar pu�uan!to suah natto�ot clek�ut�and,notwiUtsCinfli�g tAe CottHnuance t� - <br /> .i�:� ��' _�--- <br /> , ,�;!;,,��;_.A po�es�lon ot the PropeAy a 8he collection,recetpt and appi!caUon o!rents,tssues or profib,Trustee ar lender stiaU De c�tl'1eA to <br /> ;,:. : 3 exercise evey�tgM provided tor in Ihe Nate ar the Raiated Oocumer�ts or by taw upon the oocurrence o!any eveM oi d�ta+Al.trtsludtng iho <br /> ' = dght t0 @xerd5a the powor of sate; _ <br /> ; � (b) Commance an aCUOn to faredose this Deed ot Trust as a moAgflge,apPuint a recaiver or spedtfcatiy onforoe atry ot the eovanaet5 C!'.��' <br /> � hereoh,artd ----- <br /> .��f,.r��..?i� (o) Oetiver to Trustee a wntten dedaratlon ct deiau(1 end demand tot saie aed a vrtitten noUce of detauit 8nd eloction to causo Trustors -_,- <br /> ° �3�.�!�:;s ' Interesl in the PropeAy lo be satd whieh no�ce Tnistee shen causa to be duty filed for record in ttie approprtate otfloes ot fAe Caunty la _ <br /> . :.}"''`'-; whtCh the Property is tocated;A�:d <br /> ��;::;' <br /> r.y�i1� <br /> Nebreska Un�azm Commer$qrnat�a t the Porsonat Properiy.Lender Shstl have ail the rfghts and remedtes of a Sswred Patiy under the <br />• � ,;�.si�... � ���re py powe7 rt�4 Sa1e. 1t Lenaer etects to foredos�by oxardss ot the Power of Sa�e herefn conTained,Lender sh�lt noUt�r Tn�artd _ <br /> ���:s t'•�,+�- shsn deDOStt w14h 7rustae ihis Oeed ��Trust and the lVote and such raceFpts and evldenoe oi e�endiUtres ma0e end secured by tks Oeed ot <br /> ��;:%;`.: Trust as Trustee may requlre. <br /> .,..,hi�;.� <br /> �, (s) Upon reoetpt of sueh aotlee fran Lendsr,Trustee shall eause to be reeotded.Published and dellvered W Trustor suCh NotJ�of OaFault <br /> . • � IRSn be required by la a d R re�rdatlonnot such Nottee ot Qeff a t and eRer Not3roe�of Sote ha�been qhren as require�d by taiw,se <br /> the PropeAy at lhe tlme and ptace ot sete f6ced by tt in su�h NoUoe of Saie,e�iher es a whote,or in separate!os a peroels ar Items as <br /> , Trustee shali deem expstltanl,and in such order as it maY dotermtno,at publk auedon to the highest btdder tCr cash in IawWt monE+y of <br />__�:. . r,?r:<� the Unitad States peyabie at tha ane oi sale. Yrustae Sheil deGver to sueh purohaser Or pwchasers thereof its good and s�nt deed or = <br /> ;.~`'.+"� daeC,epmteying the PropeAy so sotd,but without any eovenar�or warraMy.e�ress or impiled. The redlats in stxh deed o4 enY ma�rs <br /> t��� or ffiCts shall be condusive prooi ot tt�s trutMulness thereot AnY petson,indudirtg without Umttatloa Trustor.Tnutee,er LenQer.maY <br /> .. •., <br />_> � purchase at such sele. <br />_ ` ...., � (b) qg may be permitted by Iaw,aftHr deducting all costs.tees and expec�sss of Trustee and of this Tre�;f,inCiudinp cOSts of evtde�9 ot <br /> .'°'1� � ` � - tlUe in connedion with sale,Tn.rste�shatl ePPh�P�ds of sab to paymont of p)atl sums e�ended undor the t9rms of this Deed of <br /> �i.�.< <br />-"� .�;r.� Trust or under fhe tsrtm o!th� Nob not tAen tepald,trtctuding but not tfndtad to ac�crusd inteiest end Inta charges. M e�other sums <br /> u;._;:.:r;%_?:',;-:,';� seCUred hereby.Snd (i�the rem9lnQer,it flny,tO 1hB p0r50n or Persons 18gallyy BntiEled thereto. _ <br />-�"=`�:.��%:• (�)Trustea may in Me mannet provtded by�aw postpone sele of all or any Portlor►ot tttg PropeAy. <br />' ' RemeQl�Ho1 OcNttslve. Tnislee and lender,and oaCh ot them,shall be entitled to eMocoe payroent end perPormanoe ot enY�ndeb�edn�s <br />=�rn h'-�-.f � or o�IigaHo�seeured by tNs Oeed d Trust and to exere�se ati ripMS and pawers under Ihis Deed of T�ust,undcr!he Nots,itnde►any o}the . <br /> ""_ ••%0��" it�atea Oocuments.or undar any othar agreement or any Iaws now or hera�fter in foreo;rtotrrithsTandfng.some or sA ot such Indebiedness <br /> '"��'���'=).�".:. • and�trl�gations secured by thts DeeO ot Trust may now on c��reatter be othernise secured.whether by mo�epe.de9d o!trust,Pledpe,f�n. <br />-����:,'� <br /> •t'�`� �nmant or othenrise. Pleither the aocoeDtance ot thts Oeed of TNSt nor its er►toroament.wheti�er qY court edton ot pvrsue�to the Powe�m <br /> .` '' � saie or other powors containsE In tNS Oeed ot Tnut,sha►1 prelud.ce ar in any manner attecl Tnistaa's ar�+endei's riBM to r�upon ar <br /> - e�tace any oiher seourity now a hereaffw held by Tnrstea or Lendar,ft betrtg agread that Tnutes a�M Lendsr�and eecf►af tAem.shil be ____. <br />°.so�:--�n�- entiUSd to enforco ths DeeQ of Trust en0 any other securily now ar heTeafter held by Lender or Ttustee in such ocder and manner es 1h6Y or <br /> -°-- ei�het ot them may in thetr atssotute dis�xetion deterrtdne. No remedy coMerted upon ar rese+ved to Tnutae ot t+9� I�ended to be <br /> _y;.�,�:,-�;'- ��;ie�.;,;���..�.,�;.�n th�e o�^d of Tn,st ar by!aw pro�ided or permitted.but each shali be wmNativva and shaD be tn eddiUon to - <br /> -�..�:_:�.^-.;.�;� ev�y�rssncdY glven In tA�s t�eG of Tnist or now ar hereaftEr e�dstlrtg at law or in equiiy a by aFdiui"v.�.o•i�••I�o•�:°^s�"�'"�h � c- <br /> t�tote or any of the Retated Qaurrents to Trustee or lsnder or 3o whtch eiti�er of Ihem rrray be alh�.��. +�Y�� <br /> �`w eor�eurtemly or inQepsndent►y.hc�ime to tlme and es often es may be deemed e�edie�by Tnestes or Lsnder.artd e[t1�of them rt�aY �, <br />'.��'%;:.. <br />��id��.�re�' � ' pprsue ineo�is4nnt remedies. NolANg in this Oeed ot Tnrst sAall be coruLnsaO as prohibHinp lend0t trom Geeldnm s�iclen�Y�tsd�� <br />�;:r::;.�,� . <br /> � agair�st the Trustm to tf+e e�rt sueh actlan is permtttad by taw. ' <br /> - : -` �r.�.�,�`� R�uest For qoUce. Tnistar.on banett af Trosior and LenQer,hereb9 reRuests that o eoPY��Y Norioe o!Detautt and�capq ot any Nakie <br />-• �'��f`- � ot Sale under this Deed of Tnist ba maaod to them at tRe ad�r�set foAh tn the flist paraarePh of tAfs Oeed of 7tust. <br />-, Si �'1` <br /> • k•i• , 17+fotuar,Electlon of Reme6tes. �wahrer by any party ot n breach oi a pmvlston of this Oaed ot Trust shei!not co�tihtte a waiver o}� <br /> '' �� �' � prejudice the AaAy's�ights othenWSe b demand strtcl coR�pt�artoe with that provision or any other provtsion. EtecUon by Lendar to pursue anY - <br /> Y �. �ertredy provldod In M3s Oeed of T�usl,the Note.ln uny Retated Oocument,or provided by Ia�v shatl not exGude pursuft of anY other remedy, _ <br /> _`�: �° an0 tsn et2CHOn to make expendit�sres or to teke action to peAOrm an oblfgation ot Trustor under this Deed ot Tntst after fa�ure of Tntstor to <br /> �_ , <br /> pertorm shell not aHect Lender'8 dght to dedare a detaWt and to exer�dse arry of its�emedbs- _ <br /> B�+rmoya'FEOS;p�en�, It l@rMl 1r�stltute.q any suit or acUon to entarco any ot the tertns of this Oeed ot Tn�t,LenQer shaA be antitlod to � <br />�';'�,:���..';,;;'.:� � rocovsr such cum os the coud rtts7 adjudgo re3sonabte es a�nrneYs tees at hlal and on a�Y EPReaI. WhetAer ar ea!eny court aCUOn b �,, <br />��'�� ��'�':�,��.` ' InvoNeO.at1 reesonabto e�or►s�s incurred by I.ender which in Ler.4efs ePtnion sre neo 'e.wary at ony Uma tor lho protecUOn W tfs t�t ar the �-, <br /> �..1�. ..4:... <br />�: '� enlarcemer�at Its dghts snall become a part of tha indebtodnc�ss Payabte on dert�nd an0 shaU bear irte�t a4 the Nota re29 trom the Eat9 0! �; <br /> - expanditure urdil reP�1d. E�en�s covared bY thls pare9�P�tnciude�wfthaut Urt�ilal3on.hawever subl��nny BmIb un6er oAD9c.a..b..f.e�Ilraw. <br /> - _---._ •w ��py� '''�.�_���......0 t....t...tLr.nM�M3��fnm�Af hnn4nmtCV Gl00°CQIfIII3 Ofl1.�1�dif18��ww����/���u�•7 a — <br />� . —— —�� �p�Q�w•�r•••"!"��.f�Q1i1Ci 4A IM VIO�O O o�oww^�^wr��9�••�•••��- u �� u�_n_Yl�wn �O��OOWMY��p � � <br /> - vaeate any automaUe stay ar Injun�tlon),appea�s and any a�ct�ated Poss-1 a9 aT�'w"`� ao��w.w. - <br /> - obteining UUa reparts prtduding faredosure reportsl,s�veyors'repoRS,apAref�i teos,title insuranoo.artd feas tet the t1ro eid8rtt __ <br />- ., pannftted bY apPl:cebte Iaw. Tnistor also will pay eny cowt costs,ln addiKon to eti oih�r sums pravtCsd by taw. <br /> - AtghtB ot Tn�stee.Trustee shad tiava a!1 ot th0�ights and duties of Lender as sat to�th in thls soccion. <br />- ,. POWERS AWD�LIGATIQ;iS QF TRUSTEE. The foilowing prwrislOns r818Ung to Me po�rt�5 and ObL'gatlOns ot Tntsttx�8rc)part ot lhis 02cd ot . <br /> Tnist. <br /> - i►carers of Tntstee. In add�6on to au povrers of Trt�stee arising es a matter ot law.Tnistoo shatl have Q►a Dowar t0 take the ionOwinp QeUOru <br /> �vdh respect to the Properry upon the wntlan request ot Londer and Trustor: (a)Join in preAa►�n8 n+�fiGrt�9 map or pi�t of the Real ProQerly, <br />- ', '� :�•� mCtuding tha dodication Ot atreEts or Wher nghb to the pubuc; (b1�om in grenUnO any easemsnt or Cre3t►rt8 eny ro9UtCitOn o�«e Rta��0�% <br />- � qnd (c)�an�n anr subordin86on or olhgr flgr¢ement affECdng ihts Qesd of Tn�st or tfu�tnlBresl of Lsrtdot undCr th19 O�nd o}TruSt <br /> Ttu�CS. Tn�tee shall mwet aG quaiGcations requ!red for Trusteo under 8pp1:C6bt8 Iaw. �n edditton to lrte rtphb artd remedlss oet imth abgve. <br /> — tvith re5peC1 t0 ell or eny Dart ot the P�oPeAY•the T�ustee Sheli ABVa thg rtght to toredose by rte2iCe and sflSe,a�d LCrtdCt sh�!)ftsv9 the�pN1 lo : <br /> totectose by judicist foredosure,in e�her case in eCCOrdznce�rith and to the tuti extent provided by t�ppLCabis lavl. <br /> guccessot TnJ6t2a. Lendsr,at Londers op5on,may hom tlme lo time appoinl a suoa�ssor Tntstao to E+sy T!vltse epptA�d h�urtdet by fln <br /> .. - — — —_ �---- <br />