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<br /> S, PresfrvntEon and MalntenAnce of PropeYty; Leuseholdv; CondomWe�ms; P:nnned BJnit Bxvelopiu�ento. �
<br /> Borrov�er ehall keep the Property(n IIoad rePair aad aha13 not commit waste or permit impuirntent or deterloratian of
<br /> � the Peogerry aud ahaU so�¢tply with the provisioas of�ny lease if tbis Deed oP Tra�st is oa a leasehold. If this Deed of _ •
<br /> Ttust is oa a unit in u condominium or a plawaed uait develcspment,Eomower shall perform atl of Borrower's obligationa L
<br /> " � undcz it►c dcclaradon or covennnts cr�+tin�or governing cha wadominium or planued unit developmeat. 1116 by-I8W8 �'�''
<br /> � and regulationu of the condominium er Planpted unie development,and consdtuent documeats. ��-
<br /> . . 6. �+otcxtton of i.euder's�ECUeity. If Borrower fails to pedorm the covenants and agreementa contsined in thia Deed ��b',':
<br /> �'} �..__.
<br /> ,-'�'= .� of Trust,or if any acdon or proceeding is commenced whict►matesially affects Leader's tntereat in the Property,then ,,,,,,:
<br /> . ���� ��- Lender, at Ixnd$r's opsion. upon aotice to Bosower. may make such appeazances, dlsburse such swns, lacluding �.,-_.
<br /> • ., reasonable auaaaeyu'fees.and eake suah actions as is necessary to pmtecc I.ender's interest. _-
<br /> , � Any ainouats disbu.rsed by Lender p�u'suant w thia paragraph 6.with interest thereon,at th�a Note r�te,shall become -
<br /> • � additional indebtedaeas of Borrower secured by this Deecl of Tnut. Ualess Borrower and I�nder agt+ee to other terma _
<br /> � �. , of payment.such amounts sliall lse payable upoa nodce from Lrender to Borrower xequesting paynrEnt tLereof. Nothing
<br /> . coatalned in this P�B�Ph 6 shall require Lender to jncur any expense or take any acdon hereuader.
<br /> �. . . .._�
<br /> 7. Ynsp�cttom. Lender may mske or cause to be m;.de ma4onable entries�apon and inspections of the Property, �__
<br />, "" ' �• provlded that Lender ahalt give Borroaer aot�ce prior to twy such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related --
<br /> " •r to Lender's interESt in tt►e Property. „
<br /> � • 8. Condx�mnatQon. The proceeds of any a�vard or clt3m for damages.direct or consequential.in connection with any
<br /> oo�rdemnation or other taklag of the Property,or pa�t ihereof,or for coaveyance in lieu of condemnadon,are hereby =
<br /> � �,�, ': essigne�and shall be paid w Lender subject to the ienoas of any mortgage,deed of m�st or other seauity egceemeat with
<br /> ,:;�;�;'• a lien which has priorlty over this Qeed af'lYuss. _
<br /> •`�:.r.: .
<br /> " 'E 9. Bon+uwer Not Released;Forbeart�r�ce BY I.endec'NoY a Waiver. 1he Borrower shall remain liable for fiill
<br /> . 1 `��`++"' PaYnaent af the priacipal and lnterest on the Note(or�nY advancement or obligation)secured hereby,notwIthsmnding
<br /> :s;'<:� : . ) �P
<br />_.n-�i.�s%;��t;:,�.:� aay of t h a io i i�,w i a�: (i�3 T t t�s a t t a f s l 1 o z s g�i Q f t h P n t e t n i s e s �b t h e t i o n b y a n o t h e r v a a Y o f t h e B m r mwer's _
<br />'' '`s�'"A�'��' obligationshereunder,(c)the farbearance or extenslon of time for payment or perfoimanoe of any obligationhenvader�
<br />-^;���`.,r;:�, � whether grantrcfl to Borrower or a subsequ�t oamer of the praperty.azcd(d)the release of all or�y part of the premises
<br /> `=`il:ti:y�;s':�'z; securing said obligations or the release of any party who assumes payment of the same. None of the foregoing shaU
<br />=-"_;:.'�.��;:�'� in any way affe�t the full force and effect of the llen of this Deea of Trust or impair Leader's rigLt w a deficiency
<br /> �;�` ,: judgment(ia the event of foaeclosiu+el against Borm�ver or anY P�Y��she o4�ligations hereunder.
<br /> -F11Y)�y��J�]
<br />.`_�.R�k;,.;,�„�,� pay forbeatance by Lender in esercising�my rl�ht or�medy hereunder,or otherwise afforded by appUcable Iaar.shall
<br /> --R^:,,,�,.� not be a waiver of or preclude ttte exercise of any such right or rEmedy.
<br />-.��.�;��;:a3i��'T� --
<br /> _ :`'�� 10. Sucarsors nnd Asslgns�ound:Joint and 5eve�al Liebili43+;Co-stgneis. 'Ihe covenaats and ag�eements herein
<br /> =''�,:��
<br /> _,�'- oontainod shall bind�aad the righta hereunder shall inu�to, the respective sucoessors and assigas of Leader and
<br />_..-���;� Borrowea.subject to the provlsions of paragraph 15 hereof. All aoveneats aad agreemeats of Borc+�wer shall be joint
<br /> .���-:"-��-'-� ��rera�. pny Borcower who oo-signs thia Aced of Tmst.but dces not eze�ute the NoYe:(a)is oo-si�thia Deed
<br /> -�-'`� of 1Yusc only to gram aad convey that Boaower's iaterest fn the Property to I.ender uader thc tanoa of t'�is Deed of
<br /> �yust,(b)is not peisonally liable on the Note or un�fdder a�is�of Tn�st,aad(c)agrees tbrst Leader aad any oiher
<br /> _ ^N� �c r m w e r h e r e u n d e r m a y a g c t e t o e x c e n d,m o d i f j►.f o r bEar.or make an y other soxommodations wIth rcgard ta th2�terms
<br /> -._.��-.�� of tbis Deesl�f Tiust or the Note wlthoM nAat Borrower's wnsent and without reIleasing thai Bon+ower or modif�►tag ti�is
<br /> =-= Deed of Trust as w that Borrower's iac�t in the Pcoperty.
<br /> -�-�-'a°"`�`� ,. ,u„ z_ o ., eier.rm�ired uader agnlicable law to be given in another manner, (a) any+notice ta
<br /> , _-__--J,�� ... ,...:�ix. ..�.�t g�Y.s2, I!^- - -, r it orb suCh IIOt�OB by fii8t C1a88 ID�il
<br /> �:4'°���rlrrr�r� Barmwer providad for In thls Dedt of Trost�hall��ea by d.11verin8 Y�� .
<br /> -- __-- addressed to Bomower or the curn:nt o�vner at the PropertY Address or at such other address as Borrower�ay designute
<br /> n°� by nodce to�ader as pmvlded herein,and any other persoa pe�s�nally liable on this Note as t�ese pe�son's names and
<br /> -:����
<br /> - .=�;�:�Q,-^�-: - addresses ap�r in the LEader's records at the tinae of giving noriee and(b)any notice w I.endei shallbe given by ritst
<br /> a
<br /> �_-��'`•=:=• class mail to L�der's addcess staied herein or to sach other address as I�nder may designa�e by aodce to Borrower
<br /> --=��'":..•a"�'"� as pmvtded hereia. Any aotice pruvided for in this DEad of Tmst shall be dee�med w have he�n given to Bpz�wer or
<br /> Lender when given in the manaer designated herein. -
<br /> � ', u. �Q�g�w;gEyerabil[ty. 7'he state and iccal laws applirable to this Deed of'HYust shalA be the laws of the ,�_
<br /> ''.° .. : jurisdicaoa ia ahich the Property is located. The fongoing sentence shall noi ➢nart the appllcabiliey of Federal Iaar to �:-
<br /> - k,;. thia Dced of Ttnst. In Yhe event that any provlsion or clawsg of thie Deed of Tnuse or the Note conflicta with appllceble
<br /> 1 law.such oonSias sha11 not affe�x other p�+cvisions of tiais Beed of Trust or the Note which can be given etfect vuldtout __
<br /> the oonflicting Provision,aztd to this ead the provisions of this Dced of 1Yust and ihe Note are declaz+ed to be severable. - -
<br /> ----�-°-i- ---�..�•.......• •o..�.�•�•aunmevs'fees"iaclude all sums w tfle eatent not pmhibited by appllcable laci �
<br /> . _ _••T- --.. --.; /'{A Y3W 1LGlYlft ww � ^'r�--' -- � _
<br /> , � ,(, O!1�ID�tCd�1BI�2�II. --
<br /> �
<br /> �,' 13. Bomower's Copy. Bomower shall be tumishod a oonfoimed aopy of the Note.dus Deed of'lYust and Rldei(s) r`
<br /> at the time of execution or after reeordation heraof. �*=
<br /> ��
<br /> �,
<br /> ° . �� �::,
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