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<br /> _. -.•••--•-• `-v'n v+�-•.r-�r: . �. wy..-�i e�vr�islrm/mYllYy�u.
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<br /> 19. Le{�slnttmn. If.aRer the date hereof,enastment or explmtion ai applicablg luws have the effect either of renderina Q.r,.
<br /> f 9
<br /> . .�� the pmvlaions of the Note,the Deed of Teuat or any Itidee.unenforceablo accordlnB to their ter�s,or ull or uny part �__:
<br /> of the aums secueed hereby uncollectiblu, as otherwts�provlded in this Dxed of Trust or the Note�or of dlraiuiahing
<br /> � the value of Lender's sccucicy,then L�ndep.u4 Lxnder's option,may deciaro n!1 sums secured by the Dced of Ttust to �;`_
<br /> • s;� be immediately due und payable. _
<br /> � � -_-
<br /> ; .::�� 2U. I2eleas�. Upoa payment of ali sums sewred by thts Deed of 1Yuat.thia Deed of Tivst shffiI become null�►d void -.--
<br /> � ,�.�«;�� and Lender or Tiustee ahell rclease thia Deed of Trust�vlthout chazge to Borrower. If Trustee ia requested to release -
<br /> ,��; this Deed of Tnut. all inatrumenta evideacing satlsfacdon of the iadebtednesa secured by thie Dea!of Trust shall he
<br /> .. �,_• surreadered to Tnisscz. Eorroti'ler sh a ll pay s l l costs o f reso r dadon,if aa y. Lender,at Lender's option.may allow a -_-
<br /> ' , �� panial release of the Property on ternas acceptable to L,eader and Lender uaay charge a release fee.
<br /> �
<br /> ,_ :;'�; ;•_ 21. {�Yndver of Ha�estead. Borrovs+er hereby waives alt rights of homestead exempdon in the Property.
<br /> ',;.»,:;µ�-;: 22. g�zardo�as Sups3a�tces. Borrower shall not cause or permIt the presence,use.disposal,storage.or retease of any
<br /> =-;`.- '��°.k HazF►rdaus Swbstanoes an or in the Property. Borrower shall not do.nor allow aayone else to do.anythiag affecting -
<br /> ���_`..:,....-
<br /> -.,. _ the Propzrty that ia ia violadonof ai►y Enviroameatai Law. The preceding two scntences sh311 aoi apF1Y to the px�sence. �_
<br /> ,t,'r...,.- . aY to be
<br /> ;;�.";�;, , use, or storage oa the Property of smaU quant�des of Hazardous Swbstances that are generaUy reoog�d
<br /> � „ appmpriate w nom�l resfdenttaal uses and w maiatenance of the Property. _
<br /> �;�;.,:xtar ' -
<br /> ° •�""`- Boxmwer shall pmmpdy give Lender writt�en notice of anyr iavestigation,claim,demend,la�rsuit,or other a�tion by any _
<br /> :�,: ..J_�' � governmental or ngslacory agency or private party involvlu� the Property and any Haaazdous S�bstance or -.
<br /> ''�"�''�� En•�iaa�tal L,aw of which Borrower hns actual l�owledge. If Borrower learns,or is no d fi�d by any gov e r n m e n t a l
<br /> �rzsa,,�Y. �.',
<br />' � r�' or reguituory suthority.that eny re�oval.or other remedialion of any Hazardous Stibstance a�fecting tme Property is -
<br /> �,��,�. � nece.csary. Borrower ahall pram�fly take all aecessaty remedial aaions in acco:dance with Bnvlmnmeat�l Law. _
<br /> =�.;,.�,;�;;,
<br /> .��:�:
<br /> -•r���` ' As used in this paragraph 22� "�ia�ardous S�bstanccs'are those substauces defined as toxic or hazardons substances
<br /> °y�,.'-
<br /> i,�rti�.r�,, . .. o b r tt
<br /> � �y lSAV9YaIIIItCIIte1 Y,aw�u iuc a�i1�8'.�$oti�: �02�IIE,-�.�- 2te*�afile os wxic Qetto2euII1 OiOduCtB. ,
<br /> �;rF°r�i.�
<br />_�I.____� wxdc pesdcides and herbicides, volatile solvents. matertats containing asbestos or formald2dryde, uid9 radioactive
<br /> --_ -- ��s. p8�ia th{,y para�raph 22. 'Bavimnmental law'means federal laws and laws of the jurls�ictianwhem.
<br /> _- —_--- the'Property is located that relate to health,safety�or envimnmental protect�on. ;:};;
<br /> :d.�..���,�
<br /> --- 23. g`uibstttude'Crustee, Lender may fr+om tlme to time in Lender's discretion rcmove Tnastc2 and appoint a suacessor
<br />-°---===. avstee w aay Trastee appointed hereimder. Without ooaveyance of the Property.the su�ssrn t�9tee ahall snaxed
<br /> J�.r to aU the title.power and dudes coafecred ugon the Tiusteis herein and by appHcable laa.• u,.
<br /> .���,�.:��
<br /> __-___ -- REQUF.3'P FOR NOrIZCE Or DEF'AULT AND�'OIiE(.'L��3lt�.
<br /> �r pa behaif of�h partyr hereto,Borroaer requests that a aodx of default and a oopy of aay aoflce of sai�herwader -
<br /> --_— be uoailed to each person hereto at the address of such peison set fo:th hereln,all at the samr�time a��in du same
<br /> _ .---.... _._-__
<br /> manner as wovld be required if a separate c�quesc themfor had h�een filed by each of such p.-rsons. -
<br /> IN WIITTJESS WHBR�AF.Sorrower has exeruted this Deed of 1Yust.
<br /> — �
<br /> = -�--�-� .
<br /> A� � ; �..
<br />-�— - %`� TIMOrifiY C uLYtiORN�er
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