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<br /> , � ��E� �Pr Y(�t1�4 Page 6 �_=��
<br /> . s��o��t�a� A►,
<br /> 6.OII6i IVA 9Q&92� (CAfltlRUO�) � � '�cl'l��� �,�,._
<br /> �iaskomont c3xceuloD nnd eeknoL�bdBad by LonQ�T and reaordad fn tRO oti:co of iho reeordcs of HALL County,Aicbratke�. ��{� trument ehall �'��.;�'_
<br /> conla►n.+n nddit�on to nIi oth�r rnsttcre rcquirod by stnto inw,lh3 nnm�of Iho ortgtnril Londer,Truslea,and Tru7tor,iRa 0a0'�nrt�Os$3(ar „
<br /> „ � computar systam retaresnee)whc�ro iMS Ocod of 7rust is recordad,and Iha�umo and nddress a!tho succa�or uustcr�,and iR�tn3tru�srM ah^_'.1 �.
<br /> 00 oxccutad und noknowt�dpad by ap�he bonniietadus under lha D�d ot TN.,M a ihetr Bc[eeessors�n intere�L The au0C8".�ai tru+���+►rt1��
<br /> convcyans�Gf fh�Prnperty,ahrstl saex�d to cll ih�ut!o,parrCr,nnd dut��s cantarrcd uDon thn Ttustc�U Mb Road a!Tnt3!end by t�9P1iotWB �-_-__
<br /> � Inw, 7ht�proea4ur�lor subS��tu4ton ol Uu3teo tihu0 govam to tho vxc�u'.�on of e�►oif�:.r�rov`.:lOSt�f�r��b�st�t�d`on. f �t� ��g ��_
<br /> N�TlCF.S TO TRUSTOA lot1D OTF{�R PAiiTlHB• A�Y notiCO under thta 08ftd of TruLt�hali bo in wdttnp,mey b�scrU by Ee18 8osi ( _
<br /> oth2rea;UO requlrad by Inw),nnd sh8il bo Cil(xtivo v�h:1n aCtu�ly de!Ivetod.or whon doposttad vftA a naflon2.�roCOgnired ovflre►Oht�ttt�l�r�t Ns� �. '�
<br /> � malted,shall be deemed ettocUvo whon deposttad in the Unitad Stata�m�sil lirst dass.ectrti�¢d or ro�tsWmd m�i1,pp�in�a PteF� � `;e_.-
<br /> ,��-�-'� addr�:es shown oear thp beginnln�of thls Qesd M Tn�st. Any Party maY ehan�e lb address tor notkes unde►Shk tJcra9 04 Ttust by Q1Nn0 tormW --
<br /> �'�;�-~�r wnuen noiico to tho o4her paRins,spndytr�g tAnt lho pwpose ot iho noP,co ts to c�artge Ihe paAfla uddr�ss. N1 cepl�ot n�db:n o}taectasure trom .-'
<br /> ;:,:,�!�:; lhe hotd�r ot any Iton whleh has pderily oue�this Daed o!Trust sh2U ba.t+nl to Ls�ods uddress,css shown near tAe beg nD ot tA3 C�d ot Tru�� ;�-_
<br /> � For�otica purposos�T n r s to►ayr�:.s 4o k c�Lendsr und Trustoa Intermed at all tirtm3 of Trustefs eierten!address• a�
<br /> f'_.
<br /> MlSCOIANEOUS�RO111SZCH8.The tonovJing mis�ottarteous pravisio�are a pert ot this 08Ed of Trusx �, _
<br /> qmEnd��r�te, This paed ot T�us�,tog3tF�er r�ith any Rel�ted Doeumenta,constitutes the entfre undcirstandinp and r�gre3ment of ths parUes as __
<br /> � to tho mattera snt toRh tn tMS Qc-ed ot TrusG No atteraUOn of a►flmandment to ihis Qeed ot Trust shall be ettnctive uNoss gi'ro^�n w�ting and _ _�
<br /> � �- sprted by the parhr or paNes sought to be ehargsd or bound by the elteratton or amendmen�
<br /> - Annutl RcpnRe. It the Rtoparly Is ussd for purposes other th¢n Trustors residenoe,Tnstor sha11 fum�h to Lender.uAon rt�A¢cr��a ooN11a�
<br /> � �i�. statement o1 as►t aPera13n81ncame re�etved from G1a Fray�s�y durEsse T��?ors lus�ous Qsral Yeat in such tarm and daf+oY�s lAn�cRa1
<br /> '�' reQuUa 9�SSat oPeraUng income ehalt mean aA ca8h recefA�►ham the Pre�e�tY►e�s aU cash m�endliures ma691n Wnnec�an wi�'8 k:�e�n _
<br /> ot ihe PropeAy.
<br /> ApplleaDie Law.Th1s Det4 0!Trust t aceordanee vrrl�h the law8 a!the Sfat�e o�1 NCDr�.fn ttte Slede o!NebtO�ke- 7hts Deed o!T�t � .
<br /> �'�, at�au oa�,remea er e�a«msm�ee `
<br /> . ' � Cegylpn IIeaQlnIIs. Captlon headtngs tn 1Dts Dec3d ot Trust aro tor convan!ence piaPos�on,y a�d are not to be used to iM�Pa��d��� � ,
<br /> a
<br /> ; . • pro�cisiom ot Uils Deed of Trust. r•,
<br /> � ` Ilter�er. Thsre shriii ba no mer9er of ths inteie3t or esfate crested bY this����Trt�si w�th aay othet tnterest ot e�ate tn the PropertY 418�17 _
<br /> �y •,t � '� timo held by or tor the bereafit ot Lender in any capaci l y.without the wdtter�consanl 04 Londar. _
<br /> MulUpte Pprttes. AD ab��iions of Vustpr under this Oeed ot Tnist shea ba Jolnt flnd sevsttii.ana 8��refer8r�es�D TntstOt sh�nteSO esCSt aRb
<br />. ::.., .
<br /> every Trustor. This rt�ses�►�a!each ot the persons s►gnir�g bslo�v fs�es0o+�bte�or att obTigatio�in thts Qeed of trtut.
<br />.�:;....., .:.
<br />:.•,:,.- � , Severabtlily. I!a coud of eompete�tt+rlsd'•c�on fin�s uny provfsion ot thls Deed of Tnist to be tmetid or unonfarceable as to arry
<br />_ - :: r� c�umaLiiwe.�'s�Cis�=!'�u,�.,{rwnAcv that Qmviston invF►t3d or unorKaceaDie as to arry Wher Pe�sor�s or circu umsffinoes-oRanQtr�p pro�n ,
<br /> such often�ng provis►on shtili be deams0 to be modiitied to be wSWn tne amib o�erdw�oa�+���Y'�;•�•
<br /> d
<br />�;.,•�.�..;,�' oanno!be so modifiod.it shatl ba strkicen and etl other provisiom o!this Oead of Tnut in all aiher resAe�s shalt rematn valtd and enforoeabb-
<br />..>�Y,;, ,F��.-.r �rp and psstyns, SubJecl to the Umita�o�stated dn this Reed ot Trost on tr�tnster of Trustors i��v�tad tnta pason
<br /> p��':R"� blrtdirtg upon and inure to iha benefit ot the Parties�th�r succ�°�eRd�^�' «O�p°f the PtopsAy
<br /> ` .•:��`� ottse�th8n Trustor.Lender. ��vlhOUt rtotioe to Tntsta. ma9 deal wFd�TNStors suooessors�vith refenenae W thls Oeed of grust aM lh0 --
<br />._.'h�4j I'i Y:f�.:�.
<br /> - .:r.y m_;� Indebtedn�ss by waY af fo�bearanoe or extenston wtUtottt mieasi�9 Tn+stor from tho obtlg4UOns oE tNS Deed o!7nat or tlabUflY�tnder
<br /> _�-:�"•`-?':�, MdebteCr�ss• -
<br /> -�.__�_-_�:�- Tin10 Is o!fhe Essenee.nma�s°t 11te�nce in the perto�mar►co of this Deod a!Trust.
<br />'"-::;:;-:.���°..� Walvere anA Cofese�tffi. Lendar sha!t not ba daemed to have waived ang rtghts under thb De�d o!Trust(or under tho Raleted Documarrtts)
<br /> :=-J:�_-_�a� untess such wtilver is In wriSr�g and sDgned by Lender. No daiay or om3sslon an the part o7 Lender tn mcere�fnp enY d9M sha4f operate @5 a
<br />---.-':_,;`„� wehrer oi such dght ot 8rry othCt dght A weivet by any party ot e provistoa of thfs Reed of Ttust shall ttof e�r�i�t�9 8 wah�e►¢11¢ar Dceludoo tlfe
<br /> �_���;�;,�;,i� Dart�/s dSht olherMrfsa to demand strlet compUanoe vuim that provision er atry otheP proviston. IVo pdos w8iver br Lender.taI anY cot�s�oi
<br /> - deail�9 behveen Lendar and Trustor. sAaO constituto a waiver af any of Lsnda�s�8h�of S�h�i�.onsent by l.ender�in�ea►Y inst8tro9 st�li 1'�d
<br /> `����� traraactlons. Wher►�ver conssnt by Leode►�requhed in Mfs Deed ot Trust.the 9rantirg
<br /> - `-1�1 con5titute conttnutng consent to su9se4uent tnstr.noes whete Such Corut3nt is re4utred tion laws of Uw Statt�at --
<br /> "-___ watrer M Homeste�d EYemi�iw�.Tnutor hereby reteases av�d welves au dShts artd�or�fit�ot the hom�ead eo�emP —
<br /> _�-�=_r_ _ Nebraska as to eU Indebtedrtess secured by thls Deed of Tn�st. _
<br /> ___�".� TERlii�. , _
<br />