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<br /> ., 10.Nl�cctipncauo Provlslona ' �;�=-
<br /> ' lot LLrrawc�!!ot 6;a'.atsss.F.ottonalon ot tho tlmo for paym�nt or modUlaotton of tho numa secured bV tAts Qacd of Truat pt¢nt¢d
<br /> Dy lendar to eny euccessor In lntereat ot 8orrowor aha(t not opntete to ro�easA,ln eny manncr,!ho IlnbUfty of tho oN�lnc1 Qorrowcr L""'_
<br /> und�orrowe�'s euccaszoro In interest.Lnndar ahaU not bo requlrad to commnnco procnedinpu eputnat auch suecaasor or relus»to ___
<br />' � oxtend ttme far�Snyment or ott►anruts�nsadity amo�tlwtton ot tho suma aeaurcd by thlo Q¢zd ot Truot by�oason o9 any damands
<br /> mado Oy tho odp!ncl Barrovuer and Beuower'o aucccscore In lnterPSt.
<br /> ��'. ;,,, �y.� Ib►d�nde:•�Powan.Without elfacting tAO pnbllhy ot any olh¢r poraon Ilu010 fqr tho paymcnt of cny obUpattoe►hcroln monttoncd, .�..
<br /> and without allootinp tho tlon ev chnrAe of thia Dees of TrusY uRon nny poKlon ot the Ptaperty not thea or th8tetotote rot�asas ea
<br /> � cceudty far tho fuit�mount of etl unpntd obu�c�ttona,Londcr mny,fiom tlma to timo end without nottco ID totooso eny peraon eo [�
<br /> '.;�t.fi�,�l!*�' IlaOte,lii)extend iho enotutlty or etter any of the term3 of any Ruch oClipattono,(�iil Oront othar tndutponce9,1+v1 tel�z+so or rreonvoV.
<br />. ����� ov aeuaa to�a�leased or raconvoyeA ot any timo et Londer'e optton nny psreel,ponion or sll ot tha Propeny.(vl tako o►�e�eeae ony
<br /> other uddfttonal eocurity ior nny obligatien heroin montloned, or(vll moke composittons ar othe�r enanpemente wlth dobtoro In
<br /> : �j rolnt►on tharcto. .. r .� �.
<br /> • l01 Fo�bamnc�by lender Not�Wdver.Any tc+rbonrnnco by londo�In ex�r(rTc1n�d 1�1�1�tV�hledy(lereundor,or otho�vulso
<br /> aHoMod by a�pltcablo low,ehall not t►o o r�ofver ot or prac►udn tho ox Ctae o4 am►'��� t q;t ramot�y. Tho procuramant of
<br /> �� inouranco or the payment of taxos or oYRar ltone or chnrfloa by Londe#nAeii nqt bt�•A �ie►�f°lendar's rt8ht to nccoieruto tho
<br /> � metudty of tho indabtednaas aecuted by thts Oeed of 7�uet.
<br /> '�,,,, (d)^uuccsuors ued Aaai�ns Banrtd;Jn!�astd 8svneal tl�EHiqi CeAttoae.Tho eovonanta nnd nproamonts hercin con4nined ehaq
<br /> bind, nnd tho rtphta heraundor shull inuro to. tNo respQOttve suectsssore und asslgns of Londer end Truotor. Aii covannnto and
<br /> � apraomonte of Truntor nhn11 bo Joint and saverel. Tho capt►ons nnd hesdtnpa of eho parepraphe of thi� Qoad ot T�uat ere for
<br /> ' convonionco onty and aro nat to bo uscd to Intcrprot or dollno tho proviRtono horaof.
<br /> Tq��;/N,y��� la)RsQuast tor Nottc�s.7rio partto�Q�csroby�aquest thot o copy of enY�otleo ot defnuh heraunder nnd o copy of nny notico of
<br />�„5yV}'s�F-� snto ha�csundor be matied to each party to th18 Ceed o4 Trust at tNe nddroaK eot tonh n6ove tn the msns�er pmscribed by o1�pUeeblo
<br /> --�.�:(; Inw.�x�egt Mr any othnr nattco r¢auirad undnr eppllcAbto taw to be pEvan in another mannor,ony 1faNea provtded to�ln thla Dcod of
<br />�h''�" �•� � Yruat ehail bo given by mailing such natico by cortlfEed mait addrassed to the otfiar peHte�,as�ha��Rr��r.o�tonh eDovo. Any _
<br />�''�':�j.r�` ' notice p�avided tor in Mls Doed.of Truat shell ba oNoctivo upon maNing tn tho mannet dosignutad hernin.If Trutuar ts moro thon one
<br />�'�` J`��`� percon,notEco aont to tho a�drosa sot forth ahovo shuU 6o notico to all ouch perc�oe�8.
<br /> :"�v � tq tnrpsation.Londor may mntco or cauuo to bo mndo�oasonnblo untrios upon.end inencat4ono of Yho VrouenY.Provided thnt
<br /> ���`��`w°Q°�' Londar e�ail give Tn�stor aotice pr�or to any such inepaceton apaciiyinp roasonAbte ceuso thmatar.rpteted to Lender'o tntorost tn the
<br /> ;�- ���r Proporty.
<br /> ���'��t : {..
<br /> =,--- �:�}'a� (g) Roconv�ymcs.Upon paym�it ot ut� aums secured by thle Daad ot Trust, l.emdor choll �equoa4 Trunteo to roconv�y tho
<br />-"'`"�`�°"� Rroporty and sholl sunender thi�D�a�1 of Tniat end oli notes ovidencing tndubtednoss sa¢umd by thta Oend of Trust to•T�uatee.
<br /> �:.�.�'r�
<br />„rt_�..<<;, .f Truateo ohoil roconvoy th�t Roperty wfthout wurrnnty and without charge to tha person or porsone lepalry antitlorl thoruto.T�uator
<br /> -=°',H:�u4� w sAati poy a�l costo ot recardaBon,if eny. rant6 Lendor undsr
<br />-���y;�;;;�%?'� (h)P�nond Rop�rtyi SsendN�Sii'a�t.Aa uddttlonui aocu►ity tor the paymant of tho Ntote.T�ustor hareby fl
<br /> �,-�.�+������ the Na�r¢9ke Unifomn Commerctal Cotiv a aocurity interest!n ap tlxtu�os,cqulprnont,end other pCltnnal property ususi in cvmlEC4ton
<br />--- ••!!�,��:,,.f,L:• wHh tha�at ostnto or improvaman4s oacatad thereon,and not ottre�varisa dec!ored or deomad to bo n pert o4 the re�t asitY�O cs�arad
<br /> ;-�,.;ti,������ hereby.11f18 It18tNltt8ltt Bh811 b9 COn�'L7uEd aa a occW-ii}i Atii'.�"�.�•J���^�p� ""d tho Lnndar shatt havo a1i thb r;�}htQ and -
<br />-....,..:,;�j.!;�}�y� remedtoa of a sacunsd party under oafd�odo i�additton to tho dphts 3nd romadios creatal under and eccorde9 tho(xndor�tUte�Jrnt
<br /> -a>>+�j)��� tu tAte Deed of Truset providnd that Lendo�'a dphta end remedle�under this para�raph shnU bo cumulativo wiih. and In no waY a
<br /> `°�-.:���;;fy;,;i.=-- � timitetle,n on.Lender'e rfphts end remr,tllas undor eny othor soeurlty t�gmamont signod by Borrowor or Trustor.
<br /> �:+ lU Nlen3 atd Hncumbrmcu. T1�aintor horohy wanants end rs;�aents that thoro Is ne defnuit undor tha pravfa?ons a4 any
<br /> �"�r'�`'`} moRgriife,daod of trust, loase or pve��aso contrnat doscdbtng a59 oT uny part ot tho Ptoperty>4�othor coMmot, Instn.utt�vt ot
<br /> -�v:,:�riu�
<br /> -�-�T� agroemem conotituttng o Ilan or ancurnb7anco opoinnt aIi or eny poTd�7 tho Proporty icoliac4lv�,QC:Ie•rsfs'),oxtatinfl os of th9��'to�4
<br /> � thla Oaod ot Truat, and thut any and ell axtattnp Uane �omein unmodHied ex��pt ne disctoaad to Landar tn Tniator's Wrdttar
<br /> '=�'±t.;7!xilfl�IE� disclasuro ot Uone and oncumbruneo3 provtdod for heraln.Truato� shnll ttmaiy p:erform n1i of Trustcr's ato91�n3iona. cudonento,
<br /> �;n;:,�.�;��qJq�{ �aprosantntfano and wnrrnntlos undor any and ntt oxlsting and tuturo Uene.shel!pmmptty forward to Landor�;a�ies ot atl nottcaa nf
<br /> -_•--�.%�;,`?�,��� dofauit aont (n connection with any and all oxtating or futuro Uene,and ohull not vatthout�ndor'3 prtor wrltQOn conuonY t:y sny
<br /> � manno�modify tho provtalons of or allow any tuturo edvuneua undor ony ozietinp or tuturo Uenn.
<br /> _--- y) Aparisatton of ParmeMS. Unioss othorwlae required by tew, suma patd to Londat harcuador, includtnp wfthout 1(m'rt�lon
<br /> � • payments nf pflncipal snd Intoeest,insuranca procoedo,condomnntion proaonda and�ento and profita,ahnli be opplled 6y Londer to
<br /> tho amauntr�duo en�owinp from'iruator end bonowor In euoh order as Lender in uta soie d{acrotton daomo daalrabte.
<br /> lK) 8evu�bOlt1►. It any provtnio� of tMa Deed of Trust confltote with eppitaabio low or lo dectared lnvuitd ar otAeralae --
<br /> unenf¢��canbte,suoh'cor�fliot or��volidlty shntl not effeat the othev provisione of this Deod o4 Tru�t or tho Note whtch can bo,gtvon
<br /> ���� T mttect whhouf t�p Confilatlng prpvialon, end to thta end the prwulalona of thtn OoEed of TnrsR ar►d tho Note are decioru�4a.me
<br /> - - seyerablo.
<br />----_ — tq 7nm�.Tha tvttns•7rustor"und•6onowor•ofinit Inciudo bo'th eintlutor end ptutal,nnd when tho Truntor and 8orrowe�ura the
<br /> -z----�� eame pereon(a1.tht�se tatms sa uscd In this Docd of Trus�t ahQtl be imotehangoehlo. _
<br /> =r=�- (m1 tiovem(np t�av�.V'�le Qoed of Truet ohatl bo govamod by tho lews of tho Stute of Nebreako.
<br /> --.�::.,_� '� f
<br /> _-=-_;;t;� Tru�tor hzsu exoaute�i+chia t3gnd ot Truvt as ot ittio clato tivdtten eDava.
<br />�.,,;,.
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<br /> �� � ,
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<br /> `= .- .W YC 13N r+L Truetor dPCStor
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<br /> Nac 3aa�c�H�n.c�►��n�si o�sa►a.�.a�oa
<br /> 1430 K�tkonil Qanh ot Ccnmsrcv Tmst and Wvtnpe AaaoNttmn,Uncotn.Rtebr�ukr
<br /> , _
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