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N6 68832_ (hareln'Trusteo'1.artd <br /> � " '� tho BaneficJury, � OF DONIBHAN ' <br />.;:: :•. <br /> , . "'S . v�haso mu!Iing addross t� PO 80X 270 DONIPHAN NE� 68832 thoroin'londar•1. - <br /> ', FOR VALUABLE CO;VSIOEHATION,tnciudtnp Landor's oxtenston o4 aodit tdnntitiod hotuEn to,�p�8 ���+ .� <br /> ,:. ; <br /> t:.�Y,�, . JOYC}3 ENOFL <br />=.:Y, ; <br /> . (harein'6ortowar",wAathar one ot maral and the tru�hcra7n cnt�ted,the <br />-��"x`:tRf <br /> t= roceipt of whtch iu horehy acknowftedgad.Tnistor hereby irravocabN g�ante,transfore,convoYe an►�asstgra to Tr�z.,7ca,IN TRUST.WITH <br /> s,t- = •"` �', POaNER OF 9Ai.�,tor tho beROfit enA security ot �ender,undor end suojaoi to ti'io iamis�i8�ssdltlCS�!!es°�sYfet°-Wt 1^f!!'=N"'+� - <br />-" y�����,. ;. P�oPa►�Y.d�§�od os followa: <br />���-;;'� Sae Addeadtun A <br /> �.;;s,��i►. <br />'�;`�.' <br /> :ri��, <br />`�A�.IG�';d'!1Jcy <br />_ _.,•; <br />�---'���'�fmt' <br /> i:.�--r_��s�4� <br /> :'`_'..�'�! <br /> - Togather witfi atl bultdinga, lmprovemet+ta,ffxturesu,atreoto,a��ayo,pusasaowaye,oosiamanto,rtphte,prlvi::DaB un appurtnnances <br />`�-°�"��,"�.,'"� toc�ted theroon or in onywiae porteining thoreto,�nd tP�o tonta.iasuos and proflto,revorefono und romnindorrt tl�a7or1{:nnd sueh pe►aor�nl <br />�;_��� property tha!la ettaehnd zo tho tmprovemonts oo ns to eonstituto a tlxturo,inctudtng,but not Ifmltod to,hoettnfl ar��3 xoolinp oqutpmont; <br /> --- end togethcr with tho homestoad or marhat inta�oato, M any, wh�ch intereste nro hereby �o�uaaCd und waivod; all ot whFch, inctudinp <br /> .�� tepiecamen4s end eddkions thereto,is heroby doolarad to bo n pnn o7 the renl nstato socured by tho Uan of thin Deed oi Truet and ail of <br />`"�""�Nr�,�`�'y� the Porcpoing 6etnp�eteRed to hareln ea tho"P�oporty'. <br />�..-�._�-:;.-^� <br /> - -- This Deod a1 Yruet uhell oseuro tel 4ho paymont of tho pdneipal sum and 9nterost �videnced by o promiasoey note o� cradit <br /> -- ��',"��`.y� upracment dotod M�'� p8, 1999 ,havinp a maturity dnte of M�rch _ Od, 2014 _ _, <br />_,:'A+�vtil;i�>�'� 24,552.11 <br />^";E;��„'��;y+`a�' In the adginnt princfpnl emount of 8 .en� eny end a►1 modNlwtiona,oxtcnstons and ronowat� <br /> "'`"A^"'`R"'� th�r�+t er thcreto ana eny ond otl tuture edvancau and roadvunces to BoROwer(or any af thom(f moro thnn ono)hareunde►pursuc►nt to <br /> -- - _-- -- aree or mnre promiasory notea or credit opreamonto tharotn ceitcsd"Noto"t:(b1 the pt►ymerrs of oihor aumn advenr.eii by Londoi to pivt�ti = <br />--�-�=_��� tho eccurity of the Note;te)the pedormenco of u0 covnnente ond ngreomnnte o4 7ruetor set foRh horain;antl id>ati present and tuiuru <br /> �_,��� indobtedneaa and obpgetfons of Oorrowor Sor any of them If moro than ane)to 4ender wAetho►direat,�ndtroa,aDso�uto or contingent <br /> • s����' and whethor ersing by noto,fluarunty.overdcoft vr athorwiso.Tho Noto,thfs Docd of Truat nnd any ond nll othor doeumonte thet socure <br />�,. �' tho Notn er othorwtse sxecutod In cannoctton therowith,fnc�uding wlthout Ilmftntfan quaramaso.socurity egroomonta and asalgmmento <br /> -�+`r.•r;�G of loasoa and ronte,shnit bo roferrad to Aoto�n aa tho'Lonn inatrumenta'. <br />==z:a- r <br />�,r;�,;�� r, Truotor covonanta ond agroc+s wkh Lendar us fallowo: , <br />_,'��:'?�„'_;" 1.P�r�nmt of inQo1►Mdntaa.AO fndobtodnass eacurod horoby shnll bo pn[d wharo duo. <br />�:tr�.�.�'v"'�, 2,'Ilth.Truutor ls the ownnr of tho Propony.has tho dpht and nuthority to cortvoy tho Ropurly,ond wpnaMO thut tho�Ion created <br /> °•�����;�� � txsreby ts e firot c►nd prior Ilo»on the Proporty,oxcopt for Ilans nnd oneumbranco»sot tonh by Tvuator ln wNtind and dollvoted to Lendat <br /> :�;'ri;;%�,� botoro mxneution ot thio Ooud ot Trust,and tho oxacutlon nnd dolivory ot thta DQed o! tnrit claas,AOt vtotnta any contrasi or pthor <br />- .,;..,,ir�r;r_ : o611a�tc�onzowhichTruntortoaubJact. <br /> °• .r 3.taxea,Asasaamonte.To pey botore del:nauenay atl toxoo,opoclul assoosmonta nnd ail otder ehergo�ngalnst tho proporty now or .__ <br />'�: ;."�, ..� •+ hcsraoftarlovtod. <br /> �- • 4.tnaunnes.To koep tho Piropnrty Inuurcd egair+s4 demogo by tiro,hornrQa, includad within tAo torm•amendod eovorago",nnd <br /> - `� ., I � otsch oth�r h�ardo na londor mey raquiro,in omounts nnd with compnnioa uceoptublo to Lendor,namtnp Londor as nn nddittonnl nnmod <br /> - '�rl� � ' In�urefl,wkh loas pnYnbto to tho Landor.In caso of Iosa undor�uc�poticios,tho Londar ie autha•r,w�,d to ndJuat,caqoet ond compromise. <br /> -�::�i�1�;��;;�t, � <br /> nil einima thetaundor und ahotl hovo tho option of opptying ail or pan ot tho inauranao proeeed�1�to ony indobtadno�aocurad horoby <br />- � �"����% •,.�•� ....��..a,a..,.,w.m�d,.�a.�nnv dmnrmino.UU to tho Truotor to bo uood tor tho ropnir or ro�toration of tho Proporiy ar pifl for any otkar <br /> � TT purposo or o6J�sct o�ttofaatory to Londor whhout oNaating tho Ilan of thto Oocd ot Truet for tDO Yult amount oocuroo narebY baio+o aucn __ <br /> � pnymont ovor took pl¢ca Any uppllaaRton of procoade to Indobtcsdrtoss sha�t not extond or Boatpono tho due dots ot any pnymer�te undot ¢ <br /> tho koto,or curo nny dofautt tharoundor or hmoundor. _ <br /> B.E�erow.Upon writton domend by Londor,Trurator shnil pay to Lendcr.In oueh mannar as tondcr�noy doafgnato,oufftclant cuma - <br /> to onablo Ldndct to poy us thoy bocomo duo ono or moro of tho tollawinp: tf)oil tnxoo, assa3smento nnd oihut chnrpus a�yatnat tho - <br /> ' � Proparty,dp thu prcmtuma on tho propoKy tnsurnnco raqulrad hcroundor.und tui)4ho pmmlumo on nny mortflago Inautenco raquircd by ° <br /> � �� °, �ondor. _ <br /> 6.MsfMenancs,Ro�ati�end Complla�scs wtth Law�.Tn�ator ahnll koop tho Piroporty In flooE condition and mpalr,ehall promptty <br /> rnpeh,or roptnco nr►y improvomont whtah may bo dnmapod or dnstroyed:ohnti not commit ar porm+t nny�nra�to or datarlarotton of tha -_ <br /> Property;ohnl��ot ronfovo,domoiiah ar subatantfofry nitor any of tho Unprovomonta on tho Roportyt cAott not corr�mlt,sufior ar parmh � <br /> any oat to bo dono in cr upon tho P�opony In vlol�ttnn of ony low,ordinnnco,or rcgulntton:nnd ahall pny and p�omptty dlscharpo at <br /> �� ' Truator'o eoot Qnd oxpenso n!t Ilone,oncumbraneero ond charpos lovlod,imposad or assnssed opainat tho PiropenY or uny purt thmroot. - <br /> �, <br /> NQC9461A lNOnaprlc�Eturd Oaom Ra.1�197 <br /> Q 1080 flotiaut Dant ot tanarierce Trust oM Ocvtp�AasoNrtton U�to•a.ktMmkn <br />