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<br /> ' � Pil��4°i t;t�
<br /> . 03�12�199� ���� ��Y��.O�T -�--
<br /> , • 6oen Na 909(1�8 (�n4l�uod� ��°��'/�'�'�''i�, --- �� _.,
<br /> —_--���.— �--- --
<br /> • purcha.o fn I:�u of eondemnatlon,lender may nt ib e:attlon rCqutro t�at cp or any porclan a11Pta rtst pra�ee�d3 af iR�tlemrd Do(.�p.^.ed to thfl ^ ,�i r..
<br /> IrsdoBt�dnc�or tRo rcpatr or rc�torntlon ot th�Proger9�r. Yha rt�t proL�ds af th�awctd nhall rn��n IPrfl arrrsd aftar paymant oP a1 rca;,onab'� �;v<
<br /> , eosts,axponsc,3,ond ettetnoy�'(�os Ir�euaod by Trustt,�ar Lend�r In conrtcetlon�vtih lf�o eondomn�t4on. �„s,
<br /> PtoLESedinaa If nnY p�ocesding tn condomnsitan ts fi!sd,T�ustar ohuli promptq nottTy lendaz tn w�tUng,and Trustw sha11 prompUy taka auah �_.
<br /> .. st�p:,ca may b�ncGC°p^N�o detand 1ho nc:fon ond obtnln Iho a�Yard. Trustor m�y bo tho nor�lncl p�rty In sttCb pros��dirt�,but LCSdsr Qnan �•�-
<br /> " Do en61!ctd to paRtotpatp In lho proceedlnp und to Do tapresontad tn tRO prqce�Ctrtp by coums�o!�b c�wn citolce,and Tr�cslar r::l��::sa e� �, ,
<br /> ' causo to be ds9vered to Lender such instrum8nts es may be roquastad py It hom tlmo lo Ume to permll auch pAri4tpatlon. I _
<br /> ' IMR091TIAH OF TAXEB,F�EB At�D CMARQEB OV QOYERNFF.HPDTAL AUYPl9AlYlE8. Tha folto�e+�rtp pro�lslo���c'atlnp to gov�mmontnl tnxas,
<br /> o : ; tees and ahurggs gro o part ot lN�Qaed o!Yrust: --
<br /> .,---�;, m
<br /> ���-•��� CurrsRt Texea,FaeD Ornd ChmQ3�. Upon roquasf by Lendcr,Truator ehnti oxocuto twcA documont3ln ndpitton to iht�Ocud at Trusi and Usko __„,
<br /> _ „�,y�,,: whqtever other acUon la�oquosted by Lvndor to partoc!nnd continua Londa�e Ran on thU R�at ProFaAy. TfYStOt BN811 fEdtilbLLSO L9J1det t6t 8tl �.
<br />� ImltaUon e11�YS,toes�d�mnttuy elnmps,nnd ot�her ohar estl or reccudirtg o preqisl�erinp thts Oead ogYntn. �d ot Trust.Irtcludlnp wlthout i-_�
<br /> � ', Texe�. The foltowln0 oheA eonsUtut9 ta�cos to whteh this seeUOn eppites: (a)a speclfko tax uAon this typo of Qaod ot Ttust ar u�on eU or ttny
<br /> �, �
<br /> pnA ot tha Indobtodno�.s Eeeured by thts Deod ot Truat; (b)a sA���o tox on Trusla�vhlcA Trustor b u�thorizad or requirsd to deduct hom
<br /> • payments on tho indobtodnoss 89oured by this typo ot Oeod ot Tntst; (a)n tux on tAls lype ot Doad of Tnut chargeebla ngrlrat tha Londer or
<br /> ° the holder of the Note:and (d)u�pociRc tax an all or any portlon of lhe Indabtedness or on paymants o!princrpal and Inisrast mndo by �-
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> sam�efhxtmes e.n Even ayDefaNl(es detined betow)pand I.endwomayauexercise any orhall of b sevaNtbie rem9dias tor in�kwnt ot Det��tts5
<br /> � 'r� proviGed bslow unit�ss TtustOr eithat (a)pays the tax beforo tt becon�s de�inquant,ar (b)cont�ki tlr�t9x as Qiov�d9d ePtovo�n tha Texw and �
<br /> :'-;;�
<br /> ti.� 9 uena section and deposits�rith Lender cash or a suKdent corpomto Surely bond or other seCUriry sntislactorY to londer.
<br /> '`�f" ` ,�� S�CUdtITY AGREEMENT;FiNANCINd STATHMENTS. The fouowing provlstons relaUng b this Deed o!Tnrst as 8 security aproement ere e paA af .�
<br /> �.��- Y'' .�,�.
<br /> this Qc;od of Trusl.
<br /> ' o
<br /> � ' �� SeCUAty A�eamant. TNS instrumont shap consdtute a Seeuriry agreemoM to the extent any of the ProRerfY ConstiUttDS Nxtures o�oU+a�
<br /> �• � � ` ' persenal properly,and Lender shail hava atl 04 the rights ot a secured pa►iy under the Uniform Comrteera181 Cods as a�rsnnded 6om time to �_
<br /> 'S;c,,�. rime. =—
<br /> .„.{ti:;�• ,v�. Stturity IntoroBt. Upa��omuos!by Lender,Trustor sheil oxecule flmm�dng statements and trilce whatever o t her ecUon is m��t�d b y Lender -
<br /> - to perteat and conUnua Lendefs secudty Mterast In the ReMs and Personal PropeAy. In sdoNon to recordlnp tAb Qeed e7 Y�aaat ln the rea1 -
<br /> prope r t y reCOr d s,l 8 n d o r m e y,a t a n y Q m e a n d w i f h o u t f u R h e r e u t h o r i mUon 4�om trustor,fils executed counterparb,eoplas or reprotfucNOn�ef
<br />� '� !tetc�st. UFa�e1�18tu118 Trustor agNei!tassemhlo th�a Pe nsl PmpeRy in�a menrte end at�ce reasoaebty�venietd to Trusla and t�.e dw�
<br /> ::
<br />' � ° „ and make it avail3ble to Londer wlthin three(3)days after reo219t of written demflnd from Lender.
<br /> .���.�,, : Aildre�.�ses. The meUing edGrc�sse9 ot Tnistar�debtrny an6 imra#6+ (soi.u�ad�'i),Starss�ls:�t 3s:tots�44en an�yntne the aacudi�r Interest
<br /> ,;;';�'r����.:° ' grAntsd by this Oeed o!Tmst may be obtalnsd(eaCh as roquired by the Unttorm Commerdal Code),ere as b'tated on ths flrst paye of this Oeed -
<br /> ,tn,,:�.t�. .. ;� of Trust.
<br /> "���'��`� � FURYFIER ASSUAANCF.Si ATTOANEY-IN-FACT. The fouowing provisions refaAng to further essurances and aflomey-tn-fect are a Qart ot this
<br />_,t,�.r:� i, �, . '
<br /> -;!+•',!�i��!!+''� • 088d of Trust.
<br /> ,.;.;•t..�:;�;. �
<br />�,?,....;_,,
<br />:-it:��;;t;;�,, �. Furthet As�[ronces�. At any mme.and hom Ume W tlme,upon request oi Lendor.Trustm w1l1 malce,ezeoute and� a wtf►�u,e to -_
<br />-"s:���.i°�::, _ made,e�meutsd or delivered,to Lender or to Lender's dostgnea, and when requested by Lertder,cause to be fi ,recerded.ra�ied.or —
<br /> ` �`�, _, terecorded,os the caae maY be,at such tlmes and in such otfioes and piao�as 1.ender may dsom uppropriate,arry and al ssech moAgeges, _
<br />�.:,.,...: ,
<br /> deeds of hust,security deeds.securiiy agreements.flnendnp statements,cominuatlon sffitemerds,insWments of tutthBr asstuar�e.�
<br /> ':��� , },. a�d other dxumsrds as may.in the sole op�nton of Lendsr,be necessery or dssirabto in order to oftectuato,Campkite,pwfecl,conL'nu9 a
<br /> :_(. �y� prc95enro (8)the obUgatiOns of T►ustor under the Not9,thts Osed t�f Ttust,and the Relutod Ooeumeets.and (b)Ahe Qens and�ecultY frR��ts
<br /> - eor►tr�pdrybbytlErt�wrttlr�g.Tntstor sP ha��lmNburse Lender fat all�d�erises n cur�red in eontredton w(lh�lhsy�mslters refitretdt totfn
<br />-°4,�t:`-`.±r.�� thls parapr8ph.
<br />_�.� Attprrteyat�Fact. It TnNor fails to do any ot!he thtngs referced W in the preceding paragraph,Lertder may da so for Art�fi It�mme af _
<br /> "'`:�'`''� of makingacnccteTcrud�ng,�nng.Hlfngsrecopding,�ond do ngT a��Icrev�as may�ba n esxssnry or d�!rabb,t�rn�Lert�r,aie apinton,to _
<br /> �" m
<br /> -` ' ecepmplish the matters rotared to in the preceding pareBraph.
<br /> �z�'� F7a,L pE3tFpAMAtd�. If Tntsflr pays e1i the Indebtedne�s�hpn due,termtnates the Iine ot credit.and othemfse P�������� _
<br />-s��''1��. unposed upon Trustor und�tris A�d o f Tr u s t.L en d e r sha.7 ex,.�c�1e and dethrer to Trustee a�equest tar f W ceconveyanos ertd SheN exeatta a*td =
<br /> Ssi=:-i��'� detiirer to Trustor Stdtsbte stafemEtr+2s ot tecminatlon ot anY Hnanamg sffitemont on Rte evEdendrtg lsnder'S socudty laterest tn tho Fiants asM ttta _
<br />���`:�'� Peisonat PropeAy. My rc�eomreya�sae fee re4uired by law sha0 be paiB by Trustor�it permittad bY aPDticabl�tsr�. —
<br />_�-:�n,.,�::,�,�
<br />�.-=-°;,css,� DFFAULT.Eact+oi tt.o tWtowinp.e!ihe opUon ot I.ender,sha11 constltute en evant ot defauit t'Event ot Refautl`�dnmor 9NS Ceed
<br />�- ^���'� .� e..a...e_r,�►�. n�,a�9 am,na;nnant cRm de�s ort ths Irtdebtedness. _
<br /> �,�-�;a;�;•_ _ P+2fiim iw'�ow.c'.�'�....:..�..�...^!." (_
<br />--=----_-�-- iDetauR On�4ter PAynfdst0. FWiure oi YruStor w[thin ti'r�tima requked by tlsi�De3d o!Tft�!to cssslc8 8nY RaY�°�t h+r texes or Ir�suama.a
<br /> -----�_�--- arqr other payment ne�sary to prevent 41tnp ot a to eHact dle�harge ot any Uen.
<br /> __:;.s;��.:.� mont,purchase a
<br /> ___^F.�� p���p�1�Faypr p}Tfttrd ParUes. Shoutd Borrower or any Yvustor detautt under any loan,extension ot erodN,securtly n9ree
<br /> - Bonow�s or any Tn�.stds sblGty t�PeY the L ans or peAtorm heU r�s9acnve obltgaUOns under tht�s Doo t o!Tiust er any of the�Relate0
<br />_°°::e:==:=° Doeuments.
<br /> �''�`7?::".: •::2. a
<br /> i,1L�.�S; � ". Comyitance Oefaul� Fe.uro of Trustor to comply with any other term,obligeUOn,covenac�S�r condttlon contained fn thb Qeed o!Trust,the
<br /> i{ti.,,� , �ote tu in any of the Re1a3d Oacumants. �'-'
<br /> .�.,.� , '.� �'_.
<br /> Fe180 Statemes�te. Any wertanty.reDresentatlon or slatement made or fumishsd to Lender by or on bahatt of Trustor undor this Oeed ot Tntsf,
<br /> _ f tha Note or the Re�ated Dxuments Is talse or misleading in any mateda�resPoct,elther now or at the itme maCe or tumishEid. c
<br /> DetecUvO Collaterdira2lon. Tnls Deed ot Trust or any of lhe Aelated Qacvmards oeaSQS l0 bv ln tutt tercri mnt6 a!EOat pnotudirfp tslture a1�ay _
<br />,�':,:_. . colistorel dxuments to aeate s vattd end perfoctsd�u�ity tnterest or Ifen)et eny Ume flnd tot any reason• - -
<br /> r, .
<br /> :�;::: Death or InsoNency- TRO dc3ath ot Trostm ar tha d:�otullon or termhaUon of T�usto�'+s erJStenos aa& atn�buylrtoas�.C�e lnsotvonay o! �:
<br /> .,., or e Conmm�ncomortt ot flnY p�roCeedtng u det�ny bank p�or Ir�isolvo cy laws by or�npainst Trustto cred�tors.any fyF�r ot izmditor woAcout, -
<br /> •.,�- -,.e...a..�at„m nroemdlnas.whnthnt bv Iudfe�l Or0098QinD�G61FhEhp.�F�=�� --..
<br /> - ---— - • roredo�tra.roric�iuso�a:v. w..�...o..,.o...o.......�. ' - -
<br /> � or any other method,by any creditor ot Trustor or by eny govamrrtantd agenoy o8alnst any ot 1he�PropaAy. Howevor.this BubseCBCn GhtC�rc�t _
<br /> appry in tAa event ot a good lalth dispate by Tnistor es to fhe vtsltdity or re3sonablenpss of ths cialm which la th0 besb ot th8 t0►eClo3urO a �
<br /> `r• toreteiture proceeding,provided that Tnistor gtves lertder wrttten ootice ot such daim and fumtshss roservs�s or e sumty bond tor ihe oLtilm �%_
<br /> satistnctory to Lender. -
<br /> _ � wil�ldn 8ny�gra e p�rt�do�th�r¢tn,nd df gtovttAOUt Ilmi�tlon unyaagreement concemirtg any Indebtadno^,,3 ar olhe�r obllgaUOn of f Tnt3te►
<br />- to Lender,whether exhsting�ov+or I�tet.
<br />- Everds Attcettnp Que+rentor. Any ot tho precoC�ng events oocurs vuith respsct to any dunrc�otor ot uny ot tho Inaabtsdness m anr�ueranta _
<br /> � , � d�or becomes�n�ompetant,or rovokes or disputos ths vntidity of,or iiabiGry undCr�nny Ouemnty ol t1re indebtednos9. LWtdeb ol Iti OpttOn,
<br /> . may,but shail not be requtn3d to,perMt the f3uarantor's ostate to aSSUme unsondiUon�ty fho ob!!gntlor�s Art�tnp urtder Iho guaranty In e =
<br />� , rrtannor satlshtctory to 4ond8r,nnd,in dotng so,euro tho Evont ot Qatault ^�•
<br /> - - - -� pdver� Chmtpp. A matt;dai advarse chanQ� occurs in Tr�lot's ttnsneiel cortdi0on, or Lvndttr b8itova9 ih9 P�OSD� Ot peyplDnt ot �tn
<br />~ � poAOrmanco of iho indebtodnoss is tmpalred. ���
<br /> _ " InsteuAry. Lender�n pood faith d�om3 itsolf fnsoauro. �=
<br /> ,,
<br /> � ��ye�a =-
<br /> . ;� �� �`e �
<br /> ; .. k_
<br /> - E�.
<br />