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t' . <br /> .. � .. .. . . ... , . ., .. - - . 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Pai(orrttutct 6y l�ndat.Upon 4h� oauurronco of an Evunt of Dafauit hurcundnr, ar If rcny not ia tokan or togal prococdfnp � <br /> ' � commoncad which mutcriclty ottaato Landn,a in4crout In eho FQOpony,Landur moy In Ito own disctotion,but wlthout obiigntlon to do no, �, <br /> and wfthout no4ico to or damand upon Yruotur and without�efeaslnfl Taotor from ony ob�lpntlon,do any ast whlch jruotor hAn ogrood �G�•�. <br /> • but fclta to do cnd moy nlao do pny othcr nct tt duomo noconnnry to proto�t tho aacurity hanof.Truotor ahnll,immodlatoly upon domand <br /> thoretor by Londar,poy to Ltsndot tdi eooto nnd expctnaea Ineurred and cuma oxpcndcd by Landar in eonnaMlnn v11th tho oxoteiso by �� <br /> "� Lendor of the torepotng dghte,togalhAr with Ipt@H3st thpreon at tho dofuuft r�to ptavldud tn efio Noto,vyhlcb ohutl bo�ddod to tho __ <br /> "��%��`�� (ndebtodno�o aocurad hnroby.Landor ohull do4lncu�eny�nbllity bscauso ot unythlrtg ft mny do or omit to do haroundor. _ � <br /> °•��� 8.Hr�asdous Nlotsrlds.Ytuator shop koop tho Propurty in eompAanco with uU nppitaabio Inwu,ordtnnncaa nnd ropuiationn roiottng to __ <br /> Induotrinl hyglono or enviromm�ntal protoctlon tcottceativoly rciottod to harofn ua'Envitonmontul Lawa").T�untor ahntl kaop tho Proparty --- <br /> fruo trom utt substnncoa deomud to bo ho=nrdaun or toxio undor uny Environmontat Lawo tco�tuattvoly rotorrod to horain ou'Hutnrdoun =_ <br /> Metorinis°?.Truator horoby wattnnta und roprasontn to Landor that thnro ero no Hcuardouo Matorini on or undar tho Ptoporty.Truotor _- <br /> x hstcby cgtcaa to Indemnity and hotd finrmtoss Landar, ita dtrootoro,oHicere, omptoyaas and og[+nto, und ony ouccaouors to Lundar'o <br /> lntarest,imm nnd o�oinot any nnd ou clufms, dama8es, loesos end tinbititlou nrising In eonnoctian with tho preseneo,uao,dlapoael ar <br /> ttannport of nny Haiardouo Motarinto on,undor,}rom or ubout tl.e Proporty.TH�FORH(i0IN0 WARAANTIES A�1D REPREBENTATIONS, — <br /> AND 7RUSTOR'8 OBU�ATIONS Pi1RSUANT TO TPtE FOREQOINQ INDEMNITY,311AI.L SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF Tt91S DEED OF __ <br /> � <br /> � TRUST. — <br /> t: 10.Aeitgmnont of Rsnta.Ttustor Auroby a�.::gns to lendar, nnd grant�lonti�i a aocurity intaro�t in,nll presont,futuro und after ` <br /> � rtaing ronte,lasuos ertd ptofita of the Proporty;provldnd thnt Trustor ahail,um11 tho oaeurcunco ot an Evont of Dofautt horoundet,Aava _ <br /> , ' �� tha�tgAt Yo eolloct and tntutn auch runto,lusues and protita as tP►oy becomo due end puyablo. Upon tho oacunoneo of an Evont of _ <br /> L}elatilt,lendor mny� etthor In pnrson cr by apont,wlth or wkhout bringing any notton or ptoseedinp,ar by a reeotvor appointfld by e _ <br /> wurt nnd withaut�aBnM to tho ndequney of Ite cccurity, entar upon and take possession of tho Property,or uny part thoraof,in ite own <br /> nema or fn tho namfl of tho Truateo, end do sny m�ta which It deems necessenl ar dasirabto to prosorve tho vuluo,mnrRetobitlty ar <br /> �� �antn�tiity of tho Property,or ony part thoroot or Intotvst thorain,or to incrasso ttro unzame tharotrom or protact tfia soaudty horaot und, -- <br /> ;� wkh or�vithout takinp posoo.ston of tfio Propariy.aue for or othonvisu colloct x�w�sTtn,lacuas and protRo tharoat,includinp th000 p,�t 6t' <br /> due and unpaid,by rtotifying tennnte to maka paymonte to Lender. londer may appty ronts,fssuoo and protite,tess costo and�cponsos <br /> • . of oparexton nnd coUeetinn inctudtnp etsomoyo'feas,to any indobtodra�eocurod horaby,all in auch ordar n�Londar moy doteranlne.Tho __ <br /> ente�ing upon end taktn�posaosston of tho Proporty, tho cottactkon o!such rente,issuoo and protlta,und thc�upp�laatlon t?�nreof ua <br /> � etotasetd,chnll not curo or waivo ony dofuutt ar�otico ot dofauk horuundar or�nvalidato eny aat dono In roapona8 to such dafeuh or <br /> �• pursuant to such notfi:a o!dofauit and,notwithatnnding tho continuanee in�a$�a�ston of tho Proparty or tho colleatton,recelpt�nd <br /> Y� epplloatlon ot tanta, isauos or proHto, Trustoo and Lnndor aheil 60 ontitiod to mnmrciso ovory rtght provldcd for in uny of the laen <br /> ' ; tnstruments or by Iaw upon accuRe��of ony Evant of Defoutt, includtng without Itmitetton tho rtght to oxorciso tho powar o5 eole. <br />'+� ' Wrthar.�onder's rfghto and�emedle�o�nder thia parogruph ehcili�A cumulative with,and irt�o woy o IlmiYatfon on,Lendcr's c�jA�te and <br /> mmadtes undor any asaignmant of loas�und ronta rocorded apoinat tho P�raporty.Landor.Truatao and tho roeotvar ohntl @$A�ilo to <br /> •- . account onty far thoso rante nmuaiiy reeeivod• ` <br /> T." � � " 11.Ev�nts of Default.Yho followlrtg eha0 coestit�te an Evont of Defuuh undo�thla Dood of Tn�st: <br />' ��. .� ��'f 1 taf Fniluro to pay any instalimont of pdncl�al or intorost of any othor sum secured horaby whan duo: <br />�;+°.,�r:i,�if�� {bf A breach ot or dotautt under r�ny provl�ian containnd in the Noto,this Dood af Trust,any of tho Loan Inetrumanta,or any <br /> +�. • � ;.. <br /> -.,�;�_;,��/�. othar Iten ot encumbtanco upon 4Ae�rapQety; <br />�i•`•�'"•`•�,{��' • (c)A wrlt of oxacution or o4toc7�ment or Aqy similar proaa�as shall bo anterud apalnst Truetor wh{ch sh,nit bacoma o(ien on tho <br />=--_=4:;; ,', ptaperty or any port(on thoreof ur inYa►oat thorein; <br /> „;.,.;��� (d)Thate ehnU Eo filad by or agninat Truntor ot Sarrowor un ootton under rany prasont or future fcdornl,ateta or othnr etatue,lew <br /> T'.,,:y,,,ti f or reeuiotton rotottnp to bankruptey, tnaohronab ot other rotlof for dobtors;vr thoro shati bo appolntod any trustee. reeefver or <br /> ��Nlh� liquldator of Trustor or Bonowar or of uli ar any part ot tho Property.or tho remo,issuos or protite thoreof,ot Trustor or Bortower <br /> �,,.,�;,..�5 shnil meko eny ganorat aaatpnmont tor tho 6enetit ot credttors; <br />�ep'�; �}•;� (e)Tha salo,tranafor.tanso,asstgnmont,eonvoyAnco or furthor aneumbrnnco of all or any snK of or any Intcreat in the Prop9rty. <br />_:::�::�A• oither voluntarity ar involuntority,without tho oxpross writts��conoont of Lundor;providod thot Tniator shntl bo pormitted to execute <br />----•-.�.•�;r�y; e lease ot the Prope�ty thet does not eantain en optton to purchaso end tho tc7m ot which doas not oxcead mno yoar, <br />::_�'_"•��'9�� , (f1 Abandonmont of the RopertY;or <br />=�=;r;�• .�;�E� tti) It Trostur is not on Indtviduai,the loauunae, sete,trctnsfur.esstgnmen�, conveyanca or encumbrs►nea ot moro then Ot o <br />=;C�A eorparatton)a totel of percent of ke tssued and outoEmnslir.g etoak,o�(it e partner�hfp)e totai ot.�/��� porcont ot <br /> �°'��"`��• parmership Intareate,or e mited QabilitY cemPany)a totnl ot ��_peraent of tho itmited Ilobiilty eompanyTntereate or votinfl <br />=�,�� dghte dudng the pedod thls Deed of T�uat romNno o Ilen on tho Propotty. <br />_-::;,=t�' ��,a�s psed�[on Upon Q�iwtt.ln tho ovent ot eny Evant of Detnutt Londar ma�r,without notico oxcept as r�utred by lew. <br />--`'=�� dedare eli Indo6todnasn securnd huruby to tro due and poyabl� and the oame ehail thereupon bncdmo dao and payabte vifthout eny <br />��a'' - pmsentmont,demnnd,protoot or nottce ot any ktnd.Thereattar LcnOor mey: <br /> ���_�� (03 tier��a�d iiiat�'rustas �:s�cio�ihc PA::'ER C�fi!:!k grr��t_M h?*Mn, wsd Trustee ehell t�ereafter oaeso 7�uator's intereet <br /> "''r"'"r``� in thu Fraymty tu an euW and•Ahe{noceed�to b8 dtstdDutCd.a!1 tn the�enner prevtdrtd tn tha Nebreske Truat Deeda Ach <br />- .....��:,z - _ <br />- <br />