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. I . �-i• , � .. :ya• !:.a+ . <br /> � <br /> r . � ._.. ,... . . . . <br /> , ,i �� <br /> ' - . - ii - - ' '. � . � <br /> ,. . � <br /> . . „ <br /> ..- . <br /> �._.s:..,p,,•,.,.. O 4_.. . ..._._.------'------ ° ' <br /> , ., „ . . ... . .. <br /> ., .. ...... ...... ..... _...,.., - - .._.__.._.-- <br /> �.,...�_ ____.......... ... . . _ _..... .. ... • <br /> •1 <br /> . . . • <br /> ��U����.� <br /> 14. �ehnblit4n3ton ➢.,oae� A�reemcnt. Borrdtv�r ehnli Nlfill ntl of �orrower's obliBntiona under any horae <br /> � .. rchabilitation, impmvemeut. repair or athsr torn uIIr�mnnt Which Borrower entecs iato with Leader. Lender, nt <br /> �;,� Leader's option,may require Borrower to executo nnd dalivor to a form ucceptnble to Lender.Au assigamgnt = <br />- . of aay rights,ctaims or defenses e�hlch�3nnotvor mny hnvo aBninat partiea who supply labor.materluls or servlces In <br /> - coaaection witt�impmvementa mude to tho Property. �� <br /> u IS. 'CrEUasfer of the Property or a Beneflci�l Qntc;�c3!a Borrower�Assumption. If ull or any part of�he l�mp8rzy y <br /> r u �—' <br /> � ��'``"��. or nny intecest in it ia sold or tmasfomsd(or if u beaefiainl interest ia Borrower ia sold or uanaferrc,d and Borrower is �,,, <br /> not a naturnl person)without Lender's prior written conrrmt, Lender mmy,at Lender's option,for any reasoa, declare �} <br /> ' • all the sums secured by this Dee�l of Tn�st to ba immedintely due and pAyable. However. WIs opdon shsll not be ��_-�- <br /> . exercised by Lender If eaercise is prohlbited by Federal!aw as of the date of thia Deed of Ttust. -_-_ <br /> # ..�. <br /> If Lender exercises thia option,Lender shall glve Bormtvvr aodce of acceleratlon. The aotlee shaU pa+ovlde a pariud =_ <br /> � � ' of not less than 30 days from ttte date the noflce ia deliv@r►.�d or mailed within whtch�orrower muat pay all snma secu�d <br /> by this Deed of Tzust. If 8orrower fails to pay in Nll these sums prior to the expiration of this perled.Lender may ___ <br /> • • _ ;,.� invoke pny remedies permitted by this Dead of TYuet without fiuther notice or demand on Borrower. _ <br /> • � - - <br /> s� 19iia Deed of Tmst may aot be assuined by a purchasPS without the Lender's conseut. If an assumptioa is aUowed,the —.`J <br /> Leader taay charge an assumpflon fee and require the pe�son(s)assuming the loan to pay addidonal charges as authorlxed <br /> 47'"-, <br /> s� by law. �" <br /> ' �� ARTI�I.E II =�- <br /> � <br /> NON-�1VIPORM COVENANTS. Borrow6r and Lxnder fiirther covenant aud agree as fol2ows: __ <br /> � 16. Auceleration;itemedles. Upon�orro�ver's bresc6 oi any aovena�t or agreemeat of�on+ower in t�ls Deed <br /> -• � vi aaviM�'�i-it�ii�u$..--:'•lx�S'..'sssfiaLac!!se�r�sants*_��•.-y w1!en dae any sa�s under t1�e Noie sec�red bY tWs , <br /> flDx�e�of'llrust. Lender,at Lender's opt�on,su6jer4 to We fallowdngsenteace,may dectere all of the suffis secured <br />= �y tDls Deed oi ZYvst to be Immedintely d�ca and payable w[tho��leanand or notice and may tavoke the power <br />��,., of s�le,ead aam other r�edies pee�m[t8a1���pglicable law. Prios W a+ecordiag anY uo8ce of defnvlt Lee�dv sl�all <br /> _'.. `:;����. , �ioQ�orruwer natice of defaalt as e¢qWred Isy Quw We evpnt of a defaWt coffslsd�eg oniy af Borrower's <br /> �.>..�.. .,�•.". ': <br /> �>; •:. &aidC�8o msg�a reqviresL g�Ent.�ortmwes s9�o�ta,ms Paovtded by lttw,h�v�e II�►eaEY(20)dt�Ys�fder su <br />;. :.�'�. '��''';;�` nMicx�ts giv�¢a cure sach�I�FAUtt by tende�!he�malsnt dae at the t�me o8 the tender.witlwut aooefleat8an, <br /> �....;.�..�.�;�.. <br />�. plus any un��i x�hurgcv. Atter reoordttt�r�aoSec of detan[t,Y.ender shsiil be entttted to oolled in s�ch pamceedin8 <br /> �.•,,.,; ...,�, n11 exgenses of foreclosnre� iacluaing, but�aot 3tmited to, reasonabt¢aIItorneys' feca or Mr.stee's end co�s oi <br />_�� � . docomentary evtde��rar,is and�tie rego�ls. <br />_,�:v�`:.�<�,;;;., <br /> —�.._-7�ya/�� If the po�ver of sa18 is invoked,T:ustee sheU�r000nl a uotice of default ia each wunty in wbich a�►Y Part of the Propetty <br /> =��,:��,�''� ia located and shall mail copies of such nodce in thcs manner prescrlbed bY aPPUcable law to Borrower and to the oiher <br />��::,._ �. .:. . <br /> .i--�--�;�rs^�•�. ersons rescriba�b ��bY aPP <br /> -_..�. —���1 P P Y aPP�dable law. Attar the time licable law�T:ustee shall give public aot�cc o <br />�--=T:'�7"-� to the persons and in tha m�aner pnascr�od bq aPPlicable law. Truatee,without demand on Borrower.shall seA the <br /> w�x�..v�....;..h. <br /> "'=�'r�%r,S �PB�Y at public auction to th��ighest bidder at the dme and plsce and under the terms designated in the notice of e <br />:�"-�"°��w��`.w..�`� in�.ne or more pareQls and ici aay order'�'ruatee deteruiines. Trustee maY Pos�one s�le of all or any parcel off the <br /> '`"�-'a +' PmPertY by publia announcement at the ttme and place of any previously acheduled sale. Leader of its deslgnea muy - <br />�``.��, pu�b,ase the Pmpecty at aay sale. �� <br />-_�:-:::aiw:���:=� <br /> = Tmstee s6a11 aDply the sale proceeds,first,to the casts and expenses of axerclsing the power of sale and of the sala. <br />--"°. ..'._7° ;xyud}a�ilie paymeni of the Tn�ste�'s fces actually incuried not to exceed fifteen peraent<iS95)of the gmss sale paice. _ <br /> : �,- - <br />��"''.'�'r�'_..:..=-" s�aasnd, w payment of the obligation secured by this Deed of T:ust, third,to the Paym.ent of junior uv�t deeds. <br />��:�:,;� mortgages or other lienhoidexs,and the balaace,if die person or persons legally entitied thereto. <br /> __��::.�:_.���,.... _. <br /> _ � ;c{��; Il7. 1�ssignment of Reaffi;A�oint��t ot l�ecetv�. As additional saurity hereunder,Bormwer hereby assigns to -- <br /> • ' ���"_lu;:� H.epdcr the rents of the Prnperty,Provided that Eorrower shall, Prtor w ac.celerattoa under paragraph 16 he�toff or _ <br />- , abandonmau of the Property.have the rlght to oolle�t and m,tain such rents as they become due and paysble. _ <br />�:.' �• Upoa aoceleration under paragraph 16 heteof or abandonment of the�'ro�ty,Lender shall be endtled tm have a receiver F-�� <br />_ ��' appointed by a couct to enter ugon,take possessioa of and manage We�roperty and w collect the nents of the Pcopeny �_; <br /> - ec►ciuding those past due. All renta colleaed by the recrieer sbatl Ue applied fust to payment of the oosts of maaage�ent e� <br />- � �g the propeny aad colleaion of rEats.including,but not limited w receiver's fces.Premiums on receiver's bonds and �=' <br />- ,- � reasonable atcotneys'fces,and thea to the sums secured bY this Deed of Ttust. The receiver shall be liable to aeoovat �' <br /> - nnlv fnr thace rnnf8 aCh121IV ICCelYed. ��" <br /> - 18. H.oun Cburges. If the loan sec�red by t6is Dced of Trnst is subjea to a law which seis ma�cimnm loan charges. <br />- and that law is finally inierprete�so that the in3erest or other loan charges oollected or to be oollected i�oonnecdon with <br />_ � the loan exoeed permitted limits.then: (1)any such loaa charges shall be reduoed by the amount neoessary w rednoe <br />. the charge to the permitted Iimit:and(2)anY sums alreadY wllected trom Borrower which exc;ee�ed prrmiued limits <br /> = aW be refimded to Borrower. <br /> ,- , <br /> � � // �' <br /> L: � � O <br /> � ' . <br /> � ` m�caa.on v�e s a s o0o soa+�,�ae`+�� <br /> ,� .. V'v• <br />